How Humanity is Doing ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the ability to sense when the human collective consciousness is making even the slightest bit of progress, and we love giving you these positive progress reports because we know how easy it is to be focused on what is not going well, or what could use improvement there on planet Earth. When we see humanity raising the vibration of your collective consciousness, we want you to know that even if something like that isn’t measureable with any tools that you have there on your world, it is noticeable to us and others.
And we see how far you have come in the past few weeks, due in large part to the energies of the Earth herself. She has been offering you higher frequencies from within, getting more and more of you to anchor yourselves to her.
We also have noticed that there is more letting go of the need for something to happen outside of you amongst those of you who are awake and aware of all of the predictions. We seek to empower you, and when we see you thinking and acting from an empowered place, we know that what we are doing is sinking in, and we also know that you are making the choice in that moment to let go of all of the theories, all of the predictions, and all of the us vs. them blog posts that are out there.
We can sense when you have been redirected to your hearts and when you follow that calling. You can feel the shifts occurring within you. You know how much better you feel than you did five years ago, and you also know that you are also just scratching the surface in terms of what you will be able to feel and how high the energies will be that you will absorb and assimilate.
We are going to continue to invite you to join us in our assessment of how humanity is doing, and we are also going to continue to insist that it is going well because of those like you who are willing to do the work on yourselves and who are open to receiving the higher frequency energies that continue to come in from all angles.
We invite you to take a moment to tune in to the vibration of the human collective consciousness that you are a part of. You don’t just have to take our word for it when we say that the frequency of that vibration is higher than it was just a few weeks ago. You can give yourselves that experience firsthand, and as you continue to connect within and connect to Mother Earth, you will find that the momentum of what has already begun is going to carry you with easy and grace into the next up-leveling of the human collective consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here