Mike Quinsey. 20th November 2020.
No one can doubt that we are truly in remarkable times the likes of which we could not have been imagined. Every soul has to make up their own mind as to which path they wish to follow, and to many the Path of Light is too demanding and they are simply not ready for it but hopefully will realise that they are always given another opportunity to ascend. It is not a matter of having to start all over again from the beginning, from a spiritual point of view lessons learned are carried forward.
So much is happening all at once much of which does not get into your Press, as there is still a reluctance to spread news that would prove unpopular with many people. Plus at this time many supporters of Biden are clinging to the hope that Trump will be unable to void the election results. Their hopes are unfounded and present indications are that Trump will hold on to the Presidency.
The lockdowns are giving people time to re-access where their lives are going and for what purpose. Depending on the outcome, it will go a long way to setting them on a path that will either end in their Ascension, or a continuance of life in the lower vibrations for further experiences that are aimed at lifting their vibrations. A successful outcome would ensure that they are ready to ascend at the very next opportunity. Naturally, such souls would get every help to succeed and are never left alone to face the challenges set before them.
Realise that for those souls who are not ready to ascend, you do not take your possessions with you upon entering a New Age, it is much the same as the period you normally experience between incarnations. However, the importance of this particular time cannot be overlooked as it is one that brings the old Age to a conclusion. Clearly where souls have been successful in raising their vibrations, they are entitled to feel euphoric as it signals the end of a very long demanding journey encompassing many previous lives. Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase, this time in joy and happiness where all is in harmony and love.
We tell you in broad terms what is to come and as you work through the next period of change, it will all be in anticipation of being able to put all that is no further use behind you to welcome the new opportunities that will come. The future is very bright and welcoming so do not despair because of the unusual time you are in now, it will not last too long and will gradually settle down. Stay strong and resolute knowing the present period will slowly come to an end, and the new will take over.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light