Peggy Black and the ‘Team’ ~ This is the Great Awakening
May 27, 2020, Morning Messages
Dear Morning Messages Community,
Rarely do I send two newsletters out to our community in a month, however I felt this information was important and worth sharing.
We know that we can be influenced by the movement of the Celestials, personally as well as globally. This information came to my attention and I wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will give us more insight into what we are all experiencing at this time. I usually follow my friend Pam Gregory for my astrology news and updates however this is a gathering from several other sources.
We are all feeling the intensity of our planet being shut down. Everything that we call normal has come to a stop. Our lives have shifted and we are witnessing the incredible shifts and changes taking place around the world. I hope this information gives us a different perspective and the awareness of just how profound these celestial events are to life on this planet.

Credit to Nick Hilton: The last time Pluto transited Capricorn as it is now was the American Revolution. Last time Uranus transited Taurus as it is now was the end of the Great Depression. Last time Neptune transited Pisces as it is now was the abolition of slavery.
This is the Great Awakening.
Now according to Celia Fenn, as we enter into June and July we will experience a series of three Eclipses, two Lunar Eclipses and a Solar Eclipse, that will occur just before and congruent with the June Solstice. We can expect that there will be powerful shifts in the Earth’s new Crystalline matrix as well as in our own Crystalline Light body.
Friday June 5th will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This will be an exciting alignment because Sagittarius is on the Galactic Center in terms of the zodiac, and we can expect powerful Light Code transmitted via the Galactic Center. This is the New Energy of the incoming Golden Age, and we can expect a powerful experience.
Sunday June 21 will be a Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This Eclipse takes place a day after the Solstice on the 20th of June. The planet will still be very strongly in the Solstice energy and a powerful transmission of Divine Feminine will be received.

The second Lunar Eclipse will be on the 5th of July and it will be in Capricorn. We can expect fireworks, not just because this is the day after the 4th of July in the USA, but because Capricorn is still powerfully influencing the transformation on the Earth. At this time Pluto and Jupiter will conjunct at 23 degrees of Capricorn. Thank you Celia Fenn, along with Anastasia Hayes Piper and Pam Thiel. They are offering three webinars, “The Three Eclipses Activations with the Global Circle of Crystal Skulls. For more information contact Anastasia
Here is some added information about eclipses I found on the web:
An eclipse is a high-octane lunation that helps illuminate our path, but just as these cosmic events can be visually striking, eclipses can also be a bit dramatic. Astrologically speaking, they speed up time: They open new doors by slamming others shut, so we often find abrupt and sudden shifts occurring during eclipses. Though the shifts can be jarring, they can help us by speeding up the inevitable.

Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, help us realize the external implications of these shifts. It is often during a lunar eclipse that we become aware of the influence of others. As the moon emits a mystifying umber tone, it allows us to see people under a different light. This shift in perspective is critical, even though you may not always like what you see. During lunar eclipses, we are encouraged to let go of whatever is no longer serving the soul. This is the time to release, purge, and say goodbye. Remember, cosmic warriors, endings are hard, but everything is cyclical: A culmination always occurs on the edge of a beginning.
Remember in the latest transmission from the ‘team’ they said, “This is a cosmic awakening. You have the support of the galactic families, the celestials and all divine beings and masters. What is happening on your planet has the attention and support of the entire universe. Earth is ascending into a higher dimension and taking you with her. Celebrate.”
I send you my blessings as we continue to anchor this new energy and the awesome new reality.
~ Peggy and the ‘team’