Greetings, I am Master El Morya, I am the overseer of the First Ray of Light which emanates such powerful Creator vibrations and qualities of determination, courage, action, and the divine plan. There is so much that can be gained from the First Ray of Light, however I come forth to you today to recognise two energies both within your being and around you. I wish to support you in gaining a deeper acceptance of these two energies in order to propel you forward in your spiritual evolution, as well as making it easier for you to exist in the current times on the Earth. These two energies I speak of are light and darkness. I first wish to clarify when I say light, I mean the vibrations and frequency of the Creator as delivered throughout the entire universe of the Creator and throughout all beings. When I speak of darkness, I am not speaking necessarily of negative energies nor what you might label as entities, ghosts, or anything in that manner. I speak of the opposite of the light, the limitations, boundaries, blockages and where the Creator’s vibration does not flow. I am speaking of restrictions within your being and your reality, which can be recognised as negative thoughts and emotions. In truth, when I speak of the darkness, it is anything that creates separation between yourself and the Creator. Mostly I, Master El Morya speak of these energies and frequencies as being within your being and created by you. It is often when souls or beings speak of darkness, it is seen as the enemy, something that maybe is out of control, something that is out of your control, and beyond your responsibility. When I, Master El Morya, speak of darkness, I am speaking of energies that you and others have created or co-created. Is it possible to acknowledge that you can create the darkness in your life? You can create the limitations, the blockages, the boundaries, and the negative experiences in your life? All because of wounds, or belief in separation, not acknowledging your truth and your essence fully. This is something that can be interesting and both challenging to acknowledge. Firstly, you create the light that you are and experience in your reality. You create the darkness that is present within you, and within your reality, both these energies stem from the Creator through you. The energy as it extends from the Creator is the same, it is one energy. We might say to make it easier to understand that the energy extending from the Creator is golden. You receive this golden energy, then you choose both consciously and subconsciously what to create. To create light, maybe light is pink, to create darkness, maybe darkness is grey, and you can acknowledge that you have used the same energy, the golden energy to create both pink and grey, light and darkness. This means that everything stems from the Creator, however not everything is the divine will nor the divine plan of the Creator. Each being on the Earth has free will, they use the Creator’s energy like a fuel to manifest and create an experience on the Earth. This is a great responsibility, when you acknowledge this it allows you to truly take responsibility for your reality, for your ascension process, for your actions and reactions, realising you simply receive the energy of the Creator and then it is up to you what you create with this energy. |
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You may say that you do not wish to create darkness only light, however there are misguided habits, misunderstandings, wounds, illusions that all create what you might label as the darkness. Each experience, each energy, each creation of the darkness was born with the light of the Creator through your being and through others as well. Does this mean that these energies need to be discarded or ignored? In fact, it means that they require more of your attention, more of your acceptance and exploration. When you accept the darkness within it soon transforms into the light or you might say back into the fuel of the Creator. In some ways it has been masquerading as something else to alert you to the way that you operate, mentally, emotionally, physically even spiritually. It is alerting you to understand the way you operate, your focus, your relationship with yourself and the Creator.
Often souls wish to focus only upon the light choosing to ignore the darkness. This can create even more of a sense of Illusion because you are ignoring and not fully accepting yourself, it creates an imbalance within your being. While it is joyous to remain in the light, to accept the light, to experience the flow of the Creator’s light through you and to create from this, one can never truly ignore the darkness, the limitations, the boundaries, the blockages and so forth. These you might say lower your vibration but in fact they hinder your view of the light. When you focus solely upon the light you also become un-grounded and unbalanced, even losing grip on reality. You are designed to live in two realities, the physical and the energetic, even the light and the darkness, accepting both simultaneously, but of course working through the darkness, recognising how the darkness teaches and guides you forth. As well as acknowledging how the light represents all that you are and inspires you to expand your awareness, remembering that you are a limitless being, the infinite nature and essence of the Creator. There is so much to explore within the light, as you connect with the light, it expands your awareness and allows you to connect with the natural essence of your being. Both the light and the darkness have specific roles within your reality.
Is there actually darkness within the reality of the Earth or is it simply creations from separation, illusion, misunderstanding, wounds that simply need to be healed and recognised?
As a being, as a light being are you fearful of the darkness?
Are you willing to bring your light to the darkness?
Are you willing to accept the darkness, therefore holding space for the darkness to heal whether it was your creation or another’s creation?
This is what is being asked of you, both within your being and your reality on the Earth. To hold space for the light and the darkness to integrate, for healing to take place or for energies to be resolved within the darkness and for the light. To bring inspiration and expansion, the energy of infinity, in order to move beyond boundaries, blockages and recognise what is possible.
When you are balanced, when you are willing to accept the darkness and the light within you and upon the Earth, you are holding space for both to unite, to resolve, to synthesise, for a greater outcome and possibility to manifest, this is what is required now. To send light to the darkness is somewhat like ignoring the darkness. To be fearful of the darkness is like ignoring the light. Both require to be accepted, acknowledged, to hold space for both to be experienced, for your being to process what is needed for the Earth and for yourself. We are speaking not of embodiment but
recognition, recognising what is taking place, being inspired, being guided as to what is necessary now.
I, Master El Morya, am present to be of service, please call upon my name whenever you wish to.
My love is with you always,
I am Master El Morya