MOTHER GOD: “I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe”Posted: 15 Sep 2018 06:56 PM PDTMother God through Dancing Dolphin”I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe.” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Mother God came to speak after Sanat Kumara gave his message. It is a thrill and honor to connect with each one of these amazing Beings of Love! Dear Children of Earth: This is Mother God and I would like to send you a message tonight also. Many of you are fearful of this hurricane called ‘Florence’ hitting the U.S. at this time. I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe. All are my loved ones, the plants and grass and trees also. The drops of rain, the grains of sand in the beach and the wind that blows. I do not ‘pit’ the forces of nature against man. This is not a battle or an attack. I want you to see this event from my side, my point of view; to contemplate this event from another perspective. Your Father and I created Gaia, all the elements of Gaia, including animals and humans. The atmosphere, oceans, forces of nature are all part of that creation. Just as we do not control each and every action that you take, so too we do not control the forces of nature. It is a natural process. The ‘red tide’ in the Gulf of Mexico and the typhoon in the Philippines are all natural disasters, naturally occurring. Your love and prayers and protection requests are heard dear ones. We respond to all requests, just maybe not in the manner that you asked for. We will not step in if it is in a person’s soul contract to pass on or experience a broken leg, for example. Do you see? You are all loved beyond measure, every single cell of your bodies, your brilliant Souls are all adored by your Father and I. Know this. You are loved. You are cherished. This is the message I would love to give my Children of Gaia at this time. I send you all my Pink Light of Unconditional love, wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket complete with fuzzy slippers for your precious feet! You are wrapped up in my love. Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin |
SANAT KUMARA, PLANETARY LOGOS: “Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” Posted: 15 Sep 2018 05:15 PM PDTSanat Kumara through Dancing Dolphin”A massive cleansing took place this week. You have a clean slate and Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanat Kumara came to speak after my Higher Self had given her message. This is the first time I have ever connected with Sanat Kumara and his presence was very powerful, calming and full of love.I am asking this One to be patient now because I do have a further message and that is that I would like to announce that I am Sanat Kumara, I am the Planetary Logos of Gaia at this time. I have seen the many notable messages given here and would like to add my own essence to the message to Lightworkers of Gaia. A cleansing has taken place, Dear Ones. A cleansing of the dark ones that have ruled Gaia for many millennia. This has been occurring for most of your lives to be sure, but the final clearing has taken place this very week. Mother God decreed that they no longer would be allowed to have a foot-hold on Gaia. Their time of power-hungry dealings and lives full of anger and woe would come to an end. She gave them many chances to comply to her wishes but they did not heed. They were indeed removed forcibly this very week. This clearing was done by a combination of many forces of Light. You, Lightworkers of Earth, together with the Galactics and their Alliance of White Hats were mainly responsible for the forceful mass exodus of the dark ones from Gaia. It was a very difficult and challenging plan to be sure. Difficult, exhausting, heart-wrenching and not pleasant. However, it was Mother’s decree so we all worked together to get it done. If you do not remember working on this massive project this week, do not be surprised. Many, many of you did indeed work on this project but it was a part of you that you are not aware of. Like this One’s H.S. shared above, there are many pieces of you (Soul Sparks she called it) but you are not aware of most of them, only yourself in this 3D body. You may be a Nurse, Teacher or college student at this moment of this 3D life; but another part of you may be a Warrior of the Light! I mentioned that this event was heart-wrenching and it was so because as Light Beings, we cannot imagine choosing ‘death’ over being reunited with our Creator. But these beings chose not to be reunited with their Creator, but chose to be taken to the Central Sun for reprocessing. Lightworkers of Earth, of Gaia, my purpose in coming here tonight to share this message with you is to put you on notice that Gaia is ready for you NOW. She is ready for her new Sovereigns to take over and bring forth the New Earth that you have all created and built. Take your plans for sharing your new found prosperity and make them a reality for all. As your Planetary Logos, it is my charge to watch over Gaia and it is my honor to do so when the Lightworkers have decreed that they will step forth and create the new Golden Age! We (all of us) who have worked to battle the dark these many millennia have worked to provide a ‘clean slate’ for you to do your new good works. We will all step into the New Earth together and use our skills and talents to the best of our ability. I look forward to working with you all. I will stand side by side with you, the Human Angels. I am Sanat Kumara and I bid you Adonai this fair evening. Thank you for listening.Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin |
Dancing Dolphin’s HIGHER SELF: Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:11 AM PDTDancing Dolphin’s Higher Self”Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. My Higher Self chimed in right after Sananda finished with the message below. Greetings, Lightworkers of Earth! This is Dancing Dolphin’s H.S. Here to say that I am in touch with each and every one of your H.S’s. Yes, we all know eachother in the higher realms and we wanted to let you know that we are ever so proud of you! Your strength and courage is admirable and makes us beam like proud parents, even though we aren’t your parents. Structurally in the Universe and beyond, things are much simpler and much more complicated than you imagine. This may be confusing, but just know that the spark that resides in you, your Soul Spark is both a spark from your H.S. (your Soul lineage) and also of course, the Spark of the Creator. There are many versions of “you” in the Universe, some may call them your “past lives” but you have future lives too; parallel lives, lives in other dimensions and in other places. You’ve heard this before and know that it is true…there is no time. All your “lives” your “Soul Sparks” are occurring at the same time and your H.S. monitors all these incarnations and gives guidance when possible. I didn’t intend for this to be a lesson on how things work, but I did intend to illustrate for you how connected you are! You are not alone! Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?State your intent before you sleep that you wish to connect to your Soul Sparks during your dreamtime or meditations. Once you make the connection, you will be able to speak to eachother telepathically. You may share experiences, talents, strength, lessons, etc. It is a wonderful experience! This one says her Soul Sparks feel like Sisters and Brothers and she feels their love. You are surrounded by love, not only from your H.S. and Soul Sparks, but from other higher dimensional beings as well. We are all thrilled at the lightwork you have been doing. You really have no idea yet what you have accomplished. But I can tell you this—it’s stupendous! Gorgeous! Illuminating! Incandescent! Brilliant! You have simultaneously (together with many other Beings) cleared away the darkness and created the New Earth! So, when you are weary and can’t think of what you wanted to say–please know that it’s not because you’re ‘getting older’ or ‘having a senior moment’ (our favorite saying)! It’s because many other parts of YOU are working overtime to bring this 3D journey to an end. You are working multi-dimensionally even while you are awake!! Do you ever feel really spacey? Really out there? Can’t focus? Sometimes you are bi-located when you get these feelings. One part of you is in 3D and another part is in a higher dimensional realm. Let’s be honest–other times maybe you are just exhausted because you’re been working at night also. Please give yourselves a break when you can. Napping is wonderful. Clean water and fresh fruits and vegetables are vital. Be kind and patient with yourselves. Know that you are loved, appreciated and connected to a vast Soul Family! We will all be together soon and be able to celebrate this amazing journey on Gaia from darkness to light that has been happening for millennia. Then, after much celebration and rest—on to the next! I wish you a fair evening and an even more glorious tomorrow–the start of all your tomorrow’s. Know that your H.S. Is guiding and supporting you. You are not alone and your are loved. Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin |
SANANDA: Ask for Help! Call on Us!Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:13 AM PDT SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin”Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!”*Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanada stepped up first to share the message below. Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. We see you suffering and would love to step in and help but we do need to be asked. That goes for me, all Ascended Masters and Mother & Father’s Angels. ASK US for help! We LOVE to help!! This One has started doing that again and she can feel our presence as her days become even a tad more joyful where before they were tiresome. By connecting with us and asking for our assistance, we can indeed pave the way for your lives to be filled with ease. You may or may not feel our presence, but that doesn’t matter. For we are always with you regardless. For example, it need not be an emergency before you ask for help. If you need assistance handling a difficult situation, to have the strength and courage to get through your day, or when you wake up exhausted after a night of dreamtime work; call on us!! Alpha and Omega be! This is my humorous way to remind you that “the end is near!” But fear not, your “new beginning” will follow! The end of the old 3D way of life and your new 5D lives and New Earth (or Nova Gaia) are waiting in the wings and ready to jump out on stage. The stage of your new lives! Hang in there a bit longer, call on us for help and imagine your bright future with all of us in the new 5D, New Earth! That’s my message for today. I am your Sananda and I send my love on bright moonbeams to all Lightworkers! Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin |