My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Many of you celebrated your holiday of Halloween last week. You make light of the fearful and dress in ways that express your fantasies, alter egos, and sense of humor. You share sweetness with the children and decorate with colors that even bring to life the relationship between opposites – orange, the color of vibrant, passionate life and expression, and black, the color of a womb-like stillness and potential. In so many ways, you temporarily free yourselves from the fear of death and bring it to the party of life, so to speak. Then on the very next day, many of you celebrate your connection with the dear ones in spirit, be it via All Saints Day, Día de Los Muertos, or a variety of other global holidays that celebrate man’s connection to those beyond.
We love these celebrations because they temporarily remind you of the love you have for those who are in the awareness of the eternal once again.
They help you make light of the thing you fear the most and acknowledge the life beyond. They allow you to play around with various costumes and identities and to connect with the innocent little ones who love their outfits, be it the ones they put on for the holiday or the physical costumes they were born within!
Can you imagine living this freely all the time? Can you imagine thinking of death and the things you fear and finding they are powerless to drag you into the depths? Can you imagine looking even at the death of a dear one and realizing that although you certainly miss and mourn their physical presence, they are present to you in ways far beyond what you experienced together as seemingly separate beings?
Can you imagine taking all your political, financial, and physical fears and making light of them as much as you make light of the fearful during your Halloween holiday? Dear ones, from the perspective of your human self, your fears feel grounded in “reality,” but from the perspective of your soul – knowing its incredible power to create – your fears are without a vibrational foundation.
We are not making you wrong for your fears! You are human, conditioned and taught through experiences to be wary of what might come. Being angels, we must remind you that you are spirit, vibrational tuners, able to attract safely, security, connection, well-being, and so much more. We must remind you that the minute you have a fear, you can take deep breaths to calm your biology and then, from a calmer space, remind yourself, “I do not need to create what I fear. Let me focus instead upon that which I love.”
The violence in your world has its roots in fear. The anger in the world has its roots in fear. The disease in your world has its roots in fear. Conversely, peace and harmony in your world are rooted in love. Compassion is born of love. Well-being comes from allowing love to flow freely through your physical vehicle.
You need not fear, dear ones. The external world has little power over those who manage their vibration consciously. Even if you’re not there yet, you can keep proving to yourself that you are a powerful vibrational being.
Take one thing you love and think of it often. It can be a quality like peace or humor. It can be a person that embodies the qualities you love to interact with. It can be an item or an animal. Focus on how much you love this. Think of how much you love situations or beings like this. Feel into it by imagining you already have this quality or being in your life and enjoy the sensations as often as possible. Then see how this focused love reflects back to you in your life.
At first, you may see only opposites as your old beliefs don’t let go easily, but if you persist, you will begin to see more and more evidence that vibration creates. You deserve to see all your fears and phobias in the same light as your Halloween figures and decorations – perhaps spooky but powerless to affect your reality if you vibrate to a higher love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels