Dear Friends of the Light! I am Mikos speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos located in the center of the Hollow Earth. I am joyous to have this opportunity to tell you that those of you who read my messages and call on me at night before sleep, are coming to visit me in the Library and are being joyously welcomed and taken on a tour of our Library. So do keep calling on me before your sleep at night, and ask to be taken to the Library of Porthologos located inside the very Center of our Earth. It is a joy to receive you! ~ Mikos |
![]() Adama is here. I also would like to welcome all who read these messages to call on me, Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master of the City of Telos, before you go to sleep at night, and ask to be taken to Telos, to meet with me in my Chamber for a visit. I will be delighted to receive you and also take you on a tour of our City located inside the Mountain of Mt. Shasta, California, USA. Call on me every night and we will establish a friendship and connection that will last through Eternity. I await your Call. Thank you Beloveds! ![]() Ashtar joins in this request also: You can call on me before your sleep at night, and ask for a tour of my Starship, and I will bring you on-board in your Light Body while your physical body sleeps in your bed at night. This will be quite a thrill for you although you will not remember when you wake up in the morning. I await your Call! I am Ashtar, your friend from the past.For an in-depth description and tour of the Library of Porthologos, read page 29 in my book: Messages from the Hollow Earth. You can order it from my website at www.diannerobbins.com Then, when you call on Mikos before sleep at night, you will know where you will be going and this may help you remember your visit upon waking up. Messages from the Hollow Earth is the only book on Earth where you will find this information. ~ Dianne Robbins Copyright © Dianne Robbins |