Andromedan Collective 2/5/2019

Greetings neighbors! We are your friends the Andromedan Collective, here to wish you a joyful new day and happy Chinese New Year! Many ships are perusing your skies, your seas, ensuring your safety and a successful transformation / transition from dark to light, 4D to 5D. People are feeling these changes, we can see this, for we do have the technology to observe you lovingly, not intrusively, and we can see your energy signatures, your vibrations from high above and it is beautiful when you are doing your light work, your prayers, when you are working on Gaia’s grid or extending the hands of forgiveness.
We see this as light, as love and we see the physicality of the light that you extend, and it is beautiful. You are beautiful. Society has told you that you are not unless you look like a certain prototype. That is nonsense, and we want to assure you that Source does come in all sizes, shapes, forms, all experiences. And Source is Source, as are you. Therefore you are beautiful because you have that inner spark, that inner light, that angelic hue of greatness that takes our breath away and it is nothing to be dimmed down. And so, today on this new year, embrace your beauty.
Embrace the beauty that is you, in your glorious self, your strongest most assured self. For that is the self that you will need to be tapping into in the following days where it might bet a bit bumpy. And we know that you, the strong ones, are chomping at the bit, ready to ride and we also see that many of the other humans are not, and have no idea what is going to befall them. But in the midst of the chaos is much blessing, is much light, is much love. So no matter how it looks, see the light, the love, see the beauty in the situation. See the beauty, and you are a big part of that beauty. For your fortitude, your strength, your resolve, your love will cross over the barriers, will become with outstretched hands, the rainbow bridge to the others, helping them across with your vibrations of service.
We will help you. Many, many will help you. You do not have to do this all alone, but you do have to try your best, your hardest, and tap into that warrior side of you. The Christed light burning within is enough, more so, than you have ever had the capacity to understand yet. And so we see that you are well fortified, well loved, well protected. Your beauty, your strength, your power is quite real, we assure you. And so we are eager to partner with our friends and family on the ground, our ground team, to effectively employ Operation Ascension Gaia and walk alongside you in the midst of these massive changes. You are ready. It begins.
~ galaxygirl