Members of Q
Leader : General Michael FlynnSenior Advisor : President Donald J. TrumpSenior members : John F. Kennedy Jr.General Charles FlynnVice President Mike PompeoDonald Trump Jr.Ivanka TrumpKayleigh McEnanyCarolyn Bessette-KennedySeyed Mohammad HosseiniMichael JacksonElvis Presley===========================
JFK junior :
They really wish my father, President John F. Kennedy,was alive !
If you know, you know !===========================

I am copy pasting here,part of comment section of my FB page :
Vice President Mike Pompeo appoints Michael Jackson as chief of U.S Department of arts and Culture.
-JFK junior-
Pope Francis has already been arrested.Are you ready?===========================… See more

T.MEJohn F. Kennedy Jr.John F. Kennedy Jr.
Don’t get vaccine.Throw away the masks.===========================… See more

T.MEJohn F. Kennedy Jr.John F. Kennedy Jr.
Do you know why President Trump does not wear a mask?Because the mask does not prevent the virus from getting in and enslaves you.===========================… See more

T.MEJohn F. Kennedy Jr.John F. Kennedy Jr.
Follow OANN TV. in March 3 at 6:45 P.M (EST)I will confirm this channel on OANN TV … See more
Baron Trump is the son of President Trump and Princess Diana who is masked as Melania Trump

Michael Jackson today.
If you know, You know.

Watch live and Follow OANN TV. On March 3 at 6:45 P.M (EST)

If you know, You know.
Elvis is Alive.

B_iden died jan.6th of heart attack
Jim Carrey is the man behind the mask.Soon out on your mainstream news.Non believers will see.