by Pamela Kribbe

Dear people, I am Jeshua, and I am happy being with you.
You are building a new path for the Earth, which is an inner path, a path of consciousness.
Along the paths and tracks you create in your mind, others will follow, because it is easier to walk along beaten paths. You are the ones who conquer unexplored territory, create new paths, and so make tracks for others to follow. This is your work, your so-called mission; something you took on at the level of the soul before you started this life on Earth.
Through doing this, you become truly happy, and you are not satisfied with anything less than that. Only when you feel you have that new path beneath your feet, and that you are creating what you wanted from your soul, only then do you feel really fulfilled from within and deeply connected with the Earth.
For you, there is no easy-fit existence possible, no middle way, and no conformity. You have chosen to be different, which is something that has also been mentioned here today. Being different has caused you to experience the pain of rejection by others. But remember, also, the joys and triumphs of the experience of breakthroughs in your consciousness , and the experience of love which rises above fear. Those are moments of deep joy for the soul, when you remember who you are from your soul, while you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear. Those moments of triumph are times when your soul touches the Earth, and when you fulfill your destiny.
What happens at those moments when you are filled with the essence of your soul, and with the mission here on Earth you intended to do? What really happens in those moments of the coming together of your soul with your humanity? There is no fear, there is openness. The voice of fear is replaced by a deep trust and a knowing inside you of what is good. And how you desire to experience that feeling at all times, for you suffer when you live in fear! Fear feels bad, uncomfortable, and your body and soul are not nourished by fearful thoughts and feelings. It is like a poison that sneaks up on you, or a kind of quicksand in which you get mired, and once you are halfway in it, it becomes even more difficult for you to get out of its grip.
You have to realize that the energy of fear, and the kind of thinking that results, has lingered on the Earth for centuries upon centuries. It has permeated human societies as a cloud or a fog around people, and this has made it difficult for them to break free from this fearful energy.
People sought community and safety by being together, but without knowing they did so, they also fed on each other’s patterns of fear. It requires a courageous decision by an individual to disconnect and free oneself from this addiction, and to say “no” to this collective pattern that has been passed from generation to generation. Even now you can be overcome by the fog of fear, that poison of fear-filled thoughts. You have all made positive choices in your life, where you have followed the voice of your heart, the voice of your soul. But even so, the way forward on that path is not obvious or clear, because there is always the voice of the past, the voice of fear that can overtake you at times.
The fear tries to convince you that you are being irresponsible, that what you would like to do cannot be done, that you can not be different, and that you will be punished for it. And punishments have often come from parents, teachers, employers, and others in your lives, and in earlier times these punishments were often quite brutal. Look how dissenters were persecuted in the past as heretics or gentiles. You carry this pain-filled past with you.
How do you get rid of the influence of that cloud, that fog of fear-based thinking? You need first to learn to recognize when you are thinking and acting from fear. Only then can you let go, and only then is there created some distance or space between you and the anxiety.
You now are actually very much accustomed to being caught up in fear. From your birth, you inherit ideas from your social environment that are laden with fear and mistrust, so in the beginning you do not realize you are in that cloud or fog – it is your ordinary reality. And when those moments of self-remembrance and waking up do occur, you can also experience an initial reaction from fear. You feel you are going against everything you have been taught to believe in if you follow the voice of your soul and differ from the norm.
Let us now see what can be done about the way you make choices between fear and love, fear and the soul. Imagine for a moment that fog which is loaded with the voices of fear, worry, fretting, and all kinds of negative beliefs about yourself and what is possible in life. Let it happen spontaneously, and look to where you might still be engaged with the fog. Simply look into your body to see if there are places where the fog still manifests itself. This is where you put labels on yourself that are not consistent with your soul; those ideas you think are correct to believe in.
Realize that fear can sometimes wear a mask and appear as very wise, virtuous, and responsible, while actually it is still fear-based. In this way, you have been taught all kinds of things under the guise of “virtue” – you must control yourself; you must love others; you must do your duty; you must be obedient. Also, you must not deviate too much from the normal and not be different or act wild, because doing those things would be selfish, strange, and weird – and certainly not nice! There is a taboo in society about being different, and this taboo is assumed by people who continually live with emotions that feel anxious and whose thinking reflects that fear.
You can also imagine the fog of fear as an actual living entity; an energy that has begun to lead its own existence. Imagine that such an entity appears and that you see it before you as a dark and gloomy fog, a fog that wants to continue to exist and refuses to dissolve. So when someone gets up and says: “I don’t believe in this un-reality any more; there is a blue sky above the fog, and there is another way of thinking”, at that moment that person experiences a dark reaction from the fog. The light that radiates from such a person calls up a kind of dark response from that entity, an intensification of the fog. That person immediately feels alone, an outsider. Other people hide away, cling to the fog, and do not want to hear about it, because leaving the fog is the most frightening thing they can do. That is what the fog tells you. In a sense, the fog is a kind of hypnotist that holds people under its spell, and breaking free from that spell calls for courage. I wish you would praise yourself every day for your bravery when you dare to break free! A lot happens when you do.
Look again in and around you, to where there are patches of this fog. It can manifest itself in certain parts of your aura or body. Ask those parts what is bothering you there, or what is the message of the fog, and let that fear speak. What does the voice of fear say to you? Give this fog a form, an outline, yet realize how strange a phenomenon it is! Fog is actually nothing; you can pass your hand through it, and so it is not substantial, yet this fog has such an influence on you: your consciousness and your vision of the world. Now allow the Sun to shine gently on those places where fog is still holding on to your energy. A warm, soft sunshine spreads around your energy field, causing the fog to dissolve gradually. Imagine a Sun hanging above your head: an intense, warm, radiant Sun that reflects the Light of your soul. Let that Sun Light fall on you: on to your head, your shoulders, your aura, and through your entire being. If there are still places that offer some resistance, that is okay, let it be. Doing so is acceptable as long as you are aware of it.
There are now more and more people who want to break away from that old field of consciousness of fear and oppression. There is change going on in the collective consciousness on Earth. Yet it is that each of you goes through this process in his or her own way. It is always so; that getting free from the field of fear, the fog of the past, is a personal journey you travel alone. There are times in your life when you come eye to eye with that oppressive energy of fear, and the negative judgments about yourself and about your strengths and abilities. The challenge of that confrontation with the anxiety in yourself is one that you face, one on one; you and that darkness which has become a part of you.
It is liberating and joyful when you meet like-minded people in your life, those who travel the same path as you, and in the future there will be forms of cooperation possible between you pioneers of consciousness. But realize that this confrontation you have with fear in your life – with the old and with the fog – is something you have to face alone. It is by your own “solar power” – the contact with your own soul, and the leap you dare make into the new – that causes you to arrive inside a new world, a new level of consciousness. It is when all those individuals do this for themselves that a new field of consciousness arises, which is increasingly free from fear, and increasingly filled with joy and possibilities and respect for each other.
The result is that more and more Sun Light is created on Earth. Do not seek it from another; you travel through your own narrow, dark tunnel toward your own personal liberation.
I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love?
The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: “should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?”; “watch out, because this or that can go wrong”; “be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.

Thinking is a valuable tool, but when it becomes governed by fear, it creates a kind of electric current that starts in your head and then courses down through your entire body, pulling you off balance and bringing tension and unrest; a sense of nervousness that is continuous, and that you begin to find normal. In many people, there is unremitting stress. People search for release from this stress in alcohol, or drugs, or anything else that gives a feeling of relief from this pressure, such as sleep, or infatuation, or being a workaholic. You want to get away from those troubled, tense feelings and you search for release or distraction in exterior things. You search for something to give you a sense of ease or peace, even though it is an illusion and only temporary, so strongly do you suffer under that current of fear.
You can recognize in yourself when you get to the point that your life is lived through fear. Your body indicates fear by the electrical current in your head that continually fires rapid thoughts, and by the wanting to take control of life with thoughts, worry, and fretting. At the moment you realize this is happening, you can awaken yourself.
Remember, even when you are inside the fog, that it wants to maintain itself. Otherwise, before you know it, you can spend days and days inside the current of fear and you do not even realize that you are caught up in anxiety. The moment you realize this is a very important moment. It is about going against that fearful flow and not believing in it, and not allowing it to hypnotize you. It is about maintaining focus on the Light of the Sun within yourself – that quiet, still knowing that belongs to your soul.
Realize that the energy of your soul, of your heart, feels very different from the energy of fear. As I said, you can recognize fear by its particular noisiness and unrest. Love, the voice of your soul, comes through silence, and is quiet and not busy. You can feel that voice emerge from deep within your essence, from a quiet place in your belly: a deeply felt knowing that comes to you free of pressure; a soft whisper that is never panicky, or demanding, or nagging. It is more like an invitation for you to feel and see things differently, and to have confidence to let go. You might see the voice of your soul before you as an image: for example, as a butterfly that flits through your body, through your energy field, your aura, with its very refined colors and delicate wings. Or you might see it as a fairy, or simply as very soft colors. You can also hear it as angels singing, or just feel it as a sense of trust, hope, and optimism, even though the voice of fear itself, or the voices of persons around you, tell you something quite different. And the rule of thumb is: follow your feeling for peace to where you feel the most peace.
You sometimes think it is easier to cling to fear and the ego, and doing that can give you a temporary feeling of security. But actually, you are still very cramped and stifled. True rest and peace creates much openness around you. You simply trust and stay in the Now, even though you know you have no certainties and can predict nothing. You do not run ahead into the future; you live your life step by step. I ask you to hold that feeling for awhile. Do not even think of what you have to do in the future; be totally present in the Now. Feel the energy of your soul, and feel you are good and beautiful and brave, just as you are. Invite your soul to come to you, and know your soul never has a judgment about you and the choices you have made. Everything is always acceptable for your soul. She always wants to help and encourage you.
Thank you so much.