Ok,this is amazing synchronicity for me:2 nights ago – and this is the 2nd time i see this-i n my lucid dream i was looking at my house,actually it looked more like a castle and then one of the roofs on the left side got open from a tree that was pushing to come out,the tree came out with many leaves and surrounded the whole perimeter of the castle house.And then i remembered all the conversations i am having with trees,the latest one is that they are actively helping me in fulfilling one of my projects that has to do with reforestation of as much as land as possible and also cities or towns than are in desperate need for more green and trees.And then i remembered a conversation i had with my dad telling him that one day i will be living in a tree house,he laughed at me and did not believe me and God Bless him he even was angry about it cause i said this in front of his friends.So here i am looking forward to my next manifestation/co-creation living in a tree house,not that i want to prove anything to anybody,just living my dream,who knows maybe with many others like minded&hearted in a community!To this comes this beautiful confirmation for the official Trees Channeler Dianne Robins that i respect very much for her precious work on connecting us with Hollow Earth,the elementals and Trees