Venusian High Priestesses of Light 9/14/2020
Children of the light, we greet you from
the light. We greet you with love from the womb of our planetary
mother, Venus. We are known as the planet of love, for that is the
dominant vibration here. Love has been so maligned upon your surface
world. We say surface for we know that the inner realms of your Gaia are
teeming with love and light and the areas that are not are becoming
transmuted and transformed.
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of
Light. We see many of you longing for love, longing for your twins,
longing for partnership. True partnership, we gently remind, begins
within. For when one is at war with oneself no harmony can be achieved.
The human psyche has been so damaged and programmed that true inner
harmony and peace is a rare find, although we see our lightened ones
with whom this message resonates are becoming closer and closer to
achieving this inner harmony and bliss, which brings us great delight,
for we know how you have so longed for it. The discord of the outer is a
reflection of the inner. And thus, higher vibrational beings with inner
still waters of peace and deep thought dwell in realms where this is
reflected outwardly.
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of
Light. Many of you have visited our realms of healing in your astral
travels. It is not so hard to come here. We offer healing with our
yellow skies and purple seas, the beauty here heals many a troubled
soul. Many of you rest here in between lifetime sojourns upon earth, for
healing, for quiet, for time-space of deep contemplation. We are known
here as the goddesses of love, for we work with the frequencies of love.
We are aligned. Our chakras are balanced and operate as a steady plasma
flow of light. There is no true separation of these chakra systems for
we are all united in our energy flow. We wish to invite you to work with
us. This need not be sexual in nature. Every chakra, every body system
is equally important. All must flow united. We work with the energies.
As the infinity symbol the energies flow thusly. (I am seeing a
plasma-like infinity symbol running through the body with the nexus
points at the heart). In your ancient times and temples many priests and
priestesses offered sexual healing through the act of sexual
intercourse and alignment of energies. It is quite possible to be
aligned. It is quite possible for you. When one’s sacral chakra is free
and unhindered, healed and whole, then the energy flow is unhindered,
unblocked and the whole system flows better. We see that many of you
reading have memories now being rekindled of being such a priest or
priestess. In the higher realms there is no perversion, only healing,
alignment, discovery, bliss. We wish for you to be able to comprehend
the love and alignment within these words. For there is no judgement
with sexual union when free will is delightedly observed and honored. We
wish for you to be furthered in your sexual healing, for this will
propel you towards the higher dimensional realities that await you more
smoothly. Imagine a plasma pillar within your trunk of your sacred
temple body. Imagine lightening within it. Imagine all of the jagged
edges that a lightening strike has. This is how many individual’s
energies feel within one’s body when it is not aligned. Now imagine
smoothing out the jagged edges of the lightening bolt so that is is a
smooth bright pillar of light. Run it through your system. Infuse with
colors, balanced, whole. The light transforms the darkness, the jagged
edges of bolts that light up the night. (I am seeing a black stormy sky
with lightening bolts suddenly become all light). No, this is now a
continual moving, living, breathing plasma crystalline pillar within
you. Sexual harmony intermingling with harmony of the other systems.
This will best prepare you for your twin reunions, which if they have
not already occurred are in the process of becoming solid.
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of
Light. (I am being surrounded by lotus blossoms). The lotus comes in
many colors. There are many petals, there is much light within this
flower that grows from mud and blossoms in beauty. It transforms its
environment into beauty. Such is what is occurring on your surface world
now as the light workers become more light, more aligned, as the light
workers shine their light in their cities, in their work places, their
homes. This pillar of light that you have activated is very powerful,
very potent. Feel the alignment within. All pain is transmuted within
it. An aligned body assists an aligned spirit, and blesses an aligned
heart. You are a mighty being of Source light having an earthy sojourn.
Do not lose sight of the importance of your own healing amidst the game.
For your healing heals Gaia. Sexually aware and awake beings, balanced,
healed. This is how we see you in this now moment. There is tremendous
alchemy within the sexual act but it need not wait for twin reunion. You
as aspects of your own twin can have this feeling of balance, of yin
and yang in this now moment. This is why this one saw the infinity
symbol for we utilize it. We are fully balanced aspects of ourselves and
in so doing fully bless our twin as well. Breathe in the light. Become
whole. Become freed from the bonds and ideologies of what sex is in a
lower dimensional matrix. It is the creation of life. It is the creation
of eternal bonds of light, of experience and it is a deep inner balance
and peace that can be held deep within the sacral chakra space for a
firm foundation of peace, of balance. It is the cornerstone to a
balanced life for it grounds you to your other and to yourself. This
weight of balance, of sexual energy, is a part of you. You can deny it,
you can veil it, you can ignore it, but it remains constant. As an
ascending soul these energies are a tremendous assistance. You need not
experience sex to work with the energies. They are within you. Envision
the infinity symbol deep within your pelvic floor, balanced, strong,
healed. Build upon this. Envision the infinity symbol traveling up
balancing your male and female halves and aspects, your sequential
chakras. Now envision the infinity symbol of what you have experienced
to what you wish to experience. You are all masters of experience. You
have had so many. You have so much to offer. When you pass through and
are able to access all of your akashic memories, it will be overwhelming
to observe and re-feel what you have experienced. This is part of your
healing. We heal through light, through infinity symbols, through plasma
waves. You have access to all of these things through such
visualizations. Peace. Be balanced. Be complete in your sexuality.
Experience the freedom and joy of one who is balanced and healed.
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of
Light. We love you. We are aware there is much to heal from in this area
of experience upon Gaia. We are sending colors from our realm, lavender
and yellow, to you now. May you be transmuted and ignited. Bring these
colors of healing deep into your body and experience the alchemy of one
who is balanced in their own power. Longing you need not experience. It
is within you. Just as the lotus blossom continually shows a new petal
this healing may take some time. Yet another petal of new hope is always
being revealed. There is hope all around you for those of you healing
from sexual trauma. Lightening rods can power great cities or destroy in
an instant. Sexual alchemy is something to be treated with reverence,
with great respect and with promise of joy and renewal. We see sexual
alchemy as a process of infusing Gaia’s populace with new energies quite
literally as more and more higher dimensional spirits wish to take on
the form of a human child, as new energies of new life are infused into
Nova Gaia. Bodies will be made young again. Family expansion will be a
possibility again.
We are the Venusian High Priestess of
Light. We fill your body systems with light. Know you have the tools for
sexual healing and balance and rest in this space. Every portion of the
lotus blossom has a purpose, including the muddy roots. The DNA of the
lotus is in the roots as well as the flower. All things work for
healing, for beauty. We bring the lotus blossom down now into your
sacral chakra. It is now the foundation for the pillar of plasma light
within you. Hope, purity, beauty. That is who you are as Source
fractals. Remember who you are, dear children of light. Do not be afraid
for that is the old way. Be empowered for that is who you are now and
who we see you now as Nova Gaians – balanced, strong, sexually renewed
and renewed in every capacity.
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of
Light. Be at peace in your beauty. You are so beautiful to us, to embark
on such a journey into the depths, like the lotus seed that lands deep
in the muddy bank, to experience the growth up through the dark waters,
ever climbing towards the light of the sunshine on top of the water’s
surface, so that the young green vine can stretch towards the sun,
reaching ever further for its own glory to be revealed. This is how we
see you. We see your inner glory and beauty being revealed to
yourselves. We have seen it all the time. We love you. We are the
Venusian High Priestesses of light.
~ galaxygirl