Celia Fenn: Lunar Eclipse
As we move into the early phases of the partial Lunar Eclipse, which culminates on the 19th, tomorrow Friday, the energies are sure intense!
These Lunar Codes in Taurus are hitting into the Body and the DNA. People are experiencing physical pain in the body and exhaustion.
This is because the Taurean Eclipse Moon Codes are activating in the Sacral Chakra area and the Throat Chakra area.
Many people are reporting joint pains and especially in the hips and lower back.
The incoming codes are releasing “locks” on your creative and sexual energy and helping you to align with your true original template of free and flowing creativity.
Over many thousands of years, humanity has experienced a state of enslavement to economic systems that has “locked down” the Sacral chakra and limited our creativity and our financial flows.
These incoming Codes are unlocking and opening the flow.
This creates the physical pain and old pathways are closed off and new pathways are opened.
The same is happening at the Throat Chakra level.
The capture of the creative energy meant that we were not able to express our Soul purpose as all our energy was given to “survival” in a false economy.
Now, as we reclaim our creative power and energy, we can stand in our Power and express who we are as Souls.
This powerful new flow can cause muscle pain and spasms in the shoulders, upper back and neck area.
This is a time to just be and to take good care of yourself.
It will pass by the week end and you will feel more relaxed and more balanced.
Meanwhile, stay calm and centered and rest as much as you can.
Breathe deeply, drink lots of water and connect with your Higher Guidance for information on what you personally need to transit this powerful Lunar Eclipse Portal
Love to everyone!