Blessings Beloveds,
The Sacred Season energies are flowing. Solstice is stepping forth as a transformative Gateway which gives us perspective on the massive letting go of the Old Self, old structures, and ways of Being which occurred for many this year.
Kindwhile … I AM in a state of Divine and profound gratitude as December 12th approaches.
The Assembly of Higher Realms gathered in this season are sending Infinite LoveLight to all who participated in the original 12.12.12 Gateway activations for the birth of New Earth; a day of honoring our dedication, and beloved Gaia’s revelation of new realms for us to inhabit.
What an experience the 12.12.12 was; witnessing Gaia as she created a brand new platform for our Ascension!
To watch her reveal the New Earth through the veils on that day, feel her glorious accomplishment, and have her confirm that all willing hearts would indeed Ascend to that new expression of Diamond-Crystalline-Solar consciousness was an event that changed us forever ~ across the realms.
This year is the ten-year anniversary of that 12.12.12 event ~ and marks the completion of a bold unified task. That series of unified actions, beginning with the 1.1.1 (January 1, 2001), 2.2.2, 3.3.3 … and culminating twelve years later with the 12.12.12, was the largest unified accomplishment since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.
Trajectories are now inevitably pointed at Ascension, thanks to these willing hearts in unified Service. Deep bows to all who were involved.
12.12 Unity Meditation: Ten years of a New Gaia
The weather is shifting in Sedona, and rain/snow are predicted for Monday. In the interests of keeping everyone safe and warm (Red rocks get very slippery), we won’t be meeting in person to meditate.
We are connecting in the field of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness on Monday at 8AM PST/11AM EST to honor the ten-year anniversary of the 12-12-12.
Add your Light and Gratitude as these Stargates open! Meditate with us, wherever you are, for 30 minutes, focused on gratitude for Gaia and all she has provided for our Ascension.
Intentional crystal grids assist with generating the intensifying Divine Mother frequencies during this Sacred Season.
Free YouTube Live: Sacred Season Guidance

Unique Stargates open during Sacred Season.
Learn to use these Sacred Season Ascension energies during a free YouTube Live on Saturday December 17 at 9AM-10AM PST.
- Solstice preparation
- Unified experience in the Crystalline Zero Point Field
- Align with the Assembly of Higher Realms
Replay will post to my channel afterward. Subscribe to my YouTube channel (Ascension Path with Sandra Walter) for reminders and live access.
Sacred Season Flows New Light Intelligence
Gaia is offering clear access to the Master Crystals and Stargate Crystals, which contain the wisdom, methods, and support for utilizing the Ascension energies through the third week of January.
Please add your light, Presence, and pure intent to the Global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!