Would you believe it if i tell you that i will posting notes for you to print and use at your bank ?
Well, it is happening 🙂 And Queen Romana of Canada is making this happen.

This is the Promissory Note/I Owe You Note.
This is a lawful tender / legal tender in all Countries.
It is a negotiable Note.
The Banks know how this works. This is their language and creation.
Use your DL or Passport for ID
You would need to look up the Bill of Exchange laws in your own Country.
You can use this to pay Bank Bills (especially banks – mortgages, credit cards, etc.), Government Bills, etc.
Your small grocery stores may not know what to do with it…
The laws I’ve sited on this note is Canada’s Bill of Exchange laws.
Use this during this transition period.
When the Bank uses this note and negotiates it with a 3rd party (trade on it), your debts disappears 😊
Queen Romana Didulo of Canada.
@RomanaDidulo, Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, Queen of Canada/President of Canada. This is my real account. All others are fake.