Aita Channeling Her Higher Self – July 2020
Good Day to you Dear Lightworkers,
Starseeds. We are very pleased to connect with you on this bright and
beautiful summers day in this Planet Earth experience.
You, our Dear Ones, are in the middle of
a glorious experience. One of the best experiences of your Spirit’s
eternal life. You are in the great awakening of Humanity in the year
And, the miracle is that you are awake
and aware of what is going on around you. You coded yourselves to awaken
so this would be so. You wanted to see all the discombobulating and
chaotic events, seemingly, without rhyme or reason, playing out around
You wanted to see how Humanity would
arise from its psychological chains, from the control mechanisms into
which it has been enmeshed. You wanted to experience the awe and wonder
of how one of the greatest events in the history of Mankind plays out in
the planetary ascension.
What is ascension, what is the great
event that is so much talked of? Planet Earth has been for eons in the
third dimension of frequency. There are many dimensions. Jesus called
them mansions as he told us that “my fathers house has many mansions.”
This means that there are many levels of
frequency that we Souls, can exist in. The universe, the galaxy, Planet
Earth and the whole hologram in which we exist, are formed by the
frequency that vibrates around them.
Planet Earth and its inhabitants have
been in the third dimensional frequency for eons. This is a low
vibration of fear. In the Spirit realm there is no fear. God is love.
There is only love. Yet to expand His Holy Consciousness into
individuated Gods, like unto himself, All That Is, created the low
vibrating fear realm.
This has been our home. This is where
the light and the dark interplay with each other. This is where we feel
that we are separate, for we each have a unique understanding of life,
unique entrainments that play against each other.
This earth is a stage upon which we
actors are experiencing negativity and fear. At the low frequency of the
third dimension, we are reactive to any comments and actions of others
that disagree with our own deeply held beliefs about ourselves and about
And so, we are reactive to each other.
We prod and we poke with words and deeds. We protect ourselves and our
ideas with our very life. For we belief we are our thoughts and ideas.
Not so, we are great and grand, powerful
Spirits, who have sent a small part of ourselves, our Soul, to Planet
Earth, to be in a Human Body, the temple for our Soul, to experience
other than love.
And we have been on Planet Earth,
reincarnating from body temple to to body temple for eons. We have
played the part of the dark and the part of the light. We have
experienced all that we set ourselves to live through.
We have felt deep loneliness, separation
and sorrow. As Spirits we are all one, telepathic and naturally
communing with each other. Love and light are our inheritance and
Here on Earth we leave our memory of
that reality behind. We purposefully shed our knowingness and come here
with open minds ready to be programmed for our Earthly life.
Having planned our program before we
came here with our Soul family and Spirit guides, we then experience and
feel all that we set ourselves to experience and feel.
This is the third dimensional life. We
are trained into a uniquely peculiar thought system, those around us
have their own unique thought system. These ideas about life clash, and
we have a great need to convince our brethren that our ideas are the
only right ones.
And so we argue with each other, and so
we fight, and go to war, we maim and kill for we are in fear of each
other as in our separation we flail around trying to rise above the fray
of human fear and be in our power over others.
Having experienced the fear, the anger,
rage, jealousy, depression, apathy, false pride, blame, shame and guilt
of the Planet Earth life, it is now time for the great awakening.
Many Souls are now graduating from fear
to love. You, our Dear Ones, are amongst those Souls. You are currently
in the higher levels of the fourth dimension.
The lower fourth dimension is the astral
realm. It is the realm that we pass through when we first begin to
awaken. It is the realm of black magic, of sorcery, of ouija boards and
negative entities.
Yet it is a realm we must overcome
before we move on. The lower fourth density is where our controllers,
the elite, the illuminati and their minions dwell.
In this realm they can see how to
program the third dimensional fear based Humans. They can see how words
often repeated are taken as the truth. They can see how Humans take the
words that are spoken by white coats with degrees and diplomas, as the
absolute truth.
And they revel in the power they have
over Humanity as they maneuver and manipulate mankind into the sheeple
behavior they desire from him.
They have drained Mankind of his life
force. The have treated man as cattle, they have played with Humanity as
cats play with mice. They have no heart, no compassion for Human
And, this lower fourth dimension, this
dark frequency must be passed through as Human Souls ascend from their
third dimensional fear entrainment.
And, it is a wonderful happening to
reach the fourth dimension where the truth of Human Beingness can be
seen. Where the realization comes upon us, that we are Divine Beings
having a Human experience, and that experience was created by our dark
Indeed the old saying, “And the truth
shall set you free” is itself a truism. To awaken, to ascend we need to
realize that we are Divine, if we do not know our name, that is
Divinity, how can we return home?
And, if we do not see how we have been
controlled and manipulated, how can we heal ourselves of the wounds of
that control? We cannot.
So, we pass through the lower fourth
dimension and we see, in great awe and discombobulation, the
machinations under which we have lived.
Then, we come to the upper fourth
dimension. This is primarily a place of healing love. We have seen the
big picture of the Planet Earth entrainment experience. The control
mechanisms are clearly seen by us now.
Our job then is to clear ourselves of
all the false teachings and understandings with which we have been
indoctrinated. And so, as each feeling of negativity and fear comes up,
we allow and surrender into it. We feel it and we ask for help and
guidance for its removal.
You, dear Lightworkers Starseeds are in
this stage right now. And many of you have cleared much of your negative
conditioning and are moving higher and higher in an up spiral into the
Know, deeply, that since you are hearing
this message, since you are comprehending our words, you are a
LIghtworker, Starseed, awakening from your Earthly nightmare.
Yes this has been a nightmare. Planet
Earth is not an easy place for Souls to visit. Only the greatest of the
great take on this experience.
You, Dear Hearts, have taken it on and
you have prevailed. The light in you has won. You have fulfilled your
God given mission. You are now on the edges of the fifth dimension.
The fifth dimension, in the hierarchy of
dimensions, is one where love rules. Negativity and fear have been left
behind. Words are no longer necessary, for we are telepathic.
We are each unique and differentiated
Souls, yet we are all one in our Divinity and God essence. We manifest
immediately that which we wish. We are in bliss and joy with each other
as communion and camaraderie rule.
The fifth dimension is the love and
light frequency into which we are ascending. This is what the great
awakening is all about. The apocalypse describes the crumbling, the
destruction of the third dimensional fear paradigm.
The revelation describes the awakening
of Mankind to the truth of how he has been controlled and entrained into
fear. And all of this is the great event for which mankind has so long
been waiting.
The great event that has been spoken of
in all great philosophies and Spiritual teachings. The great event that
is the movement of Mankind from the third dimension of fear to the fifth
dimension of love.
The fifth dimension is at hand dear
ones. Love has won. Love always wins in Gods heavenly realm. And Gods
Heavenly realm is all there is.
The Planet Earth experience is just a blip, a nanosecond of time that grows us into greater love.
Welcome to the fifth dimension Dear
Ones. Love and light, peace and joy, bliss and wisdom, truth and
knowledge are your inheritance.
Aita Channeling her Higher Self. We are Blessed Beings Indeed.