If there is one thing that has priority in my heart is to see all children around the world being safe and sound and well fed going to bed at night knowing they are good.One picture speaks more than thousand words and those will be coming more and more in 2022 and beyond. This is where we go.Peace and Prosperity for all.I trust my heart, never trusted govermnents or media.The more we partake in charity the more we show governments that we don’t need them.Gratitude to all those who partake in those, known and uknown and gratitude to the boots on the ground that are doing the work localy.I like to know that money goes directly to those in need, no middle men and bla bla bla.Congratulations and Gratitude to Ajjuna for doing this in Uganda.I invite you to Give, Give and Give, small or big and God will bring back to you 10X. That’s their website, no middle men!!! www.greatajjuna.org