Princess Pyeonggang via Erena Velazquez | February 6, 2022

February 6, 2022
I am Princess Pyeonggang, the eldest daughter of King Pyeongwon, the 25th King of Goguryeo during the Three Kingdoms Period in ancient Korea, which was dominated by Baekje, Goguryeo and Silla. There was one more fourth one called Gaya. These domains constantly fought with each other.
My husband, the general On Dal, and I spend a lot of our time in the battles to keep safe our kingdom. Our marriage was not typical in those times. First all, On Dal was different in comparison with others, he loved nature and peace, and he didn’t plan to become a warrior. Considering my status and customs, it was not common for the Princess to marry a someone with a lower status.
On Dal quickly learned the martial arts, and for his extraordinary talent my father appointed him as the general of Goguryeo. My life was full of hardships despite that I was the Princess. During the battle with Silla army, my husband was killed.
After some time, I decided to leave the palace and go spend my life living in On Dal’s village. When I arrived there, to my big surprise and shock, I found my husband being alive. The monk, who was his spiritual teacher, explained to me that On Dal asked him to learn the technique of suspending the body during the danger, so my husband came back to life. This had side effects, he lost his memories, which eventually came back.
Both of us decided to go deep into the mountains to live peacefully away from the battles, politics and bloodsheds. We just disappeared from the cruel and power hungry reality. The historians in Samguk Sagi claim that we both died 5 years apart. I, Princess Pyeonggang, know what is real truth about our lives. The human bodies have special powers, and only you can bring them out with hard work of daily meditations.
The Earth’s history is a full of misleading and untruthful facts. The Dark Entities was messing up with people lives during my life journey, and they are still doing same right now. Today, I am here to encourage humanity to fight for your freedom, and you are the ones who are going to remove the Dark Entities and forbid them to come back.
You can’t allow anymore to be controlled, and live a lie without knowing the Truth about yourselves. Your sword is Light and Love. You are melting the Darkness and transforming the densities from lower to higher. You are unstoppable storm, the Darkness doesn’t have a chance against it. Very soon more and more people are going to join their path to liberation. Everyone’s sacrifice during many lifetimes, it was to see these days of upcoming freedom and happiness. Thank you Universal Channel
Blessings to All of You
Stay Strong, You are the Winners
Princess Pyeonggang
Channeled by Erena Velazquez