December 12, 2021
My Dear Beloved Souls,
I am Archangel Michael, and I am here to enlighten everyone, on what to expect in the near future, and on how to keep moving to a New Earth.
I am very happy to come through Universal Channel, and speak to all of you today. Your world is getting ready to celebrate traditional holiday called Christmas and New Year. As you know now, everything was invented and orchestrated by the corrupted souls by creating different events or celebrations. There are over 1,000 different religions that were made to separate human race and ignite misunderstandings and fights based on the religion. Mother Earth carries over 10 billions live beings, your data shows less.
All of you are One and connected to the Universal Consciousness, you carry inside incredible and unstoppable Divine Power, that is going to liberate this part of Milky Galaxy. Millions of different civilizations are watching the upcoming Ascension with physical bodies, this is first time ever, never done before. This going to be unforgettable event to foresee outside from Space.
Mother Gaia is surrounded by different shape spacecrafts. The Cosmic Races are interested to interact and become friendly with humankind. Before that can happen, your task at this moment is to unite globally and defend yourselves from the implementation of New World Order.
The Galactic Federation of Light has been protecting your planet from the catastrophic events for a very long time. The protection of Earth is necessary, the Darkness attempted on numerous occasions to destroy it together with inhabitants.
The Alliance and the Special Military Forces are cleaning from this planet Outworlders and freeing the ones, who were kidnapped against their will. They are using special uniforms and equipment to spot and destroy the unfriendly entities from other worlds. Now, only one part is left, where all of you are going to come together spiritually, and remove globally all corrupted governments by replacing them with the counsels, who you will monitor and replace, if they step over their boundaries.
Please, stay strong and don’t be afraid, you are not alone, all of the Celestial beings, Ascended Masters and Galactics are giving their support by sending their Love and Light constantly.
I, Archangel Michael, believe in My Beloved Souls, that all of you are going to be successful in your mission of saving everyone and Mother Earth from the Darkness. Other planets similar to yours were liberated, so you can do it too. The Divine Power lays within you, unleash it. This is the time to act and help yourself and others to connect the missing dots to finish the Divine Plan.
Daily you are being bombarded by the high dimensional energies coming from Cosmos, the Dark Souls get burned by these high energies. The meditations occur around your globe making them weaker and angrier, as they know that their days are coming to the end no matter, what they do. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgment Day is coming. Even, if you don’t see right now with your naked eye, it’s happening and the victory is coming.
Thank you Universal Channel. Sending my Love to My Beloved Souls.
You Have a Power to Change Your World
Archangel Michael
Channeled by Erena Velazquez