March 15, 2019
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked to speak about the two crashes of the same model airplane [Boeing 737 Max].
Nirvana’s monitors of Earth don’t know if the recent crash or the one a few months ago resulted from a “normal” malfunction or if remote manipulation may have been involved. There is no clarity in the energy field of potential either—intense backlash from dark ones attempting to stave off progress of the light has put low vibratory level streamers in a snarl, so to say.
However, two factors that apply to both crashes are known. The pilots were not at fault and very few of the deaths were in line with soul contract choices either time-wise or [in terms of] abruptness of departure, even given the considerable flexibility those contract provisions offer. Therefore, the possibility is strong that the planes were sabotaged, perhaps to kill one or more of the passengers, to create problems for the planes’ manufacturer, or to instill fear in people who must travel by air.
“Please ask Matthew how much our many different languages are contributing to communication problems and disrespectful interaction.” That your many languages and dialects would cause problems was the intention of the dark forces’ puppets that downgraded the genetic make-up of young civilizations, including implanting thought patterns that would become diverse languages. In Earth’s population the result has been in accordance with that dark intention—poor communication due to faulty or deliberate errors in translation and harsh reactions due to misunderstandings.
Nevertheless, from our vantage point it is not your many languages that contribute to disrespectful interaction as much as it is individuals’ reluctance to give credence to perspectives other than their own, so the underlying attitude in discussions is “I’m right, you’re wrong.” That approach to communication is reinforced by the labels that dark minds devised to divide the populace into religious, political and philosophical camps so they can pit them against each other—your history shows that this ploy has indeed been successful.
Darkness thrives on the energy of anger, discord and violence and it loses its power when ideological divisiveness gives way to the unity of spirit in love of family, love of freedom, peace, and prosperity and justness for all. And that spirit is growing. The high vibrations of feminine energy coming in are ending long ages of masculine energy’s dominance on the planet.
Please understand that in no way is this maligning masculine energy, and neither it nor feminine energy has anything to do with gender or sexual orientation. Actually, all energy is neutral until it is given force and direction by the vibrations in thoughts, feelings and actions, and those associated with masculine energy manifest as physical strength, the drive to succeed, combative competiveness, innovation, sternness, and determination to control all situations. The gentle but equally strong facets of feminine energy include nurturing, compassion, sensitivity, cooperation, artistic expression, and living harmoniously with Nature.
A civilization evolves by integrating aspects of both energies and advancing toward androgyny—balanced energy wherein love-light abides. The power of love-light is what motivates a third density civilization to end the control of their world by individuals whose energy is anchored in darkness, the absence of love-light. Helping the peoples succeed in transforming their world, dear lightworkers, is why you volunteered for this Earth journey.
Now then, to return to communication. When speaking about any subject, not only those that are controversial, choose your words carefully—words are powerful. Mother, please insert what we have said about this.
Words in all languages, like everything else in existence, are energy. Whether spoken, heard, thought, written or read, words emit vibrations and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest.Kindness, compassion, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, godliness, honesty, hope and optimism also are in a high frequency range. The importance of choosing your words wisely cannot be overstated—they affect far, far more than the space immediately around you. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, words in low ranges are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join.
An important factor in this “war of words,” in a manner of speaking, is intent, which emits its own vibrations. If using words such as violence, deception, captivity, deprivation, catastrophe and others that denote harmful or ruinous situations have the intent to alert or enlighten, the high vibrations of intent predominate. If those same words or any others are used to create fear, that intent sends forth vibrations in the lowest range. [Excerpt from May 16, 2018 message posted on www.matthewbooks.com.]
Thank you, Mother. I am at fault for omitting in that passage that all words denoting uplifted spirits, positive deeds, and sensitivity to others’ feelings also emit high vibrations—for instance, empathy, gentleness, joy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, trustworthiness and loyalty. We add that languages are not a barrier when it comes to helping someone in need—the desire to assist people in dire situations is shared by all good-hearted humankind.
“Could you ask Mathew regarding the measles outbreak in Vancouver, WA. Should people get vaccine?” Let us pose this question: The measles virus cannot live in your air year after year, so how could a disease that had been almost completely eradicated in the United States several years ago suddenly appear? There are two possible answers. The virus strength in a batch of measles vaccine can be increased enough to cause this highly contagious disease a considerable time after children with weak immune systems are inoculated, thus there is no direct connection with the vaccination. Or, if the virus is added to other toxins in chemtrail spray in a localized area, children in that area who have compromised immune systems can be infected and pass on the disease.
A bit of history will be helpful here, and it goes back to the puppets of the dark forces. When they manipulated the DNA of young civilizations to weaken them physically, spiritually and consciously, they also created disease-causing microbes; and when some of the weakened peoples inhabited Earth, the puppets introduced those microbes on the planet. Some microscopic life forms are essential to bodies’ wellbeing, but the ones you call pathogens were designed to cause a variety of diseases. Millennia later, medical scientists were inspired to develop vaccines that would prevent communicable diseases from spreading throughout the population.
Whatever is originated for benevolent purpose can be subverted into malevolent use, and that is what the dark ones did with vaccines—they have used them to create disease instead of prevent it. That is why we have long advised against inoculations. Healthcare personnel who are promoting mandatory vaccinations for school attendance as a “public health measure” don’t know the truth or they are collaborating with companies that make the many types of vaccines. Some have ingredients that cause autism-like symptoms in children; and while some physicians who do know this truth state that there is no evidence to substantiate it, parents who refuse to have their children receive recommended vaccinations are acting in their best interests.
There are three important and positive factors here. First, eventually the truth about vaccinations will become publicly known and this practice will cease. After dark minds developed and infected individuals with the AIDS virus about four decades ago—part of their plan to vastly reduce the world’s population—ET scientists among you were given divine authority to reduce the potency of all laboratory-designed viruses. That is why only a few individuals with severely weakened immune systems contracted each new disease that the dark ones also intended to become—and mainstream media widely reported as “feared to become”—a pandemic, and everyone was urged to get vaccinated. Is it not suspicious that with the first case or two of each new communicable disease—SARS, avian flu, swine flu, N1H1—enough vaccine to inoculate many millions already was available?
The second factor is, as the public becomes aware of chemtrails’ damage to their health and the environment’s, their demands to stop the spraying will end this scourge. And third, light changes carbon-based cells, which are vulnerable to disease, into the crystalline cells that are resistant; people who absorb light in sufficiency will strengthen their immune systems and, depending upon the stage of an illness, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms can halt or reverse degenerative effects.
“I’d like to ask Matthew about pornography, its influence on the energy fields of humans, the earth and the universe. It is surely created and engineered by the Illuminati, which wraps porn in a despotic flag of freedom.” The Illuminati are heavily involved in pornographic production, to be sure, and many in the ranks are avid fans, but they aren’t responsible for its popularity. Among third density’s vilest products, films and photos that exploit children and women who are deceived or kidnapped and coerced into the sex trafficking business, appeal to individuals who are beset with lack of self-worth, the inability to form love bonds, sexual inadequacy or addiction, or a combination of those afflictions.
In addition to profiting the Illuminati financially, pornography serves them well in other ways. People who indulge in that pastime are preventing light from reaching their consciousness, thereby dulling the conscience. That can lead to rape, domestic battering and homicide, and the violence of those acts produces the energy that is fuel for the Illuminati’s dark minds and hearts.
Pornography also creates a fertile field for blackmailing individuals they want to recruit or keep silent about what they know—proof is provided by hacking into the individuals’ computers and communication devices. Also, to persuade persons in influential positions to comply with their demands, along with threatening to kill them and their families, the Illuminati fabricate photos and films showing the persons in activities in which they never participated.
The energy in thoughts, feelings and actions associated with pornography is in the collective consciousness, and because the law of attraction keeps providing that audience with what matches their energy, porn keeps flowing. That energy does become part of the universal mass consciousness, but the farther from Earth its streamers go, the weaker they become and their effects diminish accordingly. Just as rising vibrations will cause all other sources of dark inclinations to lessen, then disappear, pornography, too, will become only a shameful chapter in Earth’s history.
Beloved sisters and brothers, never are you alone in this journey whereby you are experiencing the tribulations inherent in a third density world. All light beings in this universe honor your dedicated service to the peoples of Earth and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
[In Bookshop on www.matthewbooks.com you can read the topics and sample chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven, Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era, Voices of the Universe and Earth’s Golden Age.
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