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POWERFUL OPPORTUNITIES FOR FEBRUARY 2023 by Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org February 1, 2023 As we Birthed this New Year 2023, the Company of Heaven revealed to us that during this twelve-month cycle you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity will be given unique opportunities to develop the latent abilities encoded within our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. We are being told that many of these opportunities will involve an Awakening and a shift in our awareness that will be triggered by influxes of Light that will affect every particle and wave of Life on Earth in powerful ways. This process began in the month of January, during which we experienced unusually powerful Solar Flares from our physical Sun and the Central Suns in Earth’s lineage. These X-Class and M-Class Solar Flares opened a Portal of Light that allowed Humanity to receive higher frequencies of Solar Light Codes than we have been able to previously withstand at a cellular level. This prepared us for an unprecedented cleansing within the distorted psychic-astral realm surrounding Mother Earth. In addition to the influx of Light from the Suns in our System of Worlds, on February 1st and 2nd a very rare Green Comet will pass by the Earth. Scientists say the last time we experienced this Comet was over 50,000 years ago. People often think of Comets as just dirty snowballs, but that is not true. Every particle and wave of Life in the whole of Creation has a degree of intelligence and a purpose and reason for being. Literally nothing is happening by accident or happenstance. The Company of Heaven has told us over the years that the pathways of Comets and Meteors are Divinely guided. When a Comet or Meteor passes through our Solar System it “shake the ethers” and shatters the dense and discordant thoughtforms and negative patterns from Humanity’s past that are still pulsating in the psychic-astral realm surrounding Earth. Once the thoughtforms for these obsolete human miscreations have been shattered, it is much easier for Humanity to Transmute back into Light the residue from the mutated primal Light substance that formed these distorted patterns. We can easily accomplish this essential cleansing activity of Light by invoking the NEW 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that due to the incredible shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness that have taken place within the hearts and minds of Humanity since the Birth of this decade in 2020, the Light of God flowing through every person’s Heart Flame is pushing more of our obsolete human miscreations to the surface to be Healed than ever before. Consequently, the powerful Green Comet that is passing by the Earth on February 1st and 2nd will be able to shatter more of the thoughtforms and patterns from our obsolete and distorted human miscreations than we have previously experienced. The grossly mutated Electronic Light substance from these shattered miscreations will be easily Transmuted back into Light with the Violet Flame. We are being asked by the Company of Heaven to join them in an activity of Light during which we will invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving. Together, we will Transmute into Light the atomic and subatomic particles and waves of Humanity’s shattered miscreations from the past. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this powerful opportunity please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now. And we begin. INVOKING THE VIOLET FLAME OF COSMIC FORGIVENESS I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns. I AM One with the new 5th-Dimensional Silent Watchers for Planet Earth. I AM One with the Legions of Light associated with our Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. On this holy day, through the Divine Intervention of these Beings of Light now gathered in the atmosphere of Earth, I invoke from the very Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of God’s 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving at this time. Beloved Legions of Light, use this Gift of Cosmic Forgiveness to instantaneously Transmute back into Light every Electron of precious Life energy associated with Humanity’s past miscreations which are now being shattered by the passing Green Comet. Breathe into every person’s Heart Flame the most intensified frequencies of God’s Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that Universal Law will allow. Blaze the full Divine Momentum of this incomparable frequency of FORGIVENESS in, through and around every Electron of precious Life energy that has ever been misqualified by the Sons and Daughters of God in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown. Legions of Light, sustain this activity of Cosmic Forgiveness with every newly balanced and elevated Holy Breath Humanity takes. Intensify this Gift of Divine Forgiveness until every Electron of precious Life energy that has been, or ever will be, misqualified by the freewill choices of Humanity is Transmuted back into Light cause, core, effect, record and memory. I now ACCEPT and KNOW that through this activity of Light these Electrons of precious Life energy from Humanity’s past miscreations are mercifully being Transmuted back into their original perfection. Now, Beloved Ones, I command through the Presence of God, I AM, that you permanently seal every particle and wave of this Transmuted precious Electronic Light substance in an invincible Forcefield of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love now and forever. And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM. EXPANDING THE CORE OF PURITY IN THE ELECTRONS The Company of Heaven is affirming that Transfiguring our carbon-based Earthly Bodies into our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies will move into full swing during 2023 and the next few years. This Transfiguration will be accomplished through the cooperation and the unified efforts of our I AM Presence, our Body Elemental, our Silent Watcher, the Mighty Elohim, the Directors of the Elements and the Elemental Kingdom. Today, the Company of Heaven wants to remind us of a very critical factor in this process of Divine Alchemy. The aging, disease, degeneration and mortification of the flesh we experience in our Earthly Bodies are a result of our fall from Grace. These painful conditions were never part of God’s original Divine Plan for the Children of Earth. In the beginning, the plan was that we would evolve through our Earthly experiences using our creative faculties of thought and feeling to become masters of energy, vibration and consciousness, thus becoming Cocreators with our Father-Mother God. The initial plan was that we would evolve in vehicles of eternal youth, vibrant health and infinite perfection, so that we could learn the lessons of Cocreation without any distractions from our Earthly Bodies. When we began experimenting with our thoughts and feelings in ways that were not based in Love, the discordant frequencies of vibration we were miscreating began to reflect in our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies as well as on the environment of Earth. This situation gradually resulted in breaking down the perfect patterns imprinted within the messenger codes in our Twelve Strands of DNA. The intent of these codes was to form the DNA molecules that would be the building blocks for our Earthly Bodies. Unfortunately, the bombardment of our negativity on these codes caused weak, distorted cellular structures to form which eventually became the aging, disease, deformity, decay and death within our bodies that we now, tragically, accept as a normal part of our life experience. Through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakening Humanity during the past several years, our Twelve Strands of DNA which became fragmented and dormant after the fall were reactivated. That allowed our I AM Presence to recalibrate those Strands of DNA which, in turn, paved the way in 2019 for our I AM Presence to activate our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA which contain the messenger codes for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies we will abide in on the New Earth. In our Ascension process, the time has come for Humanity to reverse the adverse effects of the fall. It is time for us to Transfigure our Earthly Bodies into the perfection of our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. In order to accelerate this process, we need to reactive the Core of Purity within every Electron of precious life energy. The Company of Heaven is now sharing with us information about the significance of the Core of Purity that exists within the Electrons that form our Earthly Bodies and every other facet of Life on Earth. This Sacred Knowledge is a key factor in the Divine Mission we are all being Called to Cocreate in 2023. Purity is at the Heart of all Creation, and it is an extremely important quality that we must learn to utilize in our physical Transfiguration process. As we understand more about the Divine Quality of Purity, we realize how important it is for us to use this Gift continually in our daily life experiences. For instance, PURITY is a living Breathing pulsation within the core of every Electron of energy evolving on Earth. Every facet of life is comprised of intelligent Electrons rotating around the central core of the atom. The atom is a miniature Universe in itself and is the building block of ALL physical manifestation, including our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. The frequency of Purity at the core of every Electron vibrates so rapidly that no discord can enter into it or contaminate its radiance. If we could stop one Electron of energy as it passes through the Universe, we would see that within the Electron is contained the complete Nature of God: all of God’s Power, all of God’s Majesty, all of God’s Divinity. Every single Electron contains within the central Core of Purity, the totality of God’s Perfection. Each Electron is an intelligent Life Force. As it is projected forth from the Heart of God, it joyously and eagerly awaits the opportunity to serve Life and to expand God’s Infinite Light in the world of form. Each second, trillions and trillions of tiny Electrons flow from the Source of ALL That Is through our I AM Presence and into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our Heart. We then send the Electrons into the World qualified with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. The Core of Purity in the Electrons themselves cannot be contaminated with our destructive behavior. The misqualification occurs when we cloak the electrons in vibrations that are not based in Love. Every form of pain and suffering is the result of Humanity, in some time frame or dimension either known or unknown, placing a cloak of shadow around the Electrons when we send them forth through our negative thoughts, feelings, words and actions. When we truly understand this process, we realize that regardless of how bad our life situation seems or how bad our physical condition is, Purity and God’s Perfection are STILL pulsating in the Core of Purity in every Electron manifesting as those painful experiences. Within its Core of Purity every Electron is waiting even NOW to be released from its cloak of darkness, so it can manifest the perfection of God’s original Divine Plan. Remember, every Electron is an intelligent form of Life that will respond to the command of our I AM Presence. Everything existing in our lives is comprised of Electrons, whether we’re talking about a person, a place, a condition or a thing. The Electrons that make up our life experiences are reflecting our Consciousness. These tiny Beings of Light came forth from the Heart of God and answered the Call to obey the magnetic pull of our I AM Presence and our Heart Flame. Once the Electrons entered our Heart Flame, we had the free will to qualify them with any thoughts or feelings we chose. Since these tiny Light Beings must obey the Divinity in our Heart Flames, we have the ability to speak directly to them and to command through the Power of God—I AM—that they continuously and permanently expand the Flame of Purity pulsating at their very core. Today, the Company of Heaven will guide us through an activity of Light on behalf of the precious Electrons. If you have the Heart Call, please join with me and the Company of Heaven now. And we begin. A DECREE FOR THE PRECIOUS ELECTRONS I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the full power of the I AM Presence and the Threefold Flame pulsating in every Heart, I speak directly to the Divine Intelligence within every Electron of precious Life energy existing in my Earthly Bodies and the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. Blessed Electrons, through the Power of God, I AM, I COMMAND that the Flame of Purity in the central core of your Being now EXPAND, EXPAND, and EXPAND continuously and permanently. Through the power of God, I AM, I direct the Crystalline-white Flame of Purity to cast off any shadows cloaking the Electrons within my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and the Electrons within the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. Sacred Flame of Purity, cast all of these shadows into the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. Instantly TRANSFIGURE every shadow back into its original perfection. Raise every rate of vibration which is causing any form of limitation in my life or in the World into the Heart-based frequencies of the New Earth. As the Flame of Purity quickens the vibratory rate of each Electron, I witness every cloak of darkness being cast into the Violet Flame. All shadows created by Humanity’s past misuse of our precious Gift of Life are being instantly TRANSFIGURED into Light. From this moment forth, through the Grace of God and my I AM Presence, I AM experiencing the blazing White Light of Purity continuously and permanently expanding, expanding and expanding within the Core of Purity in every Electron of precious Life energy on Earth. I ACCEPT and KNOW that through the command of my I AM Presence, this purification is being God Victoriously accomplished through all dimensions, all timeframes and all levels of Consciousness. And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM. Dear One, allow this Sacred Knowledge to inspire your Lightwork. Contemplate what a blessing the Flame of Purity is for the precious Electrons in your Earthly Bodies and every other facet of Life on Earth. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440 www.eraofpeace.org This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization ©2023 Patricia Cota-Robles |