Wherever we might sit with Coronavirus – whether we believe it stemmed from the irresponsible handling of a weaponized virus, a clandestine operation by cold-warring superpowers, or some other explanation – the virus is real in its effects.
Our love goes out to those affected by it.
I know nothing about medical circumstances so I’m not proposing to look here at sanitary procedures, travel advisories, etc.
I am however asking your support to address it via a number of other routes.
The first is by meditating with us at 8 o’clock (AM and/or PM) for eight minutes (8@8), asking for help from the celestials of the Company of Heaven in mitigating its effects and eliminating it altogether.
Archangel Michael said on Nov. 26, 2019 that similar meditations from all sources were having an effect on the bushfires in Australia:
Steve: Have our mass meditations significantly impacted the collective consciousness?
AAM: Absolutely!
Steve: Do you want to say little bit more on that?
AAM: It is the coming together in heart and mind and spirit, unselfishly, because these actions have not been, by and large, motivated by individual wants or needs.
So it is the unselfish coming together for the highest good, not only of these poor kingdoms, the animals, and the planet herself, the trees, the grass, the air which has been severely damaged, to come together to heal.
So what it has done – these many collective meditations – is not simply to demonstrate the power of heart intelligence but the power to result in tangible measurable ways how the collective can shift the direction of anything, not just fire but in anything.
Steve: So you are saying that the rains were a result of the collective meditation?
AAM: That is correct. (1)
Let’s come together here to demonstrate again “the power of heart intelligence,” which can “shift the direction of anything.”
The second is that we each ask the galactics to neutralize it, as they’ve done with most viruses that have arisen in the world – whether manmade or not – in the last decade or two. They too have to be asked.
Third, we can invoke Archangel Michael and the universal law of elimination to take the virus away. The invocation of law requires the individual invoked to see to the request.

We can also invoke Michael and the law of elimination to have all bioweapons research and production on the planet closed down. That’s the unacknowledged issue of overwhelming importance in the background. (2)
If we go to the heart of the matter, I think we’ll find that bioweapons research is the heart. (The making of war is the cause of bioweapons research.) If we can’t end the research and production, we can get clear on them for the impact that that too has on the collective consciousness. And public awareness. And political will.
Michael reminds of us the true etiology of any virus:
“It is important to realize, whether it is natural occurring (which is a curious remark, is it not?) or shall we say, laboratory created, that any virus that in fact becomes alive (because there are many that are simply dormant) is related to the infection or the poison of emotions and belief systems. That is what infects people and that is what kills people.” (3)
The only emotions and belief systems we can realistically alter are our own.
So, now a fourth thing we can do is that we can turn our attention to what spiritual sources have traditionally called “purification,” “cleansing,” completion, emergence from our vasanas and unproductive habits. This website has a library of articles on doing that work. (4)
While many goals of purification may seem esoteric, the avoidance of a virus is a very tangible goal.
He acknowledges that few humans may accept his explanation, reliant as we are on empirical-materialist science.
“Now, the human race is not prepared obviously, especially in their panic, to be able to comprehend this because they look to their science for all answers rather than looking for the root cause and addressing it from that.” (5)
Our science holds that only what we can see, feel, hear, taste, and smell is real. To fit into it, we have to let go of such notions as spirituality, the soul, angels, astral travel, life after death, enlightenment, etc. Therefore we cannot go to root causes, which lie outside the purview of empirical-materialist science.
I wouldn’t have started this blog if I held to it. There’d be no interest for me and no point. The answer is not to be found in Third/Fourth Dimensionality. (6)
Most readers of lightworker blogs are here because they’ve come to see the empirical-materialist paradigm as too small and confining. This is my biased view: Empirical materialism cannot explain the bigger puzzles in life and its explanations of the smaller puzzles are often incomplete or mistaken.
Given that we’re one of the few groups that (1) recognize the unseen realms and (2) work with them in co-creative partnership, we may be one of the few groups that has the opportunity to make a real difference. For empirical-materialists, the opportunity would not be visible.
The opportunity is to use the spiritual tools available to us, as I outlined them above, to mitigate and perhaps end Coronavirus while sending healing love to the victims.
We may be the only ones at this time inputting consciously into the collective consciousness. And we now know that our loving efforts have an impact.
So let’s work a second miracle. Meditators around the world helped to end the Australian bushfires. Let’s do it again here, with Coronavirus.
Let’s make it two for two. Send healing love to the victims and ask the Company of Heaven to neutralize or eliminate the virus and bring an end to bioweapons research.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 26, 2019.
(2) In case the law of elimination is not the appropriate law, ask Michael to revise if needed.
(3) Ibid., Feb. 20, 2020.
(4) See “On Root Vasanas or Core Issues” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spirituality/#30 and “On Processing My Own Vasanas” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spirituality/#202..
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) The love that is the answer to all problems is to be found in Fifth Dimensionality and higher. But our science doesn’t recognize dimensions.