The Voice of the Earth | Pamela Kribbe
Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth, and I bid you welcome.
I carry you, and in love and surrender I flow through you. I live within the cells of your body. You express yourself through me, but I also find expression through you. I enjoy being with you and to experience life on Earth through your human consciousness. I would like you to dare to surrender to me; to dare to give yourself over to your body, your feelings, and the flow of life that is there within you. That is my wish.
Feel the power of my love for you. You are my child, for I bear you as a mother. I want you to experience and accept me as a supporting energy in your life, but to not do that through your head and the thinking processes that you have been taught. In its essence, my energy does not work in a determining and directive manner, but flows with a rhythm that is natural and spontaneous. Whenever your soul connects with me from a letting go into life, we then dance and experience life together. You then connect your soul’s energy, your cosmic heart, with my earthly energy in a connection that flows from above to below, in full surrender to the great forces of life, both cosmic and earthly, and without the intervention of the head with its mental processes.
This is the new human who will appear on Earth, the human being who recognizes and experiences both their earthly and cosmic roots, and feels as one with that experience. What is to happen now in the world is for people to connect with both their cosmic origin and their earthly life by way of the body that bears them.
Take a moment to regard the human body as a gateway for cosmic energy to flow into the Earth. This week you all have been in different caves (in southern France). These are physical gateways for cosmic energy to enter into the Earth, as is your body such a gateway. Your body is composed of the powerful and fundamental energies of the Earth elements, which have as their basis: solidity, stability, and peace; yet at the same time your body contains an energy gateway, an opening for the inspirational rays of light to flow from the Cosmic Sun into the Earth.
Your body needs to be anchored on and in the Earth; to be entirely rooted here. And your body also needs nurturing, not only physical food: bread and water, but ethereal food as well: the feeling of being one with nature by connecting with trees, plants, and animals; feeling the sun on your skin, floating on refreshing water, breathing fresh air, and feeling the heat of a fire. All these elements – my elements of water, fire, air, and earth – are just as much spiritual energies as are those of the teachers, masters, and angels whom you revere. My spiritual energies are here among us, and through the earthly elements I provide, you can unite with them.
These earthly-spiritual energies are everywhere on Earth. See around you the flowers that grow in the field, and the plants and herbs that provide you with what you need as human beings. Embrace these energies of the Earth and feel my power – this is your Home! And whenever you are able to feel earthly and rooted, and you dare to nourish yourself with everything you need, physically and energetically, then the gateway opens for the light of your soul. That gateway forms a connection with this earthly world, and allows this world to flourish by infusing it with cosmic light.
Feel for a moment what is needed in your own life in order to achieve this interplay in the best way possible. Start by feeling through your body that earthly foundation in yourself. Feel your body to be anchored in me. Here in this setting (southern France), where nature is wild and free and has been cultivated and modified as little as possible, you can experience more easily the pure flow of the energy of Earth. Your body recognizes and responds to this energy and you do not have to do anything mental to make that happen. Simply lie on the grass and admire nature and the energy comes to you spontaneously.
Feel the Earth energy flowing into your feet, and how your body regains a more full and solid feeling. Feel the peace and tranquility of the rocks beneath you, with their ages-old covering of soil. This earthly energy is there and it bears you because you are part of nature, just as are the animals, the plants, and the stones, the water, and the air. Just as are they, so also are you an important part and component of nature. Embrace and accept the reality and beauty of this fact.
This fact also means that when you return to your home from this visit and you are back in your everyday life, you will remember to feel what it is like to be connected with the Earth, and with the calm that you need. Take seriously the rhythm that comes from your body and do not to let yourself be diverted by the many demands that come at you from human society. They do not bring you to where you have to be; they lead you away from your essence. Take some rest, and relax by feeling the elements of the Earth. Cherish these earthly elements and nurture yourself with them. Only then can the gateway open for your soul-light to truly manifest in your daily life.
Make a connection now with the light of your soul. You have felt what it is like to be rooted and connected with me, the Earth, and you have felt what it is like to receive in your own body the spiritual forces of the earthly elements. Now imagine what cosmic force, what soul-light wants to enter into you. Visualize it descending from Heaven, from the sky above you.
Feel your own sun-light, the strength of your soul, and receive that in your heart. Feel it shine in your heart! And see how the Earth energy receives and responds to that light within you. How delicious it is to experience this radiance!
The earthly and the cosmic are energies that respond to and need each other – they are not opposing energies. The Earth energy in your body becomes revitalized and filled with joy and is inspired by the cosmic light that you are, and this union of energies takes earthly form through you. The cosmic light wants nothing more than to be here, and to flow out through the cells of your body, so as to help the Earth be fruitful and give birth to the new.
You are so welcome here – I need your light! Physically, as the Earth, I cannot live without the light from the Sun, and energetically, I also need your cosmic light. And that can only flow into me when you allow yourself to be received by me; when you trust me and feel at home here. See how both energies are now joined in you: your cosmic star-light joined with your body, the earthly anchor. Let them embrace each other and let them together flow through your body.
Here then is the mating and union of both the male and female energies; the energies of both giving and receiving; the Sun and the Earth. Allow these mated and unified energies to flow over and through you in ever widening circles; not only in your body, but throughout your entire energetic field, your aura. Allow these energies to renew you and to remind you of who you truly are: a playful being of light; a living being present here temporarily to interact joyfully with my energy on Earth. Experience again the intimate union of both the Earth energy and the cosmic light that you are. Welcome and incorporate that feeling of intimacy, and take it with you as you return to your homes.
Now, for a moment, look at your everyday life from the perspective of that feeling of the intimate union of energies. Just feel intuitively, and without thinking about it, that you are there in your home. See if you can find one part of your life there that you would change so you are more in balance with your true nature. What can you do for yourself, physically or emotionally, through which you would feel more nurtured and experience more tranquility, relaxation, and inspiration? Then promise yourself to give this to yourself. Make more space in your life to nurture yourself in both earthly and heavenly ways.
Finally, I would like to ask you to feel the great forces that welcome you in this life. From beneath your feet, receive the nurturing powers of the Mother, the Earth, and from above, the loving arms of the Father who protects and cherishes you. Feel this totality of forces from above you and below you, and allow that union to happen. Just let go of the excess thinking and doing; know that you are carried by greater forces that love you, that want the best for you. Relinquish control to them and allow yourself to be swept along by a great energy wave.
A new world awaits you, and because you surrender to that energy flow, you become one of those who prepare and give shape to the new world. It is happening; there is so much that is evolving now on Earth. The biggest step for you is to dare to surrender to the forces of both Earth and Heaven.
I love you; feel my hand in yours – you are never alone.