Jenny Schiltz ~ Message from the Arcturians
August 26, 2021,
Quick update on what is happening energetically. We are being hit with solar winds and Coronal mass ejections (CME). These injections hold incredible amounts of amazing plasma.
Plasma in the human body is known to take nutrients, hormones, and proteins to parts of the physical body that need it. The plasma that’s coming in from our sun is bringing activations and codes to our energetic bodies. Once it is in our energetic bodies then it begins to interact with the physical body.
The CME’s create geomagnetic storms that affect and weaken our magnetic shield on the earth and it affects our aura the same.
Many people experience headaches and sinus pressure, nausea, and dizziness. There can be body aches, bloating particularly around the rib cage/solar plexus area. Often this energy will bring about a deep purge, so you may be experiencing stomach upset. Ear ringing tends to be heightened during these events as well as dreams.
When I tapped into my Arcturian team during today’s Aura Cleanse they wanted to give a message:

“Your world is being bombarded with awakening codes. These are designed to clear the cobwebs of sleep and activate what has yet to be connected.
It matters not where one is in regards to their awakening process. All matter is affected in some way. The information coming in affects everything at the atomic level.
All is awakening, all is changing and we urge each of you to look at all around you with fresh eyes.
Ask that the lens and filters in which you perceive the world be updated and cleared of any distortions. It is this lens and filters that often keep souls consistently recreating what was, instead of what can be.
Through these energy bursts, all is shifting and awakening. For some, it will be monumental shifts and for others, it will be minute. It is through the shifting within that more will begin to remember their connection to All That Is and their place within creation.
This is an immensely exciting time, as many are seeing through the paradoxical nature of your reality. Seeing into the illusion will give the opportunity for what is not truth to collapse.

These changes being made within have greater potential to bring about healing, connection, and greater awakening when they are interacted with. Will all those not interacting still receive the coding? Yes of course. Yet as you know the minute something is observed the outcome changes.
What do you think the change will be if these energies are welcomed into the form with joy, excitement, and appreciation versus disdain, frustration, and a desire for it to stop?
One can be exhausted and still joyous. One can be in pain and still excited about the changes taking place. We see this much like a human’s labor. It is indeed painful for most, yet gone through with anticipation and joy. This is because the outcome is known and wanted.
You too want the outcome from all that is taking place, yet because it cannot be seen nor quantified, it is natural to lose sight of what is being birthed.
We say to you: Keep going, Keep growing and receiving, Keep opening. What you have been working lifetimes for is here to be accessed, the time is NOW.”

Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world.