A Message to Light Bringers – October 27, 2022
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective.
This is a transcript of the video at: https://youtu.be/j0dMjMmnyzM.
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And so, the energies we’re looking at today, are stuck patterns—stuck energies.
And you may feel that there are only a few things in life, a few areas where your energies are a bit stuck, and can’t move forward. And yet, you find that those energies then affect other areas of your life.
This is not at all unusual! Everything in life has to flow, dear ones. It has to flow very easily and joyfully. And if you feel you’re in an old pattern that is holding you back, this is very difficult.
So you may be looking at the outer situation, and you’re saying, “Well, I’m just afraid to meet someone new.” Or, “I could drop the weight, but I don’t know how! It’s never worked for me so far.” Or perhaps you would love a new job, or just a change of pace in some way—perhaps, just to love and appreciate yourself in a greater way than you have in a long time. Maybe not ever in this life. And so there are all these ideas, old emotions, and beliefs holding you back—“I can’t do that. I’ve tried, and it hasn’t worked.” Or, “Nobody in my family is able to drop the weight.” Or “Nobody in my family has ever found truly fulfilling work,” or “Nobody in my family has ever gotten out of debt, and I don’t think I can. And probably, this is something I’ve had in other lives! “Probably, this is something that’s just too difficult to let go of. I can try different outer actions, but so far, none of them have really worked.”
So just for a moment, just release all those feelings [whatever they are]—just for a moment.
Ask yourself, “What would it feel like, if I could enjoy a dream like what I’ve been dreaming of? “Who would I be, or how would I feel in that moment?”

Just give yourself a moment where you’ve already created it—and indeed you have!
In that great flow of energy that is the quantum field, you have created it!
But we want to release all those little offshoots—all those little timelines that keep you from what you desire.
How would you feel, and who would you be, once you created this?
You see how lit up the leaves are—they’re so luminescent, with the Sunlight in them.
And you are much the same, dear ones, except that you also impart Light even more brilliantly than these tree leaves do.
You are flowing Light out into the atmosphere. Everywhere you are, you’re flowing Light out.
Now put yourself again in that position where you’re beaming out a Light that says, I have already done it! and you’re enjoying that.
Close your eyes, and put your hand on your heart, and really give yourself a moment to feel it.
Notice your breathing. Calm your breathing. Slow it down a bit.
Allow yourself the feeling of assurance: “I know I can create this. I know that in some way, I already have! “I wouldn’t be dreaming of this, and desiring it, if I couldn’t do it one way or another, in some form or [through] some really beautiful path I haven’t quite discovered yet.”
And as you breathe out—breathe out through the mouth [making a “haaa” sound], you’re releasing all the density that has held you in place for so long.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s an ancestral pattern, a family pattern, a cultural one, some old trauma you suffered in this or another life, energy or entity interference—whatever it is, you’re breathing that out . . . And we’re going to work with you in just a moment, energetically.
So just keep your hand on your heart, and keep your eyes closed if you can, and just open to receive . . . We’re seeing an awful lot of things that aren’t you.
We’re seeing structures that were placed there [in your energies] a long time ago, like etheric implants, and we’re dissolving those . . . dissolving psychological blocks . . . [dissolving] energy patterns in the body . . .
Now we’re working with your self-concept, because a small self-concept is something that an awful lot of people have to deal with every day, and it’s very, vey difficult for them.
They get into, “I don’t think I can,” and “I’ve never been able to . . . “ and all these different phrases.
And the phrase we would love for you to use right now, is: “I’ve already done it!It’s right here with me, my co-Creation!”
We’re calling up those smaller selves, asking them to step into the Light . . . And now just image you’ve been carrying sort of a heavy sack on your shoulder—it’s really time for that to go, dear ones.
We’ve put a Circle of Light all around you.
Just pull that heavy sack off your shoulder and put it down in the Circle of Light. This is all the false self-concept energy you’ve been carrying. It’s not who you are!
Wonderful, dear ones. When you’re ready, come up out of this meditation.
And begin to ask yourself, Who [am I now I’ve released all that?]— we’ll do another video quite soon that looks at Transformation, because this is what we’re talking about, isn’t it?
We’re talking about a kind of Rebirth.
And the kind of Transformation that you probably most desire is the kind that goes in and nurtures the child who never got enough encouragement, heals the past life wounds, and lets you know, “Yes, it’s OK—you are allowed! You have complete approval from your higher self and your soul, to take on a new and higher form of life!”
So could you accept Transformation if you had to, dear ones? It can be quite a joyful thing!
Wonderful! So we will see you in that next video, and we send much Love and many blessings.
We’re looking at this beautiful Sun! Remember that these solar Light rays are pouring onto the planet.
They’re full of sentient Light codes that are speaking to every particle of your being.
And they are requiring and requesting that you move up in vibration and begin to remember your true power, and empowerment, and your beautiful strengths and creativity, and co-Creation.
No more time for hiding, dear ones! No more time for playing small. You’re done with that now.
And so we send much Love, and many blessings!