Anubis via Erena Velazquez | May 21, 2022

May 21, 2022
Greetings Humans,
I am Anubis, and I am sending a new communication on the request of Queen An-Ra. It passed 9 months Earth time, since my last transmission to your planet. The Planetary Intergalactic Coalition continues to expand beyond many Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems.
Now, over 250 civilizations joined the coalition. They want to live in peace instead participating in the long lasting Galactic Wars. The reality of the conflicts are very real, and the civilizations, who are interested to prosper technologically and spiritually, asked my Queen to lead the Planetary Intergalactic Coalition. It’s based on peaceful and harmonious coexistence between beings.
Your governments are still keeping humankind in the dark about the existence of billions of the entities in endless Cosmos. They came out with idea of creating a fake invasion from the Space. All their plans are going to fail. The possibility of the Galactic Invasion is very real for your planet.
These entities are only interested to kill every civilization. They completely destroyed certain planets and even full Galaxies. This why, a decision was made, in addition to the Galactic Federation of Light, to create a new alliance between Light beings to protect each other.
Reptilians, Orions, Anunaki, Anchors and many others are always looking to conquer new territories, after they destroyed own planets. The Ashtar Command saved your planet on numerous occasions without you knowing it. I personally command two fleets, one of them is called RA that means sun, as you know without it, life wouldn’t exist.
The latest event including Dark Entities tried to keep a secret about the war’s activities around your Moon. They have been using a holographic moon for awhile to cover up it. The outworlders wanted to attack Mother Earth from space. They were asked by your Elite to kill billions of humankind. The Ashtar Command and my fleet stopped the real invasion of your planet.
It’s time for humanity to open their eyes and start seeing the truth. You need to admit to yourselves that you are Light, and you are here to save your planet. Everything carries a Divine Flow and Purpose. Thank you Universal Channel.
Follow the Truth.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez