Straight from the Heart
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest message from Apollo on November 3, 2020: “Someone’s illustrious career is going to fall. The truth about him is being revealed. When people know the truth, the separation and hatred of the other person will go away for the most part. This will allow for unity with people in the whole. The planet is going through chaos and turmoil to find out the truth. It is a grinding and churning of life’s desire to be free. Little did most realize the state of darkness in which they have been living. The word is cesspool. The great awakening means the darkness is being cleansed and cleared. The light will bring the stability and cleansing for a healthy and heart centered paradise planet. Thank you for all of your hard work and diligence and devotion to the light. The divine plan it is playing out. We are with you always.”
How are you doing, ground crew? We know that many of you are exhausted from this unusual and elongated election. It is aggravating, confusing, uncertain, possibly frightening, and a mess. We knew that 2020 was not going to be a year when anything was going to be normal. This one takes the cake!
What is important to know in all of this is that the light has already won. It is like the end of the reel of a movie where we are waiting for the finale. I assure you that the finale is almost here. This is the great awakening and humanity has to find out what has really been going on. They have to decide whether they want to be controlled and live in an energy like China or have the freedom to choose for oneself. Some people like being told what to do so they can feel like they are good boys and girls. Others prefer to follow their hearts, to be creative, and to live natural, normal lives. Remember that feeling? We used to be able to hug, smile at each other, meet new people, see our families and friends, go to the movies and to the gym, and eat in restaurants inside. We took it for granted for little did we anticipate that these could be taken away from us.
Living with rules like wearing masks, social distancing and keeping us from being connected with the earth and each other, is not human and not natural. Yes, there is a sickening agent out there but we have been misled about most of it. Fear and the need to control us is behind it.
Are we victims or are we the spiritual warriors that we came here to be? Are we ready to stand in the strength and the courage of the light that we are? It is why we are here now.
There is a large amount of censorship going on with social media and the high-tech companies. There must be something that they don’t want most people to know. However, the light is shining on the darkness, and there will be no more secrets. When humanity finds out what has happened to the children, millions of children, most likely they will cry their hearts out.
Remember we are rising in consciousness. The planet is ascending and so are we. What served us in the third dimension will not serve us in the fifth dimension and higher consciousness. In the long run, this temporary discomfort will disappear and we will be living in the Golden Age. We will have technology that will heal us, free energy, ways to heal cancer and other diseases, abundance for all, and a different form of government that is based on councils rather than this type of service to self-government. Taxes will disappear. There will be a new financial system that is based on gold. We will be doing the work from our hearts and souls that we came here to do.
Please do not despair for that which is fading away. You have a glorious future so let go of what no longer serves you. It is superior to anything that you could have imagined.