For these past months, i start my days in a ritualistic Gratitude routine i do each and every morning, usually after having breakfast or sometimes before that, it depends if i feel i want to eat some or not which depends on the amount of incoming Light from Source. There are days, we are less hungry and days we need to eat more. Always taking care of hydration. These past 2 days, we had huge amounts of Light pummeling the planet if we check Schuman frequencies. So less need for sustenance if we are open to receive Manna from Heaven, as the Federation of Light shares makes more sense.

So coming back to my Gratitude routine, what i mainly do is sit and write on my journal all the things i am grateful for, from very small to very big including all things that i have asked the Universe-that i did not yet receive in the physical knowing fully that anything we ask it is always given the moment we ask- and then putting some music on and start dancing on it repeating thank you thank you thank you…
This is the DJ set i recorded being inspired after my Gratitude ritual….doing what i love and loving what i do serves the whole a 1000x than any prayer in sadness :)))))) and i am almost still in my pajamas lol.
Feel More Than Fine in full practice, it is all here the how to manifest faster and faster what you wish in these amazing energies we are in.
Now, i invite you to take these pieces and create your amazing reality and manifest it, faster than ever, better than ever. Trust. Believe. Feel. And You’ll See!
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