Feel More Than Fine in Bonn City
Feel More Than Fine are Healthy Dance Events thriving in bringing people together with the intention to raise the vibrations on ecstatic beats and with the intelligent use of The Mind/Body/Spirit Complex through Dancing.
Purified Water or maybe just Divine Love is all is needed!
And Dancing is the best form of Meditation!
Our next event takes places in Bonn,Germany on May 22nd,2016.
Here is a full description:
Absolutely no need to use alcohol or drugs to get high.As a matter of fact these substances are attracting entities in our auric field,creating negativity on the environment of the person who makes such choice.Free will is ours and nobody can interfere for our well being except ourself.Watch here this 10′ video explaining the spiritual effects of alcohol with a scientific proof.
Here few of our events involving Yoga and Acro Yoga.
and the early opening at Solar 2014 when everybody is still sober 🙂
Daybreaker are similar events taking place in United States,here is a video of their party:https://vimeo.com/146402615
Inbreath of Creation- Archangel Michael
Michael’s Message | |
Beloved masters, the Rays of Divine Light, which are radiated throughout Creation via the great Archangels, not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father / Mother God, but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being Ray-diatedthroughout all Creation. However, it is each person’s responsibility to be receptive to this gift of Living Light, to integrate as much as possible, and then to pass on a portion to humanity, and also a “tithe” of Love/Light and gratitude back to the SOURCE of ALL.
Universal Law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious Souls begin to return a portion of the Divine gifts of Love/Life they have been allotted—it is called the Law of Responsive Return.
When you actively participate in sharing your allotment of Adamantine Particles in times of prayer, affirmation, meditation and via the World Pyramid, you are fulfilling your obligation to our God Parents as an active and caring cocreator. This is the highest and most effective form of tithing. It is important to share your earthly riches, but even more important to share your loving energy, gifts and talents of Spirit.
The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount— that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment—can be stored within the physical vessel. The remainder must be RAY-diated out into the world of form. The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence power which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude. That wondrous Essence power has been reduced within every dimensional level of Creation so that you, the Star Seed cocreators, may claim your portion of this magnificent energy.
Each human Being contains hundreds of potential personality traits, which have been stored within the genetic structure of his/her four-bodily systems (physical / mental / emotional / etheric). It is up to each person to determine which personality traits he/she will develop and present to the outside world. The faster you neutralize or harmonize your negative personality traits, the more quickly your godly potential or your master Self will emerge. Only then will you gain access to your full potential as a cocreative master within the physical planes of existence.
When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher Dimensions: the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain; and the expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra and your column of Light. These are major physical steps in the Ascension process, for they will clear and expand your connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light Particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles.
At that point, you begin to build a force field of the Full-Spectrum Light for this Sub-Universe, as you strive to become a Self-master, and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.
In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need, and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be used in the wondrous creations of the new Divine Blueprint. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of Ascension.
The SACRED TRIAD is the vehicle through which the God-Seed Atom works, just as the Soul works through the personality on the Earth Plane. The Seventh sub-level, Fourth-Dimensional, Causal Body is a vehicle of higher Soul-consciousness. The Causal Body is the Spiritual Body of the God-Seed Atom Soul Fragments, and it is an intermediary between Spirit and matter, life and form.
THE THREE COSMIC CORDS OF LIGHT: There are three COSMIC GOLDEN CORDS OF LIGHT FROM WITHIN YOUR GOD-SEED ATOM, which flow down through your many SACRED TRIADS into your Fourth-Dimensional Causal Body, and then down into your OverSoul / Higher Self into the physical vessel. The three cords are the LIFE FORCE ENERGY CORD, THE CONSCIOUSNESS CORD, AND THE CREATIVE CORD.
The higher wisdom and refined energy required for traversing the sub-levels of the Third/Fourth Dimensions are supplied by the three God Ray attributes and qualities of each, more refined, OverSoul/Higher Self. This vital energy flows through the Threefold Life / Light Cords within the person’s Column of Light: Life Force Energy / Conscious awareness / Creativity.
As a person gradually awakens to the nudgings of the Soul and Higher Self, thereby becoming a Seeker of higher wisdom, the Consciousness and Creativity Cords become active, and vital frequencies of Self-mastery and Ascension begin to flow into the physical vessel. Eventually, higher frequency, vibrational patterns will be radiated from the GOD-SEED ATOM down through the River of Life column of Light–the Antakarana–into the Soul Star, and then directly into the Pineal and Pituitary glands, and also into the Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. The physical mind, controlled earlier by the ego desire-body personality, is now controlled by the higher frequency consciousness of the Soul Self.
Each Sacred Triad was diminished in Light Quotient as it moved further out into the void and the density of Creation. The beginning Fifth-Dimensional stage of awareness—the densest, first sub-level—will initiate a focus on the mental body, and the integration of Divine Will. Specific evolutionary laws apply on each sub-plane as well as on each full plane of consciousness.
Every SACRED/SPIRITUAL TRIAD contains the Essence of the Three God Rays for this Sub-Universe: DIVINE WILL * LOVE/INTUITION * INTELLIGENCE IN ACTION.
THE LAWS OF SPIRIT WITHIN THE FIFTH DIMENSION ENTAIL: Learning how to wield energy in the physical, material world using the three God Rays from within your GOD-SEED ATOM, via the SACRED TRIAD of the first sub-level of the Fifth Dimension, to which you are gradually becoming attuned. It is also vitally important that you learn to stay centered within the Still Point of Infinity—the NOW moment of God Power.
The TRINITY aspect of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, BODY / MIND / SPIRIT, will become a perfected DUALITY, a Soul-Infused Personality—a fully conscious Soul on the physical plane. From that point onward, the Soul-infused personality is directly connected to the Fifth-Dimensional, entry-level, Sacred Triad, which is connected to all of the higher-frequency Sacred Triads throughout the Multi-Dimensions. After completing this stage of evolution, there will no longer be an Over-Soul/Higher Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
SOLAR PLEXUS: * SOUL-INFUSED PERSONALITY (This occurs after the ego-desire body has been returned to its proper role as a servant of the Soul, so that it may then be incorporated into the SOLAR POWER CENTER). The Soul’s primary goal is to prepare Its physical vessel host to integrate enough Creator Light to lift Its frequencies from the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional environment into the base Fifth-Dimensional level. At that point, the physical vessel becomes Soul-infused, or an empowered Soul, within a complimentary vessel. The aspirant is no longer just a human Being with a sustaining Soul. Each person is like a miniature whirlpool in an ocean of the Creator’s dynamic, swirling energy.
As you traverse the sub-levels of the Fifth Dimension, there is a Sacred Triad stationed within each of the Seven Sub-Dimensional levels, each one diminished in size and Light Power from the one above. All of the Sacred Triads were sent forth directly from within the Heart-Core of your God-Seed Atom, and they have been stationed within every Sub-/Full-Dimensional level—all the way down to the lowest—the first Sub-Plane of the Fifth Dimension. As human Beings—Spirit/Soul/Physical Body—you are infused with the WILL to create, a sense of purpose, instinctual incentive, and a complex nature. Each person will have unique moods, desires, qualities, inherited complexities and inhibitions, for each incarnation is the sum total of the major aspects of a person’s thousands of life experiences. The Soul is reflected through the personality until Soul integration is complete, at which time the Soul Self OverLights the personality and expresses directly through it.
Your planet is now plugged directly into the Heart-Core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower Fourth- and Third Sub-Dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.
As a result of its alignment with the Galactic Center and attunement with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, the Earth is in the process of raising its frequency patterns—its Soul Song—so it can return to its status as a Sacred Planet. This Sub-Universe is also being upgraded in vibrational frequencies as a result of being bombarded with the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light via our Universal Mother /Father God.
Beloveds, the process that is now taking place is called the Inbreath of Creation. A new, powerful and all-encompassing clarion call has rung forth on your planet, and millions have once more stepped forward to answer the call. We are gathering our forces, of which you are an integral part, as preparations are made to expand Creation out into the great void. The Creator’s radiance is now viable and active in your galaxy, solar system and on planet Earth, and you may draw forth as much of this rarified Love/Light as your physical body can contain as long as you use all you draw forth for the greater good.
Ask and we will assist you in every endeavor. Call on us and we will bolster your courage and lighten your burdens. Know that the days ahead are bright with promise as you walk the path of the masters before you. We shower down upon you a full measure of the radiance of our Father/Mother God. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : RonnaStar@earthlink.net
Note: Please scroll down to the bottom of this email for links to foreign language translations.
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I Love ya all and keep the faith, throw the rest back and let it grow up to be like you someday
Don’t go kicking and screaming into your blessing. It’s embarrassing at the finish line.
All the things that anger and frustrate you are your final illusions in this odd physical reality.
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Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you
It comes back to where we started with deepest truths,I ‘ve been talking about connecting bare feet in nature for quite some time now,here is once again Hilarion’s confirmation,along my blog about Grounding /Centering.
HILARION’s WEEKLY MESSAGEby Marlene Swetlishoff ~ March 27 – April 3, 2016 |
Beloved Ones, The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you. Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious! |
You are not alone in this transformation; the entire world is in the throes of great change. It begins in the minute cells of every living thing upon the planet and it is being felt internally. It is important as we have stressed many times before, to connect to the Earth each day. Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you. This is something that humanity as a whole needs to become more aware of, for it is the Earth your planet that is your home. There is only one Earth and it needs acknowledgement and love from its inhabitants. Each day ask your Divine Essence to shift your consciousness in order that you see your individual circumstances through the higher perspective. A higher connection to the divinity within you can make your way through life more peaceful and harmonious. This also develops the qualities of trust and courage within you. Trust that all that is experienced by you and your loved ones are happening for a higher reason and purpose. If we could share one most important piece of advice at this moment in time, it would be that you begin the daily practice of blessing. Bless every circumstance that you find yourself in and look within for the gift it contains. Bless the loved ones with whom you are experiencing challenges, for they are being the courageous souls who agreed to play this role in order that you learn your soul lessons and grow beyond them. They took this on because of their love for you. |
Bless every bird, every animal, every tree, every plant, and living thing within your immediate environment. Realize that everything you see is the Source of All That Is in physical manifestation. This is practicing the highest form of love in action and it is what is needed now. Do not allow distractions to take you away from this practice. Realize and become aware of the cycles that are occurring on the planetary and seasonal level and work in unison with them. You are an integral part with all of it and your love helps to maintain and sustain it. In everything that occurs, choose love as your response. Until next week… I AM Hilarion Share video version by using this link: 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. |
Time to Celebrate Your Freedom from Money-Mind-Control
We are moving together, dear friends, and our journey takes us to unexplored territory every day. Our beloved Michael has spoken with you about our CO-RV, and of your personal clearing and dedication to the Light which helps bring through the energy of Ascension, and therefore the RV along with all the other wonderful programs that bring Freedom for Earth and all upon her. Your response to his messages this week has already helped to reduce the back-wash of negativity that flooded our Lightworkers who are standing on the front lines transmuting the intense toxic energies produced by feelings of frustration, disappointment and resentment.
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Focus on Love & Light – Prime Creator
Prime Creator channeled by Suzie Beiler answers the following questions:
1.What will occur after the monetary reform.
2.What is the connection between anunnaki and religion.
3.How progresses the soul during incarnations.
4.How to set a clear boundary with the substance we choose to put in our body.
5.How to cut off any connection with a substance.
6.Why the human brain of most beings is not at place to understand all that is happening.
7.Why is it important to always choose our focus.
I Am The Substance From Which Money Is Formed
Is Marijuana Good For Spiritual Growth?
-When you engage in any substance your susceptible on taking on the programs of this substance ,each substance has its own frequency,its own vibration.Each substance has an origin and you engage with this origin and you are feeding it with your own energy.
-Earth reaching 288 Hz beginning of March.
This and More In This Video by Suzie Beiler.
You are living transformers, drawing in an enormous amount of Light while simultaneously discharging a constant release of transformed energy -SANANDA
How come that in none of our religious books is mentioned that next to The Crucifixion of Jesus another Crucifixion took place?
The Secret Crucifixion of Mary Magdalena.
You got to ask yourself this question,especially now that Easter is here.Once again i do not mean to break your holidays,Truth has to come out.It Is Big Time.And another Truth too:with every little drop of alcohol,name it beer or wine you are lowering your vibration for a week.Yes,i know there are many out there to send me flames of hate and before you do that,i ask you to look a deep look into yourself and see what is that you are doing to yourself every time you are sending hate to somebody.Cause your hate doesn’t affect me at all.It only affects you and your reality.One example?Look at what happened in Paris and what happened now in Brussels.It is the collective hate that has attracted this kind of events believe it or not.The truth is difficult to swallow but the time has come to bring out there All Truth as we are called to leave in higher dimension of living where unconditional love is the rule,where all men,women and children live truly happy.This goes also from the financial abundance of everyone,even if most will say that money is not important.It is important cause this is the way towards true freedom where money will not be necessary any longer.So please,once again,especially Belgium where i have the most friends through this profile,i ask you with so much love and invite you to look inside you,to take the time to connect with your higher self in prayer and meditation and ask for your peace and worldwide peace.Ask and it is given!The Angels have confirmed me that all victims of Brussels are now living happy in another dimension at The Pleiades along with other 70 billion other souls that got released from their Astral attachments.That was the message of our brother Jesus.Resurrection of every living being is possible.I am talking about your Resurrection in this reality and The Resurrection of all other souls in another reality.We are all part of God,God is immortal,We are Immortal,let fear leave your building by being grateful for what you have and rejoice for what is coming with the re evaluation of currencies that will help bring our realities towards unimaginable dimensions of existence.Prosperity and Abundance is a state of mind.It is all here for you now if you choose to attract this to you by being in high vibrations in the core of your being by feeling good!And not just feeling good but FEEL MORE THAN FINE everybody FEEL MORE THAN FINEl In The Core of Your Being to Raise Your Vibration to Manifest Heaven On Earth.
Here comes Sananda Channeled by Kathryn E.May :
The essential element in humankind’s freedom is not money – it is your individual and collective Ascension, the uplifting of your soul – Ashtar
We Are At 95% Of Critical Mass – Father Mother God
Gratitude For Susie Beiler Channeling The Source of All Creation:Our Beloved Father Mother God ,Prime Creator,Supreme Creator.
Listen with your heart and you know.
Channeling covers:
-Blessing Our Water and Food with Violet Flame till Technologies Arrive.
-Soul’s individuality ,how it remains when it returns to the source existing always in the etheric records.These data always joined with the soul when it leaves source again.
-We are at 94-95% of Critical Mass .
-Misinformation and Fear Based Theories about our Star Brothers and Sisters.
and much more!
First Contact With Galactic Ship Already Happened To Me
One of the first times i came into Connection contact with a Galactic Ship it was few years ago when i was on a shamanic retreat in Ibiza doing a plant based therapy with San Pedro plant with A Shaman from Peru , Lilo that has already ascended in the higher realms since few years.I was also assisted by Belinda and Toby Clark from Healing Ibiza as they are witnesses of that same experience.Do you know what is the first thing i did to show them how happy i was to finally connect with them?I started Dancing like an Indian around Fire.Dancing is a great way to communicate.Better than any words.Let’s Dance??? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Crying From Happiness
Last night i dreamed about people making huge lines in front of banks as they start to realise that we can all start trusting again our financial institutions that are now in place to support humanity.I saw people crying from happiness and not believing how much money they got in their hands,unable to understand how this ‘miracle’ has happened.And I Nikos Akrivos I confirm you that Saint Germain prosperity funds are being put in place right now to purify Gaia’s waters and to bring joy to every man,woman and child living on Earth.The Universe is So Abundant and Father Mother God has the proof for all 7.5 billion of people.Be in Joy and prepare yourself from the inside out to receive what is your birth right,to remember who you really are and why you chose to be here at these amazing New Earth times.There is only thing we are all requested to do in these coming 3 months.To be Loving with all and especially with those that we think are our enemies.The only enemy is our own mind.We create what we believe.We create what we fear and we strengthen what we oppose as our brother Sananda aka Jesus says.Feel More Than Fine in the core of your being.Then everything else falls into place.Each one of us have our own Angels guiding us.If you feel lost,ask for guidance in your own prayers.Our Angels are connected with us telepathically,ask what you need and it it is given.Be a S.T.A.R.Surrender.Trust.Allow.Receive.
Also look around you,there are many Angels in Human form that can assist you.Ask for help.This is how it works.Every Human being is specifically good for something and We all are Light Workers.
We are reaching now the 2nd wave of Ascension.Enjoy the process of awakening by celebrating with your loved ones with music and dance without alcohol or drugs eating high vibrational foods,eat vegan or even better raw vegan and fresh organic juices and purified water.
We are in this together.And nobody is left behind.This is the promise we made to each other before we incarnate in the vessels we call human bodies.Our souls will carry our memories for ever.Let’s make every moment Amazing for our self and for every one.The time is Now.And Heaven Or Earth is happening around us when are aware of our thoughts,projecting pure love through our eyes ALL THE TIME,no matter what we observe and without judging anything or anybody.
Play the Bubbles Game
Amazing News Keep On Coming.
Enjoy these guiding messages from Archangel Michael,Sananda and The Dolphins.
Tremendous Gratitude For All Lightworkers on Earth for Who Needs Light and Sheldon for your hard work in sharing these with the world.
Much Love!
Call Compels the Answer – Archangel Michael
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Hail! Sons and daughters of the Great Central Sun, extensions of many legions of Angels and Archangels, Star Seeds, Incarnations of Ascended Masters, as well as Galactic beings from far off Stars, who have come with the unique mission of contributing your skills and spiritual potentials to the transformation of a world in Transition. Your place is here, where by being ‘who you are and can become’ and holding a balance of Light against evil, you are performing a service as a member of an ancient Cosmic Team that is reclaiming the Earth, and will restore it for the experience of physicality upon a higher dimension where density and reality are concerned. Your partners in the higher dimensions are bringing you up, are making you ascend by various methods, including an irradiation in a personal way that you may perceive as a vibration in your aura, your body, a very nice sensation and a beating in your heart chakra which is the place of connection between you and an Angel, or Ascended Master, who is assigned to tutoring you and can activate your molecular structure in order to lift you up towards the sixth dimension.
We have entered a more difficult time because on one hand the energies have peaked. We are riding the summit of their waves. This is a period of Ascension when changes are being accelerated and intensified, but on the other hand, the resistance of the recalcitrant sinister forces is increasing. One of the manifestations of their reaction is a certain paranoia that you hear about in your media. A battle is being waged in the psyche, but before explaining something about this I would like to mention that the forces of darkness, on the astral plane, are still attempting to sabotage the Ascension process and to influence political leaders, the Establishment, the military, and other groups in the financial and business sectors of the big Corporations, to avoid complying with the orders imposed upon them by the Forces of the Light to go ahead with a program of Disclosure concerning the truths that have been suppressed for more than a century. They are trying to avoid it with a number of excuses. They are fearful and reluctant to lose power.
The Forces of the Light require your help. You know about the laws of non-intervention and freewill, and you know that you can activate changes by using the tools of the Ascended Masters, those they have taught you, which consist in calling the Almighty, or praying, meditating, attuning and connecting with your Higher Selves, your guides, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood on the higher realms, and using the third eye chakra in visualizations to raise your frequencies, fill your auras with Light and draw the Solar Ring around you, as well as other lightworkers, in order to attract and integrate with the higher consciousness which we sometime refer to as Christ consciousness or the Light body. We have also mentioned calling for the assistance of the heavenly hosts, for protection from the dark forces which dwell upon the astral plane and reach out to carry out their work of interference.
So do call me, Archangel Michael, your Defender in battle. We have been working on the clearing of the astral levels for time immemorial, and many discarnate souls that were held captive there have been freed, thanks to the calls, prayers and decrees. There still is a battle going on in the psyche where mankind is concerned. Souls have been entangled by the shackles of their own creation but also as a result of a long standing conspiracy of the dark forces which goes back to the Atlantean days to corrupt all life and cause mankind to be trapped in a lower dimension, so it could be enslaved and would remain ignorant of its potential powers. Assaults are still taking place upon the light in the lightbearers to cause corruption. These attacks take place in all the nations where these souls have incarnated, and there is not one nation without these spiritual beings who are on the path of the Ascension. This is taking place behind the scenes of the political scenarios in which what is presented in the media is a conflict between nations. And you may feel that they make no sense any more.
At this time we would like all lightworkers to continue to unite, by sharing and connecting, or contributing information on the internet – although there may be discrepancies in your beliefs and methods – in order to obtain dispensations for more interventions. You may ask for Earth to be blessed with interventions from the higher octaves of Light so that the process of Ascension takes place according to Divine Will. The program of Disclosure which is part of it, a result of it, and at the same time, which will cause consternation but also awakening, should begin to accelerate now that we are in March. We are approaching a next, or third, Phase of Ascension in which the same Wave of souls which have already gone through the portals of Ascension, is initiated for a third time, and they return to physicality with more potential for healing and physical transfiguration, sometime with but the memory of a strange dream, or feel an odd and wonderful pulsation in their body and aura on waking up in the morning, because of the higher vibrations they have experienced out of the body when they were asleep. A second Wave of souls that have not gone through any portal before will soon do so. We have kept reminding the messenger of this message that she is being prepared for Ascension in relation to that third phase.
A phase of transition with changes on the political front and the financial system will also be initiated, and it will take place because of some events in the USA that will affect the whole world in the sense that as a result the adverse influence from the astral world will be greatly lessened. These shadow forces need to be overcome. The dragon must be slayed. This work of the Lightworkers is like that of the legendary knights and ladies in the Order of Knighthood. They drink the cup of the Grail containing the essence of Christ consciousness and spread light into the world. It consumes darkness.
You are being transformed by your inner Light as well as the photonic Light which surrounds the Solar System and is being diffused to you by the use of Galactic vessels and their technology. They co-ordinate the interventions that are being contributed as some come from a variety of Extraterrestrial powers. The Ascended Masters and Archangels, the Elohim and Galactic beings, work with you through their Rays. You might say there is a certain Order or organization in Heaven. Call to me, Archangel Michael and my Legions of the Blue Ray, which is the First Ray. I will use my Sword of Blue Flame to cut souls free from the negativities that are enslaving them in the lower dimensions. I can give you strength and make you free from fear and doubt.
Working with André, her ascended twin flame, the messenger of this message will now give you some details about the other Rays.
CHRISTINE: Mighty Cyclopea, the Elohim of the Third Eye Vision, heals your perception of Truth and everything with the Fifth Ray to bring about a Reality in manifestation that corresponds to the Divine Will. This also manifests as healing and it is through this Emerald Ray that Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary bring healing to you.
The Sixth Ray which is the golden-pink Ray of Resurrection and Regeneration, works through Enlightenment. It is also with the Sixth Ray of ministration and service that the Master Jesus works. The chakras related to that Ray is represented as gold and purple. It is with this Ray that Archangel Uriel and Aurora work and bring enlightenment. A clearing is also necessary before endowing mankind with this light. Layers upon layers have to be removed in the mind of the people to allow this enlightenment, reason, and wisdom, but never against their freewill. This clearing can be done with the other spiritual tools, the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as well as the Circles and Swords of Blue Flame.
The Master Saint Germain and El Morya have their plan for the recreation of civilization, and of New Gaia, and the different sections of Heaven’s Orders are working in collaboration with Lord Buddha, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara having taken up his new duties in the Sun.
The Second Ray of the Elohim Apollo and Lumina is that of ILLUMINATION. Education is central to it. The legions of the World Mother and Lord Maitreya, with whom the Master Jesus also works, are focused on Teaching and Disclosure at this time. In mainstream, before the work of re-education can take place with disclosure, as well as the revelations that restore lost knowledge and also expose the existence of what has been suppressed, a clearing has to take place in the psyche.
With the First and Seventh Rays, the Blue and Violet Flame, you are liberated and you obtain solutions to all problems, whether they are personal or global. With the Fifth and Sixth Rays you obtain healing and enlightenment. Overall, this is how the vibrational frequencies are being raised, without going into details about the other Rays.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: There are indeed other Rays and Secret Rays, but this is enough for a basic comprehension of the role you can play at the moment if you call to Heaven to send help with the short decrees that will be given at the end of this message, especially because of the debates concerning the running for office in the USA. A few simple calls are specifically designed for the situations that require solutions, including the elections. Great benefit could be derived if the lightworkers made calls, at least 3 times, at least twice a day. If you can do more, use the magical formula of the 3 times 3. These spiritual tools were given by the Ascended Masters decades ago.
The World Teachers are here and on their way, but the ultimate Teacher is within. It is your own I AM Presence as well as those beings who are authorized to communicate with you and lift you up upon the ladder of consciousness. The Saints, Ascended Masters, and the Archangels, draw a bridge between themselves and you, lightworkers and Star seeds, to swallow up and dissolve the evil incarnate, as well as that which is upon the astral plane. Peace will appear in the world on the wings of Disclosure and the Light of God never fails. You have many blessings in the blueprint that is contained in your destiny and the Call Compels the Answer. So, the angelic kingdom will take your calls to the Councils and ask that these blessings be manifested in your hands without delay.
I have to part from you now, but am with you, guarding you with the love that have for mankind, always!
Archangel Michael.
VIOLET FIRE of Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole!
I AM the power of Freedom’s Love
Raising all Earth to Heaven above.
O Beloved I AM Presence, in your divine name
I now call forth my invincible Tube of Light
For the descent of the Cosmic Christ.
I see him come in the violet flame!
I AM the Life and the Resurrection
Manifesting Healing in this Nation
O Wondrous Flame of Emerald
Thou God of Love and God of Gold
For your perfection I now call
To manifest from the fabric of my soul.
Lord Michael, Lord Michael, I call unto thee,
Wield thy sword of Blue Flame
And now cut me free.
I am with thy blue flame now full charged and blessed
I am now in Michael’s blue flame armor-dressed.
O Powers of Light from heaven’s height
Let the candidate who can trigger a divine solution
Win the game of this presidential Election
Protect, direct, and arm him with might!
How Much Humanity Can You Express In You Life?
You Are The Divine In Human Form
This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity!
Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller “community-grown” operators is to be fully utilized.
Read More Here: http://paoweb.com/sn030816.htm
All National Debts Have Been Paid – Sananda
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