Our Meditations managed to stabilize the positive path to the Event a bit.
A few days before Eris-Pluto’s exact heliocentric quadrature Meditation on August 31, clouds and several rare rainbows appeared in Taiwan.
The Solar System beyond the Lunar Orbit is already entering the Age of Aquarius, as the last traces of the Primary Anomaly are being removed from there. The massive influx of Angelic Energy of Light is now being experienced throughout the Solar System and people who are sensitive to these Energy are able to connect with them.
Draco fleet cleansing is taking place according to plan and the Forces of Light have reported that the probability of an ′′ alien invasion ′′ of Dracos is now less than 1 %, the probability of a false alien invasion staged by the Illuminati is of 7%, the U.S.-China probability of war is 9 %, while the probability of civil war in the United States remains at 35 %.
The Mjolnir technology that the Forces of Light are using is actually a quantum cannon technology that emits a strong climbing field through quantum foam and forces all forms of wave of matter from the quantum state superposed to the physical manifestation. This forces all Draco ships to appear on the physical plane, and then, immediately contained by the Galactic Confederation, and their staff is processed through the classification installation of Ganymede (Jupiter Moon).
Mjolnir Motherships are positioned in a giant dodecahedron just beyond the Lunar Orbit and are issuing a strong Mjolnir force field toward Earth.
When the Forces of Light were cleaning up the Draco fleet, they rescued many hostages among them, Soul-Gemini from many key commanders of the Galactic Confederation. These commanders were threatened by the Dracos that their Souls and Gemini would be tortured if the commanders did not cooperate with them, and sabotaged many plans of the Light Force. This is how Dracos were able to create many delays and setbacks and that’s why the pandemic of coronavirus couldn’t be stopped in January and February.
These Soul-Gemini hostages were rescued and the Commanders committed to the Confederation Motherships outside our Solar System, where they will be able to get the cure and then repair as much as possible the damage they created.
These committed commanders were also responsible for spreading false information through many channels of the Light Workers in recent years. This is one of the main reasons why most sources of plumbing are unreliable. The other reason is that these Light Workers have a belief system that they know everything, and they seem to be speaking with authority, when in reality they are almost completely ignorant. The third reason, declared several times, is the infiltration of dark forces into the Light Workers community.
Now, with this great sabotage exposed, the Forces of Light are able to progress much more effectively and with much less delays. After removing the Draco Fleet, they will begin systematically cleaning up the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC): http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html
The vast majority of Cabal members on IBC and also on the surface are Incarnate Dracos, which means they came from the Draco Star System many thousands of years ago and then had incarnate cycles on Earth, embodying in human physical bodies while holding bodies of Draco energy.
They now want to unsuccessfully create their own version of Reset and push this planet into technology dystopia:
They also want to unsuccessfully spread new mutant versions of the coronavirus:
A solid scientific evidence that the virus was created in laboratory is finally available:
They are using the energy of the next Conjunction between Saturn and Chariklo on September 21 to create as many lockdowns as possible around the world, because they have artificially inflicted the number of cases of coronavirus due to misuse of the PCR coronavirus test:
https://www.dailywire.com/news/ny-times-up-to-90-of-people-who-test-positive-for-covid-19-no-longer-contagious-dont-need-to- isolate
They are using blockage situations to start testing how people would react to FEMA fields in Ohio and Quebec:
Understandably, people are protesting this:
And also against blockages in general, for example, in this massive protest in Berlin:
This protest was a great victory in the hidden war against the dark forces as it began to heal the so-called Prussian Negative Timeline.
The main protest took place at the Great Star square in Berlin (Der Große Stern), in the center of which is the Victory Column (Die Siegessäule):
At the top of the column is a large statue of the goddess Victoria, which is the center of the Berlin Goddess Vortex. This vortex was reactivated during the protest and began to heal the Prussian Timeline.
The Prussian Schedule was initialized in the early 19th century by Prussian negative occultists who imagined a soulless dystopian technological-dystopian society dominated by Prussia. This Timeline is responsible for the Nazi Secret Space Program that includes the Neu Berlin underground base in Antarctica (now in the hands of the IBC) and the creation of the BlackFleet.
Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:
To create a ′′ color revolution ′′ in the US:
Trump, on the other hand, can use the Insurrection Act to neutralize this:
Positive Military may or may not use the Insurrection Act to trigger the Delta Option (* force a quick and chaotic advancement of prisons to enable the Event) shortly after the election:
Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to idolize or hate Trump.
They are using Trump’s emotional investment energy as a tool to architect a civil war in the US. The Forces of Light are therefore urging everyone to remove their positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much light as possible into it.
And send some love energy to animals:
And connect with beauty:
Or read this book:
Victory of Light!
Source: https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/09/progress-report.html?m=1