Tag Archives: FeelTank

Brainwave Entrainment

The practice of bringing one’s brainwaves to a desired frequency.

This is achieved through imagination.

And to be able to live in joy in the here and now is to make it a habit to imagine more of our desired outcome,feeling into it than just being an observer.That is deliberate creation at its best.And by doing so,one feels good all of the time.When one does not feel good,it is a call to go within,find again the zero state,the neutrality and then focus again on imagining a desired outcome and when doing that bringing up the higher scale emotions of Love,Joy,Gratitude in the here and now.

So,my dear Feel More Than Fine Tribe,if you want to prove to yourselves your power of Source Energy Being you know what to do :focus more on imagining what you want,focus more on feeling into what you want and less on observing what is occuring as in these times we are living now,as the vibrations rise in,through and all around us on the planet,manifestations happen faster and faster.They may not happen precisely as one thinks and imagine and yet they happen more and more closer to a desired outcome.

Imagines,Imagines,Imagines and Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine!


Insight from 1st and 2nd Ascension Wavers.

I am first wave of Ascension and this let me be very clear makes no more superior than anybody else,just different to my task being on the planet.During the period of 2012-2019 i had to go through intense purification process creating the pathway with all first wavers to the higher dimensions for the rest of the waves and generations coming.The 2nd wavers are now in full process going through the stages of Ascension in much faster pace than the first wavers,which from one side seems cool and from another side is going to be super intense.Those ones are preparing the pathway for the 3rd wave of Ascension which is going to be even faster and so on and so on.And yesterday i was having a conversation with Lore,who is an artist from Belgium and we found out she was a 2nd waver from what she was describing.And the reason i am writting this is because what she shared with me i find mind-blowing of what is to come!!!We were speaking about New Earth education and how to assist children in learning processes and she shared with me that the star children will be attracting what they need to know through their hologram of existence.Try to rap your mind around this information here and see what is to become of our current educational systems.We the older generations even while on the Ascension awareness are just starting to comprehend how 5D world and beyond is operating.Now try to expand this thinking and apply to all other ways of living our lives,collaborating one with another and finding solutions that work for all.A few days ago,i introduced the term FEEL tankers instead of think tankers.Now,lets imagine that we gather few of the super kids and ask them to find solutions on different areas of life so they work for the highest good for all.Can you imagine with what speed we will be able to bring about solutions just with the power of our feelings?it is already happening in our individual lives for those of us who experiment with those ideas of deliberate creation,now multiply this a million fold and feel the results that will be coming out of our FEEL tankers for the highest good for all.


Feel Tank!

As we progress into the implementation of The Quantum Financial System all across the globe (NESARA, GESARA) i like to share with you one of the fundamental ways we be will working as a group at Feel More Than Fine on finding solutions – for any issue we will be facing while moving forward for Free Energy Release of Technologies ,for distribution of Celestial Chambers ,locally then globally, for local issues in Greece in day to day assistance for The Highest Good For All,expanding in our communities in Belgium ,Ibiza Spain and Feel More Than Fine Africa and Uganda – it will be that instead of coming together to think of solutions we will come together to meditate and instead FEEL into the frequency of the solution.I,myself,have been using this technique for many years now for manifesting wishes and desires and along with my partners we have been working only in this way to find solutions.Our so far experience has proven to work as we observe in our realities,while giving us ample time to live our lives without having to be concerned about immediate things that seem problematic rather accepting the way our common desire manifests.This is the best that Deliberate Creation may offer.I like to also say here that i have been receiving requests from various humanitarian organizations to assist with tackling problems and i noticed they are all using this older 3d model of thinking tank,that while it may provide solutions it does not take in consideration The Ascension process which is the true reason and the root of our existence in this time space reality.And this is something that needs radical change and it will change as more and more of those of us who are indeed aware of these changes will be coming together as groups in LightWorkers Congresses to bring solutions to any issue with ease and grace.To this i need also to mention that while i expect great issues to be solved quite fast this way,the true miracle will be when the younger ones,the children will be coming forward and we as adults truly listen to their solutions and wondering to ourselves ‘how come we did not think of this earlier?’.So at Feel More Than Fine we will be having 2 powerful models to bring solutions one will be THE FEEL TANK and the other one THE KIDS TANK!

Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos