The practice of bringing one’s brainwaves to a desired frequency.
This is achieved through imagination.

And to be able to live in joy in the here and now is to make it a habit to imagine more of our desired outcome,feeling into it than just being an observer.That is deliberate creation at its best.And by doing so,one feels good all of the time.When one does not feel good,it is a call to go within,find again the zero state,the neutrality and then focus again on imagining a desired outcome and when doing that bringing up the higher scale emotions of Love,Joy,Gratitude in the here and now.
So,my dear Feel More Than Fine Tribe,if you want to prove to yourselves your power of Source Energy Being you know what to do :focus more on imagining what you want,focus more on feeling into what you want and less on observing what is occuring as in these times we are living now,as the vibrations rise in,through and all around us on the planet,manifestations happen faster and faster.They may not happen precisely as one thinks and imagine and yet they happen more and more closer to a desired outcome.
Imagines,Imagines,Imagines and Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine Feel More Than Fine!