Daily Global Mass Meditation


“Jared Rand’s Daily Global Mass Meditation Call”


Friday June 1, 2018 #110

Notes by Juli Joy

Jarad Rand states: I’d like to welcome everyone, all the new people and the people that have been coming from the beginning and in between. Today, on our meditation… We think a lot about… All of us I know, think a lot about what we would like to do, for our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. What we would like to do for the planet. There is a constant and the constant is: To give a Deep Love, an Unconditional Love, to all that there is, and all that there ever will, and all that there has been… on this planet and with the human race, all living, all life.

I think that when we concentrate on a deep love, an unconditional love, which means there’s no stipulations, no requirements, no pressure, no control factors. It’s just freely, openly, deeply, sincerely, and honestly given, to all. To all that there is. And when we look at humanity, and we look at the entertainment, so to speak, that’s on the front and all the chaos and the fear and the stress and the worry is a good time to pull back all humanity, to know and be in love. A great, deep, unconditional and unending Love. And not just for a period, not just for a short thought, or a short distance, but into a perpetual, in motion, in a perpetual thought process and heart feeling process that keeps us there. That’s a key.

So in today’s meditation, we talk about Unconditional Love, of course with Prime Source Creator God and Unending Love but we wanna apply that, as strong as we can, in communication with all of everybody’s Higher Selves, so that we can saturate all of humanity, in that unconditional unending love. To just absolutely soak, in complete repetitiveness, over and over and over again. To eliminate and disintegrate and transmute and vacuum off,all of the ill feelings. And I know a lot of you know, that the feelings that we have, the thoughts and emotions are creating a field around us and that field is lower vibration. Whether you like it or not, whether you argue it, it’s true…. That the more we stay in a lower thought-emotional area, the stronger the field around us becomes. It becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. So, therefore, it is a magnet to attract particles of the same nature.

So of more anger, more frustration, more fear, more ‘upsettedness,’ a more worry, more anxiety, and it builds. That’s so important, because humanity, all of us…. Were meant to enjoy and be at peace. Love creates peace. Love creates compassion, contentment. It eliminates greed, it eliminates deception, it eliminates anger and aggression. It eliminates lies. It totally wipes out all of these energies, that play so much havoc with humanity. We all know that, we deal with it every day. All of us do, from one time or another. We could get upset at the littlest things. We’re feeling each other and a lot (of folks) don’t know that. We feel sorrow, pain, anger, sorrow. We feel happiness, we feel joy.

So all of these energies, all of these Vibrational Frequencies, that we are either emitting or creating and emitting. We should be aware, cognizant to that, we should be in control of that. So when we do get bent or wrinkled, to speak. We step back and we say to ourselves, ‘Wait a minute, my energy is going in the wrong direction’ ‘ I’ve got to get myself back up. What can I think of or feel about, that will put me back in a Higher Vibrational Frequency?’

We all have moments in our lives, that are blissful, they’re joyous and happy. All of us have, at one time or another. There’s a depiction of time, that we can pull and have that vibration, and build on that vibration to take us from lower vibrational frequencies to the higher ones of Unconditional Love and Deep Love and Unending Love. For each other, for this planet Earth Gaia, for our solar system, for our galaxy, for the universe. For all life.

We concentrate here on planet Earth, because so many… There are so many people that, if they only knew? That they are an emotion and a thought away, from being in bliss. They are one emotion, one thought away from being in bliss. That’s how close humanity is, from being in bliss. So many people are so ‘garbaged up’ with all of this goop, that keeps them weighted down. Keeps them in a place of discomfort, in a place that keeps them unhealthy, unhealed, discombobulated and confused. Misguided, misdirected. And it’s a continual process, that keeps that frequency low.

All of us, are working on the increasing, increasing, increasing, and rising that energy field, so that everyone is happy. Everyone is blissful. And people can argue that, but the point of fact is, is that, that’s the only way to go. That’s the only way we are going to create a Higher Vibrational Frequency, is by emitting our love, our emotions, our thoughts, of higher vibrational thoughts and feelings and frequencies to increase the entire field of humanity, in this planet. Planet Earth-Gaia…”

Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I’m merely trying to help raise the world’s vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.

Many blessings to you all…. May all of your dreams come true!

Juli Joy

*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.

**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#

** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)

Or online at:

Follow instructions on the site.


Higher Trajectory Attained: This is Huge.

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe~

After an intense focus during the last half of May, our June higher trajectory has been attained. Infinite gratitude for all Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and beloved ones in Service who diligently ushered in these higher frequencies on behalf of all.

I AM bathing in these new frequencies at the moment, so this is a brief update. Our key shift points were May 17 evening when the Creator Gates opened, May 19 as the Cosmic Trigger opened the stargate system to flood us with Solar activations, massive fields of Source-encoded crystalline plasma rushed in on May 26, and then the purifying Full Moon which transitioned collective lower timelines.

Our intention was to ensure the higher trajectory of June Solstice, and that is accomplished. We are now on track for the June migration of realities, already in progress.

Most of you are already experiencing the beautifully intense consciousness-shifting influxes which will be consistent all throughout June. Our beloved SUN is also adjusting; this acceleration into crystalline embodiment happens on a quantum level. As within, so without. Alignment with pure Creator dynamics is key. This is affecting all realities; the opening of the Creator Gates is changing the way in which global HUmanity creates in the Now.

New Earth Now Experience: Free workshop replay

The intention of these New Earth Nowevents is multidimensional, I AM sure most of you realize the impact of unifying the Light Tribe to Divine Co-creation in the Now. Yes, it assists in the accelerated timeline shifts. It also aligns more hearts with the higher realities, which speeds up the migration of the collective. We assist everyone in catching up to what is occurring. Shed the illusion of density, it’s already gone.

Gratitude for the beautiful feedback about the heart-cleansing and healing effects of this experience. The more awakened ones who can align with their Creator State in the Now, the easier it is for all. Embrace this Service, follow along, pause the video when you need to, write down your creations and grid them, tone out loud, speak out loud … be with us in the no-time zone of Now.

If you are attending Part II on June 9, your prerequisite is to go through the experience at least once. Note it is different, more expansive, every time you engage.

New Earth Now Part IIwill be presented online June 9. Part IIdives into applying Creator State dynamics and timeline resonation to your service work and personal lifestream. Unity consciousness has so much to offer us, and our collective consciousness becomes more coherent, there is Divine opportunity to accelerate freedom for all willing hearts.

Watch and participate with the New Earth Now Part One video HERE

SUNdayUnity meditations will be strong this week.
We are sending out these new Creator Gate codes to upgrade the collective to the Now. All willing hearts desiring this new level of Light and Peace for all, join us. Details and guided meditation available HERE.


Infinite blessings to all of Creation!

In Love, Light and Service,


Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels.

The space around you seems empty yet because there are many levels of existence it is in fact alive with many different forms of life. You talk in terms of dimensions for easy understanding, but in reality one vibration smoothly runs into another without any clear division. Each of you is at your own level that is consistent with your present vibration. You reach the higher levels of vibration as a result of your ability to project energy of love that is of the same higher vibrations. By maintaining a constant high level you can evolve even further, to the point where they are so high that you are no longer affected by the lower vibrations around you. It is because the more you can raise your vibrations, the more you are protected by your Light that is all powerful. At your present levels you would be unable to stand in front of highly evolved souls of Light unless they lowered their vibrations.

For humans their greatest challenge is to come to terms with their ego. Many do not even realise how much their actions are dictated by it. Ego can in fact be in control and acts on behalf of Self to the extent that it puts you first in all circumstances. It can be called being “selfish” without consideration of other people’s needs. You could say that as your ego puts you first in all things, you have no objection to being put in that position. However, putting Self first sometimes denies others of their right to that experience, so if you are to change the circumstances you must also consider others when making your decisions. When you can truly love others as yourself, you will have gone a long way towards being able to practise Universal Love. Can you now see that true love for your fellow companions overrides the need to have an active ego that puts self first.

As the vibrations upon Earth continue to lift up, it will give more strength to those who work in Love and Light. Conversely the dark Ones will be losing their power, and no longer able to interfere with the progress of humanity towards the Light. Many other Beings from the higher dimensions are waiting their opportunity to help you progress and bring the New Age fully into being. Evolutionary progress is your entitlement that you have earned and it shall be yours sooner than you think possible. Much is lined up to propel you further into the New Age, and it is an exciting time to be on Earth. Looking around you it may not appear so, but from a higher level it is all seen to be waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. It is important that you keep steadfast and focussed upon your goal thereby helping to speed up its manifestation.

In the long run you will have lost nothing by having been held back, as progress can only be delayed. In the near future you will start to enjoy a series of new inventions that are in course of being made ready for their introduction. As a result life will become easier and more freedom given to pursue your own desires. Perhaps most welcome of all, illness and disease as such will lessen until they will no longer afflict the Human Race. Already some are enjoying better health in old age, and the expectation of old age problems should gradually be left in the past. It is noticeable with some older people that they do not appear to be aging as quickly as others. It can be put down to healthy living and a belief that illness and aging do not necessarily go together. Be aware that your power of thought is growing stronger and you have much more control over your life than you realise.

You are now evolving much faster than previously, and in time you will become a much greater soul than you have ever been before. It is planned that way and has always been your destiny, and many higher Beings are helping you achieve success. The dark Ones have held you back and have tried to keep you “in the dark” as to your true capabilities. Older souls are as you might say, feeling their way forwards but have the experience that helps them lift up their vibrations. The young ones are in actual fact souls that are bringing in a greater experience with them, and soon to be very active in speeding up the advancements that will truly introduce you to some wonderful new inventions. Nothing can stand in the way of progress anymore and the truth cannot be hidden. Be ready for some astonishing advancements that are ready to be introduced.

Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels. It is all part of the onward march that is taking you into new areas of understanding that are necessary to prepare you for what is coming. The struggles and strife of finding your way through the muddle and contradictions that have carried through from the previous Age are soon to be cleared away. It will allow many acceptable changes to take place that will lift up the quality of your lives. You are on the verge of benefitting from your wonderful achievement in passing the marker, whereas initially you did not notice any specific changes. It has taken time for things to filter through but many advancements are at the ready and well worth waiting for.

Remember Dear Ones that all of you discussed your life plan before you incarnated, and were aware of the challenges you faced. You agreed that they were well within your ability to withstand the outcome, even if at first you failed to succeed. Be assured however that you will always have another opportunity to do better, and there is always help on hand to see you through it. Karma is in no way a punishment but simply a chance to overcome failed challenges, so that having done so you can still make progress with your evolution. The immediate benefit is that when you have cleared your karma, you can continue evolving as you make your way to the higher dimensions. When you have broken free from the lower vibrations, you will dwell at a level where you no longer have karma to clear.

The future is beckoning and will release you from all of the negativity you have become involved in. As experience it has helped your evolution and is most welcome, and it enables you to help others that follow in your footsteps. You should never have to go back to the lower dimension, and will find peace and happiness in the higher ones. Soon you would forget the hard times you experienced and eventually they would fade into the distance. As intimated previously some souls gladly go back to the lower dimensions, to help struggling souls to overcome their dilemma and find the Light. In the extreme it means entering those levels where Light barely exists, so much so that the task is often passed to Angelic Beings.

On the one hand time seems to be passing slowly where progress is concerned, yet behind the scenes so much is happening that is bringing the future into being. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

The earth you’ve always dreamt of.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the sense that humanity is ready for the influx of energies that are coming your way, and we are excited to see exactly what you are going to do with these energies. You have a creative potential here for massive change on your world. If you can think more as a being in a collective, rather than as an individual, then you can band together, and in your co-creative power, you can make broad and sweeping changes on planet Earth.

You can use the energies that are coming in as part of the solstice to help heal the wars and war-torn countries. You can use the energies to help heal the individuals who are in most need of that healing energy. You can use it to mend the fences that have been broken for so long between nations and people from different religions. You can use these energies to help feed the hungry and free those who are enslaved.

The capacity that you all have for compassion is astounding, and if you can come together with a common goal, a common intention for what you want to create, you can have the harmonious world of peace and prosperity that you all know you are moving towards. But you can have it much sooner. You can have it before any big event, and you can have it before the shift in consciousness is complete.

Now is the time to utilize the abilities that you have for the good of all of humankind. There is no need for you to continue to live on a planet that is polluted by so many toxins. If you band together, even with the plant life and the animals, you will see your powers for manifestation and creation increasing exponentially. Simply intend to pool your creative resources and work with these energies that are coming in. Co-create the world, the planet, the home that you have always dreamt of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



Beloved masters, for a moment, imagine that you are fully aware of your origins and that you can tap into your personal cosmic history files any time you wish. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate with those around you without words, mind to mind. Imagine that you have the natural ability to see everyone’s auric field, and therefore, you can read or understand a person’s state of Being at any given moment. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate and interact with the archangels and the vast angelic realm, as well as the ascended masters and the great Beings of Light. All of these attributes and abilities are a part of your natural state of Being in the higher realms, and you are now in the process of regaining these God-given talents, as well as the ability to assist in the evolutionary process of humanity and the Earth.

We have explained many times and in many ways how you separated your Divine Self into a masculine Spark of Essence with the characteristics and qualities of our Father God, and a feminine Spark of Essence with the virtues and attributes of our Mother God. Since that first separation, each Facet of your Self has refracted into a multitude of smaller Sparks of Divinity, and you have assumed a myriad of forms and innumerable missions throughout this universal experience. The next grand stage of universal expansion and the evolution of all sentient Beings are well under way, and each of you has an integral part to play as a StarSeed and a bearer of Divine Light.

The ascension process requires a letting go of those things that have kept you in the stifling, restrictive reality of the Third and Fourth Dimensions. It entails returning to balance and harmony in all facets of your earthly Being, which will result in your memory banks being cleared of all the discordant energies/events of your rich and varied past. All that will remain is the wonder, joy and successful endeavors you have attained as a cocreator in the material realms. As you traverse the path of ascension, you are reclaiming the wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind, and you have tapped into the rich storehouse of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles. You are beginning to demonstrate and use many latent abilities that have been kept in reserve until you were ready to reclaim them.

You were designed to be a transmitter of Light in a world of illusion and shadows. You are on Earth to become a master conveyer of energy. Your breath is the mechanism by which you draw forth the Primal Life Force Substance of Creation while you are functioning in a third- / fourth-dimensional environment. However, as you open and activate your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, you have the ability to gain access to the Full Spectrum Light of this universe, and also the Divine alchemical properties of the Violet Flame will be available to you in full measure.

The Law of the Circle insures that the vibrational patterns you send forth will be returned to you, along with an accumulated measure of similarly-qualified energy (or vibrations of the same frequency patterns). You are the center of an energy vortex that is made up of a circle/loop of vibrational patterns that you have projected from you via your Solar Power Center. Your solar plexus is aptly named; for just as the Earth receives cosmic energy from the Sun of your solar system, so do each of you radiate life force energy from your own Solar Power Center. For a moment, envision yourself as the central focus of your world. You are the power source and your thoughts, actions and intentions radiate forth from you in a loop of energy that connects with like energy. That energy magnifies and manifests in the world of cause and effect and then returns to you, reinforcing your picture of reality. Your body absorbs a portion of that energy, creating pain and suffering or joy and blessings, depending on the frequencies. The remainder flows out behind you, creating the other loop of your Infinity pattern, while the residual gradually flows into your personal wheel of creation. You are constantly adding to your personal prison of energy or your vehicle of Light and your personal reality on Earth.  Have we not told you that you came to Earth as cocreators with the God Force?

Returning to balance and harmony is a prerequisite to staying centered within the Sacred Heart. In order to do so, you must constantly evaluate and upgrade your awareness of Self. Your emotions are affected by your beliefs, and your intentions are affected by your emotions. Listening to the nudgings of your Soul, the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, and the emotions of your Sacred Heart will help you to fine-tune your discernment abilities so that you can make the right decisions and always choose the highest path. Reverence for all things and God-inspired choices lead to Self-mastery.

One of the most important things you can do to initiate the process of returning to balance and harmony within the reality you have created is to apply the Law of Forgiveness to all your miscreations and interactions with others. Doing so will immediately accelerate the process of returning to center, for it erases or breaks the energy cords you have attached to other people’s solar plexuses, and it will also shut off the radiations to and from any negative collective consciousness belief systems that you have taken as your own. You are taking back the vibrational patterns you have exchanged, added to or participated in, thereby allowing you to move into the state of grace process.  Be aware that as you do so, you will experience the transformational clearing process and all it entails; however, it will not be as traumatic or as drawn out as it would be if you had not willingly and whole-heartedly agreed to take the initiative.

The Law of Forgiveness includes aligning your will with the greater WILL of our Father /Mother God for the highest and best outcome for All. The Divine Plan for this universe is at a critical stage of the evolution process, and time is of the essence.  Becoming an active member of the Light Brigade and a new World Server will open a portal of new possibilities. Those of you who have diligently stayed the course will reap the rewards of Self-mastery and discipleship. As you move into the realm of Self-mastery, you automatically begin to view your life and the world from a higher vantage point and with much wiser insight. You begin to embrace your reality through a filter of Love/Light, and non-judgment and discernment become a natural part of your State of Being.

A good affirmation to remember and use is: I EMBRACE THE WHOLENESS OF MY DIVINE REALITY.  There is power in humility. There is power in forgiveness. There is power in gratitude. Love is the power which contains all the virtues and qualities of God Consciousness.

Many of you are aware that in the beginning stages of the initiation process there is a crisis as the battle for supremacy begins between the ego and the Soul. Each person must endeavor to clear his/her illusionary, distorted reality of the astral planes. The ego desire body is controlled by the energies and impulses of the three lower chakras, and these imbalanced inclinations must be brought under the control of the Soul-Self once more. This period is often called The Dark Night of the Soul or traversing the valley of shadows. When you are in the midst of the process, it is important that you understand you are not being punished. After you have successfully traversed the shadow lands and emerged triumphant, you will look back in retrospect, and you will realize that you were given a great opportunity.  A spiritual aspirant is a consciously aware human Being who is seeking en-Lighten-ment and Self-mastery. In the beginning stages, he/she is still somewhat “self-focused” – often prone to temper and irritability, and may experience bouts of self-doubt and depression. A spiritual aspirant should endeavor to develop sensitivity and a loving, understanding nature. The aspirant’s life purpose will gradually move away from personal ambition and love of power into a desire to be of service to humanity.  A desire to serve others is a Soul instinct.

An aspirant gradually begins to let go of the “It is all about me,” and the “I, me, my” concept, as the external focus slowly begins to fade. There is a gradual turning inward, and the major focal point becomes the Solar Power Center, which comprises the solar plexus, heart, thymus and throat.  As this area is bathed in the higher frequencies of Light, the Three-Fold Flame in the chest area begins to blaze forth once more in preparation for the opening of the portal to the Sacred Heart.

Allow us to give you a few more important key points to assist you in integrating the wisdom necessary to become a full-fledged spiritual aspirant on the path of en-Lighten-ment:

**  The Emotional Body is a reflector. It responds to external stimulation, such as other people,

events, emotional attachments and addictions.

** Tread the path of life gently and reverently. Speak softly with discernment. See that your actions reflect the purity of your God Self and leave footprints of Light for others to follow.

** There is an ebb and flow to the cycles of the Soul, just as there is throughout the Cosmos.

** The Soul draws forth the Essence of life from its I AM Presence in preparation for a new life cycle of experience.  At the end of that cycle, the life Essence is slowly withdrawn and the physical death process results; however, the real You in Spirit form remains, for you are immortal.

** The Soul’s impulses and influence are much stronger in a Being who has stepped onto the path of awareness than in an unawakened person who is still caught up in the illusion of a Third- / Fourth-Dimensional existence.

** You must strive to maintain an ever-expanding state of Soul-consciousness in order to progress on the upward spiral of ascension. It is time for those who will be among the new World Servers to become aware of each other.

** Criticism is a faculty of the ego and the lower mind. Criticizing or finding fault with yourself or others is detrimental to the extreme. You add energy to that which you focus your attention on; therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you look for the good in everyone and everything.

** Constructive criticism is sometimes necessary. However, it should only be used to assist someone to correct harmful behavior, take the right action, or find the appropriate direction.

** YOU CAN ONLY FAIL IF YOU QUIT TRYING. You may lose time; however, you should gain some knowledge with each failure. Growth and wisdom come from learning what not to do, and in perfecting the skills that will help you become proficient in your chosen field of endeavor.

** Lower vibrational energy creates discordant frequencies within your Soul Song. The vibrations of discord cause discomfort within the area where it originated or where it is focused within the physical vessel. If the negative energy patterns are strong enough, they can create disease and will eventually contaminate the entire body.

** You must tame and gain control of your emotional body via your Higher Self, guides and angelic helpers in order to become receptive to the refined frequencies of Cosmic truth. You must clear the mind of distorted, negative, defeating thoughts. Only a clear vessel can receive and transmit the wisdom teachings of the cosmic libraries of God-consciousness.

** A spiritual seeker refuses to pay attention to public opinion, judgment or failure. Aspirants are recognized by their vibrational frequencies or Light quotient, not by their knowledge or their deeds.

Remember, beloveds, THE CLARION CALL FROM YOUR SOUL SELF WILL CONTINUE TO ECHO UNTIL YOU HEED THE CALL.  Many of you have begun or are ready to begin your true mission, whatever that may be, but never forget that the ultimate goal is to be a conveyor of Creator Love/Light. We are aware that the future is uncertain and everyone is experiencing pain and discomfort in varying degrees. We ask you to focus on the miracles and progress you are making and not allow the fear of the masses to infect your mind as you move through and beyond all the massive changes that are taking place in your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony and attunement with their God Self.

Dear ones, when you feel alone or are in doubt or despair, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, uplift and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your heart center and we will be there, waiting to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I AM your constant companion.  I AM Archangel Michael.   ​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from: RonnaStar@earthlink.net​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

As you know there are many tools.

Saint Germain

I AM St. Germain.

As always it is a pleasure to be with you to be able to share and have these moments, these continuing moments that are changing rapidly.

Many of the things that have been foretold, many of the various predictions, many of the changes that have been said will happen are in the works now. They are in process. You are beginning to see the glimmerings of these. Each and every day more and more is coming forward more and more truths are being revealed and more are about to be revealed. Because everything is in motion now. Everything is in a shifting motion and can no longer be stopped.

It has been said that you are in the eye of the storm and the storm is raging around you. You, though, are in that calm, that place of peace and calm. Let the storm rage around you. Let everything that is happening happen because it is happening for reason.

Consciousness is shifting and changing and in order for there to be the new consciousness, in order for there to be the new Golden Age, there first must be the breaking down of the old. The old must wither and die for the new to be born; the new to sprout up as life sprouts up in the spring. That is what is happening now.

And yes it has been said that there are rocky times ahead. So fasten the seatbelts. That is not to put a scare into you, certainly never to bring fear. Just to prepare you. Prepare you for the energies as they continue to shift and change; the energies as they become greater and greater. And you, those of you, especially those of you with a psychic ability you are feeling these energies more and more and more. And I tell you now as St. Germain these energies are going to continue to change. They are going to continue to shift within you and outside of you.

And as you continue to evolve within as you continue to move your consciousness higher and higher within you, into the higher and higher vibrations. And you will feel these energies change within you, even though those that are happening outside of you will have little or no effect. This is why you have been given this Merkaba exercise to be able to utilize this as a tool.

As you know there are many tools. The use of crystals is one. This is also a tool a tool to surround yourself, to protect yourself in any of those times of trouble. Those times where the energies become too strong and you want to back it off a bit you can simply bring your Merkaba around you. It will lessen the energies. If you are attacked in some way, some psychic attack, it will dispel that attack, will send it away because nothing can penetrate the higher vibrations within you.

That is my message for this time and I leave you now. As always the Violet Light is certainly another tool, the Violet Flame. All of you know of this one. It is time to be able to utilize the many various tools that are available to you especially as these changes continue to develop and momentum begins to become stronger and stronger. As the avalanche coming down the mountain nothing can hold it back. Truth can no longer be held back.

All of my peace and love be with all of you. And may you be continually surrounded by the Flame, the Violet Flame of peace and love.

Channeled by James McConnell



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”


One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here. You can un-mute your phones now. Anybody out there? Hello! Hello! Anybody out there? [all responding]

Very good. We do not have message here at this time but we will take your questions now. You have any questions here?

Q & A

Q:  I had a dream about searching for a book called Mercury Stars. I was in a bookstore and this book was about 5 inches wide, maybe 13 inches long, white, and the title was in gold. I was excited to find this book and there was a lady next to me who said I want one too. I said I’m sorry this is the last copy. And I glanced back at the shelf and there was another book that read Mastering Mercury. So I wondered if you could shed some light on this dream.

OWS:  This is a book of remembrance. A book of remembrance for you. That is why you cannot share it with another for this is your book. Your book of knowledge. Your book of remembrance. Is what we can tell you at this time.

Q:  I was wondering if I was doing some work on the planet Mercury, perhaps. Or is there a school?

OWS: Not as we find it, no. There is no connection there. But it is within your book, your book of remembrance here. And we cannot give direct understanding of this but you must go in … [open phone line interference].

Q:  Thank you One Who Serves, I’ll continue to go within.

Q:  What’s the point of my experience to be worked to the death almost? Why? Is that like everybody else sending energy somewhere else and I need to be worked and worked and worked to survive in this world. What’s the point of it?

OWS:  The point of your survival as you are saying is just to be. To be here. To be here now. To be in the moment. And it is your contract that you came in here with, as we are finding it, that is bringing you to the state that you are in now.

But that is not something that needs to continue. Because as it is a karmic situation that you believe is still there, at your level of consciousness you still believe it, it is no longer necessary. Because karma, as you know it, from past lifetimes is over. We have said this many times. Other sources have said this in many different ways. Karma is over from your past lifetimes if you allow it to be. Now that is to say there are those that have medical conditions and all of these things that stem from those karmic debts, you might say, that they are paying back but they do not need to pay them back anymore. So if you have a medical malady of some type, if you have any type of emotional distraughtness, if you have anything that is holding you down, keeping you trapped you might say, feeling trapped within your physical body, it is no longer necessary to have this.

There are many different ways tools that you can use those use of crystals that is being brought back to the understanding of man at this time from your Atlantean heritage and these things are being brought back now. There are many tools that are coming forward. Many medical technologies that are going to be released much beyond your medical technology that you have today. Light years you could say beyond that.

So we would say to you who is asking this and anyone else who is feeling like they are at their wits end, you might say, it is time to let that go. You no longer need to have this. If it is pain you no longer need to have it. If it is something that is holding you back from doing something that you know you need to do then you do not need to have that hold you back anymore. We know it is easy for us to say because we do not have to be concerned about this anymore. But for those of you that do it is also easy for you if you allow it to be.

And that is what you must come to. You must begin to believe and then you will see. Believe it and see it! Not seeing is believing. No longer. It is now believing is seeing and that will continue to catapult you into the higher vibrations of the higher fourth and into the fifth dimensional experiences. And when you are in those higher vibrations then nothing can affect you anymore. And we say nothingcan affect you. Okay?

Q:  Okay. So it was a [inaudible] actually and not health issues, that’s all. I understand what you’re saying.

OWS:  Very good.

Q:  Yesterday morning I felt a huge wave of energy going from my head throughout my whole body. My question is can you tell what is it and is it related to the sun shot, to the sun gazing to the lights gamma coming from the sun changing our DNA cells? Any information that would help me or help the collective about the role of the sun and the [inaudible] and what was that experience.

OWS:  We would say in some ways all of the above because the energies are coming in more and more into the planet. And those that are acclimating to these energies, such as all of you are coming more and more to be able to handle these energies and work with them, as they continue to rise you will continue to rise. And as these energies come in they are foreign to the physical body in the state that it is in the three-dimensional understanding. But as you move into the higher vibrations, as your carbon body becomes more and more crystalline then it will hold more and more light. And as more light is held then it will be able to take these energies that are coming in and be able to work with it more directly where it does not create the symptoms that have been happening to many across the planet over the time here. We are speaking of those of the ascension symptoms what are called here. And you are continuing to move through these symptoms and allow for more and more and more light to anchor in your body.

This is why the Merkaba now has been given to those of you that have not already experienced this. For you have this and use this as a tool to be able to withstand the energies more easily. If they are too great coming in at a time and you do not want to have it be that strong, you can surround yourself with a Merkaba and it will be relaxed. The energies will no longer be as strong. And if you want them to come in and be strong and you can work with it and handle it then let it come. Let these energies come within you. If you have the headache, if you have the stomachache, if you have the back ache, know that these are just temporary. There are just your DNA being reinitialized you might say in some ways and these energies are bringing this bringing you higher and higher into the higher dimensions here. Okay?

Q:  I’ve got a funny question. There is this young chap on YouTube that makes wonderful videos about the Pleiadian King Plachacha. I’m rather perplexed about this because he/the Pleidian King Plachacha says after the compression breakthrough, after The Event, after the changeover, that the Pleiadians will come down and they can interbreed with humans to create another hybrid race. Please tell me what you know.

OWS:  What we can tell you is the Pleiadian race as you are saying is in many respects your future. They are your future. They come from the future. They were you, you are they. So they are already somewhat interbred within you, as you could look at this. This is why they have been the ones that have been predominantly selected as those who would make first contact here when Disclosure is ready to happen here. And at that time they will land, they will be here en masse, and they will present themselves and you will see that they are very much already like you and you are already like them. Okay?

Q:  Can humans interbreed in that way with Pleiadian once we have ascended? This is way into the future.

OWS:  Where do you think you came from?

Q:  [Laughing] I’m telling myself things I already know but thought I would ask anyway.

OWS:  You are already a product. You are already a product of interbreeding between species. The human condition is already a product of them.

Q:  Beautiful. It’s amazing that we have this wonderful DNA. And wonderful we are a product of this wonderful race the Pleiadians, the Venetians, the Syrians, the Andromedans. It’s beautiful. It’s just a blessing to hear it. So King Plachacha: he’s a real king then?

OWS:  We are not going to say directly on this one that you are saying but we are going to give an affirmation to much of what you have asked. Yes.

Q:  I was watching a video on hybrid humans which I guess is springing off of what she said but humans that are hybrids now either because they did that insemination or because it was added later on, it resonated with me. I’m not going to ask am I a hybrid but I am going to ask are some of us on this line actually these hybrid humans? Are some of us in this 144,000, are we that?

OWS:  We can say in some respects yes that is correct. But not in terms of hybrid in terms of the working with the military and those types of secret programs that are occurring. That’s not that type of hybrid, no. But you are a hybrid from many different races, yes.

Q:  The one that I was watching was more like the forces of good were making hybrid humans that would be able to sort of bring the races bring the different species together so to speak. That’s what I’m talking about. Like Noah’s Ark.

OWS:  Yes. That is somewhat correct. Yes.

Q:  I have a question about the fleur-de-lis symbol. Before Christmas I found that it was very significant and then I was shown that when you rotate it 360° it actually forms a [incomprehensible]. I was just wondering if you could elaborate a little bit on the significance of the fleur-de-lis and its connection with the [incomprehensible].

OWS:  We will not say directly to answer your question but we will say in a more general aspect here in that many of these symbols that have been used in various ways throughout your existence here as human beings here. Throughout your existence you have had the energies with these symbols that have been ancient such as Atlantis and Lemuria. And many of these things, the swastika, the cross, the ankh, all of these different symbols, as well as the one you have suggested here. And these symbols have been changed and utilized for their own purposes or for those that would change these for their own purposes, their own nefarious purposes in many respects such as with the swastika. The swastika was a great symbol at one time symbolizing the four elements and other aspects of this and it has been changed to become a nefarious dark symbol. As well as the use of the cross as well to show that there is destruction and evilness and all of this in the crucifixion of the Christ and these types of things. So these things have been shifted and changed over the years.

But these symbols now will go back. They will come back to what they once were. And the history of this will be all known to all of you; this is part of the truth. The truth shall set you free.

And it is coming. It is going to come to all and you will all have the truth. And you will never have to wonder anymore about is this real, is this fake, is this have meaning, or is this the right meaning for this, and so on and so on. This will all be a thing of the past. Okay?

Q:  I had a lucid dream that seemed to go on for hours. I was in a classroom and saw this large plate glass. And within were smaller pictures, like picture-in-a-picture on a TV. Whoever was teaching this to me would point to a picture and it would become animated [??] and it would demonstrate for me alchemical processes. How to turn something from one thing into another. And this just seemed to go on and on and all of these lessons that were coming were so profound. Then it came to me St. Germain was teaching this class. And as I come out of the dream I’m seeing the light energy again but the light energy has changed. Instead of coming down in sheets of light it was horizontal and it was in circles and it was in color. And the colors were like green and blue and turquoise and I’ve never seen the light rays come in like this before. They were all different lights. When I wake up and get up and walk around, I’m very disoriented. I look down at the floor at my Oriental rug and it’s pulsing. I see a pulse and it’s like this rug is vibrating. Then I realize its pulse is like a wave. But in between the waves is something different and I get this understanding that the waves are the matrix. What’s in between the waves is reality. What’s real. And then I just sort of sat there for a minute and thought about this. Finally I became normal again, you know my body sensations normalize. So can you give me any insight into what this huge event in my life was that particular day?

OWS:  What you are experiencing is the changing you might say or the looking ahead of what is coming in terms of your ascension process, this transition that you are moving through into the higher vibration. The idea or the knowing of colors as they are going to change. Not so much the colors themselves but the intensity within the colors are going to make them brilliant beyond your imagination at this point. They may be the same colors but they will be much much more brilliant. Much higher intensity. And they will shift and change the colors themselves as they raise in this intensity here in the higher vibrations. So you are experiencing the coming of the shift in consciousness that is going to happen with all that are ready for this. All that are being that will be acclimated to these energies as this comes. You are getting a glimpse you might say of the fifth dimension here. Does that make sense to you?

Q:  That does. I felt like I was in a whole different dimension and it was so profound. There aren’t words to describe what I saw. I gave you a very simplified version. But I wrote and recorded some of these lessons that I was given and it was just such an incredible experience and I’m so thankful for it.

OWS:  Yes. And St. Germain is the grand alchemist. And he would be the one that would give these teachings these classes here as you are having here.

Q:  So am I in his classes? Is he teaching me?

OWS:  Now you have it.

Q:  We’ve been going through this since May 4thand I was wondering if you could tell me. I believe that I’m here on the Island of Hawaii for a reason and I have a spiritual role here. And I worked with Anne DeHart and Peter Olsen and they would tell me different things to say to avert hurricanes. Like in 2015 we had 15 hurricanes that all left [/turned] and did not come to Hawaii. What can I do as a member of this family to assist? What is my role? Why was I called back to Hawaii at this particular time?

OWS:  Are you speaking of the volcano that is occurring there? [Yes]Then we will tell you that there is very little that you would need to do or even want to do about this, because this is a natural happening that is occurring. It is not something that is being brought about by the cabal, they are not creating this directly. And it is a lessening you might say, or a release — we will call it this — a release of the energies that are needed within the Earth here. And it does affect various families and people along the way that is true. And that is something that has occurred throughout history here. There are always these catastrophes or calamities that occur and they do create havoc with certain places and with people. And that is unfortunate but it is part of the orchestration here that is going on. And those that are experiencing the shifts and changes as a result of this volcano, were there and are there for a reason. They are there to do something within their own understanding, within their own karmic destiny you might say. And they are moving through this based on the contract that they had when they came in. And if someone finds themselves in the area or the vicinity of this then it is purposeful in that way. You see?

Q:  Am I not called to do anything? I mean I’m very much involved in Rotary and we’ve got a relief thing and we’re getting money from our sister club in our Chicago-Japan $20,000 and we’re very much involved in getting a global grant to help all these homeless and un-sheltered children.

OWS:  What we were speaking of is to not worry about changing the volcano but you can certainly do things to help the people around. So certainly whatever you can do to assist and work with these families and people in any way that you are feeling guided, would be very helpful. But to try to redirect the volcano or anything of this nature it is not necessary. It will wind its’ way out here in short time here.

Q:  How short of a time, One Who Serves? How short a time? We’ve had it now three weeks.

OWS:  That we cannot give directly at this point.

Q:  I wasn’t going to ask this question but it came up that we are who came back from the future. What I have heard is that in the future we found our timeline ending and so we went back into the past to make a correction so that our timeline would continue and that I’ve also heard a part of it is because we have a have incurred a karmic debt to humanity. I’m just wondering if you can tell us what we found, what we did wrong that we had to come back and correct, and what we did to humans that we had to come back and correct that.

OWS:  We are not allowed to say directly what was changed, what was shifted as a result, but you are correct in that the timelines have been altered and have been worked with. There are various Guardians you might say, Time Guardians you can call them that are responsible for making sure that everything is kept from becoming too disastrous in terms of ones that would be such as the cabal that would go back in time and shift and change something that occurred long ago and therefore then change everything into the future. That is protected. That is not allowed to happen and cannot happen. But there are different shifts that do happen at times that are what would be considered minor changes that can develop into something greater if they are not watched and protected in this way. And at times this has occurred in the past. No longer happens now but it has happened in the past. And this has been corrected. So that is why you are on a timeline you are on now and no longer on that disastrous timeline that had been predicted for eons of time here.

Q:  Are you saying basically we came back to avert what might be called the Armageddon timeline?

OWS:  That is correct.

Q:  Well I’m very glad it was averted and that we were evidently successful in that. And that’s certainly reason to be thankful and to give praise.

OWS:  Yes, we are glad also.

OWS:  Then we are ready to release channel here now.

All of you, all of you have so much to be grateful for. And that is the word we want you to take away from all of this: gratefulness. Be grateful for who you are, why you are here, what you are doing here. You are the volunteers. You are the ones that volunteered to come here and be a part of this. And even though it is difficult at times, even though you have those times of depression and those things which hold you back, keep you down, know that it is only temporary. It is only part of the transition that you are moving through. And as you continue to move through this transition all of this will take care of itself. All of this. We promise you.

Let go. Go with the flow here. Let it be. All of these sayings are so apropos for these times now. Just let it be and go with the  flow. And have fun. Find joy in every single moment.

And if you continue to find joy in every single moment that you can, you will find that your future will be grand indeed.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell



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“Believing is seeing!”

We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation. You are always receiving support in accessing more, but now is a particularly opportune time to be letting the manifestations in that you have been desiring for quite some time.

Many of you have perhaps faced unique challenges and hardships of late, and you are using them as the set up for this time of increased photonic activity. You are able to access more streams of energy because of where you are at this time in the galaxy, and the process of manifestation could not be easier because all you have to do now is relax and let these supportive energies bring you what you’ve been asking for.

It’s not a question of taking action, earning, or being worthy of what is there for you to manifest. It’s simply a function of where you are right now, physically speaking. Your solar system is spiraling up, and will continue to do so. And you are ready now to reap the benefits of hanging on this Earthly ride for as long as you have. This is a culmination for most of you of hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes.

And where you are right now is the culmination of all of those lifetimes and all of the asking and summoning that you’ve done in those lifetimes. Now is the time for the payoff. Now is the time to let it in. Many of you are still wondering what you need to do in this lifetime, what your mission is, and right now we tell you that your mission is to receive, open yourselves up, be the conduits for this high-frequency energy, and let yourselves live the lives that you’ve always dreamt of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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Dark energies come from a lack of connection to Source and stem from a lack of love for self.

Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings From the Masters: Purging the Past

The new energies now emanating from the Earth are fifth dimensional and the purging of old, dark energies continues to take place all over the world. Fires, floods and volcanic eruptions are continuously causing headlines, washing away or trapping past-life energies that have contributed to dark energies accumulating in pockets around the Earth. The influx of radiant light that is now bringing the Earth into a higher vibration has always been forecast and is a result of the constant efforts of Lightworkers and the Masters of Light who continuously send light, love and the Violet Flame out to the Earth and beyond. It was never forecast that the darker energies of war and terrorism would win the battle, even though it may seem like they are. We, the Masters of Light, ask you to hold the faith and to send as much light and love out to the world as you can, to anchor in the energies of ascension and to help to accelerate the ascension process.

Purging very dark energies is never easy nor is it without consequences, which can include the loss of habitat for wildlife, homes for humans, livelihood and even the loss of life. However, the choices made by humans in the past have brought about this necessary cleansing that is paving the way for even higher, purer and magical energies. These energies will bring the Earth into greater light, aligning it with far-off planets and energies of the more-evolved beings that are willing to assist Mother Earth to achieve oneness and peace.

Whether one believes it or not, all humans will begin to notice a change around them. Yes, those taken over by lower energies will still rage against the turning tide, but to no avail as the energies of Ascension continue to grow stronger and the awakening of the masses continues in greater and greater numbers.

Dark energies come from a lack of connection to Source and stem from a lack of love for self. Now, more than ever, is the time for people to find their connection to their God-selves, to shed past trauma, stand in their I AM presence and to learn to love themselves again. If everyone in the world just did that, the changes on Earth would be immense, for when one no longer allows others to take advantage of them, to abuse them, to ignore them or to act in a superior way over them, the balance of power will be equalised and all will become one.

There is no greater power than love, dear ones. Now is the time for all humans to come to terms with the fact that the reality they find themselves in is one they have created themselves with their thoughts and perceptions of themselves. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force for manifestation: what you give out comes back to you in equal measure. More importantly, the vibration of your thoughts affects the ascension process, because every thought goes out to connect with every other thought from every individual on Earth, creating a human collective consciousness that contains not only thoughts but the intentions behind them as well. The more positive they are with love as the intention behind them, the greater chance of turning the tide against the dark, negative and destructive thoughts of people who remain unawakened.

The past is behind you and what is done cannot be undone. However, the energies created by travesties of the past can be purged. To lessen the need for cleansing on a catastrophic scale in the future, those who are awakened must work together to send light and the Violet Flame en masse. This can be done on the Crystalline Grid or through intentional group meditations. Call upon the masters of the Cosmic Council to help direct the energy to where it is needed and ask that the healing be for the greater good, but also done in the highest and best way. Stay grounded and clear your energies afterwards. Your help is needed and much appreciated.

I AM Archangel Michael


You have greatly assisted us by manifesting a wondrous collective of positive thoughts each day.

Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness).The decline of the cabal continues. Their slow, arrogant moves and our quick retaliatory counterpunches are leaving these scallywags in a morass of their own making. Our Earth Allies continue to build global alliances that are clearly intensifying their Victory over the dark. The keys to this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growing hunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endless centuries of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortify each of you for full consciousness. Your pending reality shift is the reason the dark’s influence is waning and why the cabal is in such a panic.

Keep constantly in mind what is unfolding around you. Trust in the plan. Our Earth allies regularly release Truths that are designed to give you a better understanding of what is actually occurring. These numerous and varied alliances are ultimately to determine the outcome. We cannot overemphasize the significance of this current strategy to your freedom. A union of many factions, it is focused upon undermining the cabal’s every step. Their old, tried-and-true strategies, which once worked so well on the populace, are no longer proving successful. The masses are waking up.


Consciousness is a universal web of divine wisdom through which the interconnectedness of all life is clearly apparent. You are consciousness, and consciousness is you. The disconnect you currently experience is an illusion foisted upon you by your state of limited consciousness. As you awaken to this, the potential for positive change in all areas expands. It is the time when the architects of the old ways fall from grace and Lightworkers are liberated to wield their beams of Light.

Concerning Earth changes, expect these to be regionally intense at times. Gaia has decided to delay many of the changes on a global scale since your own transformation is not very far off. Her final transformation won’t take place until you are safe in Agartha, taking your final, ecstatic step into full consciousness. Until then, Gaia is to focus on resolving the pressure on her tectonic plates and on building up the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins for the return of the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. As a fully-conscious planet, she is noted for both her symmetry and her exquisite beauty. The rising of Atlantis and Lemuria will balance Gaia’s land-water ratio. Once again, she will return to her original, pristine body configuration as a mono-polar planet.

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come bringing you many blessings! You have greatly assisted us by manifesting a wondrous collective of positive thoughts each day. The citizens of your world are beginning to understand that we are all interconnected. As you grow in consciousness, your thoughts become more highly focused and more affirmative. It is important for you to realize how easily negative thoughts, strung together, can delay that which you wish to visualize. Take the time to come together and use your combined thoughts to envision the most wondrous outcome. As you do this on a regular basis, you can make your positive thoughts a more powerful and irresistible alternative.

As humans expand in consciousness, we grow increasingly aware of the spiritual nature of physicality. We observe that, as you become more awakened to who you truly are − a spiritual Being having a physical experience − you are navigating, with more grace and less anger and judgment, the demise of the cabal. We watch you employing your growing power to demand people-focused government. Everywhere, nations are realizing the imperative of freedom, and are turning away from regimes that fail to heed the call of their citizens.


You are experiencing a transition, from the world you currently know to one that more truly reflects who you are becoming. This is a time when each individual interlinks their powerful spiritual gifts into the whole. As you weave a new reality into existence, imagine the beauty that your diversity brings to the divine fabric of your new galactic society. Keep ever in mind your importance to the collective that is surface humanity. Your realm continues to change for the better. Persevere in your individual affirmations and the mighty visualizations that are building toward enduring freedom for all.

Today, we discussed what is unfolding around this globe. Many events are occurring that will enable you to transform this dark realm to the Light. We simply ask you to take this information and use it to become more aware of what is happening to you, and to the societies that make up this reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

You will know your role by what gives you joy. Nothing more and nothing less.

Dear Ones,

Likely, you cannot sense any global connection with the phrase, “we’re one.” Even though the phrase is something you contemplate, your news and personal experiences do not reinforce your need to actualize it.

You hear the phrase, we’re one and agree with the concept; yet, you believe such will never come to fruition in your lifetime. For those pieces that seem to reinforce accepting all without concerns for gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed are being removed – you believe – one by one.

The “we’re one” earth structure needs to be rebuilt and reconfigured solidly instead of precariously as was true for the first build.

If that belief had been created on a solid foundation, the current nonacceptance and anger would not exist. But then, many of your structures are wobbly regarding action instead of token words.

You believe those who do not enforce or encourage love for all are very different from you. In truth, they are antagonists created by you, en masse, to ensure that you understand the need for solid structures.

“Follow the money” motivates your world much more than we’re one.  Your interest in following the money is an offshoot of your societal concerns.

Perhaps you discuss your interest in helping other countries, races, religions, etc. but if given a choice between millions of dollars or helping others to live a life similar to yours, or next door to you, which would you choose? If you had to think about your response, realize how deeply ingrained your need is to validate success with money.

Such a statement is not to chide you nor to inform you that money is evil, but instead for you to understand how you en masse have directed your efforts for some time. Human love waned, as monetary success overtook the need for closeness to one another.

Now you are angry because love for all is your mantra. But if you were without food or shelter, your monetary needs would likely outweigh your love of others. And if you were monetarily very successful, would you be willing to give those resources away if someone promised that all would be loved if you did?

Most likely, you will respond that you would equalize monetary rewards if everyone on earth with financial resources would also. So it is you cannot understand how we’re one will ever come to fruition.

What you forgot in those thoughts is that love does not have a monetary value. That being penniless is not any more loving than being extremely wealthy. Individuals create wealth and resources appropriate for themselves.

You believe loving others means giving your lifestyle and personal rewards away.

That concern shifts you from we’re one to “I better take care of myself before I share my love (personal lifestyle) with others.”

Such is a 3D belief that has little to do with 5D and beyond. For you do not give away your fish, as it were, you teach others how to fish. That is what we’re one truly means. For you to give your creations away because others are not capable of creating the same is much more about a master/servant type relationship than allowing others to be themselves.

Now you are thinking that accepting someone who is a different religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, etc. has very little to do with monetary rewards. We beg to differ. For those with financial resources are not held to the same standards as those without. You can likely name a number of financially successful people of different races, religions, creed, countries, sexual orientation, etc. who are not concerned about crossing any barriers held by those with less financial success.

Still, you argue that it does not matter to you if someone of the opposite sex, a different religion, sexual orientation, different race, etc. lives next door. Which is possibly true. But overall, you question the wisdom of welcoming those different from you believing that somehow they will take your financial resources, lower the value of your property, or expect too much from you emotionally.

Your 5D parts clamor for we’re one. Your 3D belief is that those of lesser status will take away from your being.

You are starting to shift – slowly, but still shifting. For love does not carry a price. Nor does teaching someone how to fish. You are no longer part of the master/servant lifestyle. Even though that model continues to be displayed in the media and perhaps your personal lives, such is not who you truly are.

We strongly suggest you review your beliefs allowing yourself to acknowledge your 3D biases.

You are the builders of the new structures in whatever way feels most joyful. For some, it is knowing anything is possible. For others, teaching someone to fish, and for still others, it is to protest or destroy those structures they wish to re-create.

You will know your role by what gives you joy. Nothing more and nothing less.

But before you can recreate any structures, review your beliefs to determine how closely those structures are tied to monetary rewards. Monetary creations are neither better nor worse than any other creation. So there is no need to hoard your money nor is there any need to give it away.

It is your choice based on your new 5D or beyond being. Allow yourself to decide without reverting to 3D beliefs. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Imprinting Love into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Imprinting Love into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity

by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 25th May 2018 –Sacred School of OmNa

You are a sacred spiritual being connected to all that is loving and divine in the Universe of the Creator. You are the source of all healing and change in your life for yourself, past and future generations. You have the ability to gather information, ideas and behaviour patterns from your own physical body and energetic field. All you need to know to heal your past lives and generational timelines is within you now waiting to be discovered. You have the ability to free all who have come before you and all of your past lifetimes of the burdens, limitations and suffering they carried and you now store as information within your being. Resulting in freedom and liberation within your being and reality as well as the same for generations to come.

Whether you believe yourself to be a spiritual being existing in a human body or not, you are upon the Earth now to explore the positive impact you can imprint into your life and the lives of others. A sacred, special and divine love exists within us all. Our inner love is healing, uplifting, transformational and shares profound wisdom with us from beyond the earthly realities. This love can be glimpsed in romantic relationships, parent child relationships, friendships, animal bonds and compassion for others. However, the powerful and sacred love within you is far more expansive and abundant than this. Imagine the love you share with others and multiply it a thousand times, you would still not come close to the bountiful expression of love that is your truth and essence.

What is Love?

Love is a word that is used to describe a feeling, sensation, and experience within you which can be expressed and manifested into your outside world. When you experience love emanating from your being you may feel happy, content, radiant, blissful, safe and so forth. Recognising and focusing on the sacred love you embody allows you to experience expansion, healing, enlightenment, radiant health and a feeling of being connected to everyone on the Earth and throughout the Universe of the Creator. Love at an earthly level describes your relationships with yourself and others. When you expand your understanding of love you begin to access and grasp your eternal relationship with the Creator/ Universe/God/ Source/All That Is, in truth your sacred existence beyond your physical body.


It is you as a sacred expansive infinite being/soul/source/essence that requires your exploration. This will assist you in understanding and remembering the power you hold and how you can transform yourself, loved ones and the world through exploring all that is within your being. It is your recognition of the abundance of love within your being which will open you up to knowing yourself more fully, guiding you to make the necessary changes in your energy, perceptions, core vibration and reality. When you are aligned with and are expressing the love within your being you are connected to every human being of your past, present, and future, the infinite wisdom and knowledge beyond illusions which is actively ready for all to download. You are connected to the healing vibrations which allow you to heal and repair your body as well as a constant unbreakable support that wishes for you to experience only good in your life.

It is often the limitations of your mind which cause you to be unable to recognise the infinite power, connection and support you have in every moment of your life. Your mind has been programmed by past generations, fears, suffering and the limitations placed into the realities of all. You may have been taught to look outside of yourself for help, that you are never good enough, you always have to work hard for what you want and life isn’t fulfilling. All of this creates blocks and illusions in your mind which cause you to be distracted from your truth, who you really are, your powers and what you are capable of. Essentially you are being distracted from experiencing fulfilment in your life by illusions and false perceptions placed within your mind. This is not your fault. The experiences of your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and even further back, previous generations and civilisations, have all supported and created the thoughts, beliefs, fears, anxieties, limitations, illusions and negative habits you experience today. Your gifts, talents and beautiful qualities may also extend from your family line, previous generations, and civilisations. You are a product of everyone before you, as well as the unresolved experiences and successes of your past lifetimes. After your birth as you grew and observed daily life on the Earth, you accepted the general perspective that all of humanity hold. Your learning as a child seemed normal and essential to living on the Earth, and yet you were simply accepting perspectives while programming your mind to see the world around you in the same way that others do.

Your soul, essence or love energy knew when it chose to enter the earthly reality that it would have to adopt numerous influences, some limiting, others empowering. The abundant love within you had many ideas and passions it wished to experience and fulfil in its life, that is why you chose your parents and their ancestral line because the appropriate limitations, as well as empowerments, would be imprinted into your being to propel you forth in exploring your ideas, passions, and purpose every day. When choosing your parents before your birth you took into account the healing and transformation you could create for your parents and ancestors. The healing and release of limitations or fears was precisely aligned to the passions and missions of your soul/ love energy. Not only could you achieve the dreams and desires of your divine self, you could heal and discontinue the growing momentum of negative behaviour patterns, limitations, illness, suffering, fear and so much more. This would take place through your inner healing, discovery, and observation. You then can create new patterns, perceptions, and liberation for coming generations.


Source of Healing

You are the source of healing in your life now, you are in the right place at the right time to assist the creation of generations who are born without negative imprinting from their parents, ancestors, previous generations, civilisations and maybe even past lifetimes. You have the ability to assist souls in being born free to explore the truth, divinity and loving powers of their being without having to release the burdens held within the collective consciousness of humanity. Your healing source is the bountiful light and consciousness of love that exists within you in this very moment. The greatest energy and belief that requires to be erased is the disempowerment of love and the source of love within you. The more you empower, energise and encourage the radiance of love from your being into the world, the quicker the power of love and the realisation of the power of love will be restored within all of humanity. You are the source of healing for your own existence and the liberation of others. Your healing vibration is your love, when you fully trust, engage with and believe in the power, transformational qualities and strength of love.

Awakening Love to transform the Earth

Begin by connecting your conscious awareness with the source of love within your being. Feel, sense, acknowledge the energy of love pouring from your heart chakra and higher heart chakra into your entire being.
Call forth 12 forms or people to stand behind and to the side of you who represent your parents and ancestors, previous generations and civilisations of the Earth as well as past or simultaneous lifetimes. So, it is as if every being who has existed on the Earth is present with you in these 12 forms or people.

Call upon all the Archangels to stand before you and emanate the power of love which they channel through their beings from the core of love and power of the Creator. Receive the angelic vibrations of the power of love into every aspect of your being, especially into your heart chakra and higher heart chakra. The love present within your heart chakra and higher heart chakra will be illuminated and will magnify, beginning to blaze in all directions.

Send the vibrations of love you are recognising within your being to the back of your heart chakra and higher heart chakra, being exuded out the back of your body, penetrating the 12 gathered behind and to the side of you.

Continue to share love, you are a bountiful source of love, until you feel, sense or acknowledge the 12 gathered have absorbed all the love they require to transform.

Invite the Archangels present with you to gift the imprints and templates of love and the power of love into your heart chakra and higher heart chakra. Take a moment to absorb them for yourself then deliver the imprints and templates of love and the power of love into the 12 gathered that represent every soul who has existed upon the Earth and added to the consciousness of humanity of today. As they receive so they begin to transform, becoming powerful beacons of light and blazing love in all directions.

Request or state the intention that you invite all to accept the power of their love and the bountiful love flowing from the Creator. Ask all to realise themselves as a source of healing, therefore emanating love to heal and energetic uplift all situations, experiences and circumstances created in their realities, whatever time or in whichever civilisation they exist. Each soul represented by the 12 gathered, begins to cleanse their experiences with love. It is as if limitations and negativity from all who have existed before you or in a simultaneous lifetimes are being erased and every soul is returning to their original purpose and consciousness imprinting love, for all to benefit from. Enjoy and explore the transformation occurring as you also observe the shifts occurring within your own being.

With the power of love,

Archangel Michael

Keep On Dancing

We remain in alignement with our higher self at all times,aware of the vibration we offer at all times in all circumstances as responsible co-creators and manifestors of our realities  for the highest good for all leading to The Golden Age of our existence and what a better way to celebrate  Oneness than getting into the groove of this deep session while approaching next Full Moon.Celebrate You Beloved Soul!

Many of you have been experiencing cataclysmic growth these past few weeks.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you have been experiencing cataclysmic growth these past few weeks. You are being freed from the burdens of your past, the emotions you’ve stuffed, and the reasons you felt you couldn’t entertain your own dreams. Some of you are repeating old patterns just to look at them one last time. Whatever was lurking in your depths is coming up. The old is burning away to make room for new life. Mother earth is growing! So are you.

As your planet purges herself once again of old energies and the frequencies that the human race refuses to feel, she is also bringing new truth, greater authenticity, and new life from her depths. You may feel this movement quite strongly as sudden bursts of emotion you thought you were done with, periods of dizziness, and if you are willing to sit quietly in the presence of the Divine and your angels – periods of increasing love, connection, and euphoria.

You are inseparable from your beautiful home there upon the earth. You are part of her ecosystem. What you feel she feels. What she feels, you feel. Here is how you can weather these changes with greater grace and love…

  • If you find yourself erupting in sadness or anger, breathe. Anything you’ve stuffed is coming up for examination. What is it you can no longer pretend is OK in your life? What must you do? What must you say to kindly and lovingly remain in integrity with your own spirit? Set yourself free.
  • If others erupt around you, do your best to clear the energies (ground yourself, journal, breathe deeply) and then remain compassionate. They too are bringing up old pains to be healed. Pray for them. Help set them free.
  • If you find old feelings “bubbling up” acknowledge them. Perhaps you’ve tried not to feel something – a desire to explore a new interest, a sense of unrest about something you’d rather not see, a desire for a relationship when you thought you were fine alone or a desire for alone time when you thought you wanted companionship. Your feelings are your guidance. Honor them.
  • Perhaps you’ve been feeling a need to purge your belongings, your activities, or even your relationships. Honor this. You are all being called to greater authenticity.
  • Perhaps you feel a strong draw to explore something new. Honor it if it is consistent with your ideals. Beware if it is not. What you are drawn to magnetically is your path of greatest growth. Growth can be joyful or painful depending upon your willingness to be honest with yourself.

Dear ones, while these energies may seem confusing, disruptive, and not always easy to weather, if you surrender to the truth bubbling up within you and stay connected to the Divine, you will experience the birthing of a beautiful new light in your life. Birth is a messy process, but new life is always beautiful.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

We have been witnessing more and more acts of generosity, kindness, and selflessness on planet Earth in the past few weeks than we have ever seen before in your history.

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing more and more acts of generosity, kindness, and selflessness on planet Earth in the past few weeks than we have ever seen before in your history. You see, every act of kindness, every expression of love, every moment of connection brings you closer to the whole of who you are. Who you are as a whole, in terms of the human collective, is a version of Source that you could refer to as God.

You could see that the unified human collective consciousness would be a God in comparison to what you have had present on planet Earth for so long, and you could see the unification of the galaxy as another God, and a unified universe as still a more expanded version of God. It is true that you are all Gods as well, and so, when you feel harmonious and integrated as an individual, you are more likely then to feel that way when it comes to your fellow humans.

You are more likely to act accordingly, to act with that knowing that you are all one, and that the one that you are all is a form of Source Energy. You are working your way up gradually to the full knowing of yourselves as Source. You are doing it incrementally, and each act, each thought, each word spoken that supports that knowing brings you a little bit closer.

We are happy to observe and to give you our confirmation that this is happening. We feel confident that it will continue, and we also see that as you band together more as a human collective, it becomes harder and harder for those who are not interested in integration to stay in positions of power.

So this is how you do it. You band together, rather than fighting each other, and you disempower those who need you to be segregated and at each other’s throats, and eventually even they will have a moment, an opportunity to become one with the rest of humankind. And those of you who have truly known yourselves as Source will welcome them with open arms.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Humans are by nature loving

Time is beginning to pass even faster than previously and it is a definite sign that the changes are speeding up. Much is waiting to be revealed that will bring into being changes that are very desirable and will be welcomed by all. The old is slowly being replaced by the new that shall make it clear that the New Age is underway. Humanity is beginning to understand how their presence on Earth is affecting the planet, and is looking to move away from those things that continue to support the negative vibrations. In this respect much progress has been made through the creation of smaller groups of dedicated people that are doing their best to bring harmony to everyone. It is also attracting more people who seek to bring more Light to the Earth. The positive effects will snowball and help raise the vibrations even further, and it is all being achieved in very arduous and trying circumstances.

The division between those of the Light and those of the negative vibrations is increasing all of the time, and it will reach a point where it will result in a great upliftment in consciousness. Over a period of time there has been a move to create more harmony upon Earth, and it is succeeding to the point where not just the threat of war has been eliminated, but peaceful co-existence is being pursued that will bring the peoples of different countries together. The futility of war resulting in the deaths of millions of souls is seen as repugnant, when co-operation can be achieved with friendly exchanges and a determination to make wars a thing of the past. It shows that the willingness of many countries to join together in a common pursuit of freedom and happiness can now be achieved.

The people are being encouraged to think New Age and being given ideas that should hasten their advancement that will bring into being life and time saving inventions. The knowledge has already been given to those in a position to act upon them, but there will continue to be opposition from those who like to keep the “status quo”. Be assured that nothing will be allowed to prevent the advancements that the new inventions will give you. Those who stand in the way of their introduction will be removed, and none will be able to block such advancements.

The younger generations have a different kind of mind set, and the ability to see ways of bringing peace about where the older generations have failed. It is no criticism of their attempts to solve the problem, but sometimes you can be so involved in it that you cannot see a way out. Clearly the people have had enough of warfare and the consequent loss of life, and yearn for a solution to stop the carnage and waste of human life. Karmic lessons have been learned and there remains nothing to be gained by prolonging pointless death and destruction. It is time to put all differences aside and learn to live together as one, in happiness and loving cooperation.

Humans are by nature loving and considerate, but have a persona that often makes them appear as very cold and unable to express their feelings. With the upliftment in the vibrations they will inevitably change as people become more open in showing their love for each other. You are one Human Race regardless of colour or religious beliefs, and there is no reason why you should not come together while at the same time respecting the differences that occur between you. It is time to set aside those things that are in the way of peace and appreciate that it is the differences that maintains your special place in history.

As you have been informed a number of times when the vibrations have reached a certain high point, those souls who have been unable to reach the same level will of necessity move to a different path to continue their evolution and those who can continue lifting up, will then go all of the way to Ascension. It is a natural progression that enables you to enjoy complete freedom in a vibration that is so pure that only the truth can exist. Meantime you will gradually change at each stage of upliftment, and progress will be unhindered as previously when you had to experience the presence of those of lower vibrations.

You represent only one aspect of your Higher Self and it is so that you can concentrate on your life experiences. Few have knowledge of their life plan, and this is so that you respond to it in a natural way according to your level of intuition and experience. Each life plan is tailored exactly for your needs and if successful represents another step forward, as a lesson well learnt never has to be repeated again. Naturally you have had a say as to the degree of difficulty your life plan may represent, and in this way you will not take on more than you can manage. By now you will also be aware that your Guides keep a watchful eye on you, and will give their help if it is needed. They have ways and means of ensuring you keep to your agreed path, and are as eager as you are to ensure your whole life is successful. That will include any form of karma that you still have not cleared, although it must be said that it will be that which you may have incurred since the New Age commenced in 2012.

In your minds you will need to be prepared for the time that approaches when visitors from other planets will openly come to Earth. It will be by arrangement and symbolise the first official visit of extraterrestrial’s who desire peaceful contact and friendly cooperation. It will not happen overnight as circumstances upon Earth must be such that there is no risk whatsoever of interference. Various matters will clearly have to sorted out in advance to ensure a peaceful meeting, that should result in an exchange of information that will be of benefit to both sides. Your future is Galactic although it is way ahead of where you are at the present moment. However, it is your destiny to be Space travellers and explore the great beyond. As the vibrations lift up you will also benefit from a longer life, as aging will dramatically slow down.

Change is everywhere around you as the old is breaking up to make way for the new, that is long overdue. All over the world many people are working on new devices and systems that will quickly move you into the New Age. Life will become more tolerable and enjoyable as you will have more time for your own pursuits. The lost years will quickly be made up to you with all of the benefits of advancements that have long been held back. It will take quite a time for them to reach every part of the world, but with new technologies it will be less than you can probably imagine. Good times are beckoning and will materialise in accordance with the plan for Humanity’s advancement, which opportunity has been planned for a very long time. You will welcome the changes so get yourselves ready to enjoy them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Healthy Celebration

Being in the dancing scene as DJ and Performer for over 15 years in and stumbling across this article about 5 reasons why the most dangerous drug is not illegal ,i felt it was the right time to once again share the other side of the coin,my personal work I’ve been doing since 2010 in continuing the celebration as to keep on dancing in inspiring and  healthy ways, called also:

Feel More Than Fine -The Party.


Feel More Than Fine Workshops.

Here you can discover some moments of  past events,it is a truly a Super High Vibrational ,  5th Dimensional experience  when  all participants are dancing while their body mind spirit complexes are free of any toxins.


Feel More Than Fine in Cologne,Germany.

Flow with the Masters ,Yoga in Amsterdam.



And latest co-creation in Antwerp City,Contemporary Dancing!

Keep on Dancing!








we need you as members of this team to step it up at times, to let go, to surrender to the world that you incarnated into so that you can awaken within and change it.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been delivering transmissions to you on a very consistent basis, and those transmissions have been increasing gradually with intensity. We see how much you can take, and then we amplify the projections of energy just a little bit to push you just a little bit further than you’ve been before. Your ability to absorb and assimilate the transmissions that we’ve been sending you is directly proportional to the amount of introspection that you do on a daily basis.

How often are you accepting your role as the creator in something you are living, and how often are you blaming others for the life that you are living? There’s a lot of information right now being spread, and that information is helping you to be informed about what’s going on behind the scenes, but it also has the potential to leave you feeling disempowered and playing the blame game.

Of course there are people in power who want to stay in power, people who have more wealth than you can even imagine, who want to maintain that status, and they are the ones pulling the strings of the puppets that you see in the media. However, you don’t have to be one of those puppets, and the more you disconnect from that idea that you are victim and that there are perpetrators that need to be defeated, and the more you go within and access your power, your sense of who you really are, the easier it is for our transmissions to get through to you.

The more you seek out the light from within you, the easier it is for you to receive light and love and all of the codes, upgrades, and downloads that we are sending you. If there was ever a time for you to let go of your resistance and relax and receive, now is that time. We want to step up our transmissions, but we have to wait for you.

We are waiting. We are continuing to love you through all of this, of course, and we are very happy to be of service any time that we can, but it is a team effort. And we need you as members of this team to step it up at times, to let go, to surrender to the world that you incarnated into so that you can awaken within and change it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Feeling Good is Feeling God.