Ten Masters Give Ten Tips on Receiving Prosperity
by Sananda, Archangel Michael, Eoghan, Martin Luther King Jr., Ashtar, Che’ Kumara, Mother Teresa, Ramana Maharshi, Gandhi & St Germain through Kathryn, Christine & Meg
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This blessing from God that you are all being given is not so that you can give blessings to others; it is so that you can be God’s messenger, so that you can bring prosperity to others, directly from God. Be the messenger of love that you came here to be and you will uplift all those around you. Be joyful, Beloved Ones, be at peace. Be in love and think no more about poverty or want, but focus only on the abundance, joy and prosperity that you and everyone around you will enjoy. Carry it in your heart. Be that energy of prosperity…and so it shall be.
~ Mother Teresa 7/24/16
The following is a transcription of the live radio show channeled on Sunday, 24 July 2016. Please enjoy the radio version filled with laughter and insight and a few extra juicy details to help us prepare for the amazing days just ahead.
Master of Ceremonies
Saint Germain:
Hi Everyone, Yes, Meg, I get to have some of the fun that you have in offering these shows. I know what a pleasure it is to look out over the whole group and see everyone so excited and participating. I can just feel the level of excitement and energy and love that comes streaming through! This group is just so much fun. We have a very exciting program today for everybody. I’m so thrilled to introduce these wonderful Masters who don’t often get a chance to speak to the channeling community.
We put our heads together and thought a lot about this, and talked amongst us, suggesting Masters who in their lifetime and of course above have stood for the philosophies and the energies of prosperity, and for truly helping those on Earth to lift themselves into the state of understanding what prosperity really is. You will hear this theme throughout the small portions that each beloved Master has come to offer you.
So without further ado, I will introduce my dear friend Sananda, and he and Kathryn will talk to you about the perspective, “I AM Prosperity!”
Take it away, Sananda!!!
(Laughter all around)
(Channeled by Kathryn)
I AM Prosperity
Oh, St. Germain, that was fun. We so appreciate your debonair approach, and your enthusiasm and your great spirit! This is a topic that is so dear to our St. Germain, which is why he is the Master of Ceremonies today. This is something he has worked on for thousands of years now.
We chose the title, “I AM Prosperity” because this is what we’re going for. All of you are going to be, well, let’s be honest, very rich. How are you going to manage that? How will it change you? How will you deepen your connection to God and to us so that in your heart you know you are doing what you have called your Mission. All of you have asked us often, “Is this my Mission? What is my Mission? How am I to do this?” Well, of course, Beloved Ones, there is only one way to do this, and that is with Love.
You will hear from the experts today. I will just begin by giving you a picture of the difference between giving, and giving with Love. When you look across your plan and the people you intend to help, the people you hope to offer some relief from the slavery and the trauma of life on Planet Earth and how difficult it has been, we want you to not focus on the difficulties, on the trauma, on the hard times people have experienced.
As has often been said, you cannot cure darkness with more darkness. We must bring Light.
What does that mean in practical terms? This is what you are all talking about now, and we can feel it. Bringing Light, when you have a fist full of money does not mean you are just going to give somebody the money, because that will give them temporary relief, but that’s not really what we’re doing. We don’t just want everybody to have a lot of money – we want them to feel prosperity, to feel overflowing with so much love and gratitude that money becomes irrelevant. That is the gift you have to give – to allow people the spark of Light that will lift them completely out of the state of feeling want and lack and fear. You can’t do that by just giving them money.
Oh, if only it were that simple. Even rich people, because of the conditions you have all lived under, don’t feel secure, don’t feel love, don’t feel happy. This really gives you an opportunity, so that every time you have something to offer a person or a being, you can offer it with Love, and that is the gift you are giving them. It is the intention to see them not just in relief, not just like they have taken off these tight shoes, no, we want far more for all of you. We want you to feel joy, ecstatic gratitude and Peace!
And you, the ones who have this to give, must express that first; be the model of prosperity for everyone you touch.
Now, work with me, join with me. Breathe your connection to Mother and Father God. Feel their HoneyLove. (Pause) There! That is prosperity! And you don’t have any more money than you had five minutes ago! But you have prosperity in your being when you keep that deep, permanent connection with Mother and Father’s Love.
Do it with ease, with gentleness, with kindness, without ever a moment of pity, because the poorest of the people are not to be pitied. They have learned to understand life in a very different way from those who are wealthy. In some ways, they have a head start, so they are able to accept prosperity immediately, joyfully, welcoming you and your gift. This is the connection you will give. The gift of kindness, joy and good cheer, and it will spread. Take that stance: I AM Prosperity, and I share it with you, everyone I touch.
That’s it! That’s it! (laughter) Now you’ve got it! All right, I am your Sananda, and I am going to pass the talking stick. Guess who’s coming next! Your Beloved Michael.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Release the Ties That Bind
Archangel Michael:
I am your loving and devoted brother, Michael, and the golden key of prosperity I bring you today is to release the ties that bind.
I have arrived feeling very spiffy and ready for this moment. I have brought my sword of discernment, and with it I offer you a gift, but first, we will together release the ties that bind in order that you may be the prosperity, you may receive the prosperity, you may return to prosperity, you may flood Earth with Prosperity.
Nothing real is ever destroyed. What is real? We know, don’t we. Love is real. Feel It: Nothing real is ever destroyed. Now with that tucked firmly in your heart, that knowledge you already carry within, I am going to walk you through unplugging and releasing from everything else. You may do this with assured courage and easy knowing.
You will not disconnect from anything that is real. It s impossible. This will allow you, though, to disconnect from all those things that – in order to have an experience on the surface of Earth for a while – you made real. These things may have seemed very important and real, but they were just passing understandings, lessons, opportunities, experiences. And now as we transition to full prosperity on the surface of Earth, it is appropriate to let those things go. I am going to walk you through how to do that, and you may use this from now on.
In front of you, call forth all the relationships of your lifetime, all of the needs, wants, desires, hopes, demands, all of it. Feel every person you’ve had a relationship with file in and stand in a large crowd. It can even be filling up the whole room. Now, this is a real gift, but it is not only a gift for you. It is a gift of prosperity and freedom for them as well.
You are going to unplug from them, and plug them into Mother and Father God. Then you are going to unplug them from yourself, and plug every one of those connections into Mother and Father God.
I will walk us through it. So, everyone is in front of you. See all the ribbons of Light that have been flowing between you. What will remain after you unplug is the Love you share, the Love you are.
All right, they are in front of you. Now you will take every cord running between you – see all of them running from the trunk of your body, from your solar plexus, your heart, all cords of energy running from you to them, them to you.
First, you are going to gather in your arms all the cords of energy that are plugged from you into them. At the count of three you are going to unplug them and plug them all into Mother and Father God. One, two, three! Pull out all the connections from you and plug them directly back into Mother and Father God, our true Source of Love and Prosperity. Now, immediately heal and seal with Mother’s Love where those connections were, so there is no desire to reconnect.
Now, all the cords and connections and relationships and energetic plugs that are plugged into you – take them in your arms. Pull them out of your body and plug every single one directly into God. One, two, three, pull them out! Plug into God, and allow Mother’s healing Love to heal and seal where those connections were.
As a final gift today in this moment and going forward, I bring my sword, and with your request and with your permission, I cut away everything that does not belong any longer. You are now free to embrace, experience and become the highest form of true prosperity on the surface of Earth at this time. In the quiet of your heart, if this is acceptable to you, ask me now, and I will take a moment of silence and cut it away.
Thank you. It is complete. From now on, any new connection, anything that arises from the past, you unplug it, call me and together we will cut it away. I love you. I am your Brother Michael.
And now it is my sincere joy to welcome Eoghan, (Owen) Meg’s twin flame, who today Meg will be channeling for us. Eoghan, what is the key to prosperity you have brought for all of us today?
(Channeled by Christine)
Twin Flame Love is Prosperity
Thank you, dear Brother Michael. This is Eoghan, your brother and friend, and today, my key is “You are loved.” We have heard this before, “You are love and you are loved.” Michael and Christine, this is sort of your banner, so I borrow from you today to bring this and anchor this for our family.
Twin flame love, twin soul love – this is such a beautiful and unique type of love that we are all are coming to experience and have the opportunity to integrate here.
What’s so fun about this is that it is the one step connection to Mother and Father’s Love that then merges into the Love of who you are. Your twin soul is your heart. Your twin soul is the other half of you. It’s you, expressed in a unique way. You each have your twin soul with you now.
Take a moment and feel, allow in this YOU energy. It’s not so different; it’s hardly different at all. It’s so you, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference. Your twin flame breathes every breath with you. They love you.
Now your twin flames have permission to be with you every second of every day, and they await. I hardly need to use the word “beg”, but there’s something to that word here. (laughing). They are so desiring to spend every second with you, when we can fully integrate, allow, breathe this unique kind of love, this level of intimacy that is uniquely from Mother and Father God.
We are so close to the perfection of Love that is who we are in our original essence, and when we integrate and allow it every second of every day, then we begin to see it in others. You see others as pairs; you can feel see them as twins. It sort of makes you chuckle. (laughing)
Sometimes when Meg works with her patients, she will say, “Twin flames, come, be a part of this,” and the whole energy of the room changes. This is another way that you can be Prosperity with others. We can imagine the twin flame love with everyone around us, and it helps pull us even closer into the Unity of who we are. So breathe every breath with your twin. Allow their skin to just merge with you, every minute of every day, and this anchors the prosperity of “You are Loved” way beyond any RV energy, waybeyond anything we can imagine that will change with money. This is the integration of true prosperity.
So feel their skin. That is you. Go forward with your twin, in your new prosperity, and share this with everyone you see, and with their twin, who is smiling with you as you give and receive the beautiful prosperity coming our way.
I am your Eoghan. Call on me any time and I will snuggle close, and I will help bring your own twin flame’s energy close until you feel so smooth with it.
Thank you.
Now, I am so honored to bring and introduce Martin Luther King, Jr. to our call. Welcome! Welcome!
(Channeled by Meg)
The Day is Already Won!
Martin Luther King, Jr.:
Thank you, Eoghan. Yes, I am the one you knew as Martin Luther King, Jr., and I am honored and thrilled to be here today to talk about something that I have always been passionate about.
My message – the key I hold for you today – is to claim your freedom, for the day is already won.
My life as Martin Luther King, Jr, you know, was not about taking back something. It was about claiming what is already ours. Why is it already ours? It is because it is the nature of the very fiber, the very life force, the Love that we are. What am I talking about? Freedom, Prosperity, Love.
What’s the difference between freedom, prosperity and love? Nothing, nothing at all. (laughing). If that alone could unlock the Kingdom for you…it means a return to your true state.
Ahhh, I have often said, in my lifetime, that Peace is more precious than diamonds or silver or gold. We add Peace to the list. Peace, the peace that we may reside in, in the midst of all conditions. That is true prosperity, true freedom.
It is wonderful to be with you, and I tell you, the day is already won!
I leave you with something else I also enjoyed saying. Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only Light can do that. Only Light brings Light. Prosperity brings prosperity. Hate can’t drive out hate, only Love can do that. So, we go forward together, don’t we, brimming with Love, Peace, Joy, Prosperity.
Peace to you at this special time. Peace on Earth. May the Light be restored for all this day.
I am privileged to be with you. I am the one you know as Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have another task I am told to do today, and I am thrilled to introduce you to the next presenter, who is our esteemed, beloved Commander Ashtar.
Ashtar! The talking stick is yours.
(Channeled by Christine)
Know Who You Are
Dear Brother Martin, what a joy it is to have you with us today. Of course you are always with us, but to hear your words to our family is a special treat today. Thank you so much.
Yes, it is I, your Brother Ashtar, and I come close to you today, in a more intimate way.
Yes, I do wear the coat of the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, but my goodness, let’s come a little closer than that title. Imagine me sitting right next to you, shoulder to shoulder. That’s how close I want to be.
My key that I bring to you today is, “Know who you are.” Another phrase that is often associated with my energies is integrity – to integrate who we are. This is another part of entering these beautiful prosperity energies, to anchor in all the beautiful words of Freedom, Peace, Prosperity, Love, to integrate – to know who you are – and you are Love.
You are created in Love, you breathe Love, you emanate love, and love is our connecting energy during these Prosperity times that will help you to sail through with even and balanced and harmonious energies through these changing transition times. Knowing who you are as love, and then allowing that truth-telling – telling yourself the truth of who you really are will guide every thought, every word, every action, as you spread this prosperity throughout your planet.
Know yourself as something much larger than you have ever been allowed to know on Surface Earth. You are part of a beautiful Galactic Federation of billions of people, beings, throughout this galaxy and Universe. We are One.
Allowing Michael’s presentation of disconnecting all things that separate you from knowing who you are as an equal member of our family and with each other will help you glide through these prosperity energies seamlessly, with joy and laughter. We are here with you, shoulder to shoulder. Do you feel me, touching shoulders with you? All our Masters are here with us as you walk through these next beautiful energies of sharing and prosperity that will connect our Galactic family with our Brotherhood on Earth.
Know who you are. Tell yourself the truth. You are Love. Let that connect you with everyone around you in these beautiful coming days.
Thank you so much for being with me. Call me every time you need to anchor in and remember who you are. I am your close and loving Brother, Ashtar.
I now have the special privilege of bringing in our dear Master Cheˊ֥Kumara.
(Channeled by Meg)
Love is Prosperity
Cheˊ֥ Kumara:
Hello, I am Cheˊ. Many call me a Yoda. That’s true enough.
I am Cheˊ.
I am so happy. I feel so much, but I don’t say very much, ever, even to myself. I don’t think extra thoughts, even though I am living on Earth. I’m quiet inside, but not the kind of quiet that is boring or simple. My live is perfect. It’s so full, interesting, warm.
I tell you about prosperity, the one thing you need to know – Love is everything. Love is Prosperity.
I am a Master of Love. That’s really, really funny to me, (laughing) because everyone is! So, I feel it’s the funniest joke in the world. That’s my title. My goal, my purpose is to remind everybody that it is true for them too.
Love is everything. When you have love, when you give Love, you have everything, and everything makes sense and everything is easy.
I do have advice. If you feel someone or see someone that doesn’t have enough love, doesn’t remember about love – about themselves, that they are love, that there is plenty of love, that we will never run out of love – please do what I do. Please move closer to them.
Now, it sounds simple, but here’s how I do it. First, I feel them. Oh, maybe they feel sad or upset or angry. I never mind; I’m never afraid. I just see where love is needed, so, I move closer, but only in the way they need, not ever in the way that I think they need, because remember, I don’t think.
So, I just feel them. And, we all know how to do this. This is not my special Master of Love ability. (laughing) We can all do it – good news! Ahhh. So I feel, just like you know exactly how to offer the love another needs, you know it all the time, no matter what. And if you think you don’t know it, it’s because you need a little love first yourself. So you can call me, Cheˊ, or you can call God, or you can call your family who is always around you.
You can count on us 100% to first love you. You’re always being loved. Then you can let that love just flow right on through to the other person who needs love in the way they need it. That’s prosperity to me. Well, not just to me. That’s prosperity. And when you do this, it won’t matter what you have or don’t have, because you already have everything. You’ll never think of it again, but you will have a new condition. You’ll want to make sure everyone else feels the same way. That’s what I do in my life.
Thank you for having me talk. I really enjoy it, because I know these things. I’m just here to remind you that you do too.
Thank you. I’m going to ask Meg to introduce the next person. I love you, a lot. Call me.
I am Cheˊ.
(Channeled by Christine)
Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live
Mother Teresa:
Oh, yes, it is I, Mother Teresa. Well, I am so honored to come after this beautiful Master, Cheˊ Kumara. His wisdom is beyond anything the rest of us could transcend. “Love is Prosperity.” Well, there is no more profound thought than that. I will just simply try to elaborate a little bit on his wisdom.
I was chosen to come today especially because in my lifetime, I became an expert on poverty and love. Now that may seem a strange combination, especially now that we are talking about entering into an era of prosperity. But I wish to remind you, love is a bare-bones thing. It is the ultimate prosperity because it is the deep connection to Mother and Father God.
When you go out to complete your mission of generosity in this coming short phase, remember as you give, give from the experience of poverty. Now, by poverty, I do not mean suffering. I mean the knowing that nothing is needed but your connection to Mother and Father God, and to yourself, to the wisdom and the joy and the good cheer and the pleasure of being completely yourself. There are no trappings needed. This, many people who have lived in poverty have learned. They can feel joy; they do feel gratitude. They understand that wealth is nothing.
A good job that pays a lot of money, well, that’s fine, as long as you do it with love, as long as you use that opportunity to encounter others in love. I was known for saying a few small things in that regard. One of them was “Live simply so that others may simply live.” Now, you are about to encounter great wealth. It is a fabulous opportunity for you to experience yourself not as a rich person, but as a person deep in the state of prosperity, and that means connection to God.
In my lifetime, I talked a great deal about connecting with Jesus, for we associate Jesus Christ with the experience of love. It matters not what name we put on ourselves, or even what we call our Mission, for we are all here for the same purpose – to offer love, understanding and compassion, for there is no poverty greater than the lack of love.
No matter how much wealth you may possess or control, there is no replacement for the experience of deep and abiding love. If you feel unloved yourself, reach for Mother and Father. Say to Mother, “Mother, please heal my heart, so that I can feel great love, so that when I give, I give with great love.” No matter how small the gift may be, whether it is a smile or a donation. It may be any donation, large or small, as long as it is given in love, and the receiver will be uplifted and will feel prosperity, not because you have given them funds to spend, but because you have given from your heart. That, Beloved Ones, is prosperity.
It’s not a time now, in this transition phase, to think about indulgences, or about what you have lacked in the past. This is so important, Beloved Ones. This transition will be to leave behind all those wishes and wants and worries, to rise to a different place in your experience of life, in your own experience of yourself. As Sananda said, “I AM Prosperity!” I have what I need, because I have love. I have what I love, because I have love! (laughter) Nothing more is needed.
So think carefully when you give your gifts. Not from a point of view of pity or even compassion – simply joy! “May this gift bring you peace. May this gift bring you joy.” Share it with others, share it with love, and you, Beloved Ones, will change the world from a place of suffering and want to a place of joy and sharing. Give from your heart and know the person you are giving to is God’s child just as you are, and in that you are equal.
This blessing from God that you are all being given is not so that you can give blessings to others; it is so that you can be God’s messenger, so that you can bring prosperity to others, directly from God. Be the messenger of love that you came here to be and you will uplift all those around you. Be joyful, Beloved Ones, be at peace. Be in love and think no more about poverty or want, but focus only on the abundance and joy and abundance and prosperity than you and everyone around you will enjoy. Carry it in your heart. Be that energy of prosperity…and so it shall be.
I am your Mother Teresa, and I am so delighted to have been here with you. Now I’m going to pass this on to someone very dear to my heart. It is such a pleasure to bring this wonderful being who has contributed so much and who is rarely channeled in these arenas. It is my delight to hand the talking stick to Ramana Maharshi.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Share, Serve, LAUGH!
Ramana Maharshi:
Hello, I am the one you have known as Ramana Maharshi. I actually am embodied on the Earth also at this time, but this is not the moment to talk about such things. (laughing) That moment is coming.
I have come to reveal: Our connection to God and to each other is our prosperity I come to say “share, serve, laugh.” Share. Share what you have. Share whatever you have.
Money is coming to flood the Earth, because the purpose will be that you will realize money was never prosperity! (laughter). Share whatever you have. Share health, share a joke, share kindness, share some soup, share some money!
You know, I will tell you, in my life as Ramana Maharshi, my two best friends were – some of you know this is true – one was a mountain and the other a cow. My very best friends. Some said that my last attachment was that mountain. Not really. I just love that mountain, and that mountain loves me. (laughing)
Our channels there in New York have a dear friend next to them on their land that is a mountain, the crystal mountain Amalia. My mountain and Amalia are of course family. (laughing) I suggest that you get a friend that is a mountain. Mountains are very wise and never lack anything.
Serve. Mmm. I like what Master Cheˊ said. First you tune. You look at how they need to be loved. It is the same thing. You look at another – how do they really need, in the name of love, to be served, then do it! (laughing)
In my life I said, “Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world. Your own self-realization! It is simple. Ashtar said it. Be willing to tell the truth about yourself to yourself! Let everything else fall away.
And my best pearl of wisdom, “Laugh!” I have said again and again, happiness is your nature. Laugh! Laugh at yourself. Laugh inside. Laugh sweetly, laugh determinedly, laugh gently, it doesn’t matter. If you allow the twinkle that is residing just beneath everything to tickle you, you will see the humor in everything around you. Not the kind that ever makes you laugh at. That’s a left-over experience that is no longer needed. This is the kind where you won’t be able to stop the fountain of joy from within, and you won’t be able to hold back the laughter.
That’s all I have today. I pleasure so much in being with you. Call me; I can help you with these days. Be gentle with yourselves and with each other.
I am Ramana Maharshi, who loves you.
I present to you now a great and wondrous being of Love, we all know inside, the one we call Gandhi.
(Channeled by Christine)
Unplug Yourself from That Pile of Money, and Plug in to Mother and Father God!
Ahh, thank you, Ramana, you are my brother, in kind, in thought, in laughter. That is a wonderful way to bring thoughts of prosperity. Now, I was known in my lifetime for being a bit of an ascetic – hunger strikes and all that. But you know, that was really a different time, and it was just a way of to bring the focus to important things. It was a way of getting the attention of those who would have subdued those with little power. And so, I took the position of poverty, sometimes of starvation. And yet, there never was a moment that I doubted Love, that I doubted that whatever it was I was doing here, it was out of love, to help others let go, be free, worry not about moment by moment things.
I must say, our beloved Cheˊ has said it so beautifully: “I don’t think. I simply feel, and I AM.” Now that, Dear Ones is the ultimate peace.
Say in your heart the truth! “I Am Love. I need nothing more. I AM nothing more. I am not plagued by worries and wants because I am Love. I have no needs other than the need to be of service to others. I have no need for gratitude from others. I have no need for recognition or praise. I have no need for money! This is why I can give it away freely, without a worry, without any attachment.”
Now, you heard the wonderful exercise from our dear Archangel Michael, to unplug. Well, I have something to add to his wonderful message, and that is: Picture that pile of money you are about to receive. Now, Beloved Ones, unplug yourselves from that pile of money and plug it in to Mother and Father, from whence it came.
There. Now you are free to distribute, dispense, throw away if you wish, these messages, let us say, of love from Mother and Father. Now, I don’t mean to throw away as in waste it. I mean throw it into the world with all your heart: I am Love! I am service to others. I bring blessings from Mother and Father. This blessing isn’t from me! I am Love. I have no need of credit or blame or recognition, except to be recognized as a messenger from God, and my connection goes directly to God. So you need not thank me, please do not thank me. Feel gratitude as I do, to our Mother and Father God, for they beam their blessings upon all of us here on Earth and far beyond.
That, Dear Ones, is prosperity, sharing with others this sense of belonging, of being at peace, of being in love with one another. There is no greater prosperity than that. I beg you, Beloved Ones, be free! Reach, to leave behind all the old ideas, all the old beliefs about what money is. Money is simply a temporary way of giving a note to another, and that note says, “I love you. Mother and Father God.”
So, every note you possess, every bill, every dollar, every peso, every franc – see it. It is signed, “Your Mother and Father God.” That, Beloved Friends, will free everyone. Do not forget to put that energy with your gift: this is signed not by me, but by Mother and Father God. I offer you this message, this blessing, this gift, from Mother and Father God.
Let us celebrate together, all of us, this great blessing. Now, of course we want to also thank our beloved St. Germain for doing the practical work that was being the Boots on the Ground to create this magnificent day of giving, by collecting all this wealth and making it available. What a messenger of God he is! And he is filled with joy to see this time has come to all of you who are the Boots on the Ground, who will be distributing joy, laughter, abundance, prosperity, but above all, Love. Leave behind all thoughts of how much the person has suffered that you are giving this gift to. That is not what they need to be reminded of. They need to be reminded of how much they are loved, that is all. That is all anyone needs.
As our beloved Mother Teresa has said, “The greatest gift is Love. Give it with a smile, and you have given a true gift.” Be of service, Beloved Ones, for you are here to perform this glorious service of bringing love, peace and harmony to those whose hearts you touch – and touch many hearts, Dear Friends, for you are many, and you have so much to give. Be the messenger of God that you are, and all will feel your love.
I am your Gandhi, and I wish to pass the talking stick, as you call it, to our dear St. Germain, and I am going to give this to Meg and let her introduce our dear St. Germain.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Raise Your Sights to the Glorious Sunrise!
St. Germain:
Thank you, dear Meg. Oh, what a pleasure to hear from these glowing Masters, each in their own way the bringers of joy who prepared the way for this day, all of them.
My heart is so filled with joy and laughter, and prosperity of course. I love being the Master of Ceremonies for this beautiful call because it is truly a celebration – a celebration of the time when those on Planet Earth awaken to see. This is not a time of suffering and trials Yes, you have all lived through that, yes, you have experienced want. Even if it wasn’t poverty, you experienced a poverty of love, a poverty of freedom, and here we are, on the verge of the greatest prosperity ever known on Planet Earth.
I beg you, Beloved Ones, be your own Master of Ceremonies as you go forth. Be your own laughter! Be Prosperity, as Sananda said, for this is a new day. Do not look back. Do not look back, for we are not healing the pain and the suffering of old. We are moving forward into a new kind of experience that goes far beyond healing into joy, companionship, harmony, peace and laughter.
Raise your sights, Dear Brothers and Sisters, to a place far beyond anything you have imagined before, and there we are, linking arms with you, marching beside you. It is a glorious sunrise, a time of gifts, a time of blessings, a time of Prosperity, and as our dear Mother Teresa and others have said, “Prosperity is love. Prosperity is service to others. We need nothing more.”
Thank you for being with us. Thank you for joining us in this wonderful celebration. You are prosperity, and you will carry forth into the world that message, that energy of love and Light. I thank you all for coming.
Before I leave, I will tell you, Kathryn and Christine have been asked to transcribe this program and to create a newsletter, so our words will go out to you in written form. That’s a joy to us too, because the know there are some who cannot listen – some who are far away, some who have difficulties hearing, and we wish our message to go to all.
Thank you, thank you one and all for being here.
I love you with all my heart. I am your St. Germain.
Now, Meg, perhaps you would like to close the show and say “so long” to everyone for us.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Meg: Thank you, St. Germain…thank you all for being the Messengers of God.
(Channelers who participated today, July 17, 2016, are Kathryn E. May, Christine Burk and Meg Davis)