Dear Ground Crew:
The following is a message from Apollo on March 3, 2020: “The time for comfort has come for life has been suffering too much for too long. The long-lived legacy the of the dark forces is about to be erased from the earth. Humanity will be able to take a massive deep breath and breathe freely. The time for celebration is near. You will be free from evil, corruption, fear, greed, power over others, service to self, and all wrongdoing. The light prevails. There is going to be a complete exposure of the dark ones. The light will shine through and you will live wonderful lives. What has been created in heaven will be created on earth.”
On March 3, 2020, in my “Monthly Meeting with the Master’s Class,” Mother Mary who represents the divine feminine energy, came to be with us. This is an experiential class, so we all go into deep meditation several times and we get information. This is what Mother Mary said through me: “These are the times of the Great Awakening. Have no fear, my children, for I am with you. You are loved and protected on your journey home. Let go of what no longer serves you. Your new world is being created before your very eyes. Behold a new day is coming and I will meet you there. I hold you in my arms and my heart. You are safe and protected. There will be magical moments as the final days of the old earth play themselves out.”
“The results of the elections will still leave you in a place of wanting. You know there is something much better for your country. The wolves are at the back door, but they will not get in. Humanity has some karmic lessons to complete before it is over. The truth is that you need a new system, and this is what it has all been leading up to. You are in a state of grace. Let the changes come along with the new consciousness so you can have the embodiment of a new way of living on the planet. You will live from the bottom up not from the top down. Your lives will be more for fulfilling. You have the knowledge and the wisdom to do everything in the light of a new day.”
Linda C. got this message last night, “Joy will become as contagious as fear has been.” “Sally K. heard that “We will be living in our own highest potential.”
The three-ring circus is continuing to play itself out. The coronavirus seems to be center stage globally. It is impacting lives substantially as well as business and finance. Who would’ve thought that by focusing much of our production in China that we would end up with such a disaster? Is this a part of the endgame?
One thing that is certain, the mainstream media is forging ahead with fearful messages. The coronavirus gives them ample ammunition to play with people’s emotions and their lives. It is almost like another form of terrorism psychologically like the fires we have had California and other places.
In The San Francisco Bay Area, there have been stories of people buying up supplies like lots of toilet paper, water, and paper towels, to the point where one Costco is ordering 10 times the amount of toilet paper than normal. One lady was heard saying that she would not drink anymore Corona beer (a Mexican beer) due to the coronavirus.
For me, one of the lessons in this is not to make fear our beer! By being in fear we are essentially feeding the dark forces. They live off of our fear-based energy and most of you probably already know this. Yes, it is necessary to have provisions for oneself and one’s family. Backup plans are always helpful. We need to be resourceful and think of ways that we can have what we need. (I just wish the Galactic’s would give us our replicators as soon as possible. Replicators are like 3-D printers and it’s what they used in “Star Trek.” I understand that they have them for everything like food, clothes, and even houses.)
Here are some tools that we can use to manage through these wild and crazy times:
- Surround yourself with your favorite things
- Watch funny movies
- Play with children and animals
- Take walks in nature
- Listen to beautiful music
- Do things that touch your heart
- Give to others
- Practice gratitude
- Be with your cherished friends and family
- Pray and meditate consistently
- Continue with your life and make plans even if it requires flying, etc. You have to keep living your life. (Clove oil on the bottoms of the feet can help prevent illness.)
- Keep beauty around you
- Speak loving and kind words
- Pause and enjoy the special moments that happen daily
As a favorite thing, I like looking at my beautiful orchard plant that bloomed after seven years!