IT’S TRUE: Jeffrey Epstein has actually been arrested. Indictments have been unsealed. This is the case that will bring down the House of Cards.
Everything we just prognosticated in DECLAS is coming true. Big Tech knew this was coming, and has grossly restricted freedom of speech online as a result.
What independent YouTube creator WOULDN’T want to talk about the biggest story of the year, which may soon become the story of the millennium?
Get ready for a TORRENT of new information coming out that none of us could possibly have foreseen. This is it. DECLAS is happening!
The California Independence Day earthquakes may have been strikes intended to take out the Deep State’s last, best chemtrail-attack facilities, as we will see.
The Deep State may have intended to usese the facilities in a final attempt to destroy America right before the indictments unseal.
Mass censorship won’t stop this Truth Avalanche from falling. We are just now seeing the first pebbles… and we probably won’t need to wait very long.
Once I got our epic, 53,000-word DECLAS Ebook done, I immediately plunged into finishing Awakening in the Dream, for its imminent release this December 3rd.
And I have to say, I am having a fantastic time with this creative process. A true spiritual renaissance. The best I’ve felt in many years!
Awakening has gone much better than I could have even hoped, and will probably be seen as my most important and noteworthy book of all.
We are going FAR deeper into the spiritual arena than any of the previous volumes, blending science, philosophy, synchronicity, prophecy, the Law of One, Ascension, Secret Space Program, Disclosure, the Solar Flash, etc… but alas, I digress.

We need to clear about a thousand more to make it likely that we will hit the list, unless we get suppressed… so this is a great way to help us out. And it will be well worth it!
On 9/11, my father refused to go home until he had finished the article he was writing, regardless of what disasters may have been happening to New York State and the United States right outside his door.
In a mode like this, where I have cleared 100 percent of my time to write and am on a very strict deadline and solo retreat, any breaking news would have to be God-damned amazing for me to cover it.
This is that breaking news, my friend.
Texts, emails and you name it came slamming in. This is real. This is happening. This is NOW.
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