A GENEROUS Twitter user has said he will give away $1milion by the end of the year if he gets one million followers.
Bill Pulte, 31, who describes himself as a “philanthropist and inventor of Twitter Philantrophy” has vowed to give away a sizeable chunk of his fortune this summer.

This week alone he has handed out $4,000 to help a single mum escape an abusive relationship, another $890 to help a struggling family buy groceries, $675 to help pay the bills of a stage three cancer patient and another $20 so someone can buy fuel to get to an interview.
Mr Pulte is the chief executive of the private equity firm Pulte Capital and the grandson of William Pulte, a billionaire who founded the PulteGroup in 1956.
When his grandad died last year, Bill inherited an unknown sum of money.
Since July he has pledged thousands of dollars to a number of good causes which have included helping out with the funeral costs of Emma Hernandez, 9, who was mauled to death by three pit bulls while she was out riding her bike.
I believe the key to joy in life is To Give. If we do not give, joy eludes us our entire life. When we don’t give, we become so consumed with ourselves. How about taking care of yourself… by taking care of someone else. Try… Giving.Businessman Bill Pulte
Along with his “Twitter Philanthropy team,” Mr Pulte has helped an endless list of people, including giving help to a family who were living in a car, injured veterans and teachers in need of school supplies.
Mr Pulte wrote on Twitter earlier today: “Many people are afraid To Give. But I believe the key to joy in life is To Give. If we do not give, joy eludes us our entire life. When we don’t give, we become so consumed with ourselves. How about taking care of yourself… by taking care of someone else. Try… Giving.”