Each one of us,as God Being Creators/Source Energy Beings has the potential of creating our own version of New Earth and all together it will be an amazing tapestry that I dare to imagine and feel in this now moment,even though i know that my wildest imagination in creation can never reach what our collective as God and with God are about to bring about in the coming decade and next 1000 years of Golden Age.
This is my invitation for you to dive into my science fiction /metaphysical script.If I was a film maker this will be a very short summary of the story I feel will be taking place seen through my filters of God Being Creator.
So let’s begin!Shall we?
Healing & Ascension
In this coming decade i see a total shift in the way that diseases are treated.The Ascension process taking place on our planet is totally accepted by the scientific community and doctors and even though we are at early stages,the way healing technologies operate are based on the fact that humans are electromagnetic beings and that vibrational frequency of the body mind spirit complex is what defines one’s well being.There will be no more invasive surgery,there will be healing through Light and special chambers working with crystals and medbeds that can reverse age and heal someone in very short time from any disease(cancer,diabetis,alzheimer,parkinson etc.)same way a laser eye operation takes place,just in 3′.
Abundance,Prosperity,Free Energy and Replication Technologies
Our financial systems will be in service to everyone for realizing projects and ideas that uplift the spirits for everyone after we have achieved the completion of basic needs for each and everyone on the planet and the total cleansing of the planet.Money represents for all just another expression of Love,all negative thinking about it is gone,all have more than enough to create and live the life of their dreams and this will bring about the end of the need to use any money at all as replication technologies and free energy will be now available for all to be used freely along so many more.
New Earth Educational Systems
The New Earth schools will be based in playfulness and the further development of new abilities of telepathy,teleportation,telekinesis,healing abilities,clear communication with animals and with our galactic families.All children will be able to absorb easily and at once any information given to them as their minds and hearts are wide open to receive in evolved light bodies of fully activated perfected DNA doing always what gives them joy.This goes of course for each and everyone of the rest of us living on Earth who now have totally accepted that we can live in our Ascended Light bodies for thousands of years following the steps of our Hollow Earth Family.
All foods,water and drinks are 100% whole,organic and high vibrational in all places, served in a multitude of new ways of preparing them remaining in their original state using techniques such as fermentation and cutting edge knowledge preparing Elixirs of Life in liquid or eaten form using gold and other precious elements we have no idea about right now.We can already witness a first impression of this with the raw vegan restaurants and specialists which will be far more advanced in the coming years.The energy of the person making these preparations is something that will be valued much more than today,this will be the signature of each chief that is bringing their own Alchemical Magical ways of new tastes.As for entertainment i see a multitude of daytime clubs all across the planet in total respect of mother earth, sustainable with the purpose to elevate vibration and bring people together in joy for sharing moments in 100% healthy ways:dancing,singing,playing music and art creation/performance in magical innovative ways going from ”cirque de soleil” performances type of and amazing 5D projections where each and everyone can be involved.
Mobility ,Housing and Infrastructure
I see something between The Venus Project of Jacques Fresco and the movie The 5th element and The Light Cities described by Genii Townsend in her book :”Something is coming” with all kinds of transportation,electric vehicles,anti gravity vehicles with a lot of nature and trees in cities in a very peaceful environment.
The Highest Good for all.
Do No Harm to Self,others or a thing.
Focus on what gives you Joy.
These will be IMHO the 3 basic rules of our New Earth realities.When these 3 are respected collectively we are collectively at a stage of Service to Others instead of Service to Self one with our Galactic Families.
And this ends for now my script of manifestation for this coming full moon and the incoming age of Aquarius.Thank you for reading,thank you for being a Co-Creator.
Much Love
Feel More Than Fine