Sunday, October 17th, 2021
I am Archangel Michael with a message of love for the Angelic Warrior Group.
We find ourselves at a telling time in this war to restore Godliness upon planet earth. It appears war will break out in many spots on the planet. What is being done to calm these spots? What is being done for the people on that soil? What is being done to stop the Red Army in its tracks?
We of the divine councils are watching. We of the divine realms are watching. How effective are the energies we have been sending you? What effect will they create within you and upon planet earth?
There is so much still that must change, so much within your minds and within your lands. Reporters, yes, you are reporters now, not just Anons, not just truthers, you are Reporters for the Light, are reporting the progress, slow as it may seem to be to you, but they are reporting accurately nonetheless. You have what you need to know.
Many search for more information. Many search for daily details. Many search for wisdom instead of foolishness you are all accustomed to. Many search for truth instead of the lies.
There is only one Truth: God will prevail. He is creator of All, and he will win this battle. Yes, it is a battle. The war has been waged throughout the galaxy already, on many levels. God is the only power there is. To misuse God is not power, it is disempowerment. It cannot win.
You are the representatives of Mother and Father God upon planet earth. How do you use your power today? In service to the One, to the All, or in service to self? This is being shown to you all now upon this planet.
This week we ask you again, to send positive energy to the Internet platforms that you use, and to continue sending white light to the planetary grids. Much transmutation is being done in order to clear the timelines for ascension and it is being done by you.
New realizations, new wisdoms, new knowing is coming to you all as the darkness clears and your mind vibrates higher. Trust these new energies. The dark can no longer match what is being given to you now. It cannot vibrate this high.
May peace reign across the planet and in your minds, may peace be with you and all whom you love.
I am Archangel Michael. We are the One. We are the All. We are Legion.