Tag Archives: NikosAkrivos
Sending Blessings of support and Love to all involved for planetary liberation.
Please repeat these words :
IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with the IAM Presence of All Humanity and Mother Father God.
I blaze the blue fire of protection, safety and security to myself and all involved.
I blaze the violet flame of freedom , support and transmutation to all involved
I blaze the pink flame of Love , Light and Truth to all involved.
I bless all involved, i bless all my projects and all projects worldwide that work for The Highest Good For All.
Feel Gratitude for 2 minutes radiating out.
It is done! And So It Is. And So Be It.
Special support for Patriot Mike Lindel : Mike Lindell and His Cyber Symposium Attacked | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
The Secret To Manifest Everything You Want.
JOY!We sing, dance and resist through art, joy, faith and love. (DJ SET)
Sharing my Ascension experience
It has been a while since i wrote a blog, sharing my Ascension experience. Truth is , i have been busy meditating and clearing the path while feeling the awesomeness of non resistant thought and ‘speeding up the process’ it relates to where attention goes energy flows. I watched less movies for entertainment and created again my own as i would like to experience my future life. Since i know that i am the Creator of my own reality and what i want to be manifest is meant to be. And yes indeed, i must admit there have been moments that i pushed the button a little but too much while now i am in this loving space of understanding that since IAM already enough and whole and ONE with GOD, there is no need to push more rather enjoy the process along the way keeping the balance doing my sacred work going within, becoming from Some ONE to No ONE and then to Every ONE, every Thing. every Where at all times = The Eternal Now. This was a wonderful work i must admit to integrate in my daily habits few more pieces like feeling and writing chapters about my future Life with as much detail as possible.
So now that i am writing this, it is almost 16h00 here in Greece, it is 40 degrees celcius outside and i am about to have my Raw Vegan lunch that i prepared a while ago. My diet is also shifting towards eating less food than ever before, this as a consequence of transformation of our Ascending body from carbon based to crystallin cells as the more we do inner work the more the Light feeds the body, there is less appetite for solid foods for me and more for liquids and luckily enough i found a local store here that sells raw vegan ice cream!!! once in a while it is nice to have them ready instead of making it myself as i do all my foods each and every day…because around here there is no restaurant that serves vegan and organic…besides with all the restrictions for now i don’t even feel like entering any of these places . Being in the knowingness of the Light Body as a powerful Armour that boosts the immune system, no jab , no masks and no PCR tests for me since the very beginning. I live my life continuing what i did before expanding each and every day, much less friends around physically but with so many in the ethers knowing fully that this is the process to attract all those like minded and like hearted in our New Earth communities. I am walking my talk and i am eagerly anticipating what is to come while appreciating what is with ease, grace, flow and playfulness and fun fun fun times.
I hope this serves you in your journey
ps.i know the picture has nothing to do really with this post and yet it really does if you look for deeper meaning because this is also part of my experience as Ajjuna who stands in the middle told me in a private message : Everybody is so thankful to you . And yes i don’t usually share any of these messages but i thought why not share once just for the lucky ones who read this post.
And don’t you love it knowing that children go to sleep knowing that they are safe and sound with their bellies full ? This is one of our projects that once the prosperity funds are here we will be supporting further…meanwhile we give small donations that make big difference to the lives of all these children. If you wish to donate go to charities, choose one or more and make yours.
5.30 Hours of Best of Organic House & Downtempo
Is Earth Hollow or Flat?
Basic Universal Credit/ paychecks per month for all is one of these lights now slowly activating through #NESARA #GESARA
I am blown away by the amount of people not seeing the beauty of not having to work for a living. We are not meant to do that. We are meant to do activities that please our heart. This does not mean i agree with the current ways of worldwide governments trying to buy of people with money…folks wake up, they are at the end of the rope, they know the end is near for them. And little by little we see good actions happening to assist every human being come out of hunger and misery imposed on us by enslaving cabal controled governments that want to think that our Universe is not abundant in all ways.
God loves all his daughters and sons and you living in a body right now, are witnessing the most amazing unfolding of The Golden Age. Everything works for the highest good for all and no matter how hard they try to convince us otherwise there are many beautiful lights at the end of the tunnel.
Hold your heads up ,in prayer and meditation to uplift yourselves daily, it is the only way to feel into what is coming.
Basic Universal Credit/ paychecks per month for all is one of these lights now slowly activating through #NESARA #GESARA .
ps. California just agreed to send up to $1,000 monthly checks to residents in nation’s first guaranteed income program
My Top Secret to Feel More Than Fine.
Intense Heat/Energy Rising? Feeling discomfort? sleepy? Be Friends with IT instantly.
know what you want, choose accordingly.
The New Financial System:Clarity Time – Nikos Akrivos
The New Financial system through NESARA/GESARA has nothing to do with what is being called the great reset.The first is Divine, the 2nd is just trying to immitate in order to control more globally. This is the reason there is confusion for many about Basic Universal Income ,thinking that only the 2nd rule of total control applies when in fact this is a process coming forward to benefit all citizens of Earth. Many amongst you called me a communist among other stuff. I am with no political party. I am for the highest good for all. So to resume, this is coming forward now for all to enjoy and work if they desire too. But let’s not forget the reason all this takes place ,:is not just to eradicate hunger and cover basic needs ,it is also for offering enough free time so one can dedicate more time to their spirituality and Ascension process. So no more excuses like :i got to work for a living. This will be covered through BUI.(basic universal income).We have strong reasons to believe it will be 1200€/adult in Europe and 600/under 18 years from the moment they are born.
Creating A Sustainable Future For Children In Developing Countries #SetForLove
NESARA’s enactment.(Boostup- date)
Cosmic Tokens.
Schuman Frequencies are consistantly rising every day now…

we just had a blast from The Sun only 2 hours ago…if you feel tired and sleepy…now you know why…best thing to do have a nap and then do a 15′-20′ meditation after what you will feel refreshed. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water or fruit juice helps too ,especially coco nut water or watermelon juice, they both contain high amounts of electrolytes.
High Vibrational Spaghetti
Update from The Light Beings.
What is Enlightment in 2020?
Nikos Akrivos channeling Higher Self.
Enlightment is to be not be triggered by anyone or anything out there while being in the world but not of it.Not so long ago, monks had to isolate themselves in temples for long periods of time and in some cases for their whole life in order to reach a higher state of consciousness and sustain it.Today, the ever increasing energies of Love and Light coming from The Sun of all Suns/Source of All Creation/Mother Father God and Prime Creator have already brought Earth into the 5th, 6th and 7th Dimension and therefor her name : New Earth Pacha Mama Terra Christa.This allows each and everyONE to feel in the present moment their oneness with GOD within and with all Life becoming more aware that what ones thinks and feels, one vibrates one creates.Whatever one experiences in their life one attracts to the self.It behooves most people to believe it is so because how can this be that one attracts bad experiences to the self? Most people would rather see God as out there, being responsible for that happens in their life, rather taking the responsibility to acknowledge that they create their own experiences by the way the feel, think and more often reacting than truly acting from a place of alignment with their Soul/Higher Self.And in doing so, creating their own matrix of reality with like minded souls as like attracts like.Is there a way to get out of this constructed matrix?yes , there is and the answer lies within.With enough daily practice long enough to be able to listen the voice within for at least 15-20 minutes one can begin to create a better reality for the self and cross the bridge to the New Earth.There are those who have already crossed the bridge and have created the space for all to be able to do so.And then comes Free Will.God loves so much each and everyone that all have free will to do so or not in their lives.Everybody is loved and everybody chooses for their experiences in life that they feel, serves them best.When one has reached a state where is no longer triggered by anyone by anything, not even social media comments or any news out there, one knows clearly that He/She is already on New Earth manifesting with ease and grace and flow anything they want to be ,do or have for the highest good =the highest good for all.
UPDATE 21 Sep.2020.
Dear Feel More Than Fine Tribe,Light Workers,Light Warriors and Starseeds i feel it is good time at this stage to give you small update from my perspective as to where we stand in our Ascension journey as a collective.Individually only you know depending on what you feel mostly resonates with you as your joy and truth of living your life.And a rule one for those of you that come on this website is to always feel good at every now.Can this be always possible?no, because there are always more Love & Light energies pummeling the planet requesting from you and each and everyONE to receive those.So for some, it may feel as resistance while for others is that can read the signs it is much smoother because they are sensitive enough to feel a spike on the schumann resonance (which is of course the result of doing your inner work with discipline and daily :meditation and affirmations and practicing alignment with your higher self which represents the highest form of joy emanating from our being).
And so as withIN so withOUT.
The more of us doing the work the more Light and Love can reach the planet as we affect millions around us through entrainment.
One person connected to source is more powerful than millions who are not-Abraham Hicks-
And at this time there are millions around the planet doing this work which for itself is amazing news.
Here at Feel More Than Fine we have been focusing mainly on 2 global meditations taking place on SUNdays on 3 different times and Daily with Jared Rand at 3PM EAST(Check category on the website) and 4 years now being on this train we can feel our collective power and the shifts that are taking place thanks to our our beautiful dedicated groups of Light Workers.
And in this now what truly works for me to keep me always high in my energies as much as possible during my days&nights is to practice sacred breathing for 7 times as many times as i can remember when i walk or prepare food or even do my yoga:
I Inhale God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Assimilate God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Exhale God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Expand God’s Pure Source Oxygen
-(Patricia Cota Robles)-
Now in the collective level i feel we are reaching a place where the masses are truly waking up and this is the main reason we have been preparing for eons of times to be the eye in the storm, the eye of joy and the eye of peace : AA Gabriel reminds us to not be concerned if for some of us feel detached from outside events.It is ok to be on that place and it is ok to find our joy in every now.This is the category where i belong personally honouring by the same Feel More Than Fine lifestyle, which is not about being selfish but about being selFULL.Full of Love,Full of Light,Full of Joy:holding the space for that for the collective.
And when we observe the outside events, too many of them to mention, you all have your medias and you all have your own filters to perceive reality, the one thing that i want to bring your attention here is the
N.E.S.A.R.A. / G.E.S.A.R.A. Mission Statement :
To assist each and everyone on their Ascension path so it is firmly grounded on planet Earth
The reason is Ascension from Human to Galactic, from Carbon Based to Crystalline Based Cells.
The delivery of funds is to make everyone’s life easy on the planet.
This has been denied to humanity on September 2001,which was the main reason of the collapse of NYC twin towers.And Trump is doing an amazing work in bringing this forward with the support of the Alliance and Galactic Federation of Light by gradually bringing in the Restored Republic in the U.S.A. who’s constitution has been signed by the founding fathers through Divine Intervention with no other than Saint Germain who passed through the walls and convinced the founding fathers with an epic speech to sign the constitution in 1776.And since the time of JFK in the 60’s it has been looking for ways to express and has been opposed with success.But not any longer, we can clearly see the results of our collective unified consciousness now and the more we are in this Knowledge,feeling into it the more it gives us all the signs with Clarity and True Understanding.This is our Collective Vortex Sisters and Brothers.
All this to share with you, that whatever takes place in the coming months, do not allow this to enter your being.Be the observer and further more Observe less and Imagines more as You are the creator of your reality and nobody can take this from you!
You are Source Energy GOD being Creator ,You are GOD and with GOD.
Wherever you stand in your Ascension journey and if you managed to read this far here means that you are doing Stellar Work.Each and everyone on the planet, has been chosen to be in the here and now, as the ones who were the most gifted of all souls with highest possibility to make this journey of Ascension a success.And Victory of Light is already at hand as confirmed by Mother God.Yet the way to go there’s shifting depending on the collective’s energy.
If each and everyONE on the planet did a synchronised sacred breathing for 9 times our reality would shift very rapidly to the higher dimensions of New Earth/Golden Age of Existence –Prime Creator-
And this is the journey that each and everyone is on ,wherever we stand in our Ascension.
If we truly want to make physical contact with our Galactic Families,we must first unite.And when i see, the many not doing their inner work, i keep in mind one last chance for them:The Event if their soul chooses to go through this.Free Will always at hand for all to use for each Soul.
A planet where all children are safe and sound, where all homeless have homes, where no-one needs to do a work they don’t like for a living(Basic Universal Income), where Free Energy is used for all purposes,where One can heal any condition in less than 3’ or rejuvenating from 90 to 25 years through the use of Celestial Chambers, where jobs are being created to serve the true reason of our existence which is Ascension and Joy of existence and expression that do no harm to self and all others, where we travel from London to Mount Shasta in one hour ,where all have abundance of wholesome organic foods,where all life,all animals and all plant kingdom is respected,with much more greener cities and communities,where each and everyONE is aware of their Oneness with GOD, is much closer than we can conceive in our minds.In fact it is in plain sight if we feel for these very things i am mentioning.
Instant Manifestation!Feeling into the frequency of what I/WE Want in the now.Isn’t Life Just Amazing/Awesome/Grant???Hallelujah!!!!
I Love You aaaaaaaaaaaand
Feel More Than Fine Always!!!!
Nikos Akrivos
Brainwave Entrainment
The practice of bringing one’s brainwaves to a desired frequency.
This is achieved through imagination.

And to be able to live in joy in the here and now is to make it a habit to imagine more of our desired outcome,feeling into it than just being an observer.That is deliberate creation at its best.And by doing so,one feels good all of the time.When one does not feel good,it is a call to go within,find again the zero state,the neutrality and then focus again on imagining a desired outcome and when doing that bringing up the higher scale emotions of Love,Joy,Gratitude in the here and now.
So,my dear Feel More Than Fine Tribe,if you want to prove to yourselves your power of Source Energy Being you know what to do :focus more on imagining what you want,focus more on feeling into what you want and less on observing what is occuring as in these times we are living now,as the vibrations rise in,through and all around us on the planet,manifestations happen faster and faster.They may not happen precisely as one thinks and imagine and yet they happen more and more closer to a desired outcome.
Imagines,Imagines,Imagines and Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine!
Ascension for dummies.
For those of you who are hearing the term Ascension for the first time,this is for you!No,you are not a dummy,i am just taking the time to explain what it is using simple words.
So,what is Ascension? It is a process of transformation taking place within our bodies, a mutation as we are bathed in higher amounts of Light originating from the Central Sun and Source of All Creation.Our cells act as receptors to the energies and they are transformed from Carbon Based to Crystalin (therefor Christ Self) Based Cells.
Medical studies and scientists have just begun speaking about it,myself i know this from a very young age and been doing my best to share the message with those around without success,as nobody would believe my theories,if they are not written by someone.In 2008 The Pleiadians made sure that i remember the reason i came to the planet by constantly sending me on a link on youtube where i could listen to Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak and from the very first time ,it all resonated as my deepest truth.This same year is the year that i became Vegeterian(nowdays Raw Vegan) and that same year i got initiated in the Art of Reiki Usui (Japanese Healing Alternative Technique).
In my previous youtube video that you can watch here ,i was sharing You Are Much More Powerful Than You Think You Are!(Here Is How To Become Aware of This).
Today,i want to bring your attention to the fact that our bodies are also evolving and becoming multidimensional as well.This is very important notion to become aware of and here is why:While we are receiving the higher energies and our consciousness gets attuned in relatively short time,our bodies need much longer time to do so and so it is very important to see them as integral part of our evolution and not separate from the whole.It is not just about being healthy in our body,it is also about being aware of the transformation taking place to remind ourselves to be gentle and kind to our bodies for the time they need to go through the transformation.This also explains extreme fatigue and as personal trainer myself,i invite all teachers,yoga teachers ,coaches and personal trainers to really be aware of this and be gentle with your clients in bringing this information in your practices.Some may think that they are getting old in the bodies,while the only thing that is happening is a transformation whereas if one is really aware about this detail,one will really listen to their body and not do too much by accepting the process for the time it needs.Process takes many years and this is a first one for Ascending Humanity.There are of course those that are ascending by leaving their bodies and that is because it has been agreed so,pre-birth from their souls.This,in no way means that something is written in stone,one that reads this information may choose to live and be on the Ascension train.
All one needs to say is :
I want to Ascend within my physical body!And choosing to Ascend within our physical body,means that we choose to live ,if we desire so,up to 1000 years or more!The Hollow Earth beings live for many thousands of years.
We are the ones deciding as our DNA is expanding and the information we choose to believe becomes our reality.Welcome to 5D of authentic peace,joy and unconditional love and infinite possibilities!
One may choose to just shape their body to become a model only with the power of their mind and projecting images of beauty seeing self as that.It works also for Diet purposes or seeing in our mind’s eye our perfect body and writing about it describing it for 30 days.Try it!and you will notice the difference,i guarantee!!!
To this i am adding here a Song i made dedicated to Ascension.
The Highest Good For All.
Much Love and Happy Ascension!
Feel More Than Fine