A very powerful activity of Light is taking place in our present timeline,following a serie of energetic upgrades as Humanity and Gaia continue our Ascension process.Patricia Cota Robles is sharing an amazing inner work to do,assisted by The Elohim and Mother Father God.I took the time to transcribe her material and i vividely invite you to take your notebook or piece of paper and write it down in order to memorize and use it as often as you can.This inner work is helping you to activate your Ascension codes so you may flow through the process smoothly with ease and grace.I took the time to add all the colors,so you have it more easy to memorize,here it is:
”May 26 2019 the earth was bombarded unexpectedly by what was referred to by scientists as an interplanetary shockwave from space that caused solar wind density to abruptly quadruple and the interplanetary magnetic field to double in strength,this is opened portals in Earth’s magnetic field that are allowing us to receive higher frequencies of fifth dimensional crystalline solar light.This Gift From On High is being greatly amplified during this Eclipse series what the company of heaven is asking today is if you and I and the rest of awakening humanity are willing to be the open door for this greatly intensified light on behalf of ourselves and our sisters and brothers in the family of humanity if you have the heart call to serve humanity and mother earth in this powerful way please join me now and we will invoke the most intensified frequencies of the fifth dimensional crystalline solar aspects of deity the earth has ever received and we begin
I am my I am presence and I am one with the I am presence of every man woman and child on earth as one unified heart flame we now invoke the mighty solar Elohim who are the builders of form to project their luminous presence into the atmosphere of Earth beloved Elohim we ask that you accelerate the expansion of the divine qualities associated with each of the 12 solar aspects of deity breathe this divine light through the 12 pointed crown of the Elohim above the earth and the twelve pointed crown of the ilium upon the brow of every person’s I am presence anchor this divine light through every person’s fifth dimensional crystalline solar spine and our 12 solar chakras.
I now invoke the 1st solar aspect of Deity which is Sapphire Blue the divine qualities associated with the first solar aspect of deity our gods are Will, Illumined Faith,Power,Protection and God’s First Cause of Perfection this is the ray of light that reflects the masculine polarity of our Father God as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing sapphire blue sons of light.

I now invoke the 2nd solar aspect of Deity which is yellow gold the divine qualities associated with the second solar aspect of deity are Enlightenment,Wisdom,Illumination and Constancy this is the ray of light that reflects the Christ consciousness of the sons and daughters of God as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing yellow gold sons of light

I now invoke the 3rd solar aspect of Deity which is crystal pink the divine qualities associated with the third solar aspect of deity are Transfiguring Divine Love,Oneness,Reverence for all life,Adoration and Tolerance this is the ray of light that reflects the feminine polarity of our mother God the Holy Spirit as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing crystal and pink sons of light

I now invoke the 4th solar aspect of Deity which is white the divine qualities associated with the fourth solar aspect of deity are Purity,Hope,Restoration,Renewal, Resurrection,Ascension and the Immaculate Concept as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing white sons of light

I now invoke the 5th solar aspect of Deity which is emerald green the divine qualities associated with the fifth solar aspect of deity are Illumined Truth,Healing Consecration,Concentration and Inner Vision as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing emerald green sons of light

I now invoke the 6th solar aspect of deity which is Ruby Gold the divine qualities associated with the six solar aspect of deity are Divine Grace,Healing,Devotional Worship, Peace and the manifestation of the Christ as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing ruby gold sons of light

I now invoke the 7th solar aspect of Deity which is violet the divine qualities associated with the seventh solar aspect of deity are Mercy, Compassion,Forgiveness,Transmutation,Liberty,Justice,Freedom,Victory, Glory and God’s infinite perfection this is the ray of light that reflects the Perfect Balance of the Masculine and Feminine polarities of our Father Mother God the violet flame of God’s infinite perfection will be the predominant frequency of light bathing the earth during the Aquarian age which we have now entered as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing violet sons of light

I now invoke the 8th solar aspect of Deity which is aquamarine the divine qualities associated with the eighth solar aspect of deity are Clarity, Divine Perception,Discernment and Understanding as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing aquamarine sons of light

I now invoke the 9th solar aspect of Deity which is magenta the divine qualities associated with the ninth solar aspect of deity are Harmony, Balance,Assurance and God Confidence as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing magenta sons of light

I now invoke the 10th solar aspect of Deity which is gold the divine qualities associated with the tenth solar aspect of deity are Eternal Peace,Prosperity,Abundance and the God’s Supply of All Good Things as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing golden sons of light

I now invoke the 11th solar aspect of Deity which is peach the divine qualities associated with the eleventh solar aspect of deity are divine purpose enthusiasm and joy as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing peach sons of light and finally

I invoke the 12th solar aspect of Deity which is opal the divine qualities associated with the twelfth solar aspect of deity are Transformation and Transfiguration as this light flows through my spine all 12 of my chakras become blazing opal sons of light this new higher frequency of crystalline solar light is now secured through every person’s fifth dimensional solar spine and twelve solar chakras our I am presence now gently returns each chakra to the balanced frequency of the circle of the sacred 12 which pulsates with all 12 solar aspects of deity simultaneously.

We accept and know that this resplendent light is being amplified 1000 fold every single day through our planetary grid of transfiguring divine love beloved Father Mother God and beloved Elohim we thank you for the assistance you are giving to humanity and Mother Earth during this momentous time and so it is beloved I am that I am dear one continue to stay alert and pay attention to the inner promptings of your heart during the remainder of this Eclipse series please deliberately volunteer to be the open door for this exquisite divine light god bless you and I look forward to being with you next week”
You can also listen and watch Patricia’s vlog here: