Dear Heart, yes, it is I, Mother God or the Divine Mother coming to speak to you tonight to give you a message for the Lightworkers of Earth. I am grateful to you my dear for taking this message for me.
Firstly, I would like to say that I have indeed begun my finalTsunami of Loveto Earth. I have sent it and it is on its way. I meant what I said last week in your time. It will indeed hit at exactly the right “divine” time as you call it. There are many events; political, spiritual, ecological and physical on the Earth plane that are happening at any given time. I have calculated the very best time for my wave to hit and it will indeed come shortly. This One asked me to be clear because she knows that I don’t live by a clock as you do. So, I am being as precise as I wish to, and I’m sure you all respect that. Just trust and have faith that it is indeed on its way and will hit at the precise, correct Divine Time. That is all I wish to say about that my Children.
The other topic I wish to address is the constant barraging of untruths and lies that I see in gossip and rumor websites, etc. I am not encouraged by the scandals and lies told about people. Indeed, we should all ignore that type of trash talk. Please do not believe everything you read or hear. Whether it is about a politician, celebrity, another Lightworker or someone you know personally. Many people are acting out in violence, outrage and with confusion at this time. You see it in your news everyday. Please remember that you all are being bombarded by many energies right now and some people just cannot handle them. They are losing sight of the bigger picture which you, as Ligthworkers focus on everyday. Please continue to pray and send love to those who have lost their way. Many are just struggling to survive and we know that many of you will help those in need when you receive your blessing.
More new topics of information are coming to light, you all are learning more things than ever before. Things that were hidden, such as the real truth of your human history are being revealed now. Things that were suppressed are now being set free. You are receiving the information as you are ready to hear it. The more you learn, the more that will be revealed to you. This is how it works! You must ask to receive more information, dear Children. My Angels, Ascended Masters and your Galactic Family are all on call to assist. This includes spiritual teachings and everything from quantum mechanics to proper nutrition. There are many specialists who would love to teach you, you only need to ask!
The progression of the RV/GCR and your Ascension have been on a roll since May when I released it. Many, many boxes had to be checked in the proper order for everything to come into alignment for these events to happen. You are very, very close to the end, the Tetelestai as you have been told.
Many of you have been waiting and planning your new lives for many, many years. I realize this has been very difficult for you all. It is akin to a birthing process. You grow and change along the way and finally, your baby is ready to be born. Then, once the baby comes you have many more new challenges and surprises that you didn’t even know would come. It is not like you will sit down in your easy chairs and say “ahhhhhhh” and think you are finished.
Well, you can do that for a bit; but when you are rested you will jump up and say“OK, what now Mother? What would you like me to do first?”And I will send your Higher Self a nudge, or you may receive it directly from me. “Feed the hungry” may just pop into your mind. Yes, that was a nudge from me! “Help the homeless find shelter, food, water and jobs” Just that one little quick thought form will send you off in an entirely new direction and you will be on your way to helping to heal Gaia and all her peoples! Your Missions will be ALIVE! You will have stepped into your POWER and LOVE. Just like that!
No need to become overwhelmed at all the work that needs to be done. You all have many brilliant and beautiful ideas on how to help. If you’d like a little direction on what to tackle first, just ask me. Connect with me and I will guide you. I can even lead you to other people who are on the same path. Or, send you to the perfect place. See? It will be fun and free-flowing! Follow the guidance you receive and you will make new friends along the way while doing your best to help.
Know that your New Earth is coming soon. Your prosperity is coming soon. Your Masters, Galactic Family, Inner & Hollow Earth families and the Company of Heaven will be celebrating with you soon! I realize this word has become over used and frustrating at best. Trust. Keep the faith.
I AM your Mother God and I send my love on bright moonbeams on this beautiful evening. My blessings are yours. Know that you are well protected and loved.
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin