Celia Fenn: Wesak Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th

The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th
Yes, it is a momentous week and we are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.
As we pass out of old worn out Dualistic modes of thinking, we open out and discover more possibilities.
We discover a Magical world that exists within our world, a world of Elemental energies and Fairies and Elves and Dragons and Unicorns. And they are real! Because we allow them to be and we recognize them in our new way of thinking and being beyond Duality.

We allow for a third option beyond Physical and Spiritual, and that is Magical. So be prepared for some special and sparkly Magic along the way!
The Scorpio Full Moon also has a special meaning in Asia and to Buddhists around the world as it celebrates the awakening of the Buddha!
We can expect that with this focus, there will be lots of Light and Joy around too.
The Eclipse will help us to finally complete the grounding of the Emerald Codes and their connection to the Emerald Star Garden as we celebrate New Earth/New Lemuria.
And of course the Taurus Gate, where together with the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Royal Star Lions and the Divine Feminine Christos energies, we will raise our consciousness and our frequencies as we transit the portal on Friday!
It all sounds so delicious and something to be celebrated for those of us who love the Earth and are on this journey with her.
So… lets dance and sing and meditate and gather in Circles of Light……whatever we do to celebrate the return of the Sacred and Magical energies to Earth.
Love to you all!