Prelude: Dear One, yes, I AM Mother God and I do have a message for Lightworkers on this day; and for all of my Children. For even those who do not read this message are affected by it’s energy, the energy that I pour forth onto Earth at this time. I have condensed the energy bubbles into these words for all to feel and experience.
Now, dear Children, what do you want your lives to be like in the future? Do you wish to be free and happy? To live without restraints? To follow your passions and play like no one is watching? Or is it “dance like no one is watching?” (smiles) Well, I don’t know all of your sayings do I? You get the point. It is up to YOU, dear Children. You create it, you see it and imagine it and it will manifest for you. That is what life on this hologram of Earth is like. And in the future, the energies will be so high that what you focus on will manifest very quickly.
So, I say to you—pay attention to your thoughts. Let the troublesome ones pass you by, do not focus on them. Let any negative thought flow through you, do not attach any emotion to it. For your emotions, thoughts, focus and intent will create your reality. Actually it already does, but this process will be much more amplified in the near future.
So, what do you want? A house by the lake with your love? A booming house with many children and lots of love? A job doing what brings you happiness and fulfillment? A clean Earth? A community of like-minded individuals who all work and play together for their highest good? Community gardens? Health for all? Clean water, beautiful homes, fresh clean food for all? Focus and pay attention to your thoughts. OK, I think you all get that. Yes, it is simple, but very, very important.
Here is a message of hope for the hurting ones, for the people who are suffering. I see your pain and worry and send you my love, dear Children. We are working on something to make your lives much better. Strategic plans that have been in the works for many millennia are finally finishing up now. These plans are actions of a Revolution to bring your freedoms back. I set forth my intentions that the dark ones would no longer control Earth. My children have lived under this enslavement for far too long. Please know (as you have heard) Earth is a “free will” planet. This is why I did not step in and put a halt to this enslavement many, many years ago.
But the time came when I could no longer put up with this situation, so I put a halt to it. My teams of Lightworkers or White Hats which include your own Lightworker family, your Galactic family and many of the Company of Heaven (Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides, etc). Have been working on this plan to return Earth to the Light for many years.
This actionable plan is almost complete. Many of the dark ones, the darkest of the dark, have already been removed. Your Light Teams are still working to this day to finish up this clearing process. They surely can use your love, strength, courage and protection. Pray for them, send them love and healing energy! They are tired and weary, just as you are. You are many and can help a great deal by sending them your love and light!!! Please do this and your New Earth will be born quicker. It is also a beautiful way to send your gratitude for the hard work that they have all been doing. Gratitude is very powerful, it carries love with it too; very powerful love!
Be generous with your Love and Gratitude dear Children. We have a never-ending supply of it and it blooms and grows and spreads like the most beautiful lights you have ever seen. I have the joy of watching your love spread and flow all over Earth. You are all very powerful Creator Beingsand you delight in using your power for good; for bringing joy and beauty into your world. Trust that this process works and that your combined love blasts are making a very big difference!Yes, it is true, dear Children.
There is much to be grateful for and I am ever so grateful for all of you bright shining Souls, my dear Children. I am a proud Mother on this day. Feel my love blasts and my pink light of unconditional love which wraps you up like a warm fuzzy blanket. I also have warm, fluffy socks or slippers for you if you prefer. (smiles) Feel my love warm your heart and all of your insides. We are connected, dear Children. You, I and all of us together. Our combined love can power in the New Earth. Believe this for it is true. KNOW THIS.
I AM your Mother God and I wish you all a beautiful, lovely shining day. Thank you for Being YOU, the Divine Child that I created for this purpose. You all have a calling and a Mission. You are here NOW for this Mission of being a Lightworker. You shine your light and love wherever it is needed. I tell you, the White Hats and Alliance who are fighting for you need your Light and Love now.Please send it to them, and while you are at it, send it right back to yourselves, to your Galactic family, to Gaia and all her Kingdoms, the Company of Heaven and right back to me and your Father God! Together we will create a giant, beautiful circle of love, dear hearts! Yes! It is stunning and pulsing and beautiful. Thank you for your service, dear Children, I love to more than you can ever comprehend. I AM your Mother God and I am ever so proud of all of you. Go with my love.
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin