I am St. Germaine and welcome back. I wish to speak to you about letting go of judgment. Each one of you judges yourself and you carry a litany as long as the Bible of things that you believe you have done wrong. And this is simply not so. So I come here this afternoon to tease you, to jolly you out of your judgment of yourself, of how you have pulled your sister’s hair and how you have lied to your mother, how you have cheated. It is hilarious what you judge yourself for.
Judging is a way to underestimate yourself of what you are capable of. “Oh no, I cannot be master healer, because I punched my brother in the 3rd grade, and that time I kissed a boy I didn’t even like and all I could think of was that he smelled like onions.” These are grievous sins, my friends. This is the nature of what you have judged yourself as trespasses and see the humor of it.
Do not judge yourself. There is nothing that you can possibly conceive of in your judgment of self that we are not aware of and completely override. How you let go of judgment is in forgiveness. It is by packaging it and throwing it in the garbage. It is by putting it in the trash. It is giving it to the Mother. You can give it to me.
We have sat and drank wine and created miracles. And we have witnessed together the destruction of universes, and, the wonder of universes and planets ascending. We have done this together my friends. Were we sad when we saw destruction? When we sat there as witness? Yes. But we could not judge, for we knew that it would simply add to the destructive energy and prolong the agony. So instead we embraced each other, and vowed to each other that we would meet again when the time was right to fill the promise and to heal the planet once again.
The saying in your culture “the best of times and the worst of times” is true of now, because it is a breaking apart of all the evolutions, all the judgments that have prevailed. So let go. Let go of these judgments. Let go of the idea of limitation, of what you can or cannot do. If you can be such a grievous sinner, then you can be a spectacular saint. It is the same brainwaves. So laugh my friends and look at what you have done and what you have not done. And see the opportunity wide open in front of you, and celebrate. This is a time of reunion. It is a time when we come back together as One. I am rejoicing because of this. Join me. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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