A Message for Lightworkers & Humanitarians from Dancing Dolphin 8-9-22
Greetings Lightworkers & Humanitarians!
We have endured much these many years together; it’s been rough at times for sure. However, the trials of our journey through this testing process have not been in vain. The waiting and repeated disappointments have tempered the steel of our convictions to be strong and yet pliable for the next adventure. We traversed this process with strength and courage and have been assisted by the Higher Realms as well.
We may not have felt worthy at times and many of us still do not. But we were indeed chosen to experience this GREAT SHIFT and we made the decision to participate also. It was not a decision that we made lightly. It was pre-planned and contemplated before we even came back to Earth. We all chose to be here for this grand moment! Many, many other Souls wished to be here too, but we were specifically chosen after volunteering for this mission.
We do not take this mission lightly. For we have all battled countless lifetimes of hatred and fear to get here now. The experiences we’ve had along the way were preparing us all for what lies ahead. We will be strong, kind, compassionate and full of love. We will share our gifts with the utmost care and consideration. We are of the Earth and come up from the ranks of those who have experienced lack ourselves. This experience will help us to eradicate lack with a swift motion, a flick of our swords. Soon after, we will then be able to lay down our swords and let them rest.
The time is now that we are to step into our new mission and start our lives from scratch! We have been hiding in our cocoons for years now. Gathering our strength and recreating our bodies, minds, and spirits. It is time for us to break out of our cocoons and breathe new life into the New Earth. We indeed are the meek of the Earth, but we are also mighty. We use our Mighty I Am Presence to connect with our Creator, Mother and Father God; the Company of Heaven, Our Galactic families, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and all other Lightworkers and Starseeds. Together, we can do anything!
Our Soul Sparks are here too, and they give us strength and courage. All the lives and times we have experienced are here now, connected to us. We claim our wisdom and talents from all the lives we have lived. Past, present and future time doesn’t exist. We are all connected in the NOW. NOW is the time for us to manifest this New Earth!! Together. Let’s bust out of our cocoons and spread our wings. Allow them to drip dry and then take off together. Shall we? Will you join me?

You are my brothers and sisters, and I am honored to be here, standing tall with all of you!! When I look out over our gorgeous home of Gaia, I see your lights shining brightly. Yes, we have been keeping them dim as we struggled through these changes. But now, let’s step out and blast our love and light for everyone to see.
We will gather together in the future, make no mistake! There will be grand events worldwide where we can share love, hugs and talk about our projects. We will discuss what we are creating in the New Earth. And in so sharing, we will continue to inspire others to listen to their hearts. Then, we will bless them with our gifts and nurture their creative spirits so they may bless others.
Our metamorphosis is now complete! It’s time for our new lives to begin. Are you ready? Don’t worry, we’re in this together and we are supported and loved more than we can comprehend. I’m honored to be here with you, dear brothers, and sisters of the light! Namaste!
With Love & Light,
Dancing Dolphin Diana
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