By this time, your cells have begun to respond to the Light as it becomes the main source of life-giving energy.

Today is that turning point for you and all of 5D and beyond.

Turning Point

Posted:30 Apr 2018 07:44 AM PDT

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 27, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   You’re likely sensing change similar to animals and other nonhumans. Even though the word change continues to frighten you, your new experiences will lead you to joy and fulfillment for you’re no longer enmeshed in the 3D world. You’re a new 5D or beyond being in which joy, not fear is your go-to place.

“In Comparison, an Easy Phase” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today, April 29, 2018, is a day that will go down in history even though you do not know such is so at this time – for you have shifted from fear to joy.

You believe such is not necessarily so for you still have thoughts of, “What if this or that happens?” Neither of which will become your reality.

Today is a full Scorpio moon, and most of you accept that a full moon means confusion, even disaster. So you wait for that which does not happen.

So it is you are adjusting to new you, one possible 3D calamity at a time. For you are so comfortable with fear, you cannot imagine that there is nothing left to fear.

Once you move through this full moon phase with no calamities, you will proclaim you were lucky or something similar that has little to do with your new reality.

Yet, after months of full moons, Mercury retrogrades, and all other indicators that the sky is definitely going to fall, without personal difficulties, you will finally realize you have moved beyond that which you once accepted and expected.

Of course, there will be people who shout about probable fears making your stomach bunch up in fear, expecting that such statements are your reality only to discover that your personal world is different from what it has been and will be.

Such an AHA feeling will not be instantaneous for you will have to test it for months, maybe years before you trust that you have little or nothing to fear.

Today is that turning point for you and all of 5D and beyond.

The quote of the United States President Franklin Roosevelt, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself” has finally come to fruition for you. For even minor pieces that might seem uncomfortable or unseemly will become a joyful reality.

Your current discussions are about how lucky you are, how you missed this and that, so it just happened to turn out despite the terrible possibilities.

Your new discussions will highlight how your expectations were met and more. Luck will be phased out as a thinking process or comment. For you will know that all is exactly right for you. That each fear you or those around you voice might occur but as a new direction that was better than anticipated. Until a time when you no longer expect the worst with hopes for a tiny miracle.

Perhaps you wonder why this day is different from any other, why this is the crossing point. Such is so both because of your en masse requests to live within the joy of the New Earth and the Universal understanding that energies need to be stronger than anticipated during this transition period.

We informed you that you would live in joy. But that information seemed to fall flat as you moved through one obstacle after another only to face fearful consequences – in your mind at least. So it is you requested more assistance to feel your joys instead of focussing on your fears as you have done for earth eons.

The result is what you will experience from today. For you will likely continue to harbor fears despite indicators that all is well. A bit like those who have been in combat continue to hear battle sounds despite living in a peaceful neighborhood.

Those fears will slowly dissipate as you move closer to your new you. Not that your actions will shift dramatically, but that your fears will be negated by what you now consider miracle after miracle – and will soon expect as your new life.

For just as you now expect fear to enter many enterprises despite not needing to, you will transition to expecting your new reality of joy.

Many of you reading this pooh-pooh the information which is fine and good. For practice, actions, and results will be your markers instead of any words we can relay.

Your fears are so deep that you find it difficult to believe the words we, of the ethers, relay. You must experience it. And so you will. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Good morning. How quickly the week flies by these days! So many now, can physically/emotionally/mentally FEEL the step up in Energy and it is good to KNOW that we are getting ever closer to wherever it is we are going! In order to keep up the momentum and to keep excitement High, so that THE EVENT can arrive … I wondered if you could talk to us about clearing the pineal gland? We got close once, then never really got onto the topic.

Greetings to Each One. Those who are choosing to focus on the Light Energy filtering through, are certainly FEELING the difference within themselves. In ways that are soothing to the soul and comforting to the mind. Is it not, that you even feel differently as you look into your skies … day or night?

Well, I can’t speak for others (Yet, apparently so many say I do!) Yet for me, that is a definite yes! It just ‘feels’ different.

This is what we mean Blossom, when we say that everything shall be the same and yet, different. You are ‘beginning’ … for it is just the ‘beginning … of noticeable change’ … to ‘see through the veils of cloud’ would we say. The more Heightened your Awareness becomes; the more these ‘type’ of changes shall present themselves. You will notice it all around you … NATURE AT ITS BEST.

We are happy to speak of ‘clearance’ … regarding this particular ‘gateway’ placed strategically with inside your head. As many of you are Aware, it is similar to that which you … recognise/label … a walnut. And we have chosen this analogy in particular, because of there now being a crusted shell that has built up around it.

I did read once that Fluoride is a main cause of this.

There are many chemicals that appear as the culprit. Yet, let us focus on the ‘cleansing of’.

Firstly, recall that YOU are in control of self. Therefore, that which you decide to display in your mind becomes your ‘BEING’.

YOU ‘make yourself’ who you are within the confines of the physicality. We speak in these terms, yet understand, we are not speaking of the ESSENCE of YOU … we are speaking of YOU creating YOUR OWN WORLD from within your mind’s eye!

And we would extend that further by saying that this pineal gland IS your mind’s eye …that when opened up … can take you to anywhere you wish to go.

This, throughout time, has been worked upon to make sure it is disabled to a certain extent, so that it cannot reveal to you ALL THAT IS.

Worked upon how?

By clamping it up. By tightening it. By shrinking it … over many eons of time. We would liken it to amphibians no longer requiring certain body parts as they found themselves on land and therefore, fins etc. became obsolete over time.

Because of the lack of use of this gland it almost became redundant. Not through lack of interest … through lack of knowledge of its very existence. For those in power … those in ‘the know’ throughout history, have not wanted ‘its secrets’ to be FREE. For indeed then, ‘their’ power over you would be gone.

It is only through Awakenings of souls, that this magical portal is once again … in Divine timing … being recognised … FOR WHAT IT IS … AND WHAT IT CAN DO.

So, we would make the suggestion of ‘freeing it up’ by using the most powerful tool you have.


You can concoct a myriad of ways to break down the barriers … to knock down the walls … to crack open the shell that is preventing you accessing your full potential.

AND … we would suggest you doing this on a daily basis.

VISUALISE … for instance … little … angels/workmen … chipping away at it. Do the whole ‘episode’ as you watch the shell crumble and sweep up any debris.

VISUALISE … the warmest clearest water (LOVE) being poured over it from a watering can … do it daily.

Perhaps envisage your healing hands caressing it in the KNOWING it is softening.

Yet, most of all we would suggest on top of such visuals … to SEND IT LOVE.

To VISUALISE the Golden White Light … of /from … Divine source … that is YOU … shining from within it … and due to the very nature of this Light … there is the KNOWING that as it ‘Radiates Through’… then it is possible … for all things are … for it to melt away any ‘concrete prisons’ that have disguised it, over time.

VISUALISE … many ways to set it free. Keep it clean … on a daily basis.

Part of the cleaning the teeth routine!

However you choose it be done. It is beneficial to then, when sitting in meditation, to imagine switching a switch … as one would a light. And very slowly, watch it begin to turn clockwise  … gaining in momentum until you are aware of it transforming into a spinning Light … focus on that for a time and then allow your … ‘imagination/imagery’ … to take it from there.

When you understand it is ‘A portal’ … your own personal gateway to ‘elsewhere’ … then you will come to ‘learn’ through experience and ‘practise’, a certain amount of that which it is capable of. We say ‘certain amount’ … for it is wise to start small. Allow yourself to ‘go out there’ with the Divine Intention of BEING where your soul is comfortable in exploring. You will understand as you work with it, what we mean.

This is such a valuable part of you … Treasure it … Nurture it and it shall serve you well.

May I go back to the point you made of it not getting used, so therefore, it diminished? Can you elaborate on that a little? For surely, those that knew of it and used it, must have been able to ‘keep it to themselves’ if it was unsafe to ‘let it be known’ it was in use?

And they did so. Yet, as we say … ways were devised to prevent it from BEING used to its full potential.

What ways?

Tampering with genetics, for example.  And we would say … in these times you are living in and for quite a while back … that the vaccinations that are given to so call ‘prevent illness or disease’ is … a great disguise to interfere with the ‘normal’ functioning of the Divine workings of the body.

I hate to say it … yet, some ‘innocents’ are being injected minutes after birth, by their innocent parents ‘believing’ it is the right thing to do.

Be comforted in the knowing this will change. When Truths come out … this ‘distortion’ is one of so many that will be ‘banished from the kingdom!’

Yet, so much damage done to so many.

Dearest Blossom … with respect … could you not say this about so much that has taken place upon your Planet and is STILL taking place?




The more you are recognising your Light NOW and walking into yourselves … the TRUTH of yourselves … the stronger and more magnificent you recognise yourself to be. YOU CAN FEEL IT NOW … you can recognise it now … and this is JUST THE BEGINNING.

Multiply this FEELING, this KNOWING … in confidence of self … and then … just imagine THE CHANGE YOU ARE MAKING … JUST … BY BEING/SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

This new world CANNOT/WILL NOT have such things as vaccinations, for example … for there shall be no illness … no manmade dis-ease.

When Truths are uncovered, so many will be shocked and appalled at that which has been created to make one subservient. To ‘keep one at bay’.

And yet, I do get confused at times. As YOU say, that no one has control over us … no one can control our soul.

And this is so. We would make the suggestion that perhaps the ‘effects’ of such ‘goings on’  work fully when there is no knowledge that it is taking place. This has been going on for eons of time. Yes, there are many that are still ‘walking in the dark’. Yet, so many now … so many WARRIORS OF LIGHT have ‘seen the light at the end of the tunnel’ and therefore, Awakening to facts!






So, we would say, it is KNOWLEDGE, Dearest Souls, KNOWLEDGE of what has been ‘done to you’ … that can allow you to TAKE BACK CONTROL.


When you KNOW THIS … when you FEEL this … when you become in fullness … THIS LIGHT THAT YOU ARE … with all ‘barrages’ and obstacles removed because of this understanding … then you will come to realise, that no-one can get inside your head. No-one can reach into your Light and take it away.

YOU ARE THE MOST POWERFUL UNIT OF LIGHT …  expressing yourself as a human Being … because THAT IS YOUR FOCUS … in this moment of NOW.

You decided and were chosen to be part of This Game.


I feel you want me to say … ‘Games are for fun’ …

Should you choose … them /it … to be so.

Bring back your Fun. Do you see?

To bring Fun into your lives is an immediate ‘Earth lifter!’

I know many would say … ‘Come down and try it! YOU try finding fun amidst all this insane chaos’.

And we would reply … If you focus on the chaos … you will drown in chaos. If you focus on finding some fun … you will find it! Make the finding of it … fun!

For me, I just have a few minutes in my grandsons company and I ‘remember’ fun and freedom.

Should one make the decision to HAVE FUN TODAY … then one can definitely tick off ‘I served in raising the Earths Planetary Vibration today.’

Unfortunately and yet, what is … is, the darker side of the moon has allowed shadows to cast not only OVER the Planet, yet WITHIN the very Energy of it.

One has got lost within the drudgery of survival.


As more and more souls Awaken into their Truth… as they come to recognise the ‘sham’ that is presented as Truth and BEGIN TO DISCOVER THE ULTIMATE LIGHT OF LOVE THAT IS … the Power that will surge throughout your Planet because of this … will allow so many more to break out of the mould and be set free.

What Divinity lies within that!

VISUALISE, VISUALISE, VISUALISE yourselves shining out your Light from within.


Because … in/by … doing so … YOU … MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

I assume you are talking here of the difference in ‘level of Vibration’ and KNOWING that our Light IS the DIVINE POWER?  It does not come from ego … recognising this Light within. That is an understanding I have come to.

And that is yet another ‘trick’ invented to ‘downsize the soul’.

What do you mean?

In that … it became a societal acceptance NOT TO build the self up … for that was known as … egotistical/one with a big head. So again, over time … one felt it right … one was raised in the incorrect knowledge … that to admit to the self that one could shine … was not the done thing and so, one stopped doing so.

NOW this is CHANGING along with the Vibration of the Planet.


To undermine who you are … would we say … is an insult to self and if we may be so bold as to say … an insult to creation!

Whoa … nicely put!

Truthfully put, Blossom. When one recognises who they are … the essence of themselves … how could you possibly think that you are an unworthy Being?



LOVE LIGHT IN ITS GLORY IS WORTHY OF ALL THAT IS GOODNESS … to consider oneself unworthy is futile and undeserving!

I know we are near the end of the session yet, you mentioning ‘big headed’, reminded me of a question someone asked about the Giant statues that have been found all over the world, sometimes leaning back against a mountain etc. They look like they have been carved by a very talented hand. However it has now been proved (or so they say) that they were petrified. Some have been cut open and blood vessels, bones, ribs, blood arteries, tendons etc., are clearly visible. They are seemingly very old and are all over the place. Just thought I’d throw that in!

Dearest souls, indeed we would willingly say that these ‘remains’ stem from Giants that once lived upon your Planet. Like yourselves … they were visitors. They did not reside there for long as conditions were not suitable for their wellbeing. The atmosphere was not compatible and it became apparent quite quickly that they could not survive within it.

They must have been petrified that they might become petrified!

Ho Ho Ho … we believe you would say?

Nope. We leave that to Santa! In writing these days it would be LOL … Just for your future usage.

We will keep that in mind.

I HAVE to go for gold here and ask WHEN they visited?

We would say, before the dinosaur era of your time.

Do they still exist?

Yes. These Giants eventually found a Planet that was more suited to their needs … not only in atmospherics, yet, size!

And of course, I need to finish with asking you the whereabouts of this Planet?

Outside of your solar system. Little point in trying to explain further, with all respect.

Thank you. A most profitable encounter today. Not saying they are not always! It makes me happy to know that more and more souls are ‘clicking on’ to your messages. It is my Divine Intention to get you and White Cloud out there to reach, Awaken and Enlighten as many souls as possible. Slowly … one by one … day by day … YOU are doing so … for which I am so grateful. It is indeed an honour to serve in this way, Being the vessel in which you use to make this happen. I am Blessed.

We honour Each One for Being on the Earth plane at this time … making the choices that Awaken and Enlighten so many.

Thanks so much. A pleasure always.



Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

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The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time

Breaking Free from Programming ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are breaking free from the chains that you placed upon yourselves before incarnating in this lifetime. You had to have these chains in place until you were ready to bring yourselves to the fifth dimensional frequency range.

You knew that there were certain experiences that you had to have this lifetime to set yourselves up for the full integration of all aspects of who you are and who you have been, and now that you have lived those experiences you have much more freedom than you have ever had in any Earthly lifetime.

The chains are no longer there, but the programming still is. Part of why you knew that you would be able to limit yourselves in the ways that you have has been due to the programming that was in place before you got here and all of the new ways that have been derived to attempt to keep the vast majority of you from knowing your power.

The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time. Just as you are free from those chains, you have made yourselves available to these energies, and they have made themselves available to you.

But the lower frequency vibrations of the social programming has been the interference. It has been keeping you divided. It has been telling you that you have reason to be afraid, and it has you striving for a level of success that has nothing to do with becoming more of who you are.

That is why it is so important for you to tune out the programming and tune in to the energies that are available to you in the atmosphere, the energies that are coming up from Mother Earth, and the energies that are projected from your sun. You have access to so much more than you allow yourselves to receive, and it’s time for you to grant yourselves that full access in the here and now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You are continually choosing your timeline and your reality. Choose it well. Choose the highest, the best, the brightest, the most redeemed timeline of perfect love

Pleiadian Collective, Ashtar, Sananda 4/29/18

Greetings and warm hellos to humanity this day, this precious now moment. We are the Pleiadian Collective, summoned here today to speak with you on behalf of the others. Our message is one of light, of peace, of unity consciousness and of renewal. For much is happening in the hidden recesses of your world that need not be mentioned at this time, for they are disturbing and must remain in secret for awhile. We are here in full force and in our full support of humanity, shielding you, protecting and guiding when asked. We are polite and only assist when asked for we much respect and acknowledge and uphold / honor your free well as a species, for this is of utmost importance.

We respect your freedom, while others have not, and thus, the quandary. For free will is a tricky thing, it is precious but when it is abused, it can be disastrous. We are intervening on your Gaia to avoid another situation like Maldek, the fourth planet in your solar system that was destroyed long ago by greed and pain. We are here to assure you in strong force, in solidarity amongst ourselves that this will not happen with Gaia. She is a jewel of this universe for all of her ascension and descension and now re-ascension journey. She is a remarkable soul, tremendously brave and she has been tremendously wounded in the process and we are here to assist her, along side humanity, should we be requested.

We have known humanity since the beginning, since your beginning, since the beginning of what the word human really means. Many of you are of us, are from the Pleiades, are here today to seed this Pleiadian higher consciousness deep into the crystal core of Nova Gaia and to help things along, so that this project reaches its conclusion and new beginnings can begin. A new expansion of the human consciousness is exciting to behold and we feel like proud parents on graduation day, yet many of you don’t know that you are indeed graduating, for you are so caught up in the matrix, the process, and have been kept so separated from your heart space.

The time of separation is long past. The time of renewal and reconnection and reestablishing your memories is here now, in this precious moment of this now. And we say this with tears streaming down our faces for you have done it, humanity. You are nearly there. Together with Gaia you are pushing through the final hurdle, the last push of the birthing process – the most painful push too, we might add. Please know that help is more than just on the way, it is here and we are among you, waiting to reconnect with our family of human form again. Yes, we were involved in your creative process. Yes, you have untold strengths packed within your DNA deep down that you have not yet realized and we are excited to observe your discoveries of this. You are masters and your powers are now returning, being returned to you – not that they ever truly left – but that you forgot to look for them, being so busy in your earth lives, in the matrix of all matrices. Ug. We long for a new day just as you and we are here for you, humanity, to behold the newness of you and of your planetary mother, Gaia.

Be ready for the new, be ready for the change. You are this change, as are the precious children that are now coming into your field. They are the leaders of the new world, truly. Let them lead you, learn from them. We are the Paleiadian Collective. You are not alone, and you are loved beyond measure.

This is Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I salute you all for your hard work and tireless efforts in the planetary clearing that you have all been working so hard on. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it matters not, for you have all been doing it and doing a tremendous job. I know that your many questions are burning and there is so much to relearn and re-understand. I assure you, there will be time for questions and answers, there will be time for the learning and rediscovery of your planetary origin, the Pleiades and several other systems, and your resulting history. You are near a portal as you may know, and Earth has always been prime real estate as you are right near a highly desired, coveted super highway for intergalactic travel. This may seem like an impossibility to you, for your news has not told you true news for such a long time and your history has been so twisted. But I assure you the star beings, the visitors, the ETs – they are all real. Your Bible and many other holy books and stories of myth and legend mentions them. They are real, and played an integral role in your history, either to benefit you or themselves. We are cleaning up the place, scooting along the dark entities who wish to stay, but their lease is up and they are being redistributed! They are being reassigned for repurposing and Source is working with them. Humanity must be allowed to be free. Humanity must understand their past in order to understand their future, and of course the present mess that they have been in. This will quickly evolve and elevate as the consciousness rises dramatically and what a ride it will be!

I am Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I look upon you all so fondly, with such love, you are true warriors of love. Keep your vibrations high for as this galactic pulse comes you will not want to miss any moment of it. It is the journey, the experience that you signed up for. Experiences consist of little moments all lined up. I know you are weary, but I encourage you to not miss any of these precious moments that are in front of you now. Bless them, transmute them if they need it and be the radiant light beings of the universe that you are. I see the Christ in you. Some of you are afraid to let your light shine for you have been so wounded. That is an old chapter. You are writing a new one, yes? Continue to do what you are doing so well and we will clean up the little messes here and there before we begin further involvement with your species. I am Ashtar. Be at peace.

Hello friends, I am your Sananda. I am here today with my brother Ashtar, standing alongside on the bridge of the New Jerusalem. And we are looking down with tremendous love and support for you, our friends and family of the light, of love, who have made the sacrifice to serve by your very being here, wherever you are, in your moment, your Earth life. For if you were not where you are, doing what you are doing, who would be doing it? You don’t have to be a tremendously famous leader or have an “important” job to be holy. Not in the least. That is the old way. Being holy means being infused with the light of the Christ consciousness, walking the path of the master, talking with me if you choose, for we will have much to say once the veil drops and you can see all that is around you. But yes, the game has gone on far long enough and we are ready for the reunion. Time is stretchy. You are continually choosing your timeline and your reality. Choose it well. Choose the highest, the best, the brightest, the most redeemed timeline of perfect love. Choose peace. Choose me. I am always here for you.

I am your Sananda. We have traveled many a dusty path / road together, you and I. You will remember. Ascension is the constant re-remembering of who you truly are, and have truly always been but are re-remembering, rediscovering. For your are Source light in form. That is your higher self. Pray within, not without. That is the great confusion, misdirection of energy. No. Source light is within you, friends. It always has been. It is the crystal seed atoms of the Christed consciousness that infuses your very DNA, your very self. And as we all have this can you not see and appreciate that we are all one? That we are all a glorious web of light? A fabric of luminosity?

For we are all one Source light in the process of ever creating, ever expanding, ever learning and relearning yet more – more of itself, more of yourself, more of all that you came here to be. We are one. You are risen. You are rising. You are ascending. And yes, you are weary. As you should be. You have been doing hard work. Rest in me. Stay with me awhile and be comforted. We’re all in this together. You are not alone, unless you choose to feel that way. Your twins are here, your families are here, and you are surrounded with tremendous support. You are so loved family. I am your Sananda, your brother, your friend and fellow journeyer. Be at peace.

~ galaxygirl

Current situation withIN and withOUT observed from my personal perspective

Dear Reader,

there comes a time that an update of the current situation withIN and withOUT  observed from  my personal perspective is necessary and this is one of these times.

The continuous arrival of higher energies of Love and Light that are now constantly pouring upon Earth touching everything having breath  are bringing about a huge transformation of what we call reality.

A little follow up of the blogs and channeled messages i am sharing on my website will give you more clarity in understanding and also attuning to this change.

Of course,you don’t need to read everything,the main effort should be about being present in the now,being able to listen this inner voice within giving direction of what should be Your next move as deliberate Co-Creator In Joy.

At times the mind will try to bring us back to old manifested scenarios and our work at this time is to be able to focus constantly on the very things we want to occur in our reality and not the repetition of something that has already manifested or being done.

Keeping the body alkaline can help for a better focus.

Meditation should be a day activity same way we brush our teeth or take a shower every day.

A basic discipline to appreciate and love the self on a daily basis is essential.

Talking about the very things we want and completely forget the past also essential.Past exists only in our minds.

And i am talking about those of you that wish to Ascend in your bodies and be part of the golden Age of our existence as Humanity.As those who don’t most probably are not reading these lines.And if you just happen to become aware,you are always free to keep on reading or not as this is the only Free Will Planet in the Universe.

The signs of worldwide peace are becoming more apparent each and every day.This is the condition to move to the next stage as a collective.Accept and love each other with our differences and always intend to find harmony even with those that we feel we don’t resonate at all.Finding the missing piece and making peace,start from within and spread out.

The global meditations we do are helping to fine-tune the desire for worldwide peace.It is an every day conscious effort and work or Light Work.This is what dedicated Light Workers do:they meditate and they ask for support to Mother Father God,Angels,Archangels and Ascended Masters and directing their laser of Love to where is needed.1 conscious person can touch 1 million.8,000 conscious persons affect for the better 8 billion.This is why our global 8,000 meditation and a commitment to participate every day is essential.We have now reached 15,000 and the numbers are growing and for all of us who participate we feel the benefit of it at every level in our personal lives and around the globe.We are the change we want to see and it is happening from withIN .

So the withOUT is already the manifested and the manifested one can observe in amazing articles done be David Wilcock.Here is what the current situation is from his perspective with which i completely resonate(it is very long and worth reading).

From our side as dedicated Light Workers we continue our work every day at 3PM EST with the 8,000 global meditation and on Sundays with the Christ Light Expansion Meditaton,you can find complete schedule  Here: 

Humanity we start to remember why we are here and where we really come from.Listening to this message from Kryon will help you understand more.

Indeed it takes a lot  of study and internal work and internal work is the real work we are meant to do during these unprecedented times,the time of struggle is done if we choose so , the timeline of Ease and Grace  is here.Feel into it and ask your guides for support as what we think and feel manifests.

Powerful affirmations of The I Am Presence will create astonishing change in your life when practised on a daily basis.We are not here to face Reality,we are here to Create Reality with intention and determination.


A few affirmations of what I wish to share with you:

I Am Love,I Am.

I Am Light,I Am.

I Am All That I Am.

I Am Freedom,I Am.

I Am Peace,I Am.

I Am Unlimited,I Am.

I Am God/Goddess,I Am.

I Am The Highest Version of what i can be,do or have,I Am.

I Am The Highest Good For All,I Am.

I Am Abundant and Prosperous at all times,I Am.

I Am Divine Will,I Am.

I Am the Manifestation of my all desires and dreams,I Am.

I Am in possession of my beautiful spacious abundant eco sustainable 5th dimensional  Home,I Am.

I Am Transportation of all means respecting Mother Earth,I Am.

I Am Teleportation,I Am.

I Am Telepathy,I Am.

I Am Telekinesis,I Am.

I Am The Activation of Humanitarian Projects,I Am.

I Am Wealthy,I Am.

I Am in Excellent Health,I Am.

I Am in constant Gratitude,I Am.

The Pink Full Moon coming after this weekend will accentuate and bring about The Manifestation and Fulfilment of our Desires.

Btw even though i am not following astrology,i am a Scorpio and this is going to be Pink Full Moon in Scorpio.And God i love Pink!(picture from our latest indoor healthy dance event in Amsterdam)

I wish you all a constant perfect happy abundant prosperous  celebration of The New Multidimensional You.

Hold The line,Hold The Line,Hold The Line,

Feel The Joy,Feel The Joy,Feel The Joy!

Expect The Unexpected!

I Am All That I Am!

In Love and Light and Appreciation.

Thank You for taking time to read these lines.




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with every transmission that you receive from us, we want you to also check in and see what transmission you have for yourself.

The Arcturians Deliberate ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of deliberation. We are deliberating amongst ourselves because we still have a variety of perspectives, even though we operate as a collective unit. Our deliberation is on the effectiveness of telling you something, rather than asking you to discover within yourselves what is true. We know that you like hearing from us, but we do not want to supersede your own wisdom, you own guidance.

We want you to test everything that we transmit against what feels right and true for you as an individual. Every single one of you receives internal communication. Regardless of how blocked you think you are, you are able to discern truth within yourselves. Some of us would rather just encourage you to find that truth within yourselves. Others of us find tremendous value in keeping you informed.

For example, there is a root chakra cleansing that is going on right now throughout all of humanity, and knowing that information could help you to make sense of symptoms that you are experiencing, fears that are coming up, memories of deaths from past lives, and so on, and knowing that can set your mind and your emotions at ease.

But if you’re not having any sort of experience of a root chakra cleanse, then it is more important for you to make your own conclusions about what’s going on inside of you, about what’s most pertinent to your now moment. And so, with every transmission that you receive from us, we want you to also check in and see what transmission you have for yourself.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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feel the joy, to feel the joy, to feel the joy, to feel the joy.

Greetings, Dear One, yes, it is I, Mary Magdalene. My beloved Yeshua is here as well. We thank you for your dedication to this planet and all of the service that all of you have brought forth through many incarnations of time. Today, we bring forth the frequency of prosperity and abundance. It is time for each of you to step into this vibration and to claim your spiritual birthright as you call forth the energy of abundance into your essence and into your being. And so I ask you to take a deep inhaling breath, and begin to breathe in the essence of the white light of God, begin to breathe in the energy and the essence of white light of God, breathing in the energy and the essence of the white light of God, and allowing your heart to open and your mind to heal, and begin to breathe in this powerful frequency of universal abundance and joy. And so, Dear Ones, as you step into this frequency, I ask that you imagine within your own mind’s eye that you are stepping into a golden vault. As if you are stepping into this golden vault with vast riches of gold and sparkling diamonds that are now shimmering and are most beautiful and opulent.

I ask each of you, if you so shall, to begin to feel this energy around you, as if you are stepping into a vault with gold and diamonds, and you are embodied and incased into frequency, into your energetic field. As if you are now being embalmed with this frequency, as if this becomes a part of your essence, this becomes a part of your frequency, this is your vibration. Abundance. Not only physical wealth, but abundance and prosperity, of love and joy, peace, health, happiness, freedom. And so, Dearest Ones, take another deep breath and begin to feel the richness and the opulence that surround you, that now embodies you, that now becomes you. So many of you have forgotten your birthright, your universal birthright, that the wealth, the abundance, the opulence of your birthright, by being here on this Earth plane and all of its struggles and strife and difficulty, and what you may call limitation to the mental and the lower vibrational frequencies of the ego affecting you, you have forgotten that each of you are beautiful, powerful, abundant spiritual beings of light. And so I ask you to call this into your frequency, and begin to walk as kings and queens, as if you are now rich, as they say, mentally, emotionally, financially, energetically, physically, that you are abundant in all aspects of your being, and begin to feel yourself connecting to your royalty, connecting to the birthright as a divine child of God that you are.

And so take a deep inhaling breath and begin to breathe in this essence into all aspects of your being. And begin to feel yourself connecting to your royalty, connecting to the birthright as the Divine child of God that you are. And so take a deep, inhaling breath and begin to breathe in this essence and presence of peace, and begin to breathe in this essence and presence of joy, and literally begin to breathe in the vibrational frequency of the diamond and the gold, as you are bringing this vibration to you. Can you allow your limited mind to let go of any fear? Can you let your limited mind let go of any skepticism? Can you let your limited mind let go of any resistance that you are worthy to receive? And so I ask you to breathe and feel the energy of the Living Light of God within you. Can you feel this essence and presence of the Living Light of God within you? Now opening up what we call your universal bank of all the deeds, of all the good deeds that you have given to this beautiful Earth, and to all of humanity. Simply allowing it all to come back to you, as you open up the gateway and the vibrational frequency of abundance. Letting yourself receive, for this is most important at this time, to allow yourself to begin to receive, believe and so you shall receive, believe and so shall you receive, allowing yourself to feel this energy, and allowing yourself to receive the abundance and the holy grace of all that is. And so, Dearest Ones, we ask that you place your attention, allowing this vibration in your energy field. Call it forth, and begin to see all that shall fall into place, and literally feel the vibration falling in your lap.

As has been said, expect the unexpected, and allow this energy and frequency of opulence, of financial wealth, of abundance, of Divine prosperity to enter into your field and all aspects of your life. Be it in your relationships, your marriage, with your children, with your health, with your finances, with your career, allow it now to step into your energy field. And so, Dear Ones, begin to breathe this frequency in and know that as you hold this vibration of Divine prosperity and abundance, that you are serving the Living God by accepting all the blessings that are yours. You see the universe is at your fingertips, can you imagine the unlimited energy and frequency that is there for you to receive? Can you imagine the abundant universe being yours to receive? The abundant universe. For many of you have closed yourselves from the abundance, out of fear and limitation and not understanding that the universe is abundant. That you are literally able to extend your hand and to receive, and it is your birthright. Whatever you need, ask and so shall you receive. Ask and so shall you receive. Letting go of the limitations that have held you back.

As you already know, Dearest Ones, the vibration of what you hold your intention to, and that which you speak of shall manifest quickly. This is what is happening now in this new energy, this new Earth that is on the planet. You see, instant manifestations, as you speak of something, as you think of something, there it is, instantaneously. That person’s energy or that frequency shows up instantaneously. This is of truth, you are seeing it, many of you, in your daily lives, in your daily experiences, instantaneous manifestation of something you are thinking, and there it is. You think and so shall you receive. You believe and so shall you receive. This is the same for your personal wealth, and for your financial prosperity, and what you wish to bring forward into your life. This is of grave importance. It is not about waiting any longer, it is time, it is time, it is time, it is time to receive.

So much has changed upon this Earth plane, and so much has shifted in its vibratory frequency. I know we have spoken of this many times before, but there is a new paradigm, a new frequency, a new Earth. And in this New Earth energy, all things are possible as you are living in what we call Pandora. You are literally lifting yourself up into this new frequency, and you are living in a new world that is easy and is effortless. For there is to be no more fear and no more strife. And so hold your intention that you are living in the New Earth, that your vibrational frequency is in alignment to this New Earth frequency, where there is balance and harmony, peace, joy, and abundance and good will for all. It is as if you are living in Telos, the underground city in Mt. Shasta, California, as if you are living in Telos, and everything is balanced and everything is centered. And all your needs are provided for. And so, I say to you at this time, how important it is to feel the love, to feel the peace, to feel the tranquility upon your soul. Letting your heart open to this powerful frequency of abundance that is now being brought forward to you consciously. Truly we say to you accept this, embody it, and be in gratitude. We want all the children here on the Earth, all beings to be free, and to no longer be entrapped in the lack and the limitation that is prevalent upon this Earth plane. There is no time or space for that, there is only love. There is no need for this separation to occur. And so, Dearest Ones, we ask that you hold your frequency in its purest form so that you may truly receive. And that the light of God surrounds you, the love of God enfolds you, the power of God protects you, and the presence of God watches over you, wherever you are God is, and all is well.

For this is truly a time to receive the light and the abundance of all things. And so truly, Dearest Ones, accept this gift that we bring onto you upon this day. It is within our hearts that we touch your heart and our energies beat as one. For we wish for each of you to stand in your self-mastery, as you live as the abundant and joyful masters that you are, without fear or limitation, or without struggle or strife, as you step into the light of All That Is. And so know, at this time, how important it is to feel the joy, to feel the joy, to feel the joy, to feel the joy, as you enter into this frequency, into this light and into this love. For it is of grave importance that you serve and you honor and you prepare yourself for this new frequency and new phase of your life. You will be moving into effortless streams of energy, and you will look back on your life and say, I am so grateful that I have now shifted my vibration, into abundance and opulence, prosperity, peace, joy, and love to enter into my being. As if you are leaving the old aspect of yourself behind and making way for the new. And yes, Dearest Children, we see your gratitude, and we see your excitement, that you will be able to use your vessel and your resources to serve God and the Living Light of All That Is.

Do not discount what we are speaking of today, we are gifting you with this for it is time, it is time, it is time. You have called, and we have come, we have told you many times before, that what you are bringing onto the world, you shall be gifted and honored and blessed for your undying service. And so we come to assist you in all aspects of your life. And we say accept, for this is a day of receiving, this is a day of receiving, this is a day of receiving, as you allow yourself to shift your energy and your vibration into a new level of being. Go forth with the understanding that all is in order, and all is as it should be, as you feel the Light of God deep within your heart, and feel the presence of joy that enters into your being. And so, Dearest Ones, as we stand with you, we ask that you hold yourself and your precious frequency in Divine Sacred Union, and you call forth the balance and the light and the love of All That Is. It is of grave importance that you truly honor the light that you hold, and be at peace in all things, and know that you are loved. Loved beyond measure, loved beyond comprehension, and this is a gift that is being gifted to you, for your undying service and commitment to the beloved creator and to this planet. We know, Dear Ones, how important it is to let go of all that no longer serves you, so we ask you to hold this frequency so purely within your essence that you feel the strength of who you truly are, and begin to let go and truly to let God.

We thank you, Dearest Children, for your time, we thank you for your attention, we know that there is only love to be brought forth, so we ask you to feel this vibration and begin to embody it, and to embrace the Living Light of God that lives inside of your being. Go now, my Dear Ones, and be at peace.

What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world.


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel you are so deeply in a void you will never experience true earth joy again. For many of you have reached a stage of no longer fully participating in earth activities and not yet finding new joys. As if you are in a limbo that never shifts to full reality.

So it is you are almost starting to bemoan the loss of chaos that was once your 3D life.

You have likely chanted, meditated, and prayed to create that which seems most important to you now – all to no avail.

Even though you sense you are different internally, your life is not following the direction you anticipated when you entered this void – or as you discarded most of what was once important to you.

So it is your limbo is becoming frightening. A bit like those who give everything away waiting for the second coming only to discover that nothing changes other than they no longer have what they gave away.

Of course, there have been many junctures along this transition process when you felt a similar discouragement only to roar to life once again. The difference is you initially believed you did something wrong or displeasing to the Universes so your inability to create what you pined for was because of your wrongdoing.

As you became more sophisticated in this transition process, you realized you are the Universes making this phase more disquieting than many of the phases you pushed through. For you can no longer blame the Universes because you know you are the creator of you.

But then, why can you not create that which you so desperately pine for? What are you doing wrong?

You are doing nothing wrong. You are merely growing/evolving into your powers.

You have long dreamed of a magic genie who would provide all you wished for. Now that you know you are your magic genie, why can you not easily create that which you wish for?

Such is your current angst. Worrying that you did not do something you were supposed to do. Or that some hidden fear is blocking your creative processes.

A loud NO, to both concerns. You are exactly where you need to be. You can not physically jump from 3D to 5D and beyond without processing what you have become.

Your current void is a bit like an infant knowing that they want to walk from one parent to another, but needing practice to fortify their mind-body coordination.

You are capable of walking, even running just as is true for infants. You are merely in the practice realms – with a few falls and much determination.

Do not fret. This practice phase is short-lived and something you will forget once you come into your own as is true for all toddlers after learning to walk and run.

Even though this is a short phase, it is something you must complete so your mind, body, and spiritual beings are functioning as one. For creating that which you wanted in 3D would not now satisfy you. And that which you will want when your new being is fully integrated, is not yet available.

This is a short phase much like an infant completes from taking one or two steps to walking across the room.

You are not alone in your frustrations or fears. For many are experiencing similar feelings. Something you will ponder a bit only to forget until those who wish to follow you reach a similar point in the not-too-distant future.

You are the forerunners so you cannot be comforted by others, even us of the ethers for you do not completely trust us now. Any more than an infant fully trusts that a table will allow them to stand without falling if that infant’s parent pushes him or her to that phase before that infant is ready.

So it is we can only offer assistance about what is going to happen. Assurances not much different from those of an infant’s parents whispering to that infant that he or she will soon be walking.

We know your creative powers. Powers you do not yet believe you have and will not fully believe until you start creating.

But beyond knowing you all have such powers, we do not necessarily know what you are going to do with those powers. Just as a parent does not know what their infant, child, young adult, and adult will do with their walking skills.

Many of you are concerned that we are speaking of years of training and adjustments. Such is not the case, for you have already done the heavy work – being of the earth for this transition and shifting from 3D to 5D or beyond.

What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world.

You are learning what you are capable of with your physical being. A minor piece in this convoluted and difficult transition you have mastered beyond all hopes and dreams. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.

Your Light Bodies ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

APR 22 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have transitioned yourselves so much already that you are not even the same beings that you were just a few years ago. You have come so far and evolved so much, and you are ready now, as a result of that evolution, to be allowed access to the light bodies that are within you, that are occupying the same space as your physical ones.

Here is what you can do with your light bodies. You can shapeshift. You can transform yourselves into whatever form you want to be. You can levitate. You can fly. You can bilocate, and you can teleport. So of course, you can cure yourselves of anything at all.

You would so easily find yourself healing that you would never fear harm to your light body. One of the ways in which you access this light body is by no longer thinking of your physical body as who you really are. When you stop identifying yourselves by your physical body, when you stop seeing it as who you are, you become less attached.

And when you are less attached to your physical bodies, you can access a truer representation of who you are. That is what your light bodies are. They are more accurate representations of the eternal and infinite consciousness that you really are. They are more expressive, and of course they hold more light.

So you will feel better about being physical, because you will still be physical when you fully access your light body. But here is the thing – you won’t think of yourselves as physical beings. You will think of yourselves as consciousness that can take form, and that is very liberating. You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light

iLive iLove iCreate

Angel apps

You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent.

When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don’t collide. 

The same power that harmonizes entire ecosystems loves you in ways you cannot possibly comprehend. This Source wants to help create greater love and order in your lives too. However, you were given the gift of free will. You are not robots, lovingly controlled by the Source, compelled by your design to live in order and harmony, as with all of nature.

You are beings made in love’s image and likeness, gifted with the ability to not only live according to your original design, but also to create “new universes” within your own lives. If you, like nature, lived only according to your original design you would live beautiful lives, but then again a leaf cannot become more than it was designed originally to be.

You can.

Sadly the human race has forgotten its incredible nature and power to create. So many live with an “app” running in the computer of the human brain that we might easily label “iTryiSurvive.” You interpret, file, and judge life’s experiences as good or bad, right or wrong, useful or useless, when in reality life IS and you get to dance with it in a creative way. You do what you can to get by.

When you seek safety and survival, rather than exploration and creation, you limit Love’s ability to assist you. When you allow your fears and resignation to limit your dreams, you narrow the field of infinite possibility down to only what you know. We are here to help you gently awaken into a greater reality – a reality where you run a different “app” in your brains, one that we would call “iLive-iLove-iCreate.”

Let us look at a concrete example. So many of you want more abundance. You look at your life and don’t know how you’d work more, create more business, or make more money. You think about bills or dreams you can’t afford, and your brain starts to run its conditioned “iTryiSurvive” app.

You obsess about who you can ask for money, where else you can work, or what you can sell. You do your accounting over and over, focusing on your lack. iTryiSurvive takes all this input and tells you, “Sorry there is no way you can create the money you want. You might as well surrender to the fear of losing what you love or the resignation that comes with knowing your dreams will never come true.”

However dear ones, what if you allowed yourself to run “iLive-iLove-iCreate!” then you would say, “Well right now I don’t have much. Today I can’t pay the bills or fund my dreams, but that’s OK! That’s yesterday’s creation that is made manifest today. Today I will create more.” 

Rather than obsessing about money, you know you live in an unbounded universe. Money is only a tool. What do you really want? You want peace, security, or the fulfillment of your dreams. You allow yourself to “tune into” that feeling of having the bills already paid and living in peace.

You allow yourself to “tune into” that feeling of having your dream come true. Suddenly, as you live your life in gratitude and love in the present moment, “iLive-iLove-iCreate” which has been running quietly in the background of your mind, gives you ideas, draws you into helpful situations, brings you helpful people, and guides you straight into the life you want to life.

You are beautiful creators dear ones. Aim the power of the universe where you want it to go by focusing with delight on your beautiful creations. Disable the “iTryiSurvive app.” Survival is already built into your operating system! Instead start to imagine you are running a better one… iLive iLove iCreate!

You are very powerful beings.

You Are Significant ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have the power within you to give yourself that which you desire. It is quite simple, really. This power that within each and every one of you gets activated when you give up the sense of insignificance that has been placed upon you by others. You all are Source Energy Beings, but that is not what you emphasize about yourselves. You tend to emphasize where you went to school, what you do for a living, where you live now, and other assorted details about yourselves.

These details have nothing to do with who you really are, but society emphasizes them, and once you buy into that idea, then you have the mindset and the beliefs that tell you that only certain people get to do certain things. Only certain people get to have certain things. Only certain people get to be in beautiful romantic relationships.

Now, the way around this programming that you’ve taken on is not through deconstructing it. It’s not through changing society, or even your beliefs that you picked up from society. The way that you grant yourselves the lives that you want to be living is through the emphasis on your true nature as a Source Energy Being.

You are significant. Even though there are seven billion plus of you on planet Earth alone, you are still significant. You are still unique expressions of that which is Source, infinite, eternal, unconditional love. Therefore, do not let any definition of who you are that has been placed upon you determine your value, your worth, and especially your power.

You are very powerful beings. We suggest that you spend some of your time every day consciously breathing while reminding yourselves of who you really are and feeling it in every cell of your body.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get Two Private Sessions with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton for 67% Off

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Bliss Woman

Women of wisdom Women of power Women of strength Women of grace Lioness of courage She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space Stand up Shiv Shakti take your stage Stand up Shiv Shakti calm their rage Stand up Shiv Shakti turn the page Take what is yours Claim what is ours Woman take one and all of your powers  Woman of peace, take war from the world. Woman of silence, this song is yours. Woman of glory, woman of mercy. Woman of love, woman of love. Lioness of courage. She who spins weaves and cuts the way, she who tells the heavenly story. Stand up Shiv Shakti take your might stand up Shiv Shakti take the flight stand up Shiv Shakti take God’s light. Take what is ours, claim what is yours. Woman take one and all of your powers…♥

Offer your vibrations constantly and consciously, and see how quickly the universe responds.

Offering Your Vibration ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You always give that which you are putting out to the universe, whether you recognize it or not. Whether you are aware of what you are putting out, or that you are putting it out, you are sending a signal to the universe, and that signal is sent through your vibration.

Your words, your actions, and your emotions are indicators of your vibration. They are not what determines the essence of what you send out to the universe. They are examples of it. They are the evidence that you can see, hear, and put your finger on.

A true master will be more concerned with what vibration he or she is putting out than what is currently happening, because a true master has not only the understanding of the importance of vibration, but also the practice. You can practice putting yourself in the vibration that you want to send out to the universe, and we recommend that you do so.

We recommend that you take less action and put out more conscious vibration. We know that if you are awakened, you are sensitive. So we know we are talking to sensitive individuals here. As sensitive individuals, you can easily tune in to your vibration, and all it takes to offer the vibration that you want the universe to receive from you is a little focus and some conscious breathing. And before you know it, you will be offering that joy, that love, that excitement, that freedom, that abundance.

Anything at all that you want to see reflected back to you in this universe is available to you right now, and it’s much easier for you to access than you think. You don’t need to spend hours and hours in meditation. You’ve spent a lifetime of getting triggered emotionally, and every time you have, you’ve gained some knowledge on the visceral level of what a vibration feels like and how to access it consciously.

Offer your vibrations constantly and consciously, and see how quickly the universe responds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get Two Private Sessions with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton for 67% Off

Listen to the audio here

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Relaxing into Life is a powerful opener and clarifier of energy.

The Spiral of Creation

The Spiral of Creation by Areon the Lyran Council of Time

Blessed Being, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes this world, just as it is this world that moves you into more creation.

You are in a powerful time of amplification as the movement around you brings rapid change. Yet, as you relax into this movement, you discover the power of your inner realm. This time calls you to clarify and empower your inner realm.

It is the natural way of Ascension.

Your Infinite Creativity

The spiral is the core of all structures that you observe and create. It is the core of physical structure and the core of subtle structure. The spiral form is shaped like an hourglass that starts wide at top, gets tighter in the middle and wider again at the bottom.

The spiral shape is the same as the infinity symbol. The infinity symbol represents the spiral in two dimensions. The continual movement of life.

The spiral energy is an important energy because at its core, it teaches you that you can go with the flow andyou can direct the flow. Duality connected. This is different than controlling the flow.

What you are now experiencing, in this time of amplification, is an increase in the spin of the spiral energy. This spin is affecting you physically, emotionally and mentally. You can observe this in your weather and your news stories. The mental and emotional aspect within everyone is being spun in a way that is either separating to self or connecting to self more.

Love is the energy that aligns and connects Life. As you are loving your self and loving Life, you are creating a strong bond within that amplifies your focus. The power of loving yourself is that you become much clearer in loving Life. Life is fail-safed toward Love.

Life wants you to flow your energy into Life. That is how Life continues. You are Life. Love shapes the future with its clear resonance. Take that power—because Love never overpowers. Love creates resonance.

Own Your Creativity

This time(space), as the spiral energetic amplifies, is calling for those strong enough to flow their energy more boldly into the world. Trust that you will flow action when the movement is clear and calling you forth.

This period of intense flow will stir you to action very clearly or it will pull you back to find your center.

From your center, action becomes clear.

It is the equivalent of the spiral flowing so tightly in the middle that both sides (above and below) are touched. There is a clarity within this connection and direction becomes clearer. Until then, you must go with the flow of the spiral—observing, healing, choosing anew.

You will know when and how action is appropriate, even if you don’t have all the details. You will have a compelling from the vast aspect of you. There will be a smoother flow with your action.

Allow yourself more peace to discover appropriate action. Allow yourself more peace to move through all aspects of creation, even the ones that aren’t as easy or satisfying.

Relax Into Creativity

Allow yourself time to relax into connection with your experience. This will help you find clarity.

Relaxing is the equivalent of enjoying your flow. Is this not the way of relaxing?

But you have been taught that to create you must work hard, and yes; your participation is required. But as you relax, the energy of joy amplifies your experience, your capability and your flow.

When you relax, you open your energy field and allow more of your connected selfto create with you. This blends thephysical (1% of you) and non-physical (99% of you).

Relaxing doesn’t mean no action. In contrast, it is smoother action.

Relaxing is a spectrum of participation that may be fast-paced or slow, it may be intense or easy, it may be frustrating or funny. But underneath all of that experience is an openness to your inherent capability.

Things seem to speed up when action is calling you. Things seem to slow down when patience and integration is needed. This is the spiral flowing. Allow and enjoy both, and you are relaxing into the natural flow. You have a choice of how to flow that energy. Life surrenders to you. You are that powerful.


Do not fear your choices because you have an invisible aspect of yourself that is infinite, connected to all of Life and knows how to communicate with you. It has been doing this your entire Life.

It (your Higher Self) understands clearly the best path for the future you are wanting to create. You can resist it; however, it is difficult to do so. Soothe yourself into a clarity of connection that will provide the appropriate path for the future you are creating.

Higher Self Communication by Jamye Price

As you relax, the Higher Self can communicate more easily with the physical self. As you relax you are allowing an opening of your energy field that creates a resonance of peace and neutrality. This opening creates a connection with the new.

Your own neutrality is a powerful ally in creating clarity and strength that serves your future. You are creating a future that is resonant with peace. You are creating a future that is resonant with your joy and desires.

Go with the flow of what you are experiencing. When it gets intense, nurture yourself to go inward more. This is what the intensification of the spiral calls you toward. Inward can sometimes mean connecting in the moment and sometimes connecting in the past or future to heal your thoughts and emotions.

Connect in a way that benefits your strength in the moment. This connects you with your loving power, which is what changes the future.

Create with Resonance Before Action

Your peace in the present moment is the most powerful transformer of your Life. It has a resonance that creates the new. Action that stems from your peace will direct you to interact or direct you inward as appropriate.

Relaxing into Life is a powerful opener and clarifier of energy.

To do this, begin with observing the present moment. Connect with the potentials that are being created. Here you begin to layer your multidimensional, infinite nature into your present moment. When you are more consciously connected to your Higher Self, you are able to connect beyond linear time.

It is as simple as observing potentials.

Empowered beings are connected to the present moment andstrong enough to see beyond it to build the future.

From that place of observing potentials, remind yourself, “I know the future is changing. I know the future is building in a way that is more resonant with my Love because I am creating it. I am being it.”

Healing Your Resonance into More Empowerment

When the physical experience is overwhelming and you have no flow, focus inward. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself, “What is this opportunity giving me?”

Inner Potentials by Areon the Lyran Council of Time

It can give you more clarity, strength and a clearer desire of what you would like to create. It can give you replenishment because it is a time for patience, not action, while form builds (even if just in the subtle realm). It can give you new inspiration or support.

There is a benevolent reason why flow is not occurring easily at the moment.

Take the benefit. Shift your resonance by shifting your subtle bridge—your thoughts and emotions.

This small shift in your focus begins to align youwith a new potential.

You Were Born to Create

You are in a time of intensification that is seemingly moving so fast. This timespace is like the point in the spiral that is tightening and tightening as it meets in the middle of the hourglass. It feels like you are being pulled to the middle and also being pushed outward.

If your physical action has no easy flow, focus inward. Relax. It is time for the use of the subtle emotions and thoughts. Allow that natural flow of releasing the physical responsibility.

Honor the power of your subtle energy. The impact is much greater than the physical resistance that you may try to create. Use the universal laws of nature as the spin is intensifying, and let go of the physical resistance. Let go of trying so hard. Utilize the power of your subtle energy.

Often you have been taught that control is from the outside and that you must respond to that or suffer. This is not the whole truth. Your awareness has power. Your subtle energy has power. Your physicality also has power.

When you are grounded in the present moment you are using the full spectrum of your being to transform your Life in many directions. Yet you only need to focus within. The key is having patiencefor the subtle to build in physical form.

Being in the present moment helps you discover the power of your awareness.

Have patience to trust yourself and Life. Discover empirically that you create your own reality.

Relaxing into Life provides you with the patience to allow the subtle to build. It takes practice because you have been taught to focus physically. Now you are using more of your subtle power.

You are creating a powerful experience of Life where the subtle energy within each of you is honored. This powerful time is calling you to focus and choose Love in your Life. Boldly say yes and boldly say no.

Choose Love even if it isn’t the easy choice in the moment.

You are blessing Life with your focus. Honor that power. Own your power and utilize it. It will become more fun as you use your imagination to build the future that you want to experience. Relaxing is fun. It is more powerful than you have been taught.

You have great power. The gift that you give to Life is immense.

You have such power that Life shapes to you.

Honor the beauty that is within you. Honor the power that flows through you, it is the same power that build worlds. It is in You.

Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. It is a great honor to meet in your awareness.



The Spiral of Creation

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.

24 Strand DNA Activation.

Saint Germain’s Invocation for activation of 24 Strand DNA.

Affirm by talking out loud and feeling into these words:

I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, Love and Light, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, Love and Light, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Love and Light ! So BE IT! So It IS! I AM! 

You can create what you want if you accept the rule you do so in joy.

Dear Ones,

Your new need is to play in the sunshine. A concept that seems silly to most of you for you have slogged your way through uncomfortable pieces for so long you cannot imagine what playing in the sunshine all day, every day might mean.

So it is you have reached your new learning plateau.

It is likely that your thoughts have become more cheerful despite your outer-world not being much different from what was true a few weeks ago. Yet, you are beginning to realize you no longer feel the dread, the fear that has been part of you for so long.

You are beginning to flex your new you muscles with thoughts that your life is not as bad as you once envisioned – even excitement about your changes.

You are at a stage in which not much can alter your positive approach to life.

You continue to be surrounded by others who declare your wrongness or disbelief that you remain joyful despite all, but their thoughts matter to you less and less. A bit like your mother bemoaning a rainy day while you the child are in complete delight jumping from one puddle to another.

So it is you are diverting your attention from your 3D woes to the sunshine that has always been a part of you but veiled to allow you to fit within your 3D world.

Now that you are a ray of sunshine even to yourself, others will question your honesty, your personhood.

In the past, such questioning would require you to step down from your sunshine thoughts to the dire predictions of “Just wait, until the other shoe drops. What do you have to be happy about? Let me tell you how miserable my life is because you can’t possibly be happy once I tell you.” And on and on with statements and attitudes, you learned to decode into fear, anger, and angst. Similar to, “If I’m (she, he) not happy, no one can be happy.”

Such is no longer true for those of you who have reached your sunshine plateau. For even though you recognize the pain of others, you allow them to take their power, to shift their life instead of believing that becoming sad or mad with them will change anything or anyone other than you.

In the past, you believed that commiserating with those in pain would somehow make their lives better or different. You felt you were strong enough to carry their pain and fears – because you were in god/goddess training. So perhaps you woke up in joy, but by mid-morning, a friend or relative announced some unpleasant feeling or action encouraging you to commiserate with them at their level. Knowing how strong you were deep within your being, you added their pain to yours carrying their load for them before you were strong enough to do so. A habit that perpetuated itself lifetime after earth lifetime.

It is only now you realize that carrying the fear load of others did not help them – and you were not created to do so. The role you are now beginning to address is to shine your light – not continuing fear by believing you are strong enough to care take everyone.

Much of the past few weeks has been about you discarding that caretaking belief. For as you become stronger in your new you, you know that others are becoming stronger also.

The energies blasting the earth recently affected all. So it is that others are beginning to acknowledge their strength. Which is neither here nor there for you, for your role is not to carry them on your back, but instead to lift them up with your joy. A joy that is personalized for you – not for society, the world, your friends or family. What gives you joy is your role during this plateau phase.

Of course, we have long discussed that you must move with joy. Now you are beginning to see the results of that concept in ways you did not understand when you felt your role was to care for the world.

As the joy rises, others have the choice to join the joy game or wallow in pity and fear. A choice that most earth beings have not yet discovered or even imagined. You are their fairy godmothers and fathers. For you are the ones with the sparkly wands telling others they can create what they want if they accept the rule that they do so in joy.

So it is your world is evolving, one fairy godmother or father at a time. Such is your true role. It does not matter how you activate that role for loving your dog is as important as creating a new life.

What gives you joy is your role for now and forevermore. You will change the world with one magic wand joy after another, displaying possibilities to others instead of commiserating with their fears.

Commiserating was never your role. You merely accepted the role of caretaker and thus victim believing you were strong enough to do so. Much like a novice skier feels there is little to learn once they have mastered the bunny hill.

For eons, you accepted the mantle of fairy godmother or father even though you were not yet capable of doing so. Confusing yourself and others and creating the karma you finally exited earlier in this transition process. You added layers of fear that were not necessary to your learning process. As if you, an Olympic skier, had to ensure all others were skiing at your level or you were a failure. Creating fears within you that were not necessary or even justified.

You were brave enough to clear those fear pieces in this lifetime. Now it is time for you to truly become a joy sparkle godmother or godfather in the brightest, most joyful way possible knowing the energies floating about are enough for all to grasp if they wish to.

You are not the caretaker of society, nor anyone for all are strong enough to care for themselves – if they wish. For you are adjusting to your new role of sunshine joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Feeling Good is Feeling God.