Hello my beloved friends,today , it feels right to share with you what is taking place in my reality.My reality of living a 5th dimensional existence as the more i work on keeping my vibration high 24/7 in a Happy Like a Puppy mode , the more i become aware of so many things around me that i know were there, yet i couldn’t see as my vibration at that time didn’t reach this level.So how is it in my here and now, what do i experience in this ascending human body?
Hello my beloved friends,today , it feels right to share with you what is taking place in my reality.My reality of living a 5th dimensional existence as the more i work on keeping my vibration high 24/7 in a Happy Like a Puppy mode , the more i become aware of so many things around me that i know were there, yet i couldn’t see as my vibration at that time didn’t reach this level.So how is it in my here and now, what do i experience in this ascending human body?
Before anything if you didn’t do this already i invite you to read my previous blog on how to raise and sustain vibration 24/7 for the highest good for all.
So 10 days ago , as every morning that i know that the Sun will rise and be seen in the horizon i Sun Gaze while Earthing (connecting my bare feet or hands with Earth),it was freezing and the rays of the sun going through the frozen drop of water on the apex of each green grass it transformed light to appear through all its rainbow colours.It felt like New Earth was welcoming me, laying her Beautiful carpet in front of me.(5th Dimensional Experience number 1!)

A week ago,i was invited to go to a spiritual church in U.K..I didn’t have the slightest idea what will take place here.We were a group of 6 and few more groups of 2 or 3 and some came alone.The welcome presentation begun and here comes a lady that after doing a short prayer in gratitude, saying that she is receiving a message for x person, asking this person if she is ok to receive the message.The message comes from member of family that passed away and the channel asks questions and describes with amazing precision, the person speaking through her, always making sure that the receiver is 100% confirming the facts that took place sometime in the past.I can feel a sense of joy, of upliftement while all this is taking place and then at a moment, comes a message for one of my friends in our group.The description of the channel is breathtaking in the sense that it is very accurate in all ways.I know this cause my friend has been talking about her mother -that passed away last year – and what the channel says, fits exactly what she has been saying to me. Now , of course i know from very early stages that there is no death and that this lifetime of ours is an amazing experience of living as a spirit in an ascending human body.I am not at all sceptic for this kind of things, it is part of me.Yet for those of you reading this, even from a sceptic point of view, there is no doubt that if you choose to live a high vibrational life style, you will also be able to witness these kind of experiences taking place.It is only question of Self Love and where one chooses to focus their attention upon in the now.(5th Dimensional Experience number 2!)
2 nights ago,i feel the urge to go outside in the evening and even though i have no idea that the sky is crystal clear,i know deep within that there is something to watch up in the sky.So i follow my intuition,i go outside and i look up in the sky, i see few planes passing by and then just between 2 stars, another kind of star,is moving across the sky.I have a deep knowledge that is a galactic ship and not a star,i know it is a pleiadian ship, confirming their presence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 3)

Where attentions goes, energy flows instantly!A very is simple example:I think and talk about finding and tasting nice organic bananas and then one day going to super market and finding those in exactly the way i like them and even better than i imagined!Now,you will tell me this is easy!and i will reply, well yes, it is easy for ‘small’ or ‘big’ things!The Universe replies to vibration and does not make the difference between small or big things, they way one perceives them in a 3dimensional way of existence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 4!)And then during my sleep times,i make lucid dreams were all dramas from my past are transforming to comedy where each and every character is loving and caring, full of love, full of compassion,loving self and totally aware of their connection in oneness with our supreme creator, each different respecting one another AND yet in oneness celebrating and laughing.(5th Dimensional Experience number 5!)Aaaaaah the beautiful effects of using the Violet Fire of Saint Germain for transmuting all that is not of The Unconditional Divine Love!!!
So my friends, to rap it up,after reading this do you feel you are already there and if not what are you waiting for to choose to live a 5th dimensional way of existence in the here and now?All you need is intention and asking in gratitude the support of your Higher Self,Company of Heaven and Mother Father God,if of course you choose to remain in your body and experience a life up to 900+ or more(up to you!) in the Golden Age of Aquarius!Free will always yours!
And me here doing my best on the bridge connecting Heaven To Earth with the hope that each and everyone of one of you will make the leap and choose to live a life of peace, bliss,love and joy in ease, grace and flow by making sure to Feel More Than FineAlways!
Only you can do this work, nobody else can do this for you.
You are the creator of your life.
Before anything if you didn’t do this already i invite you to read my previous blog on how to raise and sustain vibration 24/7 for the highest good for all.
So 10 days ago , as every morning that i know that the Sun will rise and be seen in the horizon i Sun Gaze while Earthing (connecting my bare feet or hands with Earth),it was freezing and the rays of the sun going through the frozen drop of water on the apex of each green grass it transformed light to appear through all its rainbow colours.It felt like New Earth was welcoming me, laying her Beautiful carpet in front of me.(5th Dimensional Experience number 1!)

A week ago,i was invited to go to a spiritual church in U.K..I didn’t have the slightest idea what will take place here.We were a group of 6 and few more groups of 2 or 3 and some came alone.The welcome presentation begun and here comes a lady that after doing a short prayer in gratitude, saying that she is receiving a message for x person, asking this person if she is ok to receive the message.The message comes from member of family that passed away and the channel asks questions and describes with amazing precision, the person speaking through her, always making sure that the receiver is 100% confirming the facts that took place sometime in the past.I can feel a sense of joy, of upliftement while all this is taking place and then at a moment, comes a message for one of my friends in our group.The description of the channel is breathtaking in the sense that it is very accurate in all ways.I know this cause my friend has been talking about her mother -that passed away last year – and what the channel says, fits exactly what she has been saying to me. Now , of course i know from very early stages that there is no death and that this lifetime of ours is an amazing experience of living as a spirit in an ascending human body.I am not at all sceptic for this kind of things, it is part of me.Yet for those of you reading this, even from a sceptic point of view, there is no doubt that if you choose to live a high vibrational life style, you will also be able to witness these kind of experiences taking place.It is only question of Self Love and where one chooses to focus their attention upon in the now.(5th Dimensional Experience number 2!)
2 nights ago,i feel the urge to go outside in the evening and even though i have no idea that the sky is crystal clear,i know deep within that there is something to watch up in the sky.So i follow my intuition,i go outside and i look up in the sky, i see few planes passing by and then just between 2 stars, another kind of star,is moving across the sky.I have a deep knowledge that is a galactic ship and not a star,i know it is a pleiadian ship, confirming their presence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 3)

And then during my sleep times,i make lucid dreams were all dramas from my past are transforming to comedy where each and every character is loving and caring, full of love, full of compassion,loving self and totally aware of their connection in oneness with our supreme creator, each different respecting one another AND yet in oneness celebrating and laughing.(5th Dimensional Experience number 4!)Aaaaaah the beautiful effects of using the Violet Fire of Saint Germain for transmuting all that is not of The Unconditional Divine Love!!!
So my friends, to rap it up,after reading this do you feel you are already there and if not what are you waiting for to choose to live a 5th dimensional way of existence in the here and now?All you need is intention and asking in gratitude the support of your Higher Self,Company of Heaven and Mother Father God,if of course you choose to remain in your body and experience a life up to 900+ or more(up to you!) in the Golden Age of Aquarius!Free will always yours!
And me here doing my best on the bridge connecting Heaven To Earth with the hope that each and everyone of one of you will make the leap and choose to live a life of peace, bliss,love and joy in ease, grace and flow by making sure to Feel More Than FineAlways!
Only you can do this work, nobody else can do this for you.
You are the creator of your life.