FEEL the joy of being connected to All That Is

Michael’s Message


Beloved masters, there is a great stirring taking place among the masses — those who, until now, were not ready to listen to the inner nudgings of Spirit or to delve into the mysteries of creation. The frequency patterns of the new Divine Blueprint are beginning to flow into your awareness on the currents of change. We have said that you were very brave to step out of your comfort zone, out of the mass consciousness flow of popular beliefs and into the uncertainty of untried territory. You have been willing to face up to the challenges, and to not be deterred by those who said you were wrong, evil, or called you “wishful-thinkers.” You are proving that what you have accepted as your truth is indeed working, and the validation is concrete and visible for all to see so that there can be no dispute. Fear is the greatest deterrent to change, but you have tamed your fears, and more and more of you are stepping forth into your power.
Each time you visit your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Power/Light, you become more adept at tapping into and using the gifts of Creation. You gradually bring back more and more of the rarified, unmanifested Adamantine Particles of Creator Light to infuse, integrate and share. See these streams of Light spiraling down into the physical realms of expression, as they gradually become tangible and take form under your direction via your visions, dreams and clear intention. Many of you have learned the discipline necessary to hold your visions without wavering, and you are learning that the miracles of manifestation take place one clear thought, one step or action, and one day at a time. There are no shortcuts, beloveds; you must follow the Universal Laws of Manifestation in order to harness the power of Creation.
No matter where you are on the Path of en-Lighten-ment, if you are reading our messages, and you are doing your best to claim your Self-mastery, there is a place for you among the new Legions of Light that are being formed around the world. As you become proficient at accessing the power and majesty of the higher Dimensions, and you begin to get a glimpse of how wondrous the material planes of existence can be, the excitement begins to build. That is what is happening all over the world. It is a very personal experience, for even though you may have much confusion, turmoil and chaos around you, you are learning to stay centered within a hologram of harmonious co-existence and joy. As time goes by, you will find that your center of serenity will extend further and further outward. And as more of you begin to tap into the eternal power of the higher planes of consciousness, it will spread faster and faster. Never doubt, dear ones, it will ultimately encompass the world, for it is an integral part of the future of humanity and the Earth.
One of the major areas of physical interaction that must be explained so that you may come to a greater understanding, is the balance of the male/female energies within each of you. The battle of the sexes began aeons ago, as some of the unique energies of the Lemurian Race and the Atlantean Race began to merge. The Lemurian race was OverLighted by the energy of the beloved Mother Goddess. She focused on the integration of the Love/emotional nature within the physical vessel − along with the desire to create on the physical plane, and to nurture and assist the new Spirits arriving on Earth. Last but not least, was to establish each Soul’s intuitive mind connection with Spirit via the Creative Cord of Life/Light. This was the dominating focus of the Divine Blueprint for humanity at that time. You were like joyous, exuberant, curious children, for this was a grand new experience for all of you.
Midway through the Age of Lemuria, the Golden Age of Atlantis began to emerge, and for this cycle, the dynamic energies of the Father God were the dominant force on Earth. Powerful masculine energies came to the fore, as humanity learned to use their minds to control the energies of the First Ray and to become masters of cocreation on the earthly plane. You added the mental body components as you became more proficient in developing and using your physical senses, as well as your spiritual senses, or what you now call extrasensory perception. As the energies of polarity and duality began to emerge, a division in consciousness also came into play. Some perceived the masculine traits and attributes to be superior, and others favored the gentler feminine virtues. Gradually the battle of the sexes began, and you began to mistrust the opposite sex more and more because of the many painful memories you experienced over your many lifetimes.
Dear hearts, you are a composite of all your vast past experiences and memories. You have had many lifetimes as a female where you were abused or mistreated by men. There have also been many lifetimes in the male body where you suffered the loss of your beloved mate, you were betrayed, or you did not measure up in some way. All those conflicting energies − encoded in Memory Seed Atoms within your auric field, your brain structure and your DNA − will color your outlook on the opposite sex – that is, until you resolve and transmute them.
You eventually separated into two Sub-Rays, one representing our Father God, and the other a representing our Mother God. You have divided and separated into many Facets / Fragments of consciousness since, but you have forever yearned and sought your wholeness or “Holiness.” At the core of your Being, what you are really seeking is the reunification with the other half of your perfect God Spark of Creation that was sent forth into conscious awareness.
How can you accomplish the healing and reunification of these two primary Facets of yourself? First, by developing a balanced sense of Self-worth and Self-love. You will begin to radiate the higher vibratory energy outward from your auric force field, and those with whom you come in contact will respond in kind. Learn to trust yourself and your intuition so that you may trust others. You will never feel alone when you learn that you have a mighty force of angels ever near you: ready to protect, encourage, love, and support you every moment of the day or night. Release the pain of the past by forgiving yourself and all others.
Go into your Sacred Pyramid, and envision all the players in your many dramas of life there with you. Ask that all the imbalanced energies, painful distorted memories, and hurtful interactions be dissolved in the fountain of the wondrous neutralizing Violet Flame of Transformation. Watch as the electrifying waves of Creator Light permeate your Being to its depths, gradually returning you to a perfect balance of godly virtues, both masculine and feminine in nature. Then see all those major players from your past healed and brought into harmony, as well. Watch as they merge and blend with you as you all become a unified, balanced whole. If you do this, the lessons you were to learn from these interactions will be deemed successful. You will change all the probable futures you have created with these past Soul companions, and you will not have to play out the scenarios in the old karmic way of cause and effect interaction.
Are you ready to assume the many cloaks of empowerment and godliness – that of being a nurturing mother and/or a strong father figure, the playful child, a comforting Soul mate, or a faithful friend? Your relationships are changing; your Soul families are growing, and encompassing hundreds, even thousands, instead of focusing only on your physical family, thereby limiting your love to the few.
You are moving toward a higher vibration of love, that which incorporates “Spirit/Soul love” as well as human “heart love.” You will have to confront your fears of intimacy, and open your heart to give and receive the deepest, most profound human love possible. You must open your total Being to love — love from the Creator Source down to the least of God’s creations. How can you begin the process of reunification without love, one for another?
There will still be those who come into your life with whom you do not resonate, and that will be so as long as you are in the physical vessel. If you can maintain an attitude of nonjudgment, and radiate love to the Essence of each person, you will not have to experience a karmic dance or interaction with them. Bless them and allow them to follow their Path, while you follow your own.
It is time for humanity to remove the etheric shields of protection they have placed over their heart/solar plexus centers so that they cannot be hurt or unduly influenced. Removing the protective membrane of Light, which guards your Sacred Heart, will allow the Love/Light of our Father/Mother to flow freely both into and then outward from your Sacred Heart Center.
Dear hearts, there is another important concept that we wish to present to you. In doing so, we know that it will trigger fear and doubt for many of you. If this is the case, we ask you to set the information to the side, and ask that it be validated if it is to be your truth, or if it is too uncomfortable, to just disregard it. There is much information coming forth that will challenge the old concepts and thought forms of the past. Just as children learn the simple basic concepts in their early years, and the lessons and theories become more complex and thought-provoking as they mature – this applies to your spiritual education and growth as well.
We have told you that the Supreme Creator has begun to emanate new rarified Love/Light Essence from the core of Its Being. It contains all the Facets of Creation, which include White Fire Seed Atoms (energy components) of never before experienced new creations. Within the wondrous multiple beams of Creator Light is a black Ray of pure unmanifested potential. The Creator is sending this Ray as a gift to all of you — it contains the stillness of the Great Void. It is accessible to all who are brave enough to tap into it, and to use some of your reserve of Adamantine Particles of Light to help mold and recreate the beauty and majesty of Gaia – your host planet. First came the Void, and then came the Light, and within the Light are all good and wondrous things; however, the Light would not shine so brightly without the darkness.
Many of you fear the darkness and your shadow side, perceiving them as evil. All is a part of the ONE, the Creator. There is nothing to fear. You, as human Beings, have created many things to fear, but that is not the Creator’s doing. Do you fear the great void that is the backdrop for the stars and constellations? Some of you fear the night, yet it is not the darkness that you can lay the blame on, but the hurtful things that humans do under the cover of darkness. We wish to help you to begin to investigate and transmute those old self-limiting concepts so you may broaden your horizons and assume your cloak of Light. With the gift of Light comes a great responsibility — the leadership role that we mentioned earlier.
We ask you to LIVE your lives with a heightened sense of awareness; to FEEL the joy of being connected to All That Is, and then to share the joy with others; to use your WILL power to move swiftly along the path of enlightenment, so as you gain a higher vantage point, you can more easily assist others over the rough spots: to LOVE others with all your heart and Soul, as the Creator loves you; to SPEAK your highest truth with love, compassion, and discernment; to SEE the best in everyone; and to know that we are all a part of the same great I AM.
Precious friends, we began and we will complete this particular Divine Mission together so that you may join us in the next great “Cosmic Adventure” that our Father/Mother God have planned. We will encourage you, stretch your minds, and we will gently nudge you when appropriate, but most of all, we will love you eternally. I AM Archangel Michael.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from: RonnaStar@earthlink.net

Message From My Higher Self – Jan.27th 2018.

All kind of events are unfolding to be observed within the 3D plane of existence and to be felt within the higher planes of existence at a quickening rate.Some are labelled as bad and some as good.And as most seen is labelled bad,you may believe that things are not changing for the better.Yet they do,if you only compare your lives only a few years earlier,you will notice the expansion of yourselves and your creations.What manifests around us is what we are:Creators of our own realities.we have witnessed it in countless opportunities.And when one accepts their multidimensional nature,as God Sparks experiencing a human life becoming aware of the infinite power of love and light within their being there is a a deep feeling of peace that is acknowledged from where every desire begins to show up in one’s reality in miraculous ways.

And let’s talk about money,a subject that all find interesting and are concerned about most of their days.It is exactly this concern that it is at the origin of the financial issues.Some will say that money doesn’t grow on trees,yet when one shifts their attention to pleasant things and constantly with their undivided attention focusing on feeling the joy of the reasons of what money will be used for while being thankful for all other forms of abundance in their lives such as abundance of peace,abundance of love,abundance of friends,abundance of well being,abundance of healthy foods,abundance of fulfilling experiences,abundance of nature,abundance of art,abundance of freedom,abundance of time,abundance of life stlyle etc this is enough to let one vibrate to a higher frequency where money and everything else that is necessary will be magnetized to bring about the desired outcome,serving self and the highest good for all.Serving self is as important as being in service to others and one feeling good at all times with their choices is serving the collective.Life is meant to be fun and we all came here to experience the expansion of our beings and so the choice to write down all the things that feel good with the intention to get into these feelings is a step that can bring one to higher levels of existence to be witnessed by all and when one is witnessed as such,it will help all others raise themselves as they see in him/her what can be achieved for themselves.This is one of the reasons Jesus and Mary Magdalene came on Earth.And this is what we are witnessing around us with all sisters and brothers thriving in their fields and passions.The thriving of others is our thriving as we are responsible for what we create and as we witness it and are happy about it we are also lifting ourselves to a higher planes of existence as we recognise the power of the creator within us that acts in miraculous ways.So do not be concerned if your life is not where you would like it to be or planned,be happy for where it is,be happy for existing in the now to witness the unfolding of your expansion,just be happy without a reason at all times and let the river of divine clarity bring you through the path of less resistance to accomplish your desires which is only a daily 10-15’ practice of going within and listening your inner voice as i listen my higher self right now bringing this message to you.

Nikos Akrivos

Every soul that is of the Light is contributing to the progress being made, by keeping positive and spreading the Light and Love. It is the most powerful force in the Universe and cannot be stopped or delayed any longer

It seems apparent that the battle by the dark Ones to retain some kind of power on the Earth reached new levels when they attempted to destroy Hawaii and Japan. However, their nuclear devices were stopped from operating in accordance with orders from the Forces of Light that control events on and off the Earth. Certainly great numbers of people who have been working against those of Earth, have been arrested and placed where they can no longer cause trouble. It is a mopping up exercise that will eventually make the dark Ones incapable of interfering with the changes that have placed the Earth on a path of Light, to freedom and abundance. Much is in place ready to go ahead once the orders are given and even now the activities of the dark Ones are being curtailed to lessen their ability to cause delay.

Matters cannot revert to events as they were prior to the marker of 2012, those times have now passed and it can no longer go back to what was normal in that old cycle. You are well into the new cycle and now have the full backing of the Forces of Light, and matters will continue to progress for the betterment of all. Outwardly the world is in turmoil but as you will begin to see, much that is being done behind the scenes is preparing the way for a giant step forward into the New Age. Your patience will be well rewarded, and before long you should see the first signs of welcome changes that are associated with the establishment of a peaceful nation, that has the wellbeing of the people at heart. It has been planned well in advance and all over the world new innovations wait for the opportunity to be introduced. It will be a time when the negative forces have been subdued and unable to stop the intended changes taking place.

Every soul that is of the Light is contributing to the progress being made, by keeping positive and spreading the Light and Love. It is the most powerful force in the Universe and cannot be stopped or delayed any longer. Already the vibrations have started to noticeably increase and as they so, it has the effect of lessening the power of the negative energies. There is clearly much of it that is remaining in those countries that have been the centre of war, but with the help of your ET friends it can be cleansed and replaced with tranquillity and peaceful energies. Since you passed 2012 such help is now permissible, and you will be surprised at how quickly beneficial changes can be brought about.

Although you may not yet see the many obvious changes in conditions, be assured that help has already been given such as the end to chemtrails. The pollution of the Seas and Oceans are another big challenge, but you must first show your positive intent to take responsible action by starting your own cleansing. Once started we can then assist you and have technologies that far surpass those that you have, and that will take no real time at all to restore the quality and cleanliness of your waters. Marine life and vegetation will quickly return in the ideal conditions, and from thereon Man will be expected to put a stop to any actions that have previously been the cause of excessive pollution and damage. Restoration will become the order of the day both at sea and on land, that have been ravaged over many years of disregard for the consequences of your actions.

Mother Earth can deal with much that needs to be done to eventually restore her to the original pristine condition. However, you could say that everything must start with you, as you take back your responsibility for the upkeep of the Earth and the welfare of all lifeforms. Certainly as time elapses you will be expected to demonstrate your intent to help restore the Earth to its pristine condition. Meantime focus on how you visualise the changes will take place and what the results will be. Do not worry about the size of the task as you will be helped, and with goodwill will achieve remarkable results much quicker than you now realise or anticipate. The times of needing to struggle to achieve results are over, and help awaits you in whatever changes you propose that are in the interests of Mother Earth and its people. As you must know much awaits you that has been held back by the dark Ones, but can now start to be released.

Much responsibility now lies with those of you that are Lightworkers, you could say that your time has come to use the talents and knowledge you have to lift up the people of Earth. The old energies still have some effects but are slowly losing their power to stop continuing progress into the New Age. The stage is set and throughout the Earth many souls are answering the wake up call to use their knowledge and ability to start bringing the “new” into being. If only you had our panoramic view of what was taking place, you would know that great things were on the way to manifesting that you have long awaited.

Patience has long been called for as a number of promised changes are still waiting to manifest. You the people of Earth are living in a time warp deliberately intended to keep you in a state of need, having been denied the benefit of changes that would have greatly uplifted your quality of life. However, you will not be denied and many innovations are ready to be introduced at short notice. There is so much lined up that will immediately overcome the many problems you have to deal with on a daily basis. In time your quality of life will change beyond recognition, and already the old restrictions are beginning to be removed. Mankind must be restructured so that there is more equality between you all, and that does mean a fair sharing of the greatest wealth that is enjoyed by such a small percentage of the people. Be assured that your needs are well known and the disproportionate distribution of wealth will be changed in due course.

There are many advanced civilisations that follow your progress, but until now have not been allowed to “interfere” with your freewill, but since you passed the marker matters have changed. Help for you is to be allowed within certain boundaries, as and when circumstances permit. Changes will not be allowed to overwhelm you and will be fed in sensibly at an appropriate time. However, the changes will come, and no interference will be tolerated and each time the whole operation will be monitored by those who oversee activities upon the Earth. Your freewill is still paramount but even so it will not be allowed to delay or prevent that which has already been agreed as necessary for the advancement of Humankind.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Decide who you are going to be in the moment and let that be enough

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun to search for the answers to questions that you would not have even been asking five or ten years ago, and this is a very good thing. It is important for you to have the desire to know who you are, where you came from, and what you are supposed to be doing. We invite you to explore the answers to those questions in a different way than you’ve been looking up until now.

Who you are is something that you determine for yourself. You get to decide who you are going to be. For you to decide once and for all would be to limit yourself. So instead, decide who you are going to be in the moment and let that be enough. Let that answer propel you into the next moment, and the next. Be sure of one thing, however. Be sure that you do not allow yourself to be defined by anyone else. And please do not limit yourselves. You are too multifaceted to be satisfied by a single answer to that question.

Now, where you are from. This question really depends upon how you look at who you are. You are all from Source. We all are. If you are talking about a star system, you have all been to many different star systems and had many incarnations. So you can know yourself as Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Cassiopeian, Lyran, Andromedan, and so many more. Again, do not limit yourself.

Now as far as what you are supposed to do goes, that is also something that we want you to determine for yourselves, and we suggest that you also do so from moment to moment. Check in with yourself to determine what it is that is most appropriate for you to be doing. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to what you can do, and be aware of what you are capable of doing is always expanding and being redefined.

Continue to ask questions, and be sure that you allow the answers to be flexible.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The Big Questions ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes

Mr. Ed’s Intel Update via Email – “Intel Black Out” – January 21, 2018

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:51 AM PST

Received  via email from Mr. Ed…..

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18

Posted By: Mr.Ed 

Date: Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 04:44:44

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18

Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes.

The Main Stream Media ‘Fake News’ sure won’t tell you about things like ‘Gitmo Prison’ being filled up with Cabal for ‘Military Tribunals’.

They won’t tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships.

They won’t tell you that 87,000 Pedophiles have been arrested so far.

They won’t tell you there are another 45,000 ‘Arrest Warrants’ waiting…plus 10,000 ‘Sealed Indictments’.

Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii & Japan “were real”…and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance.

It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials…which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us.

This Government Shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal.

What they don’t know is…this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the republic will take it’s rightful place)

Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts.

We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now.

Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA…the Restored Republic…new gold backed currency…new banking…prosperity and more.

Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time)

Trump is not going anywhere…and he will be reelected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp)

Look for new technology to soon appear like ‘Med Beds’…’Free Energy Units’ and ‘Replicators’.

This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing poison…as Med Beds will cure all diseases…repair any injury…replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free)

This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money) 🙂

A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days…which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension…which has been termed “The Event” by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement.

This Event will be nothing to fear at all…but will mark the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’ of 1000 years of ‘Heaven on Earth’.

Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending…

Focus more on light and love and less on the money for love is the true energy exchange of the cosmos

Every dedicated Light Worker knows that if one wants to clean house completely,one has to bring light to every corner of the house,every hidden spot.

There are few things that came to my attention while connecting the dots from channeled messages and what we can do to bring more Light and help any sister and brother that knows too much and is kept in prison.

One of them is Dave McCann,Irish man framed in California.

Reading  the complete message from Montague Keen via Veronica Keen here will help you understand further and see how you can assist.


Montague Keen has been insisting that if this man gets released,the information he will share will take the cabal out of the picture once and for all in just 3 hours.

Remember once their crimes are fully exposed to send Love and Light always and not identify with what you observe.

Another thing you can do is to allow more Divine Love and Light do the work for you,instead of trying constantly to read all intel and posts on the internet.

To allow means to go within and hear the voice within while while focusing on your breath and also participating in global synchronised meditations at specific times with specific purpose.

This is a very good website where you can find many meditations with specific purpose to accelerate healing on the planet.I invite you to have a look and participate as much as you can on a daily basis to one or more of these meditations.Remember that no meditation is lost time,one always rips the benefits and lessons of each and every meditation,clarity and focus and pure joy are the immediate effects.So why not use this tool sisters and brothers?


Focus more on light and love and less on the money for love is the true energy exchange of the cosmos and is your greatest asset, and you are my greatest treasure – Father God –


And so to end this,my invitation for you is to go deeper within on a daily basis and more frequently,Your God spark is needed and each one of you has this special ability to affect change for The Highest Good For All,easy to use from the comfort of you house , this is how beautiful and magnificent a Human Being is,this is how powerful and amazing you are.

Love Yourself Always,Have a Nice Bath with etheric oils,Take time to please yourself in the simple things of Life as the best things are free as the air we breath and Join Us In Joy and Feel The Joy.In The Now.

Thank You,I Love You

Nikos Akrivos

My flame is always bluetiful!

Christine: The following reading is the kind of prayer, or Call, you may make using the sacred tools released to mankind by the Ascended Masters through the Messengers of the I Am Movement in previous decades. The tools are the Science of the Spoken Word, a dynamic form of prayer that will produce manifestations in the physical world of materiality or physicality, and bring solutions to resolve all problems, whether personal or to do with the world situation. These prayers are designed to accelerate your journey upon the path of Initiations and Ascension, as well as to accomplish Soul Merging. Please do look for more information about these from the Summit Lighthouse, or by visiting TSL.org . What follows is a Call I have composed for a daily attunement with our monadic Presence. This is our immanent Spirit Within, a spiritual capsule of the Almighty Father in Heaven, who revealed Himself to Moses saying ‘I Am that I Am’, meaning ‘I Am that I Am in you and all souls who possess the connection with me’. This connection is at etheric level in the heart. It is a threefold flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power which we need to expand and balance. The dual polarity of Father-Mother God exists within the I Am Presence, and is reflected in the 12 Higher Selves whom each I Am created. Please refer to previous videos for the concept of each of these higher Selves lowering their consciousness into 12 extensions of themselves, for the manifestation of the holy number of 144. My I Am Presence speaks to me when I raise my thoughts to him with the kind of prayer that follows. I hear a masculine voice. It is not something I hear in a loud way, but as in a thought, and there is with it a character of masculinity and of great authority. I sense more authority from my I Am Presence than from the Ascended Masters or the Archangels who communicate with me by this system of thought forms, or telepathy. This I Am is actually us! In the concept of the Spiritual Constitution of Man, the mighty I Am Presence is the Father in heaven, the Monad. This explains why I receive this character of masculinity. We are ourselves, in our genders, a mirroring of the characteristics of our Higher Self, and the dual polarity exists within us, in a dormant or expressed way because of the gender in which we are born. To be whole we however need to be connected with our twin flame who expresses the polarity which we don’t. There is a Father in Heaven within us Who is our Monadic Presence, our immanent Spirit, who provides our consciousness, identity and individuality. My I Am Presence reminded me of this last night. According to Joshua D. Stone, the three aspects of the Monad are Will, or Power, Love or Wisdom, and Active Intelligence, that represents the Holy Spirit principle. Then, our Higher Self is our Superconscious Mind. That Soul with a Capital S is our reality, our Real Self! There also is Spiritual Will, and Intuition or Love, as well as a Higher Mind, at etheric level in this reality that is ours. The Summit Lighthouse has represented this level as the Christ Self. Then below this level, is the personality or soul extension with the mental body, the emotional body, and physical body with a lower etheric body close to the nervous system. This personality that operates with the 5 senses in a somewhat limited way, which are the organs of perception, needs to integrate higher consciousness and the qualities of the Christ Self or Higher Self. It is all about mirroring these qualities and an integration which amounts to a merging of consciousness. There apparently are three main stages on the spiritual path. In the first people are in the consciousness of materiality and dwell within the limitation of the organs of perception. They are ignorant and need awakening. In the second stage they are learning and are searching for the knowledge of the self or soul. In the third stage they expand their consciousness and identify with the Spiritual self. They start walking upon the Path of Initiations and of Ascension. At the sixth initiation, one becomes an Ascended Master. It is when one inhabits the Lightbody that has been weaved in the process of many incarnations, at least 200 lives, and for the details please refer to the video entitled ‘The Six Initiations’. An Ascended Master can materialize or dematerialize at will. The reason that Archangel Michael may state that we have already ascended is that there is no such thing as time or space, and this means that part of us has already ascended. That ascended Self dwells upon the 5th dimension and we may also call to that part of us to descend and blend in within our aura. It may be that it is the divine complement of that higher self who does that job! I am speaking from experience now! By the way Archangel Michael made a joke when I asked him whether his flame could become violet if it blended with the pink flame of love. He answered:
Lord Michael: My flame is always bluetiful!
Christine: I laughed. So after this lesson on the I Am Presence, here is the prayer that results with a spiritual merging which really represents a supernatural experience!
The Daily Call to your I Am Presence

I am now raising my thoughts towards you, my own loving Mighty I am Presence, my own presence of the heavenly Father-Mother God and Elohim within me, I enjoy feeling your light and love descending, and sealing me as a shaft of light to enlarge my spectrum of my consciousness, as well as protect me. By the flame that you have given me within my heart, I do now ask you to help me to draw, with the power of my 3rd eye vision, your Solar Ring around myself, the members of my family, my friends, and all souls that I am karmically tied to, my entire soul family, as well as all lightworkers, including those involved in the activities of the Ascended Masters, and all those students of the Classrooms of life whatever their beliefs are, as well as those that the angel would chose to hold a balance of light for their communities or nations. I am drawing the Solar Ring to form a forcefield of light around their households and projects, as well as my own, to manifest a beautiful destiny for the creation of New Gaia.
Beloved I Am Presence, in the name I am that I am, I now call forth from you the Tube of Light. Let it be an invincible armour that protects me and all of us from any human energy, as well as astral attacks, or any such attacks using technology of a known or unknown nature.
Let the Solar Ring together with the dual action of the twinned consciousness be the platform for the Tube of Light, the substance of which I sense and I feel, as I keep my thoughts focused upon you, and let it be reinforced at all times.
My Mighty I am Presence, by the magnetic power of the sacred fire in my heart, I now invoke the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as well as Mighty Arcturus and Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst. I request that it may transmute returning karma, and purify the elements of the material world, remove their pollution. I call for the solutions to our personal and global problems. Blaze this violet flame into all darkness. May it help us raise ourselves according to your divine Plan. May it change every negative condition, cause, effect, record and memory, into the positive polarity that will permit destiny to manifest according to your Will. And with this may the world be permeated with the Peace of the Ascended Jesus Christ, the Universal Mother, and the Peace so desired by Archangel Michael as it is part of his Prophecy for the Earth. I call for the protection of Archangel Michael with his bluetiful flame and legions of the Blue Ray. I accept this in full faith. I accept this done today. It is done God’s Way. It is done to stay. Let it be done God’s Way and I am in gratitude for this wonderful tool of the Light that the Masters have given us.

Experience the Merging! January 13, 2018


Vision of the Future

Vision of the Future via fifty8magazine.com


Our struggles will be greatly rewarded with levels of consciousness beyond anything ever witnessed in the history of the universe.
Consciousness contains the ideas, the thoughts, and the building blocks behind every reality.
Sentience, on the other hand, is the creative force that animates reality and experiences all possible emotions and sensations within them.
Consciousness creates reality, sentience experiences reality.
Together, consciousness and sentience create the totality of Creation.
Did you know that every single fantasy you ever had will be satisfied in some place and time?
Women will report having orgasmic birth experiences in growing numbers.  Some women will have pleasurable birth experiences. This will become the norm as we ascend further into fourth density, where our Atlantean DNA will resurface and serve as the foundation for the Alpha Human.
In Egypt the discovery of ancient documents that contain most of our true history.
2020 – The birth of Generation A, or Alpha.
The previous generations were named X, Y, and Z.  Generations Y and Z were the first generations to introduce new open-minded ways of thinking.  Generation A will not only raise human consciousness to higher levels, they will also be born with a substantial amount of active DNA.  Spiritual wisdom will be inherent to their being, and the majority of them will incarnate directly into fourth density with full-fledged awareness and abilities that have not been present on your world since the time of Atlantis.

2020 – 2022

Not only will poverty wages disappear across the globe around, but working hours will see a significant decline as well.

Before these changes can emerge, humanity must turn away from complacency. we must initiate a movement towards economic equality by bridging the gap between rich and poor.

2022 – A Robot Revolution

Currently, many humans are burdened with jobs and chores that require monotonous, strenuous work.

The robot revolution will bring an end to much of the hard physical labor that many people on the planet are burdened with as human workers become replaced by robot workers that are much more resilient.

The fear of dying subsides considerably by this point, and because of our newfound multidimensional awareness, we will be able to astral project at will and leave our bodies with clarity and grace, having total control of our passage from one dimension to another.
The only the most positive timeline will remain, which will be called Alpha Earth.

I bring you today my emerald green elixir to remind you to drink it, to sip it throughout the day, to breath it in, it really matters not how you feel like using it, just use it on a daily basis to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies in every moment, so that anything coming your way and which might want to stay will be dissolved and removed gracefully.


Use it daily to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies… Channeled by Genoveva Coyle

Greetings my dear ones! I am Raphael, Archangel of love and light, healer and physician in this universe and beyond, in service to the Mother and to you and all that call on me.

I bring you today my emerald green elixir to remind you to drink it, to sip it throughout the day, to breath it in, it really matters not how you feel like using it, just use it on a daily basis to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies in every moment, so that anything coming your way and which might want to stay will be dissolved and removed gracefully.

For all you here and beyond reading these messages, the pathfinders and the trailblazers, the ones traveling in the forefront, it takes a great deal of awareness and clarity to move through the chaos and mayhem and at the same time to remain poised and balanced at all times.

Whenever you travel and immerse your sweet selves into the densities of the third and lower third dimensionality you might bring back with thee some energies to transmute and eliminate. Whenever you meet some of the soul families in distress that are being directed to thee for assistance you might capture some of the distressing energies that need to be purified.

And so, you see it is in the nature of the work you have chosen that you might get inadvertently affected and contaminated and that would drag you into the lower vibration and slow you down. You might see yourselves as healers or as physicians that need to wash their hands with water or energetically clear the space between different patients, so you protect others and yourselves.

The only difference is that your “patients” are everywhere you go, at home – your children, parents, partners and spouses, at work with your clients and co-workers, and while shopping and buying your groceries – literally everywhere – even where you are traveling when dreaming, day or night, it matters not.

It has been said that if you are only love and light, that there is no darkness that can affect you. And that is true in the sense that there are none of you who would succumb to your own dark sides, for this is the only aspect of self that can affect thee, any other forces are not going to be able to find their way to you. In this new era and age, on the Nova Earth, it is not permissible and so, rest assured that this is not possible any longer. Period!

But what I am saying to thee is that there are those little and small dense energies – like the small amounts of debris leftover in your fields that can still affect you – enveloping you and having you feel out of sorts or in a less than joyful spirit. Those can and will slow you down, stalling you in your progress.

Dear and brave healers of the souls, warriors of the peace, holders of the love and light, it is the Mother’s desire that you are in joy and peace at all times. It is our wish that you have a light and pleasant journey and that you fill every moment of your day with smiles, laughter, and love for yourselves and for everyone else. Whenever you feel less than bursting into laughter and shedding tears of joy then you need to remember to take in my love emerald elixir and to call on me, for I will gladly come and restore the brightness and your peace of heart.

I am with thee always at your service, always on call.

Until next time, farewell

By Permission.

© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.


This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

hurdles of a political nature to deal with

Archangel Michael, Update on State of Emergency, January 13, 2018

by GFL Archive

by Christine Preston,

Christine: The following message is from Archangel Michael and was received word for word by telepathic communication:

Lord Michael: This is Archangel Michael and this message is intended for you, Christine, as well as the lightworkers. Dear ones, I would like to say that you are doing well despite your occasional feeling that you are struggling with time, or lack of it as well as tiredness. These feelings will pass. We are entering a new era, a new time with positive changes, due to the Astrological influences and the magnitude of work on the part of the Lightworkers that has been carried out in past years. Their holding of the Light, its balance, as well as their prayers on a large scale, have permitted us to go into action and go forward with a multitude of tasks at angelic celestial level, to push forward with some enormous developments to forge ahead with new conditions for a better future. With regard to the State of Emergency declared last week which put the forces of Heaven on alert, this is not being removed yet, the reason being that we still have hurdles of a political nature to deal with. I will let you know more about the outcome of this situation in the near future. The Aquarian astrological influences are doing their work so for the time being, we just hope for the best and trust in the Divine Plan that we are going to obtain positive results for a wonderful unfoldment of destiny.

Christine: The video published on January 6 informed you that a Massive Operation was Underway. Archangel Michael and my ascended twin flame, André, had communicated that a world State of Emergency was in position for the forces of Heaven, or all working for, or with, the forces of the Light. Archangel Michael had also told me that we were in a State of Emergency, and that André who works with Ashtar Command was involved with this. Archangel Michael’s message dated January 7 was as follows:
Lord Michael: Dear ones, the state of Emergency, or Red Alert, for the Forces of the Light where this earthly system of life is concerned, is being maintained because the influences of Aquarius is like a double edged sword leading to a liberation from the anarchy of the forces of darkness and their systems, or Evil Pyramid of Control. If you have listened to videos by Astrologers you will know all the details, how the astrological portents and influences of the Age of Aquarius will prevent secrecy, deception, the suppression of truth, and will take mankind upon a path of spirituality as well as that of the discovery of the Higher Self. It is a Door Opening to the golden Age of Saint Germain, the Hierarch of Aquarius, in which the violet flame will be applied to all world problems for an alchemy of transmutation and complete transformation and liberation, because the Violet Flame is the power of love and forgiveness that can transmute all errors of the past, so mankind can forge ahead into a miraculous realm which you are not able to fully conceive yet. It also is a project of the Master El Morya to recreate civilization with his experience as the legendary King Arthur of the Round Table. There is, however, a negative aspect to the Transition due to the fact that the Dark ones, the fallen ones, those who ruled as an Establishment in secrecy, who are strategically, structurally and politically, organized as a Deep State, have attempted to prolong their reign far beyond the safely limit for mankind, and for it to pass through to the new astrological influences without risks. They were reluctant to lose power, and opposed the Light with vigorous negativity. A State of Emergency has been put in place as now there is a disruption taking place at various levels in the political field, which I will explain in a minute. There cannot be any more secrecy nor deception in the Age of Aquarius and the influences have got stronger on January 7 and previous days, and gradually during the previous weeks, or even months. But they are now stronger at a time when mankind is not as much in readiness for the stepping into the energies of Aquarius as it should have been because of the actions of the Dark ones. This state of affairs is causing a disruption because of the structure of secrecy in high places and due to the Shadow Government. The entire Evil Pyramid of Control, as we have called it, is designed on principles that are totally in opposition, or at opposite poles, to the stars’ influences at this time. So there is a danger that everything will fall apart, and veils will be stripped off from mankind’s consciousness too abruptly, and this is because the new conditions will not permit these abominable structures of governance, control, deception, self-service, any more. This is the fulfilment of the divine decree that evil interference will be removed. The influences, or portents, will take mankind upon a spiritual and mystical path, and restore it to an existence that is natural, and to a state of being that is even beyond the concept of Love by the discovery for every being or soul, of the reality of their true Self. Truth will be revealed. In desperation the dark ones have brought mankind to an edge, a cliff, instead of allowing a smooth transition. That is why a State of Emergency has been declared and put in position. It will be held for a few days, or as long as necessary.
The breakdown of the matrix, or disruption, is affecting the leaders of the Nations at the high level of their meetings, known or unknown to you, as the structure that is normally, or up to now, holding and supporting things in place, such as negotiations, are at a risk of collapsing. This structure is, in a sense, an invisible psychological politico-social matrix that is not being supported by the Stars any more, and in fact which the Stars are causing to disintegrate. Their world is collapsing and all of their manipulations of the psyche are met with difficulties. They feel a force pulling them apart in their psyche. On one hand they agree to go in one direction because of some deals made for some amount of disclosure, and when they want to go their natural way back to rebuilding their empire, or power, with some deception, because it is their natural tendency, there is a reaction to prevent them to do so. The forces of the Light have worked long and hard to make the transition smooth and preserve the systems to some extent so that mankind does not suffer by, for instance, a sudden collapse of the financial system, although they have in their power an alternative system that could replace it. You have lived through a long battle and opposition to the Dark forces, that pyramidal structure of control, in the sense of its compartmentalization, for much too long. The struggle has taken the world to an edge and risk of collapse. There is disruption taking place. At the same time, the President has been working on the seizing of certain assets and monies that have been used to maintain certain scientific and military facilities that the Industrial Military Complex is, or has been, using to destructive ends to an extent that is only just beginning to be revealed by certain sources exposing cover-ups in the field of chemical trails, geo-engineering, and secret technologies, even Secret Science, all endeavours in relation to obtaining supremacy and world control. This is in relation to a Secret Shadow government being able to exercise control in many nations through this secret structure in relation to anything that is industrial, military, scientific, political, educational, nutrition, medicine, and many other things. False international political scenarios have been played out to deceive mankind with the illusion that the world is composed of different nations which are separated by frontiers. But under that projection is the fact that there is a control exercising an influence over the people who only have their own identity in their history, culture, and separation for a cycle of time. The domination, indoctrination, and geo-engineered disasters, as well as deception had to be funded. The scientific installations and laboratories all had to receive money from somewhere. The seizing of the assets and monies because of the Executive Orders truly is the slaying of the Dragon, to use a mythical and symbolic analogy. It is the nail in the coffin. However, the situation is complex and it required a State of Emergency to be put in place for mankind’s safety. The keyword is Structure. It is the structure of all the systems which is being dismantled. Aquarius does not permit secrecy and manipulations. The veils are coming off. It is a good thing but it is in an abrupt way. That is the reason for the State of Emergency! In a sense this disruption will accelerate the process of disclosure beyond measure and control, so the Doors are opening to the New Age with the alignments. The lightworkers will not have any problems with the changes from the point of view of their spirituality, or psyche, but for other minds that are not so open, what is about to take place will be traumatic, to say the least. The Doors are opening to the New Age with the alignments, and the alignments are the signs in the sky for you to know when earthly life becomes subject to the energies of the Aquarian Age. The Hierarch of the Piscean Age which is over was the Master Jesus, but understand that it was the negative aspects of Pisces that were manifested. It is also the work of the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, Saint Germain, that provides the combustion and is the power of propulsion that will literally thrust mankind into a new set of conditions, and because the dark forces are being removed the situation is very different. The gates are opening to an era of reconstruction and very positive conditions without opposition from any dark powers. Saint Germain brings the violet flame, a tool of transmutation for the alchemy of the Psyche, a transformation, integration of higher consciousness, for all to walk the path of Ascension. It is a path of discovery of one’s Self and Reality, as well as one of Reunion, in which contact with your divine Presence, your higher Selves, ascended Twin flames, as well as higher dimensional Beings, will be experienced, as explained before. You have come into incarnation to hold a balance of light against the darkness of the world. The lightworkers certainly have held that balance. We will soon be able to devote more time to an understanding of the positive changes that will totally transform the world. The great causes for the world problems, including the misuse of secret technologies to cause disasters will vanish. So have faith and I will leave you for now in the Light and Love of the Higher Dimension, and of the Age of Aquarius, and we can never be separated, I Am with you always. Archangel Michael.

Technology of the Future – Predictions

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Technology of the Future – Predictions” 1/12/18

Technology of the Future – Predictions

Auto repair shops go away. A gasoline engine has 20,000 individual parts. An electrical engine has 20. Electric cars are sold with lifetime guarantees and are only repaired by dealers. It takes only 10 minutes to remove and replace an electric engine. Faulty electric engines are not repaired in the dealership but are sent to a regional repair shop that repairs them with robots. Essentially, if your electric “Check Motor” light comes on, you simply drive up to what looks like a car wash. Your car is towed through while you have a cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new engine.

Gas stations go away. Parking meters are replaced by meters that dispense electricity. All companies install electrical recharging stations.

All major auto manufacturers have already designated 5-6 billion dollars each to start building new plants that only build electric cars.

Coal industries go away. Oil companies go away. Drilling for oil stops. What will they use to get there electric energy???? Right now we are using coal and oil to run generators.

Homes produce and store more electrical energy during the day and then they use and will sell it back to the grid. The grid stores it and dispenses it to industries that are high electricity users.

A baby of today will only see personal cars in museums.

The FUTURE is approaching faster than one can handle!

In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide. Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they went bankrupt.

What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 5-10 years and, most people won’t see it coming.

Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later you would never take pictures on film again?

Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975. The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore ‘s law. So as with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for a time, before it became way superior and became mainstream in only a few short years. It will now happen again (but much faster) with Artificial Intelligence, health, autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture and jobs.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Welcome to the Exponential Age!!

Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.

Uber is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars, yet they are now the biggest taxi company in the world.

AirBnB is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.

Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go-player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.

In the U.S., young lawyers already don’t get jobs. Because of IBM’s Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So, if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only omniscient specialists will remain.

Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, its 4 times more accurate than human nurses.

Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.

Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self-driving cars will appear for the public. Around 2020, the complete industry will start to be disrupted. You don’t want to own a car any more. You will call a car with your phone, it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it you only pay for the driven distance and can be productive while driving. The very young children of today will never get a driver’s license and will never own a car.

It will change the cities, because we will need 90-95% fewer cars for that. We can transform former parking spaces into parks.

1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide. We now have one accident every 60,000 mi (100,000 km), with autonomous driving that will drop to 1 accident in 6 million miles (10 million km).

That will save a million lives worldwide each year.

Most car companies will doubtless become bankrupt. Traditional car companies try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels.

Many engineers from Volkswagen and Audi are completely terrified of Tesla.

Insurance companies will have massive trouble because, without accidents, the insurance will become 100x cheaper. Their car insurance business model will disappear.

Real estate will change. Because if you can work while you commute, people will move further away to live in a more beautiful neighborhood.

Electric cars will become mainstream about 2020.

Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity.

Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean: Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.

Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil. Energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations, but that simply cannot continue…technology will take care of that strategy. What about cloudy states like Michigan, Washington and Oregon?

With cheap electricity comes cheap and abundant water. Desalination of salt water now only needs 2kWh per cubic meter (@ 0.25 cents). We don’t have scarce water in most places, we only have scarce drinking water. Imagine what will be possible if anyone can have as much clean water as he wants, for nearly no cost.

Health: The Tricorder X price will be announced this year. There are companies who will build a medical device (called the “Tricorder” from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breath into it. It then analyses 54 bio-markers that will identify nearly any disease. It will be cheap, so in a few years everyone on this planet will have access to world class medical analysis, nearly for free.

3D printing: The price of the cheapest 3D printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it became 100 times faster. All major shoe companies have already started 3D printing shoes.

Some spare airplane parts are already 3D printed in remote airports. The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large amount of spare parts they used to have in the past.

At the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3D scanning possibilities. You can then 3D scan your feet and print your perfect shoe at home.

In China, they already 3D printed and built a complete 6-story office building. By 2027, 10% of everything that’s being produced will be 3D printed.

Business opportunities: If you think of a niche you want to go in, first ask yourself: “In the future, do I think we will have that?” And, if the answer is yes, how can you make that happen sooner?

If it doesn’t work with your phone, forget the idea. Any idea designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st century.

Work: 70-80% of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years. There will be a lot of new jobs, but it is not clear if there will be enough new jobs in such a short time.

Agriculture: There will be a $100 agricultural robot in the future. Farmers in 3rd world countries can then become managers of their field instead of working all day on their fields.

Aeroponics will need much less water. The first Petri dish produced veal is now available and will be cheaper than cow produced veal in 2018. Right now, 30% of all agricultural surfaces is used for cows.
Imagine if we don’t need that space anymore.

There are several startups who will bring insect protein to the market shortly. It contains more protein than meat. It will be labeled as “alternative protein source” (because most people still reject the idea of eating insects).


Grounding Into Your New Reality

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Grounding Into Your New Reality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ January 9, 2018
Greetings Beloveds, I AM Yeshua and I AM Mary Magdalene, in union, demonstrating our deep Divine Love, and connecting with yours. We bring you encouragement for this very important time.
This is a time of grounding into your New Reality, Beloveds, which may seem uncertain and maybe even perilous at times. There are no longer former duality-based rules on which to base your life, because you are leaving duality behind. However, there may be a tendency at times to frame new experiences on the old way of perceiving them.

There may be a tendency to dip into duality by habit at times, only to realize that you have left it. It has no substance for you anymore. But you may not yet be completely comfortable with this new way of perceiving from a place of Neutrality and Wholeness and Oneness, of Deep, abiding Divine Love, of total Unconditional Love, for yourselves and others in Unity.
Give it time, Beloveds … You might feel lost at times, but what you may not fully realize is that you have Found a new way of BEing.
It will take constant intent to ground into this new reality that is becoming an extension of your inner awakening and rise in consciousness and embodiment, one of more constant deep Peace and Love and Harmony and Oneness.
Now is not the time to judge your progress, or to look too closely at how far you have come, or where you are going. Allow yourself to ground deeply into this new Reality of Peace and Love and Harmony that is fueling all you do and think and say, if you allow it.
Allowing yourself to ground more deeply into this New Reality will be the thread by which you keep connected to your inner wisdom, allowing it to lead you, for this new reality is the manifestation of your new higher consciousness, of your embodiment of your Soul/Higher Self.
You may feel light-headed, and maybe even ‘spacy’ at times, as you learn that anchoring into this new reality of Divine Embodiment does not feel the same as feeling grounded before, when you were fully entrenched in duality and separation. But oh, the possibilities, as you allow yourself to feel and experience this new lightness and clarity that is anchoring into you now as you welcome the intense energies to transform you.
You are getting accustomed to your Multidimensionality more and more, settling into it, no longer compelled to straddle the old world of duality, and instead to be fully in this new way of being that now allows you to flow and float among the Divine Wisdom and Divine Will that is driving your every move now. Keep anchoring into that part of you that seeks and connects with and welcomes the wisdom of your Soul/Higher Self, connected with the Divine Will of Creator, illuminating your Divine Purpose and gifts that will fuel New Earth and sustain you.
Your tether to the old world of duality is dissolving as you lift higher into this new higher consciousness that is beckoning you to stay there always.
Do not expect the same of your body; that is, do not expect it to act the same. Settle into the acceptance of your enlightened, crystalline-light-filled cells and allow your lightbody to keep building and to take over your functions and functionings more. Accept and Reorient.
If you tend to tire more easily right now or feel a lot of activity around your head and heart and spine and joints, attempt to see it and welcome it as moving further into your crystalline lightbody and this will help with the discomfort.
This is a new threshold that you are peering out from. Do not expect to see and feel everything the way you used to.
Allow yourself to stay tuned into the new frequencies of changed consciousness. The body changes may sometimes feel like you went to the other side, and you may feel disoriented at times, however it is really a fuller embodiment. You will get more accustomed to being/staying in your physical body while experiencing this expansion.
You may try looking at it like you are tuning in the frequencies being presented as if you are turning a radio dial to fine-tune a station, and then allow yourself to feel and see daily life from an entirely new place, from this higher consciousness. Readjust into your Heart-Center and this will allow yourself to flow better within these new frequencies. Anchor in and allow yourself more fully to experience life from these higher dimensions while flowing through your daily life.
Imagine the possibilities of this, Beloveds. You are a brand-new-you in a brand-new-reality and it really can be ‘Heaven on Earth’ for you in the coming days. So, let go of the tether of your old way of thinking and old perceptions, and anchor into this New Reality that is a manifestation of your new higher consciousness led by your embodiment of your Soul/Higher Self, allowing it to lead the way.
Your brother and sister in Love,
I AM Mary Magdalene, and I AM Yeshua, and together we encompass you in our Eternal Divine Love.
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Copyright © 2011-2018 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission. www.franhealing.com    www.franheal.wordpress.com  www.ouremergingdivinity.com 

Total Disclosure

Saint Germain: ‘there will be total disclosure in February.’
Christine: I asked what ‘total’ really means and he said:
Saint Germain: ‘It will all come out in the news,’
Christine: and I asked ‘is it at the beginning or end of February?’ He said:
Saint Germain: ‘towards the end.’
Christine: He also said:
Saint Germain: ‘this total disclosure is the final Act!’

What if instead of a to-do list, you had a to-feel list?

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the agenda of so many individuals to achieve something in their lives. You are, as a species, very goal-oriented. You make more time in your day for doing than you do for being. We have noticed that you will even sacrifice your state of being in order to get something accomplished.

What if instead of a to-do list, you had a to-feel list? And what if you were able to convince yourselves that nothing had to happen in order for you to have the feeling that you wanted to experience? How often would you the sit with the intention of feeling joy or love?

If you knew you could access those states of being without accomplishing anything, wouldn’t that be something you would want to explore? Now, we also recognize that you understand that your state of being, your vibration, is ultimately what creates your reality. And therefore you may engage in this activity that we are suggesting because you think that by feeling a certain way you will be able to manifest something that you want to manifest.

So again, holding a state of being becomes an accomplishment, or a means to an end. But what we are here to suggest now is to hold a state of being, a vibration, for no other purpose than that it is how you choose to feel, it is how you choose to be.

Once you recognize that nothing needs to be accomplished, and that you have the freedom to feel however you want to feel, you will open yourselves up to an entirely new life, and you will find that what you are capable of feeling has no limitation assigned to it. When you discover that, you will be convinced that feeling for the sake of feeling is the ultimate experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Feel for the Sake of Feeling ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

You’ve Gotta Have Heart

Happy Happy New Year!

Before I get to Saint Germain’s message, The MAIN Event, here is a little info about 2018 which opens with a Super Moon BANG!

A Full Moon on January First is VERY rare and it is a Super Moon to boot. What a great way to start the year! Just what is a Super Moon? In the “olden days” astrology said the moon was in Perigee which meant it was the closest to the earth in its orbit and therefore appeared larger and brighter. Now it is called a Super Moon which is more fun and descriptive than Perigee. Apogee is the term when the moon is furthest away from earth.

January 31st is also a Super Moon & a Blue Moon (which refers to the second full moon to occur in any calendar month) & an eclipse, too! This is the year’s only eclipse for North America. Its total phase can be seen from west of the Mississippi and in western Canada.

December 2017 was also a Super Moon, so we have 3 in a row! Quite appropriate to Saint Germain’s Message.

And of course, 2018 is a Master Year! 2+0+1+8 = 11, a Master number. Obtaining your Mastery will be easier this year, in spite of some pretty heavy astrological configurations.


An International New Year Greeting Card for you.

I love to receive your replies, however, I have to send these cards TO my address FROM my address, and then make a link to it for you to enjoy. That means that if you reply it is coming from my address and I have no idea who is sending it unless you sign your message. Sometimes a question is asked of me and I can not answer you – so – if you would like a reply from me, please add your name and email address to you message. Thanks so much ?


Ascended Master Saint Germain’s 2018 New Year Message

This year we will make great advancements in raising frequency for the planet and all who live upon her. A brand new Energy is coming this year. One that will propel you into a new level of Being. . . a beginning of the Super Human. Super Moons to Super Human, a bit of cosmic humor. This is what you have been waiting for, hoping for and hanging on to see this come in your lifetime.

YOU are going to change, the world is going to change, even politicians and corporations are going to change, in ways that you can not imagine right now.
As my former student, Albert Einstein, once said: “Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.”
You, and all, will reach a higher level of awareness that will then be able to solve the problems of the world. You will see things very differently and the solutions will be crystal clear.

How do you move into this new Energy & Awareness in the speediest, most effective and graceful way?

H E A R T !

Stay in your Heart no matter what is happening to you and around you. It will not always be easy to do. You will have challenges. The chaos and darkness is not over yet, however, your Heart can help you through it. It is the only way.

Here are clear instructions I wish for you to follow.
1. Be aware of the world around you. Do not bury your head in the sand. Know what is happening in your country and the world with politics, education, finances, medicine, weather, the environment, and all other aspects of life.
2. View them without attachment, judgement or emotions. Be the Silent Witness. Just observe.
3. You will see changes happen. You will see greed and corruption turn into kindness and respect for all of life. You will see anger and discourse turn into peace and harmony.
4. All will appears as Miracles, and they are, yet they are not, because that is the natural state of the new Energy and Awareness coming.
5. When you view the old ways, the greed, corruption, violence, and tragedies, STAY NEUTRAL, and STAY IN YOUR HEART.
6. Use the Violet Flame EVERY DAY on yourself and on the world. Whenever an incident happens, direct the Violet Flame to go to that location and transmute all lower energies. Turn the negativity into PINK LIGHT – this year we use the PINK LIGHT – always.
7. Write down ALL you wish to accomplish this year, as well as, what you wish to become. Dream Big! Read this list out loud to yourself once a week, every week for the whole year.
8. Take very good care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well, take time in nature, laugh and be happy.
9. Know that I AM always with you. Call upon me and I will answer.

There is a song from “Damn Yankees” which opened on Broadway in 1955 titled “You’ve Gotta Have Heart”. It’s rather corny by today’s standards but the message is gold. Let it be our private theme song for 2018.


My deepest Blessings to you,
I AM Ascended Master Saint Germain


Pull away the covers of your creation skills and start creating.

Dear Ones,

This recent void phase is nearly complete. So it is you are preparing for the next stage which is the creation of your 3D dreams.

Most who wish to follow you into 5D or beyond are not interested in spiritual elements at the moment for they feel their inner and outer worlds have been turned inside out. So it is they require some sort of framework of how and why to move forward. The framework you are now ready to display.

Even though you likely believe you have not done enough – that you must have more pieces to clear or others to interact with before you create your 3D dreams, nothing could be further from the truth.

The only piece stopping you from moving forward is you.

In your mind, you have not graduated causing you to believe you must do more, work harder, forgive others or love yourself more – anything you can think of to remove yourself from the creation seat.

What if your attempts to create fail yet again? What if you have not completed all you need to before attempting this creation phase?

Even though you, en masse, requested an additional earth year to prepare for this phase, much like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, you always had the ability to create what you wished – a skill that is now easier than ever.

Most of you are terrified of failure for what if your creation skills are not what we claim? What if you are making all of this up?

What you fail to understand is that you are fully prepared to be a 3D master. The recent energy bursts were not about adding to your skill set as much as helping you remember how to create easily and effortlessly – as you have for eons in other environments.

Granted, creating while of the earth has been more difficult than other environments. But now that the earth has entered 5D such 3D heaviness no longer exists.

Part of you wishes to remain in fear and 3D creation difficulties so you do not stand out or so you cannot be blamed if others do not create as do you.

You are unnecessarily generating fear around your natural creation skills. A bit like a toddler refusing to walk because he or she might fall.

Perhaps a bit of practice is necessary for you to understand that you are a natural creator. Perhaps not. But know with every cell of your being that you can no longer procrastinate, or be fearful of the outcome or the process. You have taken an additional earth year to sort through those fears. It is now time to act.

Of course, you are frightened, just as you were when you were required to read out loud in class. “What if I don’t read the words correctly and my classmates laugh at me?” Can now be shifted to your current fears, “What if the Universes and my cohorts expect me to do something I can’t do?”

Stop stalling. Stop worrying. And start playing with your creation skills. Even though you do not need to for you are fully capable of creating what you want. Start small if you wish. You merely need to believe you can.

Love your totality and your skills for they are altering earth and the Universes. Stop playing head games with yourself hoping against hope that you can hide from yourself and others as you have done earth lifetime after earth lifetime. Pull away the covers of your creation skills and start creating. That is your role and the amazing skill set you honed for eons.

Allow yourself to believe in yourself, and all will be as you dream. Allow yourself to frighten you, and you will continue to receive messages such as this with a definite push to the forefront – for you are ready and it is time. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Feeling Good is Feeling God.