Greetings, friends! Today we answer a question sent in by a Light Bringer:
QUESTION: Could you give us a message of hope?
I’m reading and hearing about executive orders being signed by the president for a cashless society, abolishing the states, advancing the biotech transhumanist agenda, etc. Are these props for fear-mongering, or can they really happen? Can these even stick, and get rolled out?
THE COLLECTIVE: We would say, that it is vital to understand how the machinery of the old (fast-fading) order operates, in order to fully follow what is happening now.
First, know that over the centuries, and in particular over the last 50 years or so, the old self-proclaimed rulers have had many plans and programs which they intended to put into place and carry out, the destructive effects of which were meant to harm or strenuously control not only humanity but the Earth Herself.
These programs are nearly always accompanied by media campaigns to incite fear, upset, and feelings of helplessness in the population.
One of the ways in which this is carried out, is to spread enough news of impending control measures, released in ways that appear to be a warning to the masses, to cause within humanity a feeling of being watched, controlled, and contained.
Whether or not that is the final outcome, once group and individual consciousness feel that that is the case, much of that agenda is already achieved.

Over the years, they have spread mass panic over purported pending wars, natural disasters, technological meltdowns, electrical grid power losses, food shortages, drastic illnesses—it would take a great deal of time to list all of the dark plans that they have intentionally released to the media, to spread fear and emotional upset, and expectation of “dark days ahead.”
At that point, whether or not these plans are successfully achieved (as portions of them have been), automatic human reaction does much of the job for them, in terms of holding people’s consciousness in a constricted feeling of helplessness and perpetual emergency.
Those particular emotional frequencies are often difficult for people to ignore or climb out of, as they tap into the survival aspect of the brain, and leave humanity vulnerable to being controlled via energetic entrainment as well as psychological manipulation.
You have seen this demonstrated in large-scale ways over the last few years.
And so, to note that they hold intentions for even greater schemes is hardly surprising.
Humanity has been trained over the millennia to respond to certain stimuli in certain ways.
The steps that follow then lead people in seemingly logical ways into any number of traps to contain not only their outer movements, but their consciousness.
You speak of agendas which do indeed exist, and we would not say otherwise.
Yet much of the work of instilling any dark agenda is already achieved, once people hear of it and begin to fear it.
Already, people are then in a position to “give away their power” as many term it, and that is exactly the plan of your former “overlords.”
Remember that you will not hear in mainstream (or most alternative) news sources about the work of the Archangels, or about the ongoing active presence of the Ashtar Command in human life.
Far from standing back and simply observing what is occurring on the Earth now, these beautiful beings, whom we count as being amongst us, are working powerfully to balance two very large considerations.
The first is the Universal requirement that humanity choose its own destinies, consciousness, and living conditions. And the second is the active assistance that is increasingly offered by all of us, as the people of Earth call it forth.

We respond also to that sentient Light pouring increasingly each day onto the planet, calling all of you and all of us forth to integrate the higher dimensional forms of living with Earth life.
Know that for one, the dark agendas they are even now investing great sums of money, technology, and efforts into, will not come to pass.
We are aware that some aspects of those plans have already been rolled out, and that it can appear that they are successfully taking hold.
Yet what if you were to far more correctly view their “reset” and DNA redesign agendas as fear reactions of their own?
These desperate ploys only exist because they know their “time is up,” and that increasing numbers of their once-influential leaders are being arrested or otherwise detained, and removed from places of decision-making.
Similarly, their funds have been frozen or removed from their accounts, which is more than a symbolic action in terms of stopping their forward movements.
And so they rely on the last lever they have to pull, which is attempting to induce panic and fear-instilled compliance to their unworkable programs amongst the masses.
Then, they have decided, at least the appearance of their former power is still in place, and they can use the mass trauma energies to fuel their efforts to remain in place and to eventually regain their lost power.
This is a rather sad conclusion of theirs, as your galaxy and Universe are moving forward now into the Ascension frequencies of higher dimensional life.
Earth beings could no more return to the lower order of the third dimension than you could find a way to stop the Light itself from illuminating every facet of Earth life—and they did attempt to find a way to do that, and eventually gave up, seeing the impossibility of it.
Is there a lower dimensional version of Earth—a particular timeline they feel it is possible to maintain, so that their charade may continue, one way or another?
Even that is not open to them now, dear ones.
They have lost their last chances to maintain their former madness and adherence to the dark order.
And so, they must experience the Light, as all must, and see who they are, once illumined by its presence, and by Divine Love.
And so while we are sure that these reports are strange and difficult to hear, we would ask that rather than being rattled and troubled by them, that you would look squarely at these actions and announcements, and let their true sources know, “You have no power here—be gone! Higher Light is the only reality now.”

Many have noted how this sounds very like the words of the Good Witch Glinda from The Wizard of Oz film, and that is interesting to note, as that story contains much imagery that, similar to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, describes more of current Earth life than one might think.
For while the old, self-proclaimed “rulers” have worked hard to control the symbolic imagery that powerfully influences human life, they have often missed the meaning and influences that have escaped their intentions and agendas, as the Light shone through the cracks in their facade.
As you move through your day now, friends, think on the symbolism of rebirth, renewal, and empowerment.
Consider that those Archangels and other Light Beings who are “on the ground” now in Earth life, walking amongst you in the physical, are not bound by rules that keep them from weaving their presence and their own higher viewpoint into human life on a deep level.
You are all of you carrying out the same mission, each in your own way.
You are all of you spreading Light in ways that turn humanity’s vision upward, away from dire news reports and lowered expectations.

Mother Sekhmet
You are all of you anchoring your own Truth in ways that reminds all around you, for many miles in every direction, that they also carry a higher truth that has nothing to do with the preferences of a bygone power structure.
Their time is done, dear ones—do not pay them, as some say, the “eternal compliment” of feeling threatened or unsure about how life is unfolding now, when in fact, you are moving into your sovereignty in ways even we could not have foretold.
And is the story fully written yet?
In the grander sense, perhaps it has been, as we know for sure that all is moving into a Light-based world of Peace and prosperity.
Yet the details of that path are still being written by you.
See yourselves as being in control of your own destiny, including how you handle the current pressures and stresses of Earth life.

And know that as you choose to release the old trained responses of feeling isolated, oppressed, hopeless, or defeated, you are releasing the old paradigm for all of humanity. So take up that banner you once were told is forbidden, or called impossible, and remember the words of the poet:
“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number– Shake your chains to Earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you– Ye are many–they are few.” *
And so it is!
Namaste, friends who are family!
And in all of this, you are never alone.
*Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Mask of Anarchy,”
For the real news, from the Faction Three White Knights of the Ashtar Command, see . New updates are posted each week.
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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