“One of you is enough. Two of you increases the power exponentially. When you have a desire for something, and there is another in your immediate experience who has the same desire, and you come together with one another to amplify each other’s desire, you have such power. And the power that you have is not a fraction of what it could be if everyone in your world, or in your Universe, shared the same desire. There is no need for everyone to be on board with your desires. They can all have what they want, and you can have what you want because you do not have to experience the same world or the same universe.
You can all experience whatever universe you want to experience because you are the universe. The universe is you. But when you come together with another, and you share that similar desire to have an experience together or to have an experience of the world, there is electricity that moves between you that grounds your desire. You create a trinity with Source, with All That Is, when the two of you hold the same desire. It is like creating a base in a three-sided shape. A foundation. There is simply more power. So even though you do not need anyone else to experience the world you want to experience, it is fun to have that experience of the electricity moving through you and between you and to share that experience of power and influence.
Now, imagine a third person enters the equation. Now you have a three-dimensional pyramid shape running electricity between all three of you, and to Source at the same time, from each of you. Now imagine the power in that, holding the energy at the base of the structure, between the three of you. This is a very a real thing we are talking about. This is not a metaphor or a faery tale. We are giving you the mechanics of creation and of power structures. That is why you have your pyramids on the planet, because that shape is a very powerful shape.
So, we tell you this because we want you to use the tools that you have to create what you want and to play together, to have fun with your abilities. And we look forward to seeing what it is you create.”
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